New Book Teaches Critical Skills for Successful Managers

"The Importance of Soft Skills for the Global Manager" is a new book by Trimark Press geared towards global companies. It shows the huge impact soft skills can have on a business, and how to utilize them to achieve sustainable growth. - December 30, 2017 - TriMark Press

Brownstone Poets Presents Thaddeus Rutkowski, Neil Silberblatt, Bruce Weber at Park Plaza Restaurant, Sat, 1/27 at 2:30 p.m.

Brownstone Poets presents Saturday, January 27 at 2:30 p.m. Thaddeus Rutkowski Neil Silberblatt Bruce Weber @ Park Plaza Restaurant 220 Cadman Plaza West near Clark St.and Pineapple Walk Brooklyn, NY 11201 718 - 596 - 5900 Subways: Take the A or C to High Street, 2 or 3 to Clark Street R... - December 30, 2017 - The Brownstone Poets

Halo Publishing International Publishes Children's Picture Book "Faceless Beauty" That Shares a Message of Worth and Value

This book is for all children who want to know just how special they are and what a difference they will make to the world someday. - December 25, 2017 - Halo Publishing International

The Camino for Christmas - The Adventure of a Lifetime

This is no guidebook; this is the real story behind the majestic Camino de Santiago. - December 20, 2017 - Summer Nomad Publications

New Non-Fiction Book on Russian and Ukrainian Cuisine Joined Glagoslav’s Publishing Portfolio

Adventures in the Slavic Kitchen: A Book of Essays with Recipes is a cultural study of the role food plays in the formation and expression of a nation’s character. It focuses primarily on the Russian and Ukrainian kitchens but discusses them in the context of international food practices. - December 19, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications

A New Instalment in Glagoslav’s Collection of Ukrainian Literature Was Published

A collection of poems on religious themes written in 1932 and 1933, The Grand Harmony is a subtle and supple examination of Antonych’s intimately personal journey to faith, with all its revelatory verities as well as self-questioning and doubt. - December 15, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications

Jaroslav Hašek’s Short Stories Are to be Published in English by Glagoslav

Summary: Jaroslav Hašek (1883-1923) is known by readers around the world as the author of The Good Soldier Švejk, one of the greatest comic novels of all time. Not all of his fans are aware of his six year anabasis in Russia, however, which began with his capture on the front lines of... - December 13, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications

Austin Macauley Publishers Debut, Renowned Entertainment Lawyer, Lloyd Remick's Thriller Novel

Lloyd Zane Remick, Entertainment Lawyer and CEO of Zane Management, Inc., emerges to the publishing world with a debut, titled, "Two Times Platinum." The novel offers a new take on the legal mystery that the genre has not seen before – as it strips away some of the glamour and... - December 13, 2017 - Austin Macauley

Glagoslav Published Its First Book by a Kazakh Author Into English, Galymkair Mutanov’s "The Shining Light"

Summary: Poetry has always been in the Kazakh blood, and Galym Mutanov is one of the newly independent nation’s leading poets, a shining light in the Kazakh literary world. In the range of his poetry, Mutanov truly captures the essence of the Kazakh spirit – from the tough and ageless... - December 12, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications

Glagoslav Publications Releases a Book of Poetry by the Ukrainian Poet Maksym Rylsky in the Ukrainian Collection

Summary: Maksym Rylsky is one of the most outstanding Ukrainian poets of the the 20th century and master of the genres of the modern sonnet and the long narrative poem. He was closely associated with the Neoclassicist group of Ukrainian poets, who employed traditional poetic forms with rhyme and... - December 12, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications

Mary E. Logsdon Debuts Her Exciting New Teen & Young Adult Sci-Fi Action & Adventure Book Series

Worlds collide in a galaxy of imagination, action, and adventure from Mary E. Logsdon. Her long-awaited Star Galaxy book series debut has been several years in the making, and the wait has been worth it. Star Galaxy: The White Knight kicks the series off with at least five more to follow in the... - December 09, 2017 - Logsdon Publishing

Five Outstanding Science Books for Arbordale

Bat Count, Cao Chong Weighs an Elephant, Honey Girl, Living Things and Nonliving Things, and Moonlight Crab Count all named to NSTA – CBC reading list. - December 07, 2017 - Arbordale Publishing

Tullisian Books is Making it Easier for Everyone to Live a More Serene and Joyful Life

Earlier this year, Tullisian Books, in association with The ExtraJOYdinary Writers Group, published "ExtraJOYdinary: creating your serene life" and its companion workbook, "my life is ExtraJOYdinary: The Workbook." "ExtraJOYdinary" is published in hardcover in six... - December 06, 2017 - Tullisian Books

It’s No Lie: Amy Crowe Earns Second Dog Ear Publishing Literary Award for Children’s Book

A new book for children that offers a life lesson on what happens when a lie gets out of control has earned the Dog Ear Publishing Award of Literary Excellence. - December 05, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Book that Helps Women Through Menopausal Journey Wins Literary Award

Two women have earned a Dog Ear Publishing Award of Literary Excellence for their book, which helps women deal with the symptoms of menopause. - December 05, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing

Gritty, Realistic, Raw: On the Edge of Tomorrow, a YA Anthology Published by BKC Press

Everyday, teens face real issues such as coping with loss, dysfunctional families, challenges of being transgender, and surviving high school. On the Edge of Tomorrow tackles these issues, reminding teens they aren’t alone and that the struggle is real. Gritty, realistic, raw… Nine... - December 02, 2017 - BHC Press

Welcome Christmas with Winter Wonders Promo

BookVenture celebrates Yuletide festivities with a new marketing promo. - December 02, 2017 - Book Venture

BookVenture Welcomes Christmas with Publishing Promo

Enjoy the yuletide season with the Warm Wishes promo. - December 02, 2017 - Book Venture

BookVenture Releases Cinematique Trailer Service

New service gives authors the chance to release well-crafted video advertisements. - December 02, 2017 - Book Venture

Coolbular Inc. Publishing Announces the Release of Volume 5 in the Series of Children’s Books Titled "The Adventures of Johnny’s Mini Monster Truck"

Volume 5 is titled Johnny’s Mini Monster Truck Uses a Winch and is available just in time for the holidays. The fifth volume in a series, Johnny’s Mini Monster Truck Uses a Winch tells the story of how Johnny saves the day by suggesting a winch when his father has concerns for safely... - December 01, 2017 - Coolbular Inc.

New Illustrated Children’s Book Shows How Small Lie Can Lead to Big Consequences

Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book for children that offers a gentle lesson in what can happen when someone lies, even if it’s done with good intentions. The author also illustrated the book. - December 01, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing

Glagoslav Releases English Translation of Poetry by Oles Ilchenko

An avid reader of English-language poets such as William Carlos Williams and Stanley Kunitz, Ilchenko is one of the best Ukrainian poets writing in free verse today. His poetry is associative, flitting, and fragmentary. At times he does not form complete sentences in his poems and links words... - December 01, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications

Dynamic Duo Pair Prose, Art to Help Women Navigate Their Menopausal Journey

Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book that helps women learn to deal with menopause and all its symptoms with meditation, relaxation, laughter and insight. - December 01, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Book Release from Fireship Press - "Stone Circle"

Is the Ability to Read Minds a Blessing or a Curse? When Antonius’s father dies, he must work to support his family. He finds employment as a servant in the Palazzo Ducal, home of Conte Valperga. Sixteenth-century Pesaro is a society governed by status and Antonius has limited... - December 01, 2017 - Fireship Press

MUZZY BBC, the #1 Language Learning Program from Growing Minds Media, Named a BETT Award Finalist

MUZZY BBC, the #1 Language Learning Program from Growing Minds Media, Named a BETT Award Finalist

