HobNobMurfreesboro Raises Awareness to Free Prescriptions at Publix Super Market

With news reports roaring of workers losing their jobs and having trouble supporting their families, everyone enjoys something free once in a while. Hob Nob Murfreesboro has run across something free that they think everyone should know about. It’s a place that is frequented by Murfreesboro... - August 12, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

HobNobMurfreesboro.com Teams with GreenGrassRealty.com to Provide Affordable Real Estate Services

GreenGrassRealty.com, a Middle Tennessee discount real estate broker, provides four listing options for home sellers with excellent customer service, information and resources are provided to For Sale by Owners and home buyers, free market analysis, dream home finder, mortgage quotes, featured listings, and video tours. - August 12, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

HobNobMurfreesboro Interviews Jason Jones Bringing You Seven Things the IRS Wants You to Know About Reporting Your Gambling Winnings

HobNobMurfreesboro has been working closely with Jason Jones, CPA who has over 13 years of financial experience and together have laid out some important things the IRS wants you to know about reporting your income from gambling. All gambling winnings are fully taxable. Gambling income includes,... - August 12, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

HobNobMurfreesboro Interviews Dr. Tara Daniel About the Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments

HobNobMurfreesboro is committed to helping the Murfreesboro community achieve a better quality of life. HobNobMurfreesboro has been working closely with Dr. Tara Daniels who has many years experience in the field of chiropractic care and together want you to know the benefits of what chiropractic... - August 11, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

HobNobMurfreesboro is Raising Awareness About Pet Adoption to the Murfreesboro, TN Community

Bringing attention to all aspects of the Murfreesboro community is the main focus of HobNobMurfreesboro.com. Local pet adoption agency P.A.W.S. offers an amazing service to families with pets or families looking to add a new addition to their family which HobNobMurfreesboro.com wants to shed more... - August 11, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

Marketing Your Business with Audio and Video

Teleclass with Penny Haynes and Andrea Glass - Free Teleclass Teaches How to Turn Content Into Audio & Video - August 11, 2009 - WritersWay

Gate2Shop Expands Payment Methods Again

Gate2Shop continues to answer the needs of the e-commerce industry, by extending localized payment methods globally our vendors can increase sales. - August 10, 2009 - Gate2Shop

Monitis Launches On-demand SOAP Testing Service

Monitis Inc., a leading provider of enterprise-class systems management software as a service, announces cloud-based SOAP testing service. - August 09, 2009 - Monitis GFI

ABillionBits.com - a Billion Entries, a Billion Dollars - But Not One Cent on the Sabbath

Visitors to the new site ABillionBits.com this past Friday night and Saturday were expecting the beginnings of what promises to be a legendary information and advertising site. Instead, they were told to come back after sundown on Saturday night. - August 09, 2009 - ABillionBits.com

ABillionBits.com Launches - Display Advertising, SEO and Page Driver Site to Reach a Billion Entries and Bring in a Billion Dollars

ABillionBits.com is the latest online venture from Itzhak Schier, the noted serial cyberentrepreneur from the Chabad community in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Slated to reach one billion unique entries, it includes display advertising, SEO, and page driver functions at $1.50 per entry. - August 09, 2009 - ABillionBits.com

Office Efficiencies (India) Pvt. Ltd. Releases New Version of Its Popular Software - SafeSquid: Content Filtering Internet Proxy

Office Efficiencies (India) Pvt. Ltd., developers of the popular content filtering software - SafeSquid, have released a new version of SafeSquid for Linux. The new release, version SR-4.2.2, has gone through major fixes and enhancements, and is expected to perform better, especially under heavy... - August 09, 2009 - Office Efficiencies (india) Private Limited

vionto Presents New Release of eyePlorer.com

vionto GmbH presents the graphical knowledge engine eyePlorer.com in a highly optimized, even more user-friendly version (codenamed “flyspot”). Among the new features is an improved presentation of the interface for small screens and low resolutions. In addition, eyePlorer.com has a new... - August 09, 2009 - vionto GmbH

