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Within Telecommunications
IPscape Alliance Helps Diversify SEMA Direct Marketing Group - Adds Inbound, Outbound and Blended Hosted Contact Centre Services
IPscape and SEMA today announced an alliance agreement whereby SEMA will offer Software as a Service (SaaS) contact centre services based on IPscape technology. The alliance adds inbound, outbound and blended hosted contact centre services to existing business solutions and the ‘largest privately owned direct mail operation in Australia.’ - March 12, 2009 - IPscape
Accel Networks Announces Top Partners for FY-2008
Accel Networks recognized two of their top performing partners in 2008 at last week’s Telecom Association Channel Partners Show and Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada. At the show, Accel recognized Telarus, Inc. as Master agent of the Year and RealCom Solutions as Retail Partner of the Year. - March 12, 2009 - Accel Networks
Bretagne Telecom Selects Centile to Deliver Enhanced IP Centrex Services to SMEs and Multi-Site Business Customers in France
Based on Centile’s IntraSwitch© solution, Bretagne Telecom scales up the deployment of IP Centrex services. - March 12, 2009 - centile
Intertek Announces the Availability of a New White Paper on the Top 10 Reasons to Conduct Performance Testing
New publication outlines the benefits of product Performance Testing, including lowering warranty, improving product quality and reducing costs. - March 11, 2009 - Intertek
Systemation Announces Eight New Project Management and Business Analysis Training Workshops
Systemation, a results-driven training and consulting company that optimizes the performance of individuals, teams and organizations by instilling project-based processes and techniques across the enterprise, today announced the addition of eight new training workshops for Project Managers and... - March 11, 2009 - Systemation
Pentegra Systems LLC Increases Value for Educational Clients with NEC’s Start Student Program
Pentegra Systems LLC is proud to become an NEC Star Student Authorized Reseller. The Star Student Program includes value added benefits to educational institutions that purchase eligible NEC display solutions including desktop monitors, large screen plasma & LCD monitors and projectors. - March 11, 2009 - Pentegra Systems LLC
HDT3000 Handheld RFID Reader (DL2800) - from DAILY RFID
DAILY RFID, a Chinese leading producer of RFID readers and RFID tags, has recently unveiled DL2800 LF Handheld RFID Reader (HD3000/ HD3000L), designed for RFID mobile solution with low price at $380. With extremely rugged design, this handheld RFID Reader is suitable for mobile solution. Operating... - March 11, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
RFID Reader for Inventory: Simplify Inventory Management Process
DAILY RFID has recently unveiled HF RFID Reader DL5510 with a long read range of up to 60cm, specially designed for inventory management. With this 13.56MHz rfid reader integrated into RFID inventory system, there is no need to make an inventory by individual scanning while keeping accurate counts... - March 09, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
TELES Announces Integrated Class 4 Solution in 1U Chassis
Fully scalable, complete TELES solution containing Softswitch, Media Gateway, and Signaling Gateway contained in a single, convenient package. - March 08, 2009 - TELES
Monitis Announces Open API and Open Sources Browser Plug-in
Monitis, a leading provider of affordable, easy-to-use performance monitoring and management software announces open API and open sources browser plug-in. Demonstrations will be available during CeBIT exhibition, Hall 6, Stand B16. - March 08, 2009 - Monitis GFI
4M Wireless Named Top Innovator at the GSMA’s 2009 Mobile Innovation Global Award Competition
LTE protocol stack vendor selected from 450 companies for prestigious award for technology excellence in the mobile telecommunications industry during GSMA Mobile World Congress 2009. - March 07, 2009 - 4M Wireless Ltd.
Ridgeville Telephone Company Delivers Cable IPTV Using GoBackTV's CMTS-Bypass Technology
GoBackTV, the innovative supplier of digital video headend and edge solutions, today announced that RTEC Communications, a division of Ridgeville Telephone Company, has deployed IPTV over cable using GoBackTV’s GigaQAM® IP cable IPTV solution. “The GigaQAM IP lets us expand our HFC... - March 07, 2009 - GoBackTV, Inc.
Appia, Common Sense Solutions Partner for IT and Telecom Services in the Midwest
Operating from St. Louis and Chicago, the pair will customize IT and telecom solutions for construction and service companies throughout the Midwest. - March 07, 2009 - Appia Communications
Syntellect Launches Communications Portal 7.2
Syntellect, Inc., a leading provider of contact center management solutions, announced today the release of Syntellect Communications Portal Version 7.2. The Communications Portal is the first of the combined technology efforts resulting from the acquisition of Envox Worldwide in October of last... - March 07, 2009 - Syntellect Inc.
