Kersten L. Kelly Explores Economic Theory, Pop Culture, & Social Trends in New Book

Follow the Founder of Talisman Book Publishing LLC, author Kersten L. Kelly, in her newest publication that dissects current events and products using economic theory as an explanatory guide to the ordinary world we live in. Author Kersten L. Kelly dives deep into how pop culture, history, and... - March 21, 2012 - Talisman Book Publishing LLC

Common Sense Skills for Classrooms: Killer Whales Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated education and classroom management book from Erie, KS authors, Traci Hinman and Stacy Turner. - March 21, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Liguori Publications Publishes Exclusive Spanish-Language Version of Georg Ratzinger’s Interview Book My Brother The Pope in the United States

Liguori Publications has now published the Spanish version of the book My Brother the Pope, translated directly from the German, in the United States. The book is the result of the prestigious German journalist Michael Hesemann’s interviews with Msgr. Georg Ratzinger, Pope Benedict’s... - March 21, 2012 - Liguori Publications

Better Than Bunnies and Chocolate Eggs for Easter...a Gift About Christ

Two new books are perfect gifts for Easter....books about Christ: Proof that Jesus Is God and Quizzes About Jesus. Available now at - March 20, 2012 - Proof About Jesus Press

MPPublishing Releases Elisabet Holm's "How to Get Your Book Published Without an Agent"

Looking for a publisher or unsure how to write a professional query letter, book synopsis or book marketing plan, get all the answers from "How to Get Your Book Published Without an Agent. A Complete Guide for Finding a Publisher and Writing a Successful Manuscript Submission Packet." - March 20, 2012 - MPPublishing

The Tech World Unites in Chicago June 8-10, 2012 at Internet Prophets LIVE!

25 of the world's leading self-made, multimillionaire Internet & Mobile experts will take the main stage at Internet Prophets LIVE! June 8-10, 2012 and teach attendees how to generate massive online traffic, build brand awareness and profit online. - March 18, 2012 - Steve Olsher

2011 Titles Now in Thieme Clinical Collections

Thieme is proud to announce the addition of 43 new titles to Thieme Clinical Collections. Among the titles added are “Abdominal Ultrasound: Step by Step,” “Al-Mefty’s Meningiomas,” and “Case-Based Nuclear Medicine.” Thieme Clinical Collections contain an... - March 18, 2012 - Thieme Publishers

JFK Novelist Secretly Thrilled to Receive Hate Mail

A spokesperson from Ursa Minor Publishing has revealed that JFK Novelist L.D.C. Fitzgerald secretly delights in receiving hate mail from fans. Fitzgerald is the author of thriller, “Destination Dealey: Countdown to the Kennedy Conspiracy,” a fictional account of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. - March 17, 2012 - Ursa Minor Publishing

Power Publisher’s New Release – When Mala Was a Kid by Malvika Yash Dekhane: Stories of One and All

Having more than 25 books published in Marathi and English for grownups and children, Malvika Yash Dekhane, has recently written a story book, named When Mala was a Kid. Though meant for children, there has been, in no way, a childish treatment in the narrative. - March 17, 2012 - Power Publishers

Power Publisher’s New Release – CrackedPots by Suresh Kumar: Fragments of Truth and Imagination

An MBA graduate and a Management consultant, Suresh Kumar, has an inner eye to analyze events he undergoes, or comes to know. In his new book, CrackedPots, he takes a brisk glance around his familiar world, and finds out some meditative observations. - March 17, 2012 - Power Publishers

Power Publisher’s New Release – Emotions by Anil Sinha

A senior manager in SAIL, RSP, and an engineer by profession, Anil Sinha, is out and out a man of emotive expression. After defeating cancer, he is giving expression to his erstwhile stored thoughts through his new book, Emotion. - March 17, 2012 - Power Publishers

Outskirts Press Announces Winner of Barnes & Noble NOOK in Facebook Contest

Results are in from leading self-publisher Outskirts Press’ Facebook contest and David Olson of Albuquerque, NM is the winner of a new Barnes & Noble NOOK in the random drawing from among all the publisher’s Facebook friends. - March 16, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Capstone Digital Announces the 2012 ACORE Grant Winners

