Partners with Global Experts on MR Safety from ARIN, SMRT; Livestreams International MR Safety Course, Achieves 300% Anticipated Attendance Partners with Global Experts on MR Safety from ARIN, SMRT; Livestreams International MR Safety Course, Achieves 300% Anticipated Attendance, in partnership with global experts in MR safety from The Association for Radiologic & Imaging Nursing (ARIN) and the Society for MR Radiographers & Technologists (SMRT), delivered the first of three talks on MRI Safety. The course was produced and live­streamed by to viewers in the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia and had attendance 300% higher than anticipated. - February 09, 2018 - Medlantis

Proprietary-Software’s Killer: Beta Version Released

Proprietary-Software’s Killer: Beta Version Released

On February 8th, beta version of, the platform offering a new business model for custom software development, went live. "Today, when a company needs a custom software tool, they usually invite in-house developers or vendors to customize open source software. Such approach is... - February 09, 2018 - OpenGift

How NOWDO Changed the Life of an Author Forever

NOWDO is an online translation platform; you can publish your novel or manga here. You can also translate other authors' mangas or novels with the built-in translation tool. - February 09, 2018 - NOWDO

Albert Fang: the UCLA Graduate Who Chose Blogging About Cryptocurrency Over Finding a Job

"Just another aspiring small business owner and amateur photographer blogging in an attempt to break down personal finance lingo." - Albert Fang - February 09, 2018 - Albert Fang

Sitemorse: Extending Digital Governance to Social Media

Sitemorse has recently made a number of changes to the way that social alerts are managed and delivered for users monitoring Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. The new reports begin with results for Spelling, Function and Brand – custom checks against brand or style guidelines to ensure that... - February 09, 2018 -

CloudBalkan Announces Mikrotik Cloud Hosted Router Appliance for Powerful Cloud Networking

Mikrotik Cloud Hosted Router is now available on CloudBalkan. Powerful cloud based network appliances can now be used for routing and switching, cloud based network load balancing, firewalls and plenty of other network applications. The big news opens a new page in the company's portfolio by... - February 06, 2018 - CloudBalkan

Ten Hotel Chains Named Leaders in Their Industry for Digital Governance, According to the Latest Sitemorse INDEX Report

Ten hotel chains have been identified as leaders in digital governance in the latest Sitemorse INDEX quarterly report. The Sitemorse INDEX comprehensively ranks sites based on the experience that they deliver, with the aim of driving accountability across organisations. Sites are scored based on... - February 04, 2018 -

Sitemorse: How Broken Third-Party Links Can Affect Your INDEX Score

Organisations that strive for online excellence should see their efforts reflected in their Sitemorse INDEX score. However, there are times when you might see your score fall – and it’s not your fault. - February 02, 2018 -

MedAware Systems Launches Comprehensive Apheresis Research Database

MedAware Systems, Inc. announced today it is launching the world’s most comprehensive database of evidence on Apheresis, available through its SOHInfo™ division. Data have been meticulously extracted from over 2,300 clinical trials, cohort studies, registries, reviews and other... - January 31, 2018 - Biomed Industries Inc.

ZNetLive Expands AWS Relationship and Becomes an AWS Channel Reseller Partner

AWS Channel Reseller Partner status strengthens ZNetLive’s capabilities to help customers move to flexible, scalable and secure AWS Cloud. - January 31, 2018 - ZNet Technologies Private Limited

Datadeck Launches Redesigned Website with New Features

Datadeck, the data integration and visualization company, today announces the launch of its newly redesigned website together with updated features. The website revamp adds more fresh content including a features page, Slack integration information, pricing and an affiliate program breakdown. New... - January 28, 2018 - Datadeck

Slibstream Officially Launches Instagram Digital Photo Frame Service

Slibstream Officially Launches Instagram Digital Photo Frame Service

Slibstream has launched it’s free to sign up Instagram digital photo frame service from it’s headquarters in London, United Kingdom. The Slibstream web app received permission approval from Instagram to use the Instagram API last week. Slibstream is an Instagram digital photo frame... - January 26, 2018 - Slibstream

ServerDeals Officially Launches New Website, Plus New Server Deals and Specials

ServerDeals, a subsidiary server brand operating under the Nexeon Technologies corporation, this week officially released a brand new website platform, along with new server deals and specials available to clients. Striving to provide the infrastructure and tools necessary for companies to both... - January 25, 2018 - Nexeon Technologies, Inc.