Growing Minds Media's MUZZY BBC language learning program has been shortlisted for BETT's prestigious 2018 International Digital Education Resource award. - November 30, 2017 - Growing Minds Media

English Translation of Attyla Mohylny’s Poetry Contours of the City Published by Glagoslav

Contours of the City arguably comprises one of the finest collections of free verse ever written in Ukrainian even though it was largely overlooked when it first appeared during the political transition to Ukrainian independence in 1991. It certainly deserves a broader audience both in... - November 30, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications

New Book "Handmade" Presents a Master Craftsman’s Meditations on Nurturing Clarity, Focus and Creativity

New Book "Handmade" Presents a Master Craftsman’s Meditations on Nurturing Clarity, Focus and Creativity

In an era when there are countless competing claims on one's attention, how does one cultivate the internal focus to be creative? Master furniture craftsman, author and thinker Gary Rogowski offers an answer from personal experience in his new book "Handmade: Creative Focus in the Age of Distraction" (Linden Publishing, December 1, 2017). A new classic in the tradition of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" and "Shop Class as Soulcraft," "Handmade" will help creative people in any field. - November 29, 2017 - Linden Publishing

Announcement of Global Distribution Agreement Between LMBPN™ Publishing and Bookwire GmbH

Announcement of Global Distribution Agreement Between LMBPN™ Publishing and Bookwire GmbH

Deal Includes Global Sales and Distribution of Digital Editions in German, Spanish and Portuguese. - November 28, 2017 - LMBPN Publishing

Terra Firma Press USA, Inc. Releases New Title, EAT HOT...LOOK HOT™, That Challenges Conventional Approach to Dieting and Weight Loss

In the just-released "EAT HOT...LOOK HOT™, Sneak Preview Edition, Burn More Fat and Boost Your Metabolism at any Age," Author Alessandra Solis reveals to a world-wide audience of readers some of the groundbreaking scientific studies she unearthed in nearly three years of research that suggest that an easier and faster route to weight loss can be achieved without calorie restrictive plans nor exercise. This book combats the current approach to dieting and offers a new way forward. - November 28, 2017 - Terra Firma Press USA, Inc.

English Translation of 28 Contemporary Ukrainian Poets Published by Glagoslav

Summary: This anthology reflects a search of the Ukrainian nation for its identity, the roots of which lie deep inside Ukrainian-language poetry. Some of the included poets are well-known locally and internationally; among them are Serhiy Zhadan, Halyna Kruk, Ostap Slyvynsky, Marianna Kijanowska,... - November 28, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications

Glagoslav Publications Publishes the Fourth Polish Bard

English translation of Stanislaw Wyspianski's plays Acropolis centred on the legendary Wawel Hill in Krakow published by Glagoslav. - November 26, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications

The New Readable Bible Targets Millennials with Its Modern Formats

A new Bible in modern formats hopes to increase Bible readership, especially in young people, with its inviting design and easier readability. - November 22, 2017 - The Readable Bible

The Readable Bible Launches First Modern Format Bible on Kickstarter

The Readable Bible, a new translation of the Scriptures in the modern, easy-to-read formats of today's nonfiction books, has launched on - November 22, 2017 - The Readable Bible

Children’s Book by Leslie Kelley Earns Publishing Company’s Award of Literary Excellence

Dog Ear Publishing has named its latest literary award winner, “Are You My Dad?” by Leslie Kelley, illustrated by Kirk Werner. - November 20, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing

BHC Press and Shelley Wilson Sign Multi-Genre Publishing Deal

BHC Press and Shelley Wilson announced today they have entered into a multi-book, multi-genre publishing deal. The first book to be published is Oath Keeper, scheduled for publication in 2018. - November 18, 2017 - BHC Press

Willow Stream Publishing Announces Release of "Rain Falling on Tamarind Trees," a Vietnam Travelogue by Award-Winning Author C. L. Hoang

"Rain Falling on Tamarind Trees," a new book by award-winning author C. L. Hoang, is set to be released by Willow Stream Publishing on November 18, 2017. - November 17, 2017 - Willow Stream Publishing

Mike Weatherley Spins Rousing Tale Set in Fifth Century Britain

Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book about the bloody war fought between the Anglo-Saxons and the Romano-British for the land that would become modern Britain and the man who would become a legend. - November 15, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing

Penguin Chick Explores Antarctic in Search for Her Father in New Children’s Book

Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new illustrated children’s book that features a penguin searching for her father. - November 15, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing

"Finding the Beautiful You" Guides Readers to Discover Their True Self

We all struggle with our self-confidence at some point and often question our self-worth. In Lisa Cassman’s latest book, “Finding the Beautiful You” she helps readers discover who they are. - November 12, 2017 - Halo Publishing International

Bowhunter Hits Mark with New Memoir about His Passion for Hunting and Outdoors, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Dog Ear Publishing presents its latest Literary Award of Excellence winner, “Crimson Arrows: A Bowhunting Odyssey.” The book draws on the author’s three decades of bowhunting adventures and features dozens of color photos. - November 10, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing

Celebrate Armistice Day with a New Book: Becoming America: The Making of an Extraordinary Nation

Explore the history of the United States with a new book that will benefit all Americans and anyone who wants to become an American. - November 10, 2017 - MiraVista Press

New Book Offers Insider’s Look at New York State’s Largest Manhunt

Join the New York State Police on a manhunt for two escaped murderers from the state’s toughest maximum-security prison in in the Adirondack Mountains just 20 miles south of the Canadian border. Dog Ear Publishing has released the new book Charles Guess wrote about the manhunt that captured the nation’s attention. - November 09, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing

Inspirational Business Book "Journey of North Denver Johnnie" Offers Advice on Success

In today’s business environment, professionals need to take charge of their career journey, however, that shouldn’t require reinventing the wheel. “Journey of North Denver Johnnie: Using Street Smarts to Add Value to Your Career” is filled with real life examples and lessons... - November 08, 2017 - Halo Publishing International

Release of "Feline Moments" by R. Gayle Hawkins

R. Gayle Hawkins releases her first non-fiction book, "Feline Moments," on December 18, 2017. The book is a memoir of all the felines she interacted with throughout life. - November 04, 2017 - R. Gayle Hawkins

Bellatrix Releases New Historical Novel Set in New Zealand

Bellatrix, today released a new historical novel of New Zealand, by acclaimed writer Lawrence Winkler. There are currently few works that bring the full sweep of the region’s history to the reader. The Bellatrix team is excited about the broad epic quality of this author’s latest work. Set on the Coromandel Peninsula, "The Bolthole" is destined to become a new literary classic. - November 04, 2017 - Bellatrix

Turner Publishing to Release the World's First Book on Goat Yoga

"Goat Yoga: the Light in Me Honors the Goat in You" is the goat yoga book you’ve all been waiting for! It released from Turner Publishing on 10/31/17. Goat yoga has risen to international popularity over the past few years, and now there is an all-inclusive handbook to quench the... - November 04, 2017 - Turner Publishing Company

BookVenture Celebrates Thanksgiving with Festive Promo

Authors are given Thanksgiving treat with Faithful Stories. - November 04, 2017 - Book Venture

BookVenture Releases Graceful Words Promo

Celebrate Thanksgiving Day with a great publishing bargain. - November 04, 2017 - Book Venture

BookVenture Releases New Book Animation Service

New service gives authors the chance to release animated book trailers. - November 04, 2017 - Book Venture

New Book Release from Fireship Press—"First Voyage"

It’s 1938, America is still in a depression, jobs are hard to come by and the world is preparing for war… The "Arrow" is an old tramp freighter with a diverse crew. Patrick Welch is a young seaman making his first trip on the "Arrow" and must weather storms and... - November 02, 2017 - Fireship Press

Press Releases 11,101 - 11,150 of 20,175