Capstone Digital, developer of personalized literacy environments for students, announces the winners of its 2012 Arkansas Capstone Online Reading Experience (ACORE) grant. The ACORE grant program matches schools’ funding dollar for dollar towards the purchase of myON reader, a literacy... - March 16, 2012 - Capstone

Pearson Jamaica: Wherever Learning Flourishes, so do People

In Jamaica’s 50th year of independence Pearson is also celebrating over 50 years of successful publishing for schools in Jamaica and the Caribbean, with brand new, updated editions of Caribbean favourites The Students Companion and New Junior English Revised. Additionally, with Early... - March 15, 2012 - Pearson Caribbean

"Momnesia" to Cause Epidemic of Sexy Moms This Spring

Finding balance between “momminess” and “sexiness” is something many moms find challenging, often setting aside one’s own needs in favor of family responsibilities. However, this spring there may be an “epidemic” of moms finding their sexy side. Author Lori Verni-Fogarsi’s novel, “Momnesia,” released 3/16/12, is expected to be a blowout hit with women of all ages, as well as a top pick for book clubs. - March 15, 2012 - Brickstone Publishing

Black Rose Writing Presents The Audubon Caper by R. Murry

“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” —J.D. Harrison, FBI Agent, paraphrasing President J.F. Kennedy, recruiting Roy to join them in their fight against a crime syndicate. - March 15, 2012 - Black Rose Writing

Black Rose Writing Presents Reborn by J.K. Miller

“Every now and again an anomaly is born – an enigma, a theorist…a genius. They are born with the sole purpose of changing the course of history.” —from Reborn. - March 15, 2012 - Black Rose Writing

ePublisher:Photo, a Powerful Tool for Easy Photo eBook Publishing Launches on Google Play

Now produce beautiful photo ebooks right from your Android smartphone or tablet. Re-imagine personal photo books for the visual and touch post-pc world. - March 15, 2012 - Instebooks

Ash Krafton's Debut Novel Adds Egyptian Twist to Demivampire Lore

Bleeding Hearts: Book One of the Demimonde is a contemporary paranormal tale about a woman who finds herself inextricably submerged in a world of demivampires, Weres, and mystical oracles. - March 15, 2012 - Pink Narcissus Press

Patricia A. Hawkenson Video Takes First Place in Outskirts Press “Love” Contest

Poet, artist and educator Patrica A. Hawkenson received her “valentine” of a free Apple iPad 2 from Outskirts Press when her delightful video was voted number one by the self-publisher’s fans in their Valentines Day “Show Me the Love” video contest. - March 15, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Flat World Knowledge President Addresses Impact of Textbook Costs on Community Colleges at ASACC National Student Advocacy Conference

Eric Frank, president and co-founder of Flat World Knowledge, the largest publisher of open college textbooks, will address community college student leaders on new models that can drive down textbook costs and improve student success, at the American Student Association of Community Colleges’ National Student Advocacy Conference, March 17-20, in Washington, D.C. - March 14, 2012 - Flat World Knowledge

Savant Books Releases David B. Seaburn's Novel "Charlie No Face" in Multi-eBook Formats

Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, announces the release of David B. Seaburn's coming-of-age novel, "Charlie No Face," in multiple eBook formats. - March 14, 2012 - Savant Books and Publications LLC

Children’s Easter Book from Dunrobin Publishing Updated with Parent’s Guide

Why Do We Celebrate Easter? was first released in 2011, and in 2012 it has been updated with a parent’s discussion and scripture guide. - March 14, 2012 - Dunrobin Publishing

New Book on Horizon About Premarital Counseling for Gay Couples

New Book on Horizon About Premarital Counseling for Gay Couples

A premarital guide of case studies illustrating real problems and creative solutions for the LGBT community published by ASD Publishing. - March 12, 2012 - ASD Publishing

New Cookbook Release That Offers Nutritionally Balanced Menu Plans and Healthy Recipes to Increase Energy

ALW Publishing today announced release of "beHealthy Cookbook" that provides 14 menu plans and over 100 healthy recipes. The recipes are prepared with the minimum of fuss and are designed for those who desire a healthy and active lifestyle. - March 12, 2012 - ALW Publishing

Author and Entrepreneur Charles G. Irion Embarking on a New Adventure

Author to climb Mt. Machu Picchu during trip to Peru. - March 11, 2012 - Irion Books LLC

Who is the Most Trusted Leader? Worded Write Publishes Surprising Findings.