Kohlieber LLC Releases hoobuys, an App to Track Who Paid Last for Dinner, Lunch or Picked Last Time for Movie, Tee'd Off Last or Drove Last

Kohlieber LLC has released hoobuys, a mobile application that tracks and reports back to the user who paid for dinner last, paid for lunch, drove last and many more items that can be used or user created groups. Larry Kohlieber stated that the idea for the app came from family and relatives that... - January 25, 2018 - Kohlieber LLC

Nestlé Health Science Presents MedAware Systems’ Data and Analysis at a Major International Scientific Meeting

Nestlé Health Science is reporting conclusive data on the positive benefits of one of their medical nutrition products, Impact®, at the ASPEN 2018 Nutrition Science and Practice Conference, today. The overall effect of Impact®, when administered pre-operatively, is an improvement of... - January 25, 2018 - Biomed Industries Inc.

World Premiere, Prodibi Unveils the First Platform for Photographers to Support Full Quality and Full Speed with Extra Image Security on the Web and Mobile

Prodibi is a unique image display solution that enables photographers to display and share stunning images in full quality and full speed on the web and mobile. Prodibi takes care of everything for photographers automatically and in seconds, from the upload to the encoding and delivery of the images. Prodibi empowers photographers to express themselves and showcase their full creative potential with any image of any size on any device. Now Prodibi comes with extra security features. - January 24, 2018 - Prodibi

Commemorating National Unity Together: Team Mobilunity Orcas, Takes on the Embassy of Lithuania (Ukraine) in a Friendly Basketball Game

Basketball Announcement: Mobilunity Team Orcas vs the Embassy of Lithuania - January 20, 2018 - Mobilunity

Comprehensive Canadian Car Dealer Locator Tool

A new, complete car dealer locator tool helps Canadian car shoppers to find their next dream car. - January 10, 2018 -

Netpluz Launches VeloCloud-Powered SD-WAN Service in Singapore

Netpluz, a homegrown provider of Managed Services for Data, Voice, Video and Cyber Security solutions, has launched Software Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) solutions to enable and simplify current and future customers’ transition to a future ready cloud-based software defined WAN. - January 03, 2018 - NETPLUZ ASIA PTE LTD

The First Global Disaster Emergency Response Integrated Network, ERIN Global Corporation

The First Global Disaster Emergency Response Integrated Network, ERIN Global Corporation

Emergency Response Integrated Network (ERIN) Global, Corporation., ( the first privately held Emergency Response Integrated Network (E.R.I.N) internet based network initiative, releases its proven “Cloud” based PAAS collaborative transactions and business process... - December 29, 2017 - ERIN Global

Some Good News and Bad on the DFARS Compliance Deadline

Some Good News and Bad on the DFARS Compliance Deadline

Ellen Lord, the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, recently testified before Congress on the end-of-year deadline for compliance with the DFARS/NIST (SP) 800-171 cybersecurity and cyber-incident reporting requirements, giving both good and bad news to DoD contractors. - December 27, 2017 - RegDOX Solutions

London Children’s Hospital Receives Execulink’s Annual Holiday Donation

This Christmas, Execulink Telecom is donating their annual $5000 Holiday Donation to the Children's Hospital in London on behalf of their wonderful clients and staff. - December 24, 2017 - Execulink Telecom

HashRoot is Now a Business Partner of Red Hat, Inc.

HashRoot, A Unix/Linux/Windows based server management company which serves large web hosting companies, data centers and ISPs around the world in name and style ServerAdminz ( has now become a business partner with Red Hat, Inc. - December 22, 2017 - ServerAdminz

Mobilunity Has Been Named a Finalist for Top European Companies to Watch in 2018 by the European Business Awards

Mobilunity continues to reach new heights with their work providing dedicated development teams to their global client base. - December 22, 2017 - Mobilunity

TELoIP Names Roger Davis New CEO, Ed Shepherdson as Chief Success Officer

TELoIP Names Roger Davis New CEO, Ed Shepherdson as Chief Success Officer

Channel driven SD-WAN-as-a-Service vendor focuses on Mid-Market Customers. - December 20, 2017 - TELoIP, Inc.