Monitis Announces Amazon EC2 Cloud Edition
Monitis, a leading provider of affordable, easy-to-use performance monitoring and management software is launching new deployment option for its industry leading Performance Monitor service. Monitis Performance Monitor service can be hosted on Amazon EC2 or in an internal cloud. Demonstrations will be available during CeBIT exhibition, Hall 6, Stand B16 - March 07, 2009 - Monitis GFI
HF RFID Labels: A Smart Choice for RFID Library Management
Compared with UHF, HF Library System is currently the most mature and popular solution for Library due to its high identification rate and less influence by environment. And DAILY RFID has recently unveils high-performance, low-cost HF labels for library management. This HF RFID labels is ideal... - March 07, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
The Latest RFID Access Reader for Gated Communities
DAILY RFID, a leading producer of RFID tags and RFID readers, has recently released UHF RFID access control reader DL910, with long read range of up to 15 m. This reader is designed for vehicle or personal access application, especially in gated communities and parking access control. This UHF... - March 07, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
Aboundi Inc. Debuts Its VersatileWire™ Solution for the Ethernet Over Long Distance Twisted Pair Wiring Connectivity Applications
Innovative VersatileWire™ essential facility deployment device allows quick and reliable Ethernet connectivity over extended twisted pair wiring distance with the ease of plug and play. - March 07, 2009 - Aboundi.Inc.
Cell2Get Announces They Will Have the New Nokia N97 Available and Unlocked
Cell2Get has a large inventory of unlocked cell phones which can help you on your travels. - March 06, 2009 - cell2get
Monitis Launches New Products as a Service at CeBIT
Monitis, a leading provider of affordable, easy-to-use performance monitoring and management software is launching new products as a service during CeBIT exhibition. Demonstrations will be available Hall 6, Stand B16. - March 06, 2009 - Monitis GFI
Latest Mifare RFID Tags for High-Speed Business Application
Mifare technology, a wireless technology based on 13.56MHz, has been widely used in today’s high-speed transactions. Mifare RFID tags and Mifare RFID readers are widely used for access control management, date transfer or identification. Daily RFID has launched series of Mifare RFID tags to... - March 06, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
RFID Product China Manufacturer: DAILY Announces Entry Into Worldwide RFID Market
DAILY RFID (, a Chinese leading manufacturer of RFID tags and rfid readers, announces its planned entry into worldwide passive radio frequency identification (RFID) Market. DAILY RFID, with its own factory in China with an area of 5000 square meters, focuses on the... - March 06, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
Monitis Announces Asset Management as a Service
Monitis, a leading provider of affordable, easy-to-use performance monitoring and management software is launching Asset Management as a service during CeBIT exhibition. Demonstrations will be available Hall 6, Stand B16 - March 06, 2009 - Monitis GFI
IPv6 Forum Israel Asks: Are You Ready for 2010?
The IPv6 Forum Israel yesterday, on March 3rd, held a day long tutorial on the New Internet protocol at day two of the ISOC-IL (Internet Society of Israel) Annual Conference. Speakers joined from the IPv6 Forum, Google, Juniper, CISCO, Piano Networks, Bechtel, the IDF, ECI Telecom, PurePeak, and... - March 06, 2009 - PurePeak Ltd.
100% Free Conference Calling from was developed to offer free full-featured conference calling to the corporate world as well as the casual conference call user. No gimmicks, no fees, no small print. Just free conference calling. - March 05, 2009 -
Reliably Developing Employee Buy-In to Improvement, Lean, Six Sigma - Presentation
Process expert Paul Vragel to speak and provide case studies at 2009 International Conference on Lean & Six Sigma (March 11 & 12, in Orlando, FL) on reliably developing employee buy-in, participation & contribution. - March 05, 2009 - 4aBetterBusiness, Inc.
The Washington Network Inc. Promotes Heather Crane to Vice President of Operations
The Washington Network Inc., a provider of computer networks and telephone systems for Washington-area businesses and associations, today announced the promotion of Heather Crane to vice president of operations. “Perhaps her most valuable asset is ability to understand our clients and their needs,” says The Washington Network President Rick Endres. - March 05, 2009 - The Washington Network Inc.
Business Development Corporation of Provo Recognizes Renasis Success
Renasis founder, Ki Chun, thanks BDC board for mentoring and continued support. - March 04, 2009 - Renasis, LLC
Systemation Rolls Out Comprehensive New Package of Learning Improvement Solutions
Expanded offering includes large array of new training workshops in project management, business analysis and agile development; new virtual learning format provides enhanced flexibility, greater convenience to participants - March 04, 2009 - Systemation
SpeechTrack Releases Online Call Recording Video Demonstrating Dictated Statement Recording releases a video detailing the steps it takes to record a dictated statement using The SpeechTrack service not only allows anyone to record inbound and outbound calls but use the service as a dictation machine as well, using any phone anywhere at... - March 04, 2009 - SpeechTrack
Appia, 7 Layer IT Solutions Expanding to Meet Service Demand in Southern California
Business IT and telecom partners adding new services and increasing staff in Los Angeles. - March 04, 2009 - Appia Communications
PA&E Bonded Metals Division to Participate in American Physical Society’s March Exposition
Innovative explosive metal welding and explosive metal forming applications to be highlighted - March 04, 2009 - Pacific Aerospace & Electronics (PA&E)
NBS Introduces Latest Version of VoICE Manager Web Portal Tool Set
Valuable Management Reporting Tools for Hosted Inbound Call Center clients introduced at Spring Channel Partners Show - March 04, 2009 - NBS
Syntellect PhoneLink for Siebel Released
Syntellect, Inc., a leading provider of contact center management solutions, announced today the release of Syntellect PhoneLink for Siebel. This release is a CTI application that increases the efficiency of Customer Service Representatives (CSRs, Agents) by enabling features like Screen Pop and... - March 04, 2009 - Syntellect Inc.
