Online Powerhouse Search Engine Partners Up with Help-Me-Rent

Help-Me-Rent, the revolutionary web powered publication that provides an online and print advertising arena for both landlords and renters, formally partnered up with search engine - January 13, 2011 - Help Me Rent Magazine

UT Students Heroes of New Wave Novel

eBook publishing platforms enable innovation among a new wave of fiction writers who don't follow the conventional rules. - January 12, 2011 - Richard Buzzell

Apex Publications Releases An Agreement with Hell by Dru Pagliassotti

Apex Book Company Announces the Release of An Agreement with Hell by Dru Pagliassotti Apex Book Company, a small press publisher specializing in the science fiction, horror and fantasy genres, announced today that it has officially released the novel An Agreement with Hell, a paranormal-horror... - January 12, 2011 - Apex Publications

Man Feels Reborn Himself After Birth of His Children: "STUBS" Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated sports and recreation reference book from Des Moines, IA, author Michael Wellman. - January 12, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Groundbreaking Book on How to Go from Loss to Laughter

Readers Learn How to Embrace Life After a Loss. - January 12, 2011 - Goodman Beck Publishing

Return to the Sea with Buster and Friends in New Bugville Critters Picture Books from Reagent Press and Author Robert Stanek

Return to the Sea with Buster and Friends in New Bugville Critters Picture Books from Reagent Press and Author Robert Stanek

When Robert Stanek saw that certain concepts were a struggle to learn using traditional approaches, he started writing the Bugville Learning Adventures. These stories help children learn important concepts and the latest releases are Undersea 2, 3 with Buster and Friends, Undersea 4, 5 with Buster and Friends, and Undersea 6, 7 with Buster and Friends. - January 11, 2011 - RP Books & Audio - Reagent Press

AEH Consultants Publishing presents a New Interactive Novel by Dr. Cynthia B. Brown - "Life! As It Happens! My Diary..."

Local author pens first novel: “Life! As It Happens! My Diary…” (ISBN: 978-0-615-60347-2). This interactive thought-provoking novel takes you through a personal “Q&A” journey; as it teaches you how to use your past obstacles to build a solid future by Mapping Your... - January 11, 2011 - American Education & Healthcare Consultants & Publishing

Leading Self-Publishing Service Provider Outskirts Press Pays Authors $300 to Publish Books in January

The most exciting self-publishing promotion of the year sees $300 added to the author accounts of every writer who purchases a Diamond or Pearl book publishing package from Outskirts Press in January. - January 11, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Let’s Go Chipper!™ Eco-Educational App Releases New Episode to iTunes Nature-Inspired Children’s Series Excites Curiosity and Mindfulness

Let’s Go Chipper!™ Eco-Educational App Releases New Episode to iTunes Nature-Inspired Children’s Series Excites Curiosity and Mindfulness

Sally the Salmon app is an animated adventure from fresh water to salt water and back again to teach Chipper the squirrel about the life of a salmon. It’s a magical journey through streams, rivers, and up fish ladders to the sea. Chipper and Sally help grow little ambassadors of nature into future stewards of the environment. For teachers the story is correlated meeting national academic standards in science, social skills, and arts & literature. - January 10, 2011 - It's all Good media, Inc.

Shirley MacLaine Honored with Elevated Existence Spiritual Service Award

Shirley MacLaine Honored with Elevated Existence Spiritual Service Award

Exclusive interview with the actress and author featured as the cover story of Elevated Existence Magazine’s December 2010 issue, available now. - January 10, 2011 - Elevated Existence LLC

Online Magazine Where Subscribers Become ‘Journalists’

A new online magazine has launched where the subscribers can write for it. - January 10, 2011 - Keeping It Real

Prisonworld Live! Brings Its Message of Positive Choices to Colleges and Prisons

Dawah International, LLC, a multimedia company, provides presentations for positive change to juveniles and adults alike. Prisonworld "LIVE" is a motivational speaking and entertainment tour visiting Correctional Facilities - adult and juvenile - Drug Courts, Gang Prevention Programs, Boys and Girls Clubs, Colleges, Universities and Middle and High Schools across the country. - January 09, 2011 - Dawah International, LLC

Cheryl Malandrinos Joins the Stories for Children Publishing Jan. 2011 World of Ink Tour

Stories for Children Publishing will be touring Cheryl Malandrinos’ latest children’s book, “Little Shepherd” all month long in January 2011. You can find Cheryl’s World of Ink Author/Book Tour schedule at - January 09, 2011 - Stories for Children Magazine