Competitive Web Development and Content Writing Packages Announced by Jasper Domains

Jasper Domains ((, a trusted name in the segments of website development and content writing, has announced competitive packages this festive season like never before. "We're really excited to offer special web designing and web development packages to cater to... - December 16, 2017 - Jasper Domains

MedAware Systems Launches Comprehensive Dementia / Alzheimer’s Disease Research Database

MedAware Systems, Inc. announced today it is launching the world’s most comprehensive database of human clinical trials data on Dementia / Alzheimer’s disease. The database currently contains over 5,000 studies on Dementia and related diseases with more than 30 million data points... - December 15, 2017 - Biomed Industries Inc.

ENDALGO 2.0 Available for Free Download

ENDALGO bridges the gap between athletes and sports league managers in their 2.0 sports social media application. - December 13, 2017 - ENDALGO

White Space Opportunities in the U.S. Restaurant Landscape: CHD Expert Evaluates the Independent Restaurant Market

Independent operators represent 68% of the total U.S. restaurant landscape and maintain a unique competitive edge in the market. - December 08, 2017 - CHD Expert

Axigen Messaging Announces Ozone IT as Distributor for African Market

Ozone, the vibrant IT Solutions company, Johannesburg-based, leader of IT training and support services across Africa, has joined the Axigen partner ecosystem as a Distributor for the African region. Axigen Messaging announces that it has recently signed an agreement with Ozone Information... - December 08, 2017 - Axigen Messaging

Futura Domains Launches New Domain Name Auction Website

Futura Domains Launches New Domain Name Auction Website

Futura Domains ( today introduced a new online auction platform for the buying and selling of domain names. Futura Domains features low listing fees, an easy-to-use bidding and buying process, and assists with the transaction and domain name transfer process. Futura... - December 05, 2017 - Futura Domains

Ludo King Releases New Update for the Windows Mobile Version of Their App with All the Latest Features

Gametion, the developer of Ludo King, a popular mobile gaming application available across multiple medium, such as Android, iOS, and Windows, has launched a new update for the Windows version of their app. This new version will include all the latest features that are available in the Android and... - December 02, 2017 - Gametion

New RVsitebuilder Version 6.4 Released by RVglobalsoft

RVglobalsoft has released the latest version of its popular website builder add-on for web hosts called RVsitebuilder. - November 30, 2017 - RVglobalsoft

Penn State Chooses DonorDrive to Unite Philanthropy

Penn State Chooses DonorDrive to Unite Philanthropy

The Penn State University has selected the DonorDrive Peer-to-Peer Fundraising platform and services to power all of their digital philanthropic outreach. Penn State THON™ (the world’s largest student-run philanthropy), Alumni Development, and DIY Crowdfunding Campaigns will join Four... - November 27, 2017 - DonorDrive

A New Version of RVskin is Now Available

A major update of RVskin, a popular cPanel theme and robust tool for admins, is available to update. These new features make RVskin more than just the cPanel theme. - November 23, 2017 - RVglobalsoft

Highbury College Launches New Apprenticeship Portal and E-Recruitment System

Highbury College, a further education college in Portsmouth providing vocational and academic education and training, has successfully launched a new apprenticeship portal and e-recruitment platform from Eploy. Being market-led and forward thinking, Highbury have an Apprenticeship Programme... - November 23, 2017 - Eploy

World's First Comprehensive Search Portal for Dance Schools Launched

Dance Nexus launches the world's largest search portal for dance studios and instructors. The vision of this easy-to-use and comprehensive website is to encourage more people to take on dancing, a proven way to better quality of life. - November 16, 2017 - Dance Nexus

Get a Room: With More Than 77,000 Operators, CHD Expert Evaluates the Hotel Industry in the United States

As the hospitality industry continues to compete with home-offered accommodations, technology is playing an increasingly larger role in the ability for hotels to stay competitive. - November 15, 2017 - CHD Expert

Assembla Makes Major Updates to Apache Subversion Portfolio with NextGen SVN™

Assembla Makes Major Updates to Apache Subversion Portfolio with NextGen SVN™

Leader in Enterprise Cloud Version Control Innovates SVN, Bringing Long Awaited Features to Community and Customers. These updates act as continued validation of and momentum for Enterprise Cloud Version Control, modernized, cloud-based version control with a security and compliance wrap-around. - November 14, 2017 - Assembla

Ludo King Releases New Android Update v2.9

Gametion, the developer of Ludo King, a popular mobile gaming application available on both Android and iOS, has announced a new update for the Android version of the app. This new version, i.e. v2.9 will include the following features: · New 5 & 6 Player Ludo Board in Local... - November 10, 2017 - Gametion

CloudBalkan Has Announced Block Storage Service in Addition to Its Cloud Servers

CloudBalkan Storage Drives come in any custom size from 1GB to 2TB and with up to 64 drives per server. - November 09, 2017 - CloudBalkan

Surf Delivers 1000 Wi-Fi Hotspots Across Kenya in 2017

Surf Delivers 1000 Wi-Fi Hotspots Across Kenya in 2017

Surf in partnership with Internet Solutions Kenya and Express Wi-Fi by Facebook boosts connectivity to high-speed, affordable Internet. Surf, a Kenyan ISP, will deliver high-speed, affordable Internet in more than 1000 public areas by the end of this year across 20 cities in Kenya with its Wi-Fi... - November 08, 2017 - Surf

Managed IT and Security Provider GeekTek Selects Cyberverse to Expand Its West Coast Data Center Locations

GeekTek announces its entry into the Southwest through the extension of a regional colocation partnership with adaptive data center administrator Cyberverse into Phoenix, AZ. - November 04, 2017 - GeekTek

Blue Print Data India Launches WebHawk Mini, a Low Cost Wireless Access Point with Internet Filtering and Security

BluePrint Data, the leader in high quality, OEM, integrable Internet Filtering and Parental Controls is proud to announce that BluePrint Data India (an independent entity from BluePrint Data) has launched the WebHawk Mini - Internet Filtering appliance for schools, small businesses, etc. starting... - November 04, 2017 - BluePrint Data

Naonis Joins Axigen Global Partner Program as Authorized Distributor for Italy

Axigen Messaging, a top vendor in messaging industry, announced Naonis, leading distributor of IT products in Italy, has joined Axigen's Global Partner Program as an Authorized Distributor. The Axigen - Naonis partnership alliance is a true gain for the end-customers that will be provided with a... - October 31, 2017 - Axigen Messaging

MojoHost Disrupts Market with Free WHOIS Privacy & Discounted Domains

MojoHost and Uniregistry have formed a strategic partnership to offer convenient and affordable domain name registration services. - October 28, 2017 - MojoHost

Mototech Group Expands Offerings; Creates New OnDemand IT Services & Solutions Division

Mototech Group expands offerings; creates new OnDemand IT Services & Solutions division; Increasing market demand for highly skilled tech employee’s and services spurs expansion; Mototech Group announced their expansion plans today with the launch of their new OnDemand IT Services and Solutions, enabling public, private and governmental organizations to overcome gaps in their IT departments primarily due to lack of human capital and/or advanced tech infrastructure assets and solutions. - October 27, 2017 - Mototech Group

Eric Litvin of Luma Systems Introduces Pioneering Smart Mux Line System

Eric Litvin of Luma Systems Introduces Pioneering Smart Mux Line System

Eric Litvin, the founder of Luma Systems, has been collaborating with Network Operators, Carriers and Enterprise-Level Engineers for 15 years. He recently made notable advancements in the area of DWDM Monitoring Systems. - October 20, 2017 - Luma Optics

Multi-Language Support on DesignEvo Helps More People Reach Professional Logo Design

PearlMountain is pleased to announce that DesignEvo, an extremely easy-to-use logo maker, extended its multi-language support for German, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. This enables DesignEvo to extend its reach to more worldwide users to offer them a better design experience. - October 20, 2017 - PearlMountain

Omniscien Technologies Releases Next-Generation, Machine Learning Based Deep Neural Machine Translation (Deep NMT)

Omniscien Technologies Releases Next-Generation, Machine Learning Based Deep Neural Machine Translation (Deep NMT)

With the latest release of Language Studio™, Omniscien Technologies combines Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), Neural Machine Translation (NMT) and advanced Deep Neural Machine Translation (Deep NMT) technologies based on machine learning on a single platform for all 550 Language Pairs supported currently. - October 19, 2017 - Omniscien Technologies

Press Releases 451 - 500 of 4,175