Employees reveal their leadership role model and tell you how they evaluate leaders. - March 11, 2012 - Worded Write

Global Warming or Global Mayhem? Operation Seeding Published by Outskirts Press.

Michael Andrisano’s new meteorological mystery makes murder the method of choice to protect the government’s secret dealings with HT Wetco a firm whose specialty is controlling the weather. Going undetected for sixty years until a greedy senator select discovers their secrets. While around it the forces of global greed and corruption continue to wrestle for control of the weather so they can also control the world. - March 10, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Pulse Presents 27 Minutes, by J.M. Johansen

A chilling suspense thriller about the deadly underworld of organ trafficking - and even deadlier vendettas. - March 09, 2012 - Pulse

H.V.Lyons Releases the 2nd Edition of His Hit Sci-Fi Thriller "Supernature"

H.V.Lyons has released a gripping science fiction novel about the dangers of genetic engineering. H.V.Lyons has created a story that builds up momentum steadily through a series of mysterious circumstances designed to keep the reader guessing at every turn. - March 09, 2012 - Lyons & Grant Multimedia LLC

Black Rose Writing Presents Rise, Book One: Foreigner by Michael Blaylock

"Another dimension, another time, another planet, I do not know myself, I’m afraid. Such a feat has never been accomplished before last night, so there are no answers save for those we craft ourselves." – from Rise Book One: Foreigner. - March 09, 2012 - Black Rose Writing

Black Rose Writing Presents Father Forgive Them: The Rachel Plummer Story by Garlyn Webb Wilburn

“The habit of reading is the only enjoyment in which there is no alloy; it lasts when all other pleasures fade.” —Anthony Trollope - March 09, 2012 - Black Rose Writing

Black Rose Writing Presents Stone the Devil by Jac Simensen (Author of Black Mamba)

“A sizzling adventure… Pushes hard on the accepted definitions of good and evil.” – A.A. Kelly, author of Harpooned - March 09, 2012 - Black Rose Writing

Heavy Metal Magazine Begins 35th Anniversary Celebration with Launch of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse™ Graphic Novel Series by Simon Bisley and Michael Mendheim

Kevin Eastman, owner and publisher of Heavy Metal Magazine, today announced the first major publishing event for the year-long 35th anniversary celebration with the launch of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Eastman states, “This incredible three-book series featuring the stories of... - March 08, 2012 - Heavy Metal Magazine

MPPublishing Releases Danielle Christine's First Novel "Unlovable" in March

“Unlovable” is a romantic suspense novel about a woman's journey to freedom from abusive marriage. - March 08, 2012 - MPPublishing

Thieme E-Book Library Keeps on Growing

Thieme’s E-Book Library has recently expanded with the addition of titles in the areas of anatomy, complementary medicine, dermatology, neurology, and toxicology. Some of the most popular features of the site include offline viewing, as well as the ability to set up personalized... - March 08, 2012 - Thieme Publishers

Three Arrow Publishing Launches “Breast Cancer! You’re Kidding… Right?” by Catherine Doughty, MS, CCHI

Three Arrow Publishing Launches “Breast Cancer! You’re Kidding… Right?” by Catherine Doughty, MS, CCHI

Catherine Doughty’s book is a witty and informative guide that takes the reader through the maze of treatment options – a "must read" for anyone dealing with breast cancer! - March 07, 2012 - Three Arrow Publishing