The Brownstone Poets Presents Two Distinguished South Eastern Poets at Tillies of Brooklyn

The Brownstone Poets presents two distinguished South Asian poets on Tuesday, 1/18/11 at Tillies of Brooklyn at 7 p.m. Yuyutsu RD Sharma is a recipient of fellowships and grants from The Rockefeller Foundation, and more. Sweta Srivastava Vikram is a multi-genre writer and a VONA writer. Yuyutsu RD... - January 08, 2011 - The Brownstone Poets

Author Sherri Lane Challenges Others to Make Leap of Faith in New Spiritual Release; Book Published by Dog Ear Publishing

The author has a simple message, calling for all Christians to dare to be more like Jesus: to stop judging others and to start living a life of love. Christians, whether practicing their faith or not, should release God from the restrictions or preconceived notions of what He is and can do for them. Although making a leap of faith is not easy, someday, the author writes, we will be enlightened beyond imagining, and we should be ready to make the jump to paradise. - January 08, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

US and Canadian Log and Lumber Exports to China Up Over 150 Percent in 2010, Reports the Wood Resource Quarterly

The value of softwood logs and lumber exported from North America to China reached over 1.6 billion dollars in 2010, which was 150 percent higher than the previous year and more than ten times as much as in 2006, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. - January 07, 2011 - Wood Resources International LLC

New Book Published for Alzheimer’s Caregivers

Frances H Kakugawa’s newest book, “Breaking the Silence: A Caregiver’s Voice,” has just been published by Willow Valley Press. This book will be a great aid for caregivers to people with Alzheimer's disease or other dementia. - January 07, 2011 - Willow Valley Press

Mining Expert Paul L. Jones Tells Tales of Real-Life Treasure Hunts, Adventures in New Release by Dog Ear Publishing

Life’s rarely been boring for Paul Jones, who spent three years in the Army before beginning a career that would cause him to travel two million miles in the United States and a dozen foreign countries. The mining engineer relates true adventure anecdotes that include encounters of flooding and collapsed mines, uninhabited islands, storms at sea, Arctic survival, protecting gold and explosives from terrorists, and escaping armed men. - January 07, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Book by Daryl Russell Grigsby Tells of Mutually Beneficial Relationship Between African-Americans and Baseball; Published by Dog Ear Publishing

Baseball has long been a force among African-Americans and their families. The game enhances “personal achievement, community advancement, economic independence and social equality,” the author writes. The book’s major sections include the history of black baseball; a review of African-American players; a summary of the organizations and programs that promote African-American participation; and personal stories including the author’s family journey with the game and interviews with fans. - January 07, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

Blackstone Review's New Release Helps Students Who Want to Score Highly on SAT, and Tutors and Teachers Who Help Students Prepare for It; Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Ace the SAT writing section with this comprehensive guide to the rules of good writing tested on the SAT. This innovative study guide is based on a simple principle: If you know the rules, you can ace the test. You just have to know the rules. Blackstone Review identifies and explains the rules of... - January 07, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

Joan Nelson's New Romantic Thriller Explores Life’s Darkest Passions; Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Final Exit, published by Dog Ear Publishing, is a seductive and mesmerizing tale of a surgeon’s obsession to be with the woman he loves. The story reveals the ecstasy and agony of passion and betrayal, and examines the extreme measures people will take to get what they want, and the violent acts they will commit to hold on to what they have. - January 07, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Fiction by Paul F. Jopling Features Murder and Mayhem in a Small Massachusetts Town; Book Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Detective Lou Simansky hoped his life in Gossett Mills would be peaceful and quiet. Unfortunately, the discovery of two dead bodies dims his expectations. The deceased, Molly Simms and Jethro Clayton, made an unlikely duo—Molly was an elderly eccentric recluse, while Jethro was town manager. What were these two people doing together, and why were they killed? Two rare old coins found on Clayton’s body provide the only clues, setting off a chain of events that will rock the small town. - January 07, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release Tells Compelling Story of Bosnian Refugees in Germany; Dog Ear Publishing Releases Book by William S. Walker