Poised for Growth, Human Resources Social Network HRM Today is Auctioned on eBay

Innovative human resources social networking site HRM Today is being auctioned off through eBay, keeping with the online community’s vision of elevating the human resources profession through the use of Web 2.0 technology. The wide-ranging network of collaborative, multi-author blogs,... - August 09, 2009 - HRM Today

HobNobMurfreesboro & Sugarbush Properties Illustrate How to Get a Great Deal on a Foreclosure

HobNobMurfreesboro has been working closely with Ray Burkhalter, owner of Sugarbush Properties, LLC who has almost two decades of real estate experience and together have laid out some important things to know about how to get a great deal on a foreclosure. Everybody knows that there are some... - August 09, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

Playster Gets a Facelift, Opens to Community Participation

Gets fully redesigned, 'hyper-jazz-ified', Adds Last.fm to list of events providers, Opens new 'add' feature, giving other events sites access, An API is being built for developers, Built on Google's App Engine. - August 08, 2009 - Playster Inc.

Monitis Launches Free Mobile Performance Monitoring Agent for Android-Powered Phones

Monitis Inc., a leading provider of enterprise-class systems management software as a service, released today a mobile availability and performance monitoring application called Monitis Mobile Monitoring Agent (MMMA) for Android-powered phones. - August 08, 2009 - Monitis GFI

Finding Financing for Buyer’s is the Key to Investors Turning Profits

Real Estate Investors Looking for Profits from Retail Sales Need to Focus on Helping Buyer’s Get Into a Mortgage. - August 07, 2009 - Get Real REI

HobNobMurfreesboro Interviews Jason Jones About How the IRS May Possibly Owe You Money

HobNobMurfreesboro has been working closely with Jason Jones, CPA who has over 13 years of financial experience and together want you to know that the IRS may possibly owe you money. If you have not filed a prior year tax return and are due a refund, you should consider filing the return to claim... - August 07, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

FindPlease.com - a New Online Shopping Engine

Online Comparison Shopping Engine where you can get the Lowest Market Price & Deals on popular products. Shop & Save here at FindPlease.com - August 06, 2009 - findplease.com

HobNobMurfreesboro Interviews Jason Jones Bringing You the Top Ten Things to Know About the IRS and Identity Theft

HobNobMurfreesboro has been working closely with Jason Jones, CPA who has over 13 years of financial experience and together have laid out the top ten things you need to know about the IRS and identity theft. Criminals use many methods to steal personal information from taxpayers. They can use... - August 06, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

Monitis Announces Dashboard Usability Improvements

Monitis Inc., a leading provider of enterprise-class systems management software as a service, today announces several significant performance and usability improvements for its real time web-based monitoring dashboard. - August 06, 2009 - Monitis GFI

Video Shares Why Banks Perform Short Sales

Many Real Estate Investors Entering This Market Want to Cash in on Foreclosures. They Are Curious Why Banks Would Take a Short Sale on Their Mortgages - August 05, 2009 - Get Real REI

Celebrating Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine (999) Free Breast Implants with $2,500 in Prize Money

MyFreeImplants.com has announced that they are nearing a Major Mammary Milestone: 500 women earning free breast implants through their unique social funding model. In order to celebrate this major accomplishment, the company is giving away $2,500 in prizes. - August 04, 2009 - MyFreeImplants.com, LLC

New Jersey Multicultural, Business Search Engine Launched

New Jersey Multicultural, Business Search Engine Launched

Interactive, Multicultural Financial, Business & Educational Portal & Search Engine developed exclusively for New Jersey, a state that represents 140 ethnic groups, ranking 3rd. in the nation for diversity. - August 04, 2009 - eNJBusiness.com

HobNobMurfreesboro Emphasizes Tax Free Weekend 2009

With the declining economy on everyone’s lips, there has to be some type of light at the end of the tunnel. As schools and universities begin to open their doors once again for another school year, families are left with the burden of expensive school shopping for clothes and supplies. With... - August 04, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

Virtuosant Technology, Inc. Announces Reseller Agreement with IBM

Virtuosant is now