Recent Headlines
Harry Potter Parody Receives Top Honor from National Indie Excellence 2008 Book Awards
Henry Potty and the Pet Rock: An Unauthorized Harry Potter Parody (ISBN: 978-1-59594-088-9, WingSpan Press) by Valerie Estelle Frankel won the Indie Excellence 2008 Book Award for “eBook Fiction.” The paperback version of the novel has also won many awards, most recently in USA Book News National Best Books 2007. The long-expected sequel will arrive in July. - May 17, 2008 - Publicity House
Smart Meetings Magazine Launches Meeting Industry’s First Web 2.0 Site provides planners with cutting-edge interactivity. - May 17, 2008 - Bright Business Media, LLC
Black Author from Apollo House Press Brings New Voice to Sci-Fi/Fantasy Literature
African American sci-fi/fantasy author R. A. Baker shares his views on the genre, and the future of black speculative fiction. - May 17, 2008 - Apollo House Press
Local Business Selected as Semi-Finalist for $1000.00 Small Business Grant from
The Picasso Kid, a new company which creates personalized art photo books using children's own artwork, has been selected from over 700 applicants as a semi-finalist for The Idea Cafe's $1.000.00 Small Business Grant. The winner will be announced on June 24, 2008. - May 17, 2008 - The Picasso Kid
Ralph Nader Proclaims Five Counts for Impeachment of George W. Bush to in Candid Interview
In an interview with’s Senior Editor, Allison Kugel, Ralph Nader details five charges for alleged credible impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. - May 16, 2008 -
Russ Allen Speaks Out About the Negative Health Effects and Danger of Electrical Pollution
Stray electric utility currents are a major source of pollution in North America. While big businesses are often to blame, the ramifications of stray electricity on the environment are resulting in the deaths of millions through commonplace occurrences. Stray current can interfere with living... - May 16, 2008 - Glenmore Books
Wisconsin Farmer and Author of the New Book, Russ Allen, Wins Millions in Utility Lawsuit
After millions of dollars lost, a series of misfortunes and the mysterious sickness and death of numerous cows, farm owner Russ Allen discovered that the trouble with his livestock was brought on by electrical pollution of the earth. In his new book, Electrocution of America: Is Your Utility... - May 16, 2008 - Glenmore Books
Glenmore Books is Proud to Announce the Release of the New Book "Electrocution of America: Is Your Utility Company Out to Kill You?" by Russ Allen
Is electrical pollution slowly deteriorating the health of people across the country? It is a silent killer—invisible, odorless and tasteless—which makes it the perfect pollutant. That question is in the back of the mind of Russ Allen, a Wisconsin native and author of the new book... - May 16, 2008 - Glenmore Books
Russ Allen Speaks Out About Dairy Farmers Who Have Suffered Loss of Milk Production and Other Damages Due to Stray Electrical Current on Their Land
Electric utility companies across the US are being sued by dairy farmers who have suffered loss of milk production and other damages due to stray electrical current on their land. “First, they polluted our water. Then, they polluted our air. Now, the very soil we walk on is being overrun by... - May 16, 2008 - Glenmore Books
American Nurse Today Wins Prestigious ASHPE Editorial Award
American Nurse Today, the official journal of the American Nurses Association (ANA), has received the 2008 Silver Award for Best How-To Article in a healthcare publication from the American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors (ASHPE). The award was for the continuing education (CE) article in... - May 16, 2008 - HealthCom Media
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Sensible Stock Investing by David Van Knapp
Sensible Stock Investing is a Must-Have Guide For New Millennium Investors. David Van Knapp cracks the code for greater investment return in a tough market. “Sensible Stock Investing is a pragmatic approach to help you, as an individual investor, pick, value, and manage your stocks for the... - May 16, 2008 - iUniverse
"Boycott: Stolen Dreams of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games" Now Available in Bookstores
The new book, "Boycott: Stolen Dreams of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games" that chronicles the 1980 U.S. Olympic Boycott and the athletes who lost their only opportunity for Olympic glory, is now available in book stores. - May 16, 2008 - New Chapter Press
Dog Ear Publishing Goes Green
Dog Ear Publishing, a leader in self publishing, takes a environmentally responsible approach to publishing books. - May 15, 2008 - Dog Ear Publishing
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Titanic: Relative Fate by V.C. King
Fiction Writer Puts Modern Twist on Titanic’s Legendary Fate. Author Utilizes Suspense, Intrigue and Mystery in an Epic Thriller. Nearly one hundred years after the catastrophe, people around the world are still intrigued by the events leading up to the ultimate destruction and sinking of... - May 15, 2008 - iUniverse
Wake Living’s Summer 2008 Edition is Here
Search your favorite area bookstore, library, coffee shop, restaurant or day spa this week, and you’ll spot the summer 2008 issue of Weiss & Hughes Publishing Inc.’s Wake Living magazine. This issue’s Special Section delves into the latest and greatest happenings in Western... - May 15, 2008 - Wake Living
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Alaskans by Tanyo Ravicz
New Short Story Collection Combines Stirring Plots with Awe-Inspiring Alaskan Wilderness. Action, Emotion of Alaskans Unfolds in Stunning Natural Settings. It is the pristine beauty of the backcountry of Alaska that provides both contrast and complement to the creative storylines in award-winning... - May 15, 2008 - iUniverse
Tick Borne Disease Warning for North Carolina
Tick borne diseases are on the rise in North Carolina, with many incidences of infection unreported to state health authorities, making it difficult to measure the severity of cases, according to a report by Anthony Vecchione in the May 2008 issue of Raleigh Metro Magazine. “What is known by... - May 14, 2008 - Metro Magazine
Southern Writer Drives 40,000 Miles to Find Chicago
M.R.M. Parrott releases "Driving Home: A North American Tour", a travelogue and autobiography of adventures, challenges and lessons during a 40,000-mile, 5-month road trip across the US, Canada and Mexico, detailing which cities are "cool" and why. The book is available at for a "set your own price" download. Over 2,000 photos will be made available. - May 14, 2008 - rimric press
Fifteen501’s Summer 2008 Issue Arrives This Week
Weiss & Hughes Publishing Inc.’s summer 2008 edition of Fifteen501 magazine will arrive at local distribution sites this week. The summer issue’s Special Section highlights the latest residential and commercial developments in rural Chatham County, from Newland Communities’... - May 14, 2008 - Wake Living
iUniverse Announces the Release of Darren Main's Yoga and the Path of the Urban Mystic
Renowned Instructor Takes Yoga From the Mat into Everyday Life. Book Provides Insight into Philosophical Aspects of the Ancient Practice. We can easily loose the innocence and wonder of our childhood in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. One tried and true method of regaining that wholeness... - May 11, 2008 - iUniverse
Author Amber Kingston’s First Book, Laura and the Leprechauns is Nominated for Benjamin Franklin Children’s Award
Chrysalis Press author Amber Kingston’s first book, Laura and the Leprechauns is nominated for Benjamin Franklin Children’s Award while Kingston is abroad visiting German school children. - May 11, 2008 - Chrysalis Press
Stephen Della Valle Set to Go One on One with Steve Adubato
Stephen Della Valle, author of Rising Above the Influence: A True Story About Alcohol, Drugs and Recovery to appear on One on One with Emmy-award winning anchor Steve Adubato. - May 10, 2008 - Oak Ridge Press
Watchung Bookstores Invites Stephen Della Valle for Book Signing
Oak Ridge Press author Stephen Della Valle will be signing copies of his book at Watchung Bookstores in Montclair, NJ, from 6pm – 7pm on June 26. - May 10, 2008 - Oak Ridge Press
Unique, Science Fiction Murder Mystery, Conscience of a Dead Killer, Huge Success in California
Gary Delfino's murder mystery is like no other. Most murder, who done it, books, chase an evil killer and then predictably bring him/her to justice at the end. In Gary Delfino's murder mystery, the killer, gets the electric chair in the first chapter and then his ghost spends the rest of the story trying to stop his living self, hence the title, Conscience of a Dead Killer. - May 10, 2008 - Gary Delfino Publishing
New Book Discloses "The Other Roswell" UFO Crash
A startling new book gives eyewitness testimony from an Air Force jet aviator who chased an intensely-bright UFO across Texas and watched it crash on the U.S.-Mexico border. Best-selling author Bruce Maccabee writes in the foreword, "I believe that the reader will find this book important support for the idea that Alien Flying Craft have crashed on earth and have been retrieved and covered up by the United States Government." - May 09, 2008 -
Russian Sawlog and Pulpwood Prices Fell 20% in 1Q 2008 as Log Export Taxes Reduced Foreign Shipments, Causing Increased Domestic Supply
Russian domestic log prices fell sharply in the 1Q 2008 from their peak in the 4Q of last year, according to the market report Wood Resource Quarterly. Pine sawlog prices declined 22%, softwood pulpwood prices were down 20% and hardwood pulpwood costs fell just over 15%. The major reasons for the price declines were an improved log supply thanks to favorable logging conditions and a substantial reduction in log exports. - May 09, 2008 - Wood Resources International LLC
Two iUniverse Titles Featured in May Kirkus Discoveries Newsletter
The iUniverse titles "Witness" by Bill Blais and "Corporate Governance" by Eric Yocam and Annie Choi were featured among the best-reviewed books of the month in the May issue of Kirkus Discoveries. iUniverse, the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported... - May 08, 2008 - iUniverse
Flori Roberts Inducted Into the Enterprising Women Hall of Fame
Monica Smiley, publisher and CEO of Enterprising Women magazine (, has announced that Flori Roberts, creative director of The Roberts Group, has been inducted into the Enterprising Women Hall of Fame. Established in 2002, members of the Hall of Fame have demonstrated a... - May 08, 2008 - Enterprising Women
Webinar: Film Financing
Leading Practitioners and Investors at the Forefront of Investing Reveal How Bankers, Deal Makers, Asset and Hedge Fund Managers Have Altered the Way Films are Being Financed Today. Opalesque, the world's largest subscription-based publisher on alternative investments, hosts a webinar with leading practitioners on Film Financing May 13, 2008 (16.00 GMT) (17.00CET) =11.00 am (EST) - May 08, 2008 - Opalesque Ltd
Dunedin Academic Press Publishes Ireland’s Economic Success: Reasons and Lessons by Paul Sweeney
Dunedin Academic Press launches the international edition of Paul Sweeney’s successful Ireland’s Economic Success with a new insightful introduction from prominent economist, Frances Cairncross, Rector of Exeter College, University of Oxford, who was on the staff of The Economist for... - May 08, 2008 - Dunedin Academic Press Interviews Anne Frank’s Cousin and Last Living Relative, Buddy Elias
Anne Frank’s only living direct relative, Buddy Elias, speaks exclusively with’s Allison Kugel about his famous cousin and the Anne Frank-Fonds in Switzerland. - May 07, 2008 -
The Joys of Writing Poetry and Books for Children
Laura Purdie Salas chatted with Gayle Jacobson-Huset, Assistant Editor Stories for Children Magazine about the joys of writing for children. Gayle asked Salas some tough questions such as: “If you could be a character in any children's book ever written, who would you be and why?” The... - May 07, 2008 - Stories for Children Magazine
Best Selling Author to Hold Commercial Real Estate Investing Seminars
Best selling author, Monica Villasenor, to hold commercial real estate investing seminars across the country beginning in June. - May 06, 2008 - Villasenor Productions, LLC
QSR Magazine Columnist Nominated for 58th Annual Journalist Award
QSR magazine announced today the nomination of columnist Roy Bergold to the 58th annual Green Eyeshade Awards for outstanding achievement in journalism. - May 06, 2008 - QSR Magazine
DecisionHealth Helps Nation's Hospitals Avoid Conditions Not Covered by CMS Oct. 1 "Do-Not-Pay" Program
Hospitals will collectively lose billions of dollars in Medicare reimbursement once CMS implements its “do-not-pay” program Oct. 1. Health organizations such as DecisionHealth, are helping the nation's hospitals avoid these conditions. - May 05, 2008 - DecisionHealth
Quackenworth to Attend Book Expo America
Company Will Showcase New Products at Largest U.S. Trade Book Fair. - May 05, 2008 - Quackenworth
Heliconia Releases Hot New Lineup of Instructional Titles for Spring
The Heliconia Press, a leading publisher of books and DVDs on outdoor pursuits, is proud to respond to industry demand for quality paddlesport instructional titles with today's announcement of six new and authoritative "how to" books and DVDs for spring. Latest releases include the... - May 04, 2008 - The Heliconia Press
iUniverse Announces the Release of the Blistered Cat by Chuck Bianchi
From the Hills of Harlan, KY Comes a New Voice and an Eastern Kentucky Coming-of-Age Story. Most men will describe the events in their lives, few share the associated emotions. In his fictionalized autobiography, The Blistered Cat, Chuck Bianchi reaches deep into his heart to craft a rare and... - May 04, 2008 - iUniverse
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Exploring by Ruth Williams
Introducing a Breakthrough Manual for Resolving Organizational Challenge. Exploring: Using 2x2 Matrices for Analyzing Situations Provides Effective New Troubleshooting Model for Business. In her new book Exploring: Using 2x2 Matrices for Analyzing Situations international business expert and... - May 04, 2008 - iUniverse
"Weekend Warriors: The Men of Professional Lacrosse" Book Now Offered at Special $9.95 Price
The Ideal Book for Young Lacrosse Players is Now Priced at $9.95 as Lacrosse Season Heats Up. - May 04, 2008 - New Chapter Press
Historic Photos of Los Angeles by Dana Lombardy
Turner Publishing announces the new release the Historic Photos of Los Angeles by Dana Lombardy. This 10x10 gift book showcases the pictorial narrative of the “City of Angels” in stunning, culled-from-the-archives photography. - May 03, 2008 - Turner Publishing Company
Springfield College and Health Communications, Inc. Join Together to Educate Professionals
A new agreement between the Springfield College School of Human Services (SHS) and Health Communications, Inc. (HCI), parent company of U.S. Journal Training and “Counselor, The Magazine for Addiction Professionals,” will allow persons training through HCI for careers as mental health and addiction services professionals throughout the United States to receive academic credit toward their bachelor’s degrees at SHS. - May 03, 2008 - Counselor Magazine
5 Stars for "Tiny Toes" from Midwest Book Review
Midwest Book Review calls “Tiny Toes” by Kelly K. Damron a “strongly recommended reading, especially for the one in eight couples encountering infertility and the 12.5% of women whose babies are born prematurely, ‘Tiny Toes’ is as informed and informative as it is inspired and inspiring.” The respected book reviewer deemed the book worthy of 5 stars on - May 02, 2008 - Twin Peas, LLC
Modern Building Services Takes a Commanding Lead
Modern Building Services (MBS) has strengthened its position as the leading journal in the UK Building Services industry by achieving stronger circulation figures than its competitors. - May 02, 2008 - Modern Building Services
Identify Over 200 Animals in 26 Letter Descriptions as Easy as a Walk in the Park. A Clarence-Henry Books Release for Young Readers.
An A to Z Walk In the Park is a new animal alphabet book that encourages children to learn and spark their interest in animals of the world. This book is designed for children ages 3-7 who have learned the alphabet or who are just now learning their ABCs. - May 02, 2008 - Clarence-Henry Books
True Crime Manga "Family Bones" Solicits in May
King Tractor Press solicits the first volume of the true crime comic book Family Bones in May, collecting issues 1 through 5 into a trade paperback. Family Bones is the story of the elderly serial killers, Ray and Faye Copeland. - May 02, 2008 - King Tractor Films / Press
How to Turn Your MIL into Your BFF––Without Putting Your Husband in the Middle
“The Mother-in-Law Manager” Rescues Frazzled Brides and Wives in 7 Simple Steps … A timely interview for the week of May 5th - May 01, 2008 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Announces Past and Tense, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Abuse Book from Corona, CA Author Jaquita Spore
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Past and Tense by Jaquita Spore, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Abuse category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price of $12.95. The... - May 01, 2008 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Announces 102 Awesome School Jokes, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Comedy Book from East Brunswick, NJ Author Elena Dianna Z. and Anthony Porturas
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published 102 Awesome School Jokes by Elena Dianna Z. and Anthony Porturas, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the Comedy category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a... - May 01, 2008 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press Announces A Soldier Called Jiichan, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Military Book from Stockton, CA Author David J. Yahiro
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published A Soldier Called Jiichan: Life of a Second Generation Japanese-American by David J. Yahiro, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Military category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and... - May 01, 2008 - Outskirts Press, Inc.