More than two million people were forced from their homes by the 1992-95 war in Bosnia, the most violent chapter in the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. Germany provided sanctuary for nearly 350,000 Bosnians. German and Bosnian Voices in a Time of Crisis tells the story of what happened to them during the war years and afterwards. The author, a journalist who has reported from the Balkan region for two decades, interviewed hundreds of people to tell this story. - January 07, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Nonfiction Personal Story with General Patton -- Perhaps the Last?; Book by Joseph Sprouse, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Peter Bonano, a young man from Los Angeles, was just beginning a career in banking, when Congress suddenly changed his life forever: In the fall of 1940, 18 months before Pearl Harbor, he was drafted into the U.S. Army. In January 1944 he shipped out to England as part of General Patton’s Third Army Headquarters, where he became a trusted friend to Patton. A promotion leads him to a new assignment -- escorting and unloading a large Nazi treasure trove of gold, silver and foreign currency. - January 07, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release by Vicki Drewa Shares Story of an Adolescent Girl from a Troubled Family Finding Strength, Solace in Athletics; Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Jump Ball, published by Dog Ear Publishing, is a touching coming-of-age story, and a sensitive portrayal of a girl on the edge - an average girl who could easily become a sad statistic but for the intervention of family and caring teachers and coaches. - January 07, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

DC Super-Pets Books Launch with Nationwide Student Writing Contest

Picture Window Books (a division of Capstone) is proud to introduce DC Super-Pets, a new line of adventure books for young readers featuring thecrime-fighting pets of everyone’s favorite super heroes. - January 07, 2011 - Capstone

Eternal Press Will Release Seven New Titles on 7 January 2011

Eternal Press is Bringing Seven New E-Book Titles to Your Fingertips - January 06, 2011 - Caliburn Press LLC

Armchair Art Auction to Raise Money for Operation Rainbow Canada

Artwork from across Canada has been donated to benefit Operation Rainbow Canada in "Good Life Connoisseur’s First Annual Online Art Auction" - January 06, 2011 - Fusion Publishing Inc

Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendinitis Prevented with a Stretch and Strengthen Routine: a Comprehensive Guide by Birchbark Publishing

The book "Injury Afoot: 30 Things You Can Do to Relieve Heel Pain and Speed Healing of Plantar Fasciitis" helps prevent the common injuries plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis during winter exercise. - January 06, 2011 - Birchbark Publishing

SJS Promotions Rings in the New Year at Arisia

After a two month hiatus in the comic book and science fiction convention schedule, creators represented by the Rhode Island-based promotions firm announced today their first convention of the year. Susan Soares, publicist at SJS Comic Promotions, joined by Rick Silva of Dandelion Studios, Dirk... - January 06, 2011 - SJS Comic Promotions

Summit Murder Mystery Authors Kick Off 2011 Brandeis Lecture Series

Charles G. Irion and Ronald J. Watkins will appear on January 17 at Barnes & Noble to present to the Brandeis Arizona Authors Group. - January 06, 2011 - Irion Books LLC

New Book Release - Library Tales Publishing Will Republish the 1888 Bestseller "How to Get Rich" by Benjamin Franklin Butler and Others

The New York publisher announced that it will be reprinting and republishing "How to Get Rich," one of the first personal finance books released in the US. - January 06, 2011 - Library Tales Publishing

Riveting New Memoir Presents Previously Untold Story of the Auto Racing Careers of Movie Legend Paul Newman, Actor Tom Cruise, and Football Legend Walter Payton

Decent Hill announces the publication of an exciting new memoir Racing with the Stars by A. J. Graziano. This memoir uncovers the untold racing careers of movie legend Paul Newman, actor Tom Cruise, and football legend Walter Payton. - January 05, 2011 - Decent Hill Publishers, LLC

White Digital Media Announces 51% Growth Rate in 2010

2010 Proved to be Red Hot for Global Company White Digital Media - January 04, 2011 - WDM Group

Construction Digital and IQPC Announce Partnership for Bridges Asia 2011 in Hong Kong, China

Construction Digital and IQPC announce their partnership for the Bridges Asia 2011 conference, which is taking place February 23rd to the 24th and is the regional platform at which stakeholders including asset owners exchange information on new and upcoming bridge projects, financing models and... - January 04, 2011 - WDM Group

Another Successful Commercial Property Lease Transaction Completed in Boise Idaho

Recently Completed Commercial Property Transaction - January 04, 2011 - Mountain Realty

With Dark Myth Production Studios' New Owner Comes Major Changes

Montoya regains ownership of the company and vows serious improvements. - January 04, 2011 - Dark Myth Production Studios

Young Readers Take a Journey Under the Sea with Reagent Press and Author Robert Stanek in New Bugville Critters Books with Unique Educational Focuses

Young Readers Take a Journey Under the Sea with Reagent Press and Author Robert Stanek in New Bugville Critters Books with Unique Educational Focuses