New Book Trailer Video Released for JFK Conspiracy Novel

Ursa Minor Publishing is proud to announce the release of a new book trailer for JFK conspiracy novel, "Destination Dealey: Countdown to the Kennedy Conspiracy." - March 07, 2012 - Ursa Minor Publishing

ASD Publishing to Exhibit Diverse Books at Rainbow Book Fair in NYC

ASD Publishing joins over 100 exhibitors at the 4th annual Rainbow Book Fair in New York City. - March 07, 2012 - ASD Publishing

Mysteries on North America's Highways

Mysteries on North America's highways are the focus of a new series of books by author R.E. Donald. Proud Horse Publishing has released two ebooks in a series featuring long haul truck driver J. Hunter Rayne, a former Royal Canadian Mounted Police homicide detective who continues to get involved in murder investigations. With digital publishing, Donald intends to reach readers who enjoy realistic characters, no gratuitous violence, complex plots with multiple suspects, and a surprise ending. - March 07, 2012 - Proud Horse Publishing

Outskirts Press Announces Free Enhanced Interior Formatting for Self-Publishing Authors in March

Outskirts Press knows that authors care not only about the quality of their writing, but also about the quality of their books, and their Enhanced Interior option lets writers personally fine tune the individual style of their book’s format. - March 07, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Pulse Presents Moon Dust, by J.E. Nicassio

An intriguing tale of paranormal suspense and forbidden otherworldly love. - March 07, 2012 - Pulse

Compassionate Healer… and Merciless Assassin: Jacob’s War Published by Outskirts Press

J. B. Kaufman’s carefully researched saga of Jacob Kane’s metamorphosis from child music prodigy to renowned neurosurgeon to Mossad assassin, is the tale of a compassionate man who will be forced to answer a possibly life-changing question regarding who he is, and who he wishes to be to himself – and to his people. - March 06, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Frank New Memoir Real Time with Miss Bipolar Bitch Published by Outskirts Press

Wonda Lee Davis was one of those who the world labeled a “bipolar b*tch,” but her brave self-help memoir shows how she was able to overcome hatred from others and from herself and keep bipolar disorder from standing in the way of living her life. - March 06, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Why do We Celebrate Easter? Kid's Book Free on Kindle in 2012

"Why Do We Celebrate Easter?" by Mark I. Sutherland, and published by Dunrobin Publishing, will be available for free on Amazon's Kindle every Sunday leading up to Easter 2012. "The story of Easter is a powerful story, that too many children never hear," Sutherland said. - March 04, 2012 - Dunrobin Publishing

Book for Direct Recruit Exam 2012 of Administrative Officers of National Insurance Co and Oriental Insurance Co

The 1st Edition of book for Direct Recuit Exam conducted for National Insurance Co and Oriental Insurance Co has been released. The book has been published from the house of The Insurance Times. Visit for details. - March 04, 2012 - The Insurance Times

Savant Books Announces Release of Scott Mastro's Newest Book, "Blood Money ~ Tales from Two Continents"

Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, announces the release of Scott Mastro's post-modern short story collection, "Blood Money - Tales from Two Continents." - March 03, 2012 - Savant Books and Publications LLC

Developmental Editor Advises on Finding Right Publishing House

Susan Mary Malone Weighs Big Versus Small Publishing Houses for New Authors - March 03, 2012 - Malone Editorial Services

Gridlock: Why We’re in It and How to Get Out

Gridlock: Why We’re in It and How to Get Out

A new book that presents a clear explanation for why the government is becoming dysfunctional and highlights a way out of the morass. It doesn’t describe what government should or shouldn’t do – but how American governance should be modernized. Not a rehash of left or right views and ideas, it is instead a fresh examination of cause and effect that has resulted in a failing system. - March 02, 2012 - Signalman Publishing

Irish-American Dead Rabbits Gang Responsible for Killing Wild Bill Hickok Says New Research

Fascinating new findings show a New York-based Irish gang prevalent in the post Civil War Army at the time killed Wild Bill Hickok and then let an innocent man hang. - March 02, 2012 - Signalman Publishing

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