A New Collection of Poems by One the Greatest Ukrainian Poets of the Twentieth Century Pavlo Tychyna Published by Glagoslav Publications

With his innovative poetics, deep spirituality and creative word play, Tychyna deserves a place among the pantheon of his European contemporaries such as T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Rainer Maria Rilke, Federico Garcia Lorca, and Osip Mandelstam. His early collections such as Clarinets of the Sun (1918)... - February 10, 2017 - Glagoslav Publications

Maine Publisher Releases Intercultural Spanish 1, 2, 3 Textbook Series

New Spanish language and culture textbook series pairs intercultural communicative competence with authentic, standards-based tasks. - February 10, 2017 - Wayside Publishing

Brownstone Poets Presents George Held, Pamela Hughes, Claudia Serea, and Anton Yakovlev at Park Plaza Restaurant, Sat, 3/4

Brownstone Poets presents George Held, Pamela Hughes, Claudia Serea, and Anton Yakovlev, Saturday, March 4 in Brooklyn Heights and there's an open mic as well. Saturday, March 4 at 2:30 p.m George Held Pamela Hughes Claudia Serea Anton Yakovlev @ Park Plaza Restaurant 220 Cadman Plaza West near... - February 10, 2017 - The Brownstone Poets

Meet a New Brand of Warrior in the Latest Novel by Award Winning Humor Writer Randi M Sherman

Meet a New Brand of Warrior in the Latest Novel by Award Winning Humor Writer Randi M Sherman

Introducing: "BIG & Fabulous, The Life and Times of Brenda Cankles - February 09, 2017 - Randi M Sherman

Open Call for Young Adult Short Story Submissions

Wanted: short stories for realistic teen fiction anthology, On The Edge of Tomorrow. Submissions open through April 30, 2017. - February 08, 2017 - BHC Press

IndieGo Publishing Releases Fictionalized Biography of Magnus Sucatus Patricius, the Man We Know as St. Patrick

IndieGo Publishing Releases Fictionalized Biography of Magnus Sucatus Patricius, the Man We Know as St. Patrick

Magnus Sucatus Patricius was born in the 5th century to a wealthy family of minor Romano-British nobility. This young man foreswore everything - life, birthright, comfort, and home - to serve God by serving the people who had enslaved him for six years. Open the pages of Magnus Patricius: The Remarkable Life of St Patrick, the Man by Patrick G. Cox to read a first-person fictionalized account of his life and ministry amidst the crumbling and fast-changing Roman Empire. - February 06, 2017 - INDIEGO Publishing

Changingtimes Press Presents a New Book About How Reading Can Help Us Mentally Survive Retirement

Retirement planning focuses typically on financial planning issues and often fails to take into account the psychological adjustments necessary to survive the multiple challenges that retirees face. Half of the over sixties will suffer from some form of dementia at one time in their lives, they will also experience depression and anxiety in much higher numbers. Retirement Reading: Bibliotherapy for the Over Sixties selects over 50 books retirees must read to be prepared for what lies ahead. - February 04, 2017 - Changingtimes Press

Author’s New Lincoln Book Receives 2016 Award of Achievement from the Lincoln Group of New York

Historian and author, Noah Andre Trudeau has recently been selected to receive the prestigious 2016 Award of Achievement from the Lincoln Group of New York for his new book, Lincoln’s Greatest Journey: Sixteen Days that Changed a Presidency, March 24 – April 8, 1865. The award... - February 03, 2017 - Savas Beatie LLC

BookVenture Launches an International Book Promotion Service

The BookVenture Publishing Company introduces a new platform for book promotion. - February 03, 2017 - Book Venture

BookVenture Invites Authors to Share Story in New Marketing Promo

The self-publishing company knocks off prices on selected Marketing services for February promo. - February 03, 2017 - Book Venture

BookVenture Celebrates Storytelling in New Publishing Promo

The self-publishing company encourages authors to share story for new publishing promo. - February 03, 2017 - Book Venture

Halo Publishing International Publishes "If Only I Could Ignore You"

Remember complaining to your parents about that school yard bully and their response was, "just ignore them." In the new children’s book by Maria Cross, we learn that sometimes ignoring is easier said than done. The characters in “If Only I Could Ignore You” deal with... - February 01, 2017 - Halo Publishing International

OTK Media Group, Inc. Produced "Hollywood, Unapologetic!" - “America’s Ideological Divide, Hollywood’s Echo Chamber, and The New Hollywood Generation”

OTK Media Group, Inc. and Emmy® Award winner Orlando Delbert have successfully produced and released the "Hollywood, Unapologetic!" – “America’s ideological divide, Hollywood’s echo chamber, and The New Hollywood Generation” episode as part of the... - February 01, 2017 - OTK Media Group, Inc.

OTK Media Group, Inc. Produced "Hollywood, Unapologetic!" - "The Growing Fear of Fascism, Manichaeism, Mass Persuasion and Propaganda"

OTK Media Group, Inc. and Emmy® Award winner Orlando Delbert have successfully produced and released the "Hollywood, Unapologetic!" – “The Growing Fear of Fascism, Manichaeism, Mass Persuasion and Propaganda” episode as part of the "New Hollywood... - January 31, 2017 - OTK Media Group, Inc.

New Book Release from Fireship Press - Paint ‘n Spurs: The Men Who Founded the Cowboy Artists of America

Four men walked into a bar and over booze, beer and laughs they created a new art organization that represented America’s historical heritage. They called this creation The Cowboy Artists of America. The year was 1965; the place was the Oak Creek Tavern in Sedona, Arizona. Now, over fifty years later, these cowboy artists, or artist cowboys, are together again in an informative and delightful biography of the founders of the Cowboy Artists of America called: Paint ‘n Spurs. - January 27, 2017 - Fireship Press

New Book by Tony Kampner is Guide for Helping Heal World

Dog Ear Publishing has reviewed this new book that urges people to consider creating a society based on cooperation that fosters individual liberty and human rights because the current system based on competition has led us to materialism and endless wars. - January 26, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing

Thunderfoot Press Hires Blueplate PR to Promote New Premiere Title, Midland Club

Thunderfoot Press, a small publishing house in Orange County, NC, has commissioned Blueplate PR of Raleigh to market and promote its premiere title, Midland Club, a new murder mystery by Mark Spano with immediate social relevance. “November 8, 2016, marked the beginning of a surge in hate... - January 26, 2017 - Thunderfoot Press

A Small Jewel...Flawlessly Smooth and Realistic...An Engaging Work of Noir Fiction

Critics and readers alike praise Mark Spano's "Midland Club." - January 26, 2017 - Thunderfoot Press

New Africa Media, a Book Publisher Solely Focused on African Authors Launches in New York City. Authors Invited to Submit Manuscripts for Consideration.

New Africa Media, a Book Publisher Solely Focused on African Authors Launches in New York City. Authors Invited to Submit Manuscripts for Consideration.

New Africa Media, a Book Publisher solely focused African Authors launches in New York City. New Africa Media Publishers has been officially launched in New York City, the capital of book publishing. New Africa Media is a global publishing house exclusively representing African leaders, artists,... - January 25, 2017 - New Africa Media Publishers

What Your Dog Knows About "Alternative Facts" and "Fake News" That You Don't

What Your Dog Knows About "Alternative Facts" and "Fake News" That You Don't

A new book, entitled "Perceiving Purpose" by author Sanjay Gupta, offers a model for how to examine the truth of what we see by understanding how dogs perceive the world. - January 23, 2017 - Intellectual Press

New Civil War Book Takes In-Depth Look at Sherman’s 1865 Carolinas Campaign and the Battle of Averasboro

Career military officers Mark Smith and Wade Sokolosky provide a careful and impartial examination of Sherman’s 1865 Carolinas Campaign from Fayetteville to Averasboro in their new book, just released by publisher Savas Beatie, “No Such Army Since the Days of Julius Caesar.” - January 18, 2017 - Savas Beatie LLC

New Mary Bringle Novel: The Children’s Bullet

Escribe Publishing is pleased to announce the release of the late Mary Bringle’s The Children’s Bullet, (TCB). The novel is set during the 1980’s amid the violent conflict in Northern Ireland. The death of a little girl resulting from the use of plastic bullets sends an American... - January 17, 2017 - Escribe Publishing Inc.

New Novel by Former Judge Rings with Authenticity in Tale of Murder, Justice

Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new fictional thriller about murder and mystery told mainly from the perspective of the veteran judge overseeing the case. The book is designed to appeal to general readers as well as those in the legal community. - January 17, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Guide to Passing Certification Exam Earns Top Marks from Publishing Company

A Northwest University professor has earned a literary award from Dog Ear Publishing for a new edition of his book, which is designed to help managers pass the PMI-RMP certification examination. - January 16, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing

OTK Media Group, Inc. Produced “Hollywood, Unapologetic!” - “We Are The New Hollywood Generation: Creating Our Legacy” Episode, as Part of the “New Hollywood Generation”

OTK Media Group, Inc. and Emmy® Award winner Orlando Delbert have successfully produced and released the third episode of ‘Hollywood, Unapologetic!’ – “We Are The New Hollywood Generation: Creating Our Legacy” as part of the ‘New Hollywood Generation’... - January 11, 2017 - OTK Media Group, Inc.

Otk Media Group, Inc. Produced "Hollywood, Unapologetic!" - "We Are the New Hollywood Generation: Our Time is Now" Episode, as Part of the "New Hollywood Generation"

OTK Media Group, Inc. and Emmy® Award winner Orlando Delbert have successfully produced and released the sixth episode of ‘Hollywood, Unapologetic!’ – “We Are The New Hollywood Generation: Our Time Is Now” as part of the ‘New Hollywood Generation’... - January 11, 2017 - OTK Media Group, Inc.

OTK Media Group, Inc. Produced “Hollywood, Unapologetic!” - “Lessons and Significance of ‘Wakaliwood’ to the New Hollywood Generation” Episode

OTK Media Group, Inc. and Emmy® Award winner Orlando Delbert have successfully produced and released the last episode of the first season of ‘Hollywood, Unapologetic!’ – “Lessons and Significance of ‘Wakaliwood’ to the New Hollywood Generation” as part... - January 11, 2017 - OTK Media Group, Inc.

OTK Media Group, Inc. Produced “Hollywood, Unapologetic!” - “My Experience Being Disabled In Hollywood” Episode, as Part of the “New Hollywood Generation” Movement

OTK Media Group, Inc. and Emmy® Award winner Orlando Delbert have successfully produced and released the fifth episode of ‘Hollywood, Unapologetic!’ – “My Experience Being Disabled In Hollywood” as part of the ‘New Hollywood Generation’... - January 11, 2017 - OTK Media Group, Inc.

OTK Media Group, Inc. Produced “Hollywood, Unapologetic!” - “Set Protocol and Etiquette” Episode, as Part of the “New Hollywood Generation” Movement

OTK Media Group, Inc. and Emmy® Award winner Orlando Delbert have successfully produced and released the fourth episode of ‘Hollywood, Unapologetic!’ – “Set Protocol and Etiquette” as part of the ‘New Hollywood Generation’ movement. “If... - January 11, 2017 - OTK Media Group, Inc.

OTK Media Group, Inc. Produced "Hollywood, Unapologetic!" - "Perseverance, Flexibility, Endurance, and Will" Episode, as Part of the "New Hollywood Generation" Movement

OTK Media Group, Inc. and Emmy® Award winner Orlando Delbert have successfully produced and released the second episode of ‘Hollywood, Unapologetic!’ – “Perseverance, flexibility, endurance, and will” as part of the ‘New Hollywood Generation’... - January 11, 2017 - OTK Media Group, Inc.

OTK Media Group, Inc. Produced "Hollywood, Unapologetic!" - "A Truth About Diversity and Inclusion in Hollywood" Episode, as Part of the "New Hollywood Generation"

OTK Media Group, Inc. and Emmy® Award winner Orlando Delbert have successfully produced and released the first episode of ‘Hollywood, Unapologetic!’ – “A Truth About Diversity and Inclusion in Hollywood” as part of the ‘New Hollywood Generation’... - January 11, 2017 - OTK Media Group, Inc.

OTK Media Group, Inc. Launched the "Hollywood, Unapologetic!" Web-Series as a Platform for the "New Hollywood Generation" Movement

OTK Media Group, Inc. announces the launch of the "Hollywood, Unapologetic!" web-series as a platform for the "New Hollywood Generation" movement and for the upcoming release of “Pollyanna’s Tear Soaked Battlefields of Hollywood: A Survival Guide Against the Cynicism and the Hypocritical” series of books due for release in 2017. - January 11, 2017 - OTK Media Group, Inc.

Brownstone Poets Presents Dugan, Fucaloro, Lawton, and Scarpa at Park Plaza Restaurant on Sat., 2/4

Brownstone Poets presents Peter V. Dugan, Thomas Fucaloro, David Lawton, and Peter John Scarpa on Saturday, February 4 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant in historic Brooklyn Heights. Poetry grows in Brooklyn Heights and there's an open mic as well. Saturday, February 4 at 2:30 p.m Peter V. - January 10, 2017 - The Brownstone Poets

Crocodile Diary Receives Outstanding Award

Maryland scientist, author, and illustrator collaborate to bring animal conservation to children in this award-winning book. - January 06, 2017 - Arbordale Publishing

BookVenture Happily Ends the Year with a Marketing Discount

The self-publishing company is ending the year with discounts on selected Marketing services. - January 05, 2017 - Book Venture

BookVenture Launches New Publication Advertising Service

The BookVenture Publishing Company collaborates with Los Angeles Times for new advertising service. - January 05, 2017 - Book Venture

New Book by Anne E. Moses Provides Charming Tour of Big Apple’s Tourist Destinations

Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new children’s and dog-lover’s book starring a loveable pooch who has her own canine take on New York City. - January 03, 2017 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Florida Guidebook Highlights Wheelchair-Accessible State Parks

Penned by accessible travel expert Candy B Harrington, this new travel guide highlights wheelchair-accessible trails, sites, tours, attractions and lodging options in 12 of the author’s favorite Florida State Parks. - January 01, 2017 - C&C Creative Concepts

New Children's Book - Adventure, Friendship and Culture

Follow this endearing story about two unlikely friends as they travel from the South Pole to the North Pole. Along the way, they discover different cultures and new friendships. True friendship is the best adventure of all! Ages 3-8 - December 29, 2016 - CS Publishing

Travel Back in Time with Award-Winning New Novel by Ken Luber

Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new award-winning novel starring a teenage couple and their two friends, who set out to save their Stone Age clan but end up in the 21st century. - December 27, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing

LeRue Press Launches Force Ten: Doubling the Penny, the Second Book in the Marcus Diablo Series by Mark Shaff

The long-anticipated sequel to Redemption Road by Mark Shaff was released by LeRue Press on December 19, 2016 - December 20, 2016 - LeRue Press, LLC

Halo Publishing International Publishes "The Yoke" - a Christian Novel That Explores Deception, Faith, and Love

Barnabas Mitchell wasn’t always a Christian. In fact, he had a lot of doubts about his faith. As an attorney, faith in the facts and how to present them for the benefit of his clients took precedence in his life. However, all of that came into question when he met Stephanie... - December 20, 2016 - Halo Publishing International

Halo Publishing International Publishes "Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees"

"Money Doesn't Grow on Trees" encourages children to be curious about the different ways money can be made and grown. - December 19, 2016 - Halo Publishing International

Jason Tanamor Resigns as Editor of Zoiks! Online

Jason Tanamor, Editor of Zoiks! Online, retires from post. - December 18, 2016 - Tanamor Books

BookVenture Extends Publishing Promo for Christmas

The self-publishing company is extending its publishing deal for authors this Christmas. - December 17, 2016 - Book Venture

BookVenture Extends Publicity Promo for December

The self-publishing company is extending its deal on selected Publicity services. - December 17, 2016 - Book Venture

Bulgarian Award-Winning Children’s Author Radostina Nikolova Gives a Brand New Story to Her Readers as a Christmas Present

Christmas VUnders in the World of the Motts is a tale featuring few main characters from all of her books - the motts Pagu and Mux, the Hugging monster, and the one-antlered deer Vundabah. But that’s not all. The online version of the story can be downloaded completely free of charge on Goodreads. - December 16, 2016 - Motove

From Thunderfoot Press: Murder, Corruption and the Unthinkable in the 1950s Heartland Suddenly Resonate Today

Chapel Hill, NC, publishing house releases its premiere title, "Midland Club" by Mark Spano. - December 14, 2016 - Thunderfoot Press

Author Lavirrealista Promotes New Essay, "ITech2.0 Presages the End of Global Corporations"

Lavirrealista is pleased to promote her new thought piece about the emergence of Intelligent Technology 2.0. - December 13, 2016 - Virrealismo Publishing

riverrun Quark Announces Imprending Release of Telos and Other Psychographs

riverrun Quark Announces Imprending Release of Telos and Other Psychographs

The upcoming release of book of poetry called "Telos and Other Psychographs" by author Euphrates Moss. All relevant information included and images provided. - December 09, 2016 - Euphrates Moss

Press Releases 11,351 - 11,400 of 20,175