Net Connections Offers Website Redesign at Discount Price for Limited Time
Net Connections offers Website Redesign at discount price for limited time. Is your current website incapable of fulfilling all your online marketing objectives? Are you looking for added functionality, updated content, or a more sophisticated, elegant look? It is important to periodically update... - March 03, 2009 - Net Connections
Fiber Optic Tool Supply Publishes Explanation of the Fiber Optic Fusion Splicing Process
Fiber Optic Tool Supply, a leading online retailer of fiber optic diagnostic and repair equipment, recently added a guide to their site which explains the process of fusing fiber optic cables. - March 03, 2009 - Fiber Optic Tool Supply Adds Two New Currency Options has two new currency options available - Mexican Pesos (MXN) and Indian Rupees (INR). Users can choose the display currency by clicking on the currency code or flag in the top bar of site next to the login (defaults to USD). Once a shopper selects a currency,... - March 03, 2009 -
FastVision Launches Unique Free Reseller Network
Independent web hosting providers FastVision launch their FastVision Network - a free reseller hosting network with customisable control panel and website integration. - March 02, 2009 - FastVision Ltd
Swedish Carrier Quicknet AB Selects TELES C5 IP Centrex Solution
Quicknet adds TELES IP Centrex to portfolio to bring advanced softclient, zero touch auto-configuration benefits to customers. - March 02, 2009 - TELES
The Hygienic RFID Tag for Livestock Tracking on Large Animal
A recent report on RFID-enabled livestock tracking released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture emphasized the importance of preventing infection when tracking systems using ear tags are deployed. Thus, DAILY RFID has recently unveiled a series of hygienic RFID Tags for prevention of any form of infection to livestock being tagged. - March 02, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
RFID in Healthcare: Improve Safety and Operational Efficiency
As the significant impact of RFID technology on healthcare industry, more and more healthcare organizations are using RFID for daily healthcare to improve safety and efficiency. DAILY RFID has launched RFID Wristband designed for hospital healthcare system, specially suitable for patient management. - March 02, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
Aboundi Inc. and Yiomau Electric Works Deliver PLC Solution to Factories
Aboundi Electric Connect® with Factory Flexible Wiring System Provides High Speed and Reliable Ethernet Network Solution for the Field’s Complex Environment. - March 01, 2009 - Aboundi.Inc.
Trilithic Launches Webcast Training Sessions
Trilithic, Inc. is expanding online resources by hosting regularly scheduled Training Webcasts in the Trilithic Online Training Center. Offered in one hour increments, each webcast provides training and tips on popular topics such as HSD troubleshooting, Home Certification and Ingress Mitigation,... - February 28, 2009 - Trilithic
UHF Applications:RFID Development Kit Released by DAILY RFID
DAILY RFID, a Chinese leading producer of RFID tags and RFID readers, has recently announced a variety of different RFID kits for both end users and developers. The kits are designed as low-cost and easy-to-use development tools in a variety of RFID applications. The Development Kits include... - February 28, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
RFID in the Hospital : Reduces Patient Management Errors
As RFID will play an important role in the hospital, it benefits the hospital in some aspect, including asset, patient and medicine management. DAILY RFID has recently developed a Gen 2 RFID wristband specially for hospital to reduce patient management errors. This One-time using RFID wristband is... - February 28, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
Smart LF Handheld Reader Released by DAILY RFID
DAILY RFID, a leading producer of RFID readers and RFID tags, has recently unveiled a new LF Handheld RFID Reader DL2800, designed for RFID mobile solution with low price at $380. With extremely rugged design, this handheld RFID Reader is suitable for mobile solution. Operating in 125KHz... - February 27, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
Accel Networks Receives 2009 Telecom Association Fixed Wireless Members Choice Award
Telecom Association ("TA"), a professional membership organization of over 3,200 telecom distributors, honored Accel Networks today as one of the telecom industry's best vendors by bestowing the title TA "Members Choice" for 2009 in the Fixed Wireless category. Accel Networks, a... - February 26, 2009 - Accel Networks Transforms Customer Feedback Into Valuable Upgrades
Why do people looking to establish or enhance their Web presence use One reason may be the way continuously improves its products and services based on input from many customers who call for help, or to suggest product improvements. - February 26, 2009 -
RFID Parking Access Control System Can Maximize Parking Utilization
With the number of cars increasing day by day and the spaces shrinking, using RFID technology to maximize parking utilization is in the ascedent. DAILY RFID has recently unveiled a new RFID parking access control system, designed to track and manage vehicle in parking areas or gated... - February 26, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
Latest RFID Asset Management with Minimal Human Intervention
In response to the business challenge of improving the tracing of mobile and fixed assets, DAILY RFID released a new RFID Asset Management system, designed to track and manage mobile and fixed assets. This RFID asset management system can help companies to track and secure critical assets - with... - February 26, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited