New Hope for Business Owners Who’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling

It’s a distressingly common sentiment among business owners: the business they were once so passionate about now feels more like a dreaded chore. Exhausted, disillusioned and spread thin as they are, they just accept the conventional wisdom that “nobody really loves their business.” - June 17, 2008 - Dana Zurbuchen Coaching

Jack M. Shapiro Announces New In-House Market Research Training Program

A world-recognized leader in market research announces new in-house training program. - June 16, 2008 - Jack M. Shapiro Marketing Research

Business Case Development Improved with New Glomark-Governan Offering

Glomark-Governan, the leading provider of business case solutions for sales, marketing, product development and IT organizations, has announced the first content update to the “EVC™ Practice Assurance” program. - June 15, 2008 - Glomark-Governan

Cam Business Solutions Launches Redesigned Green Newsletter on June 12, 2008

CAM Business Solutions, an award-winning, full service IT and business solutions company, is proud to launch its completely redesigned Green Newsletter in response to positive feedback from its readership. - June 14, 2008 - CAM Business Solutions

New Book Helps Create Winning Communities in 90 Days

Proven, Practical Guide Shows Communities how to Thrive by Turning Visions into Reality. - June 14, 2008 - AimFire Marketing

Adcidia™ an eSydication Advertising Network is Launched, Smartads is No Longer

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada ( - A well respected internet marketing company (Smartads), has just announced the birth of The Adcidia™ Network. Adcidia™ has taken over as the front company for the entire network including,, and many others alike. - June 14, 2008 - Adcidia™

Former Korn Ferry Senior Recruiter, Marc Gurtman Joins New World Marketing, Inc.

Executive VP of Executive Search Division. - June 14, 2008 - New World Marketing

Dietary Supplement Regulatory Consultants Nutricompliance to Offer Technical Writing

NutriCompliance, a dietary supplement regulatory consulting firm, will add technical writing to the range of services the firm provides. More information on NutriCompliance can be found at - June 13, 2008 - Nutritional Supplement Compliance Solutions, LLC

Second Life - Monogram Virtua Entertainment Sponsors First Annual Apparel Exhibit in Cyberspace

Monogram Virtua Entertainment Sponsors the First Annual Second Life Apparel Exhibit at Their Virtual Convention Center - June 13, 2008 - Monogram Virtua

WSI Develops Largest Real Estate Portal in Mexico and South America

Custom Application Group Delivers Complex Projects for Larger Corporations. - June 13, 2008 - WSI Internet

919 Marketing Company Wins New HR Account

CAI selects 919 Marketing to provide public relations and strategic marketing services. - June 11, 2008 - 919 Marketing Company

Hicham Bouani of GlobalProjeX and Bouje Publishing is Named One of the Top 10 Small Business Person of the Year by the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce

Hicham Bouani, is named one of the top 10 Small Business Person of the Year by the Metro Atlanta. - June 11, 2008 - GlobalProjeX

Iona Moon Wins Seaport-e Awards Across the Board

NAVAIR-based business development firm continues winning streak. - June 11, 2008 - Iona Moon

HSSO to Promote India’s Home-Like Hotels Collection in Europe

Hospitality Sales Solutions (HSSO) is to represent Home-Like Hotels (HLH), a unique collection of over forty affordable boutique hotels in India, promoting them in the UK and the central European markets. Located in cities and resort locations across India, each hotel has its own unique, individual... - June 10, 2008 - Hospitality Sales Solutions

MMI Associates, Inc. Sponsors North Carolina Education Ball

Patty Briguglio, president of MMI Associates, Inc. (, a full-service public relations firm, has announced that the firm is a Bronze sponsor for the 2008 North Carolina Education Ball, a signature event that benefits Communities in Schools of North Carolina (CIS). CIS is the... - June 07, 2008 - MMI

WSI Launches Worldwide Golf Tournament in Aid of Children

-Internet Consultants in 87 Countries Support ‘Make Child Poverty History’ Initiative. - June 07, 2008 - WSI Internet

Betty Lee Selected as Beta Client for Business901’s Home Staging Marketing Program

Betty Lee, owner of Staging Magician LLC in Boston, MA is one of a growing group of Home Stagers nationwide selected to participate in the Business901’s Home Staging Marketing Program. “The selection process was quite involved,” says Joe Dager, an authorized Duct Tape Marketing... - June 06, 2008 -

Royall Media Inc., Orlando Based Advertising Agency Wins Several Communicator Awards for 2008

Royall Media Wins Award of Excellence in Interactive, and Four Awards of Distinction in Video and Print. - June 06, 2008 - Royall Advertising

Marketing Contest Deadline Extended

The Eating Cereal with a Fork Marketing Makeover contest deadline has been extended until June 27. - June 05, 2008 - Egg Marketing & Public Relations

WebMetro to Exhibit at Internet Retailer 2008 Conference & Exhibition June 9-11 in Chicago

Top Internet marketing agency WebMetro will share a whole different play on online video at the Internet Retailer 2008 Conference & Exhibition (IRCE.) - June 04, 2008 - WebMetro

Elocin Nire Marketing, Inc and Go Zone Now, LLC Have Accepted Into Exclusive Partnership with Areas Largest Developer for Expanding the Go Zone Opportunity

Elocin Nire Marketing Group and Go Zone Now are among the nation’s largest real estate marketing and sales organizations to launch into the establish Go Zone area in specific counties of Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama. Their combined efforts, working exclusively with the nation’s... - June 04, 2008 - Elocin Nire Marketing

VisionPoint Marketing Names Project Manager

Diane Kuehn, president and CEO of VisionPoint Marketing (, has announced that Erinn Kanters has joined the firm as project manager. In this position, Kanters will be responsible for overseeing projects, serving as a liaison for clients and managing workflow for client... - June 04, 2008 - VisionPoint Marketing

Fort Wayne SCORE Counselors to Learn Duct Tape Marketing

Joe Dager, owner of Business901 in Fort Wayne, IN will be introducing the Duct Tape Marketing principles to the Fort Wayne SCORE Chapter. Dager, an authorized Duct Tape Marketing Coach is well versed in these principles. - June 02, 2008 -

Sorgenfrei - Know What's Next: Expands with Unique Blend of Talent

Sorgenfrei - Know What's Next, an innovative market research, competitive intelligence and strategic services provider announced a significant expansion today. The company is augmenting its capabilities in New Media, Technology Development, Branding, and Competitive Intelligence. Kieran Michael... - June 01, 2008 - Sorgenfrei LLC

Candy Dynamics’ Toxic Waste® Candy to be Exclusive Sour Candy Brand at Connected Celebrity Gift Lounge Celebrating 2008 MTV Movie Awards

Nominees to be Exposed to Toxic Waste at Exclusive Event Honoring the Most Outrageous Movie Award Show on the Planet. - June 01, 2008 - Candy Dynamics

The Fridge, the Online Gaming Marketing Agency, Announces Partnership with Communicator

London based agency The Fridge today announced the completion of a strategic and investment partnership with the Communicator Group, the London based integrated marketing network. - June 01, 2008 - The Fridge Ltd

Hollywood-Style Video Production Company Heads to Columbia, South Carolina

The people of Columbia, South Carolina need to brace themselves for the whirlwind of activity that's going to happen this weekend. InTroubleZone Productions (ITZ), a Hollywood-style video production company based out of New York and Florida, is headed to town to start filming their trademark... - May 31, 2008 - InTroubleZone Productions

Gird Yourself for “The Grid” – Coming to Your Computer This Summer

”The Grid” is the next-generation Internet, giving added value to Grid domains (web addresses) like,, etc. - May 30, 2008 - WebTalkerPR

U.S. Imports of Goods to Increase to $3 Trillion by 2012 Says BusinessKM Report

America’s insatiable appetite for goods will propel imports to $2.9 trillion by 2012 according to a new study by BusinessKM titled “The U.S. Market for Imports: A Study of Goods Imported into the U.S., their Origins and Forecast to 2012.” “The market for imports of goods... - May 30, 2008 - BusinessKM, Inc.

Economic Slowdown Good News for Small Businesses Claims UK Business Expert

Despite rising fuel price, a credit crunch and predicted economic downturn UK business expert, Stefan Drew, is claiming this could be the best year ever for many small businesses. - May 30, 2008 - Stefan Drew Associates

ClickCulture Named Web Agency of Record for Plaza Leasing

Lloyd Jacobs, CEO of ClickCulture, Inc. (, has announced that the firm has been named the interactive agency of record for Plaza Associates, Inc., a diversified management company specializing in commercial retail development whose clients include Crabtree Valley Mall and Kanki... - May 29, 2008 - ClickCulture

Strategic Marketing Solutions, Inc. Opens, Offering Long List of Marketing and Investor Relations Services

Strategic Marketing Solutions, Inc. specializes in increasing their client's exposure to both potential customers as well as potential investors. This brand new company uses a high degree of entrepreneurial spirit and a long list of strategic services such as: corporate website design, strategic marketing campaigns, investor awareness campaigns, press releases, and distribution of investor relations kits to help bring maximum exposure to their client's company. - May 28, 2008 - Strategic Marketing Solutions, Inc

VestRite Internet Practices Releases a $50 Critical Search Engine Optimization Analysis

VestRite Internet Practices now offers a Critical SEO Analysis that will not only do all the necessary internet marketing research, but will also critique and make useful suggestions for your company's web site. The report is $50 for the first five customers. - May 27, 2008 - VestRite Internet Practices

New Media Maze Create, Launch and Seed the World’s First ‘pseudo Apple Mac’ Experience in a Viral for New Line Cinema's Sex and the City Movie

Digital Agency New Media Maze announces the launch of a clever new viral campaign to promote the release of ‘Sex and the City’ in cinemas. Commissioned by New Line Cinema in the US, ‘Carrie Bradshaw’s MacBook’ is the first viral ever to be based upon the Apple Mac desktop experience and can be accessed at: - May 26, 2008 - New Media Maze

Professional Image Key to Success for College Grads

New Web site provides image advice for students. - May 26, 2008 - ImageSpecialist

MMI Associates, Inc. Wins National Award for Public Relations Blog

Patty Briguglio, president of MMI Associates, Inc. (, a Raleigh-based public relations firm, has announced that the firm received the gold award in the Hermes Creative Awards 2008 competition for the firm’s public relations blog. The Hermes Creative Awards event is an... - May 25, 2008 - MMI

Polar Design Wins Horizon Interactive Bronze Award for HomeBin Site

For the second year in a row, Polar Design ( won a Horizon Interactive Award for creating a distinctive e-commerce web site. This year’s Bronze Award recognizes the aesthetically pleasing interface and rich functionality of the HomeBin Discount Realty e-commerce web site... - May 24, 2008 - Polar Design

Photogram Gets Major Patent Approved for Its Gift Card and Loyalty Card Product Line

Photogram is proud to announce that after a long wait of 4 years, its pending patent for the manufacturing process of CR-80 lenticular cards has been officially approved by the United States Patent and Trademark office. Ref number no.: 7,370,809. - May 24, 2008 - Red Baron Marketing, LLC

Anyone Can Encourage Donations from ESP; Marketing Firm Releases Free ESP Donation Event Plan

The vision is to end the ESP payout period with a significant portion of total funds routed to worthy causes. - May 23, 2008 - JRW Marketing

Foreclosure Boom is a Boon for Southwest Florida Realtor's New Reality TV Show

While the nation is suffering through its worst foreclosure period in decades, for Southwest Florida Realtor, Tom Bruzzesi, it's business as usual. Tom's foreclosure adventures are documented in a new reality TV show, "The Foreclosure Shoppe," produced by Florida's InTroubleZone Productions. - May 23, 2008 - InTroubleZone Productions

New World Marketing, Inc. Announces John R. Davis as Executive VP of Executive Search Placement Division

New World Marketing Inc. announced today the appointment of John R. Davis as executive vice president in its executive recruitment practice. John is an executive recruiter with 20 plus years experience and is recognized in the financial services industry as one of the nation’s premier... - May 23, 2008 - New World Marketing

McKinley Marketing Partners Remains Done Deal™ Champion for the Third Year in a Row

Marketing Firm Reports the Most Deals with Fortune 500. - May 22, 2008 - McKinley Marketing Partners

Casino Entertainment Concepts Announces Comic Hypnotist - Flip Orley's New Website

Casino Entertainment Concepts proudly launches Flip Orley's viral campaign featuring his all new websites. - May 21, 2008 - Casino Entertainment Concepts

ClickCulture Named Web Agency of Record for Crabtree Valley Mall

Lloyd Jacobs, CEO of ClickCulture, Inc. (, has announced that the firm has been named the interactive agency of record for Crabtree Valley Mall, located at US 70 and the Raleigh Beltline. ClickCulture will redesign the mall’s Web site to make it more user-friendly and... - May 21, 2008 - ClickCulture

Network Talk Radio Releases Website 2.0,

Network Talk Radio announced today the official release of its new website and working on-line radio station, The website offers the full functionality for users to own and operate network-quality radio programs without having to enter a radio studio and without having to... - May 21, 2008 - Network Talk Radio

Search Engine Optimization Specialist Jori Ford Selected for Anthony Tahlier Photography SEO Web Site Redesign

Chicago photographer, Anthony Tahlier, selects local Chicago search engine optimization specialist Jori Ford for the SEO redesign of and on-going management of the web site's search engine optimization and marketing initiatives. - May 19, 2008 - Chicago SEO Pro

Private Practice Occupational Therapists Succeeding with Consulting

Therapists Are Fighting Back Against Sluggish Economy with Practice Marketing Techniques - May 19, 2008 - Survival Strategies

MMI Associates, Inc. Receives Pinnacle Business Award for Steady Growth and Profitability

Patty Briguglio, president of MMI Associates, Inc. (, a Raleigh-based marketing and public relations firm, has announced that the firm has received the 2008 Pinnacle Award for Steady Growth and Profitability, presented by the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce. The award is... - May 17, 2008 - MMI

Comic Book Web Site Saddles Up to Dark Horse has partnered with Dark Horse to expand its promotional reach through the web and through publications of the #1 Indie comic book publisher. - May 16, 2008 - MidTen Media, Inc

New Executive Leadership Training Ignites Local Businesses

David Ellis, President of Affinity Marketing and Communications in Dunedin recently announced the launch of a new division of his company. AMC Elite was developed to offer creative leadership training and education seminars, CDs and DVD programs for company executives who want to bring their company to the next level. - May 16, 2008 - Affinity Marketing & Communications, Inc.

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