Help celebrate Robert Stanek’s birthday today (Jan. 3) by taking a journey to Bugville. Share the joy of Bugville by reading and sharing the new book Buster Explores the Sea or any other Bugville Critters book. Buster and Lass are little bugs with Big dreams. Their dreams take them to... - January 03, 2011 - RP Books & Audio - Reagent Press

Step-by-Step Help for Lasting Weight Loss Offered Through Birchbark Publishing

Lasting weight loss is best achieved through a sensible, sustainable fitness routine coupled with strategic eating. The Ounces Countdown Weight Loss Approach summarizes the best methods. - January 03, 2011 - Birchbark Publishing

Peak City Publishing Announces the Release of The Wanderer of New Hope

Ghost stories, flickering yellow lights in the dead of night, and the strange appearances of an apparition. This is the basis of a new book, written by NC author, R.T.Crowley. “The Wanderer of New Hope,” (Peak City Publishing, 2011). - January 02, 2011 - Peak City Publishing

Savant Books Announces Release of "Hello, Norma Jean," a Novel by Sue Dolleris

Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, announces the release of "Hello, Norma Jean," a unique novel/non-fiction book about the incomparable Marilyn Monroe. - January 01, 2011 - Savant Books and Publications LLC

PhoneDirectorySource Launches Background Check Service on Incoming Phone Numbers

PhoneDirectorySource is up and running. This online product gives you the peace of mind of who you are talking to or meeting. It allows customers to look up anyone's information using their name or phone number. - December 30, 2010 - PhoneDirectorySource

Two Outskirts Press Facebook Fans Win Free Amazon Kindles in 2010 Self-Publishing Holiday Giveaway

Two Outskirts Press Facebook fans have become the happy holiday winners of an Amazon Kindle e-book reader courtesy of a free giveaway by Outskirts Press to celebrate both writers and readers during this 2010 holiday season. - December 30, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Author, T.L. Mitchell Writes Amazon Best Seller in Young Adult Short Stories

Sunday, December 26th, Harbor Moon: Summer Romance shot to the Amazon Top 100 Best Sellers in Short Fiction in Kindle. kNight Romance Publishing also states this is now their Best Selling Title for this year. - December 30, 2010 - kNight Romance Publishing

Help-Me-Rent Magazine is Seeking a Bright Tech Team for Launch in March 2011

Help-Me-Rent Magazine, the revolutionary new publication that provides a dynamic and beneficial online and print advertising arena for landlords and renters, seeks a bright tech team to make use of innovative platforms before its official public launch in March 2011. - December 29, 2010 - Help Me Rent Magazine

H Media to Publish First-Of-Its-Kind International Halal SME Report Directory

Malaysian-based Halal media company, H Media, will be publishing the first-of-its-kind International Halal SME Report Directory in April 2011, which will offer both industry analysis and listing in a single package, and comes equipped with online and mobile platforms to maximise reach. Five key... - December 29, 2010 - H Media

SevenHouse Press Presents Water Hazard, by Tim Baker

What happens when an average, everyday music store owner takes on a powerful eco-saboteur? - December 29, 2010 - SevenHouse Press

Reagent Press and Author Robert Stanek Take Young Readers on Really Great Adventures at the Biggest Little Show on Earth with Buster and Friends in New Bugville Books

Reagent Press and Author Robert Stanek Take Young Readers on Really Great Adventures at the Biggest Little Show on Earth with Buster and Friends in New Bugville Books

Buster and Lass are little bugs with Big dreams. Their dreams take them to extraordinary places. In Buster’s Really Great Big Top Show, Buster and Lass’s dreams take them to the Biggest little show on earth. Buster’s Really Great Big Top Show and the related books are published by Reagent Press and Bugville Publishing under the Bugville Jr. imprint. The Bugville Jr. books, written for children ages 6 months and up, keep with the unique educational outlook of the original Bugville books. - December 28, 2010 - RP Books & Audio - Reagent Press

First Book to Discuss American Indian Place Names in Southern New England Released

Understanding Indian Places Names in Southern New England is the first book to provide a method and process for interpreting regional American Indian place names. - December 27, 2010 - Bauu Institute and Press

New Release by Blackstone Review for Students Who Want to Score Highly on SAT, and Tutors and Teachers Who Help Students Prepare for It; Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Ace the SAT writing section with this comprehensive guide to the rules of good writing tested on the SAT. This innovative study guide is based on a simple principle: If you know the rules, you can ace the test. You just have to know the rules. Blackstone Review identifies and explains the rules of... - December 25, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

Press Releases 17,601 - 17,650 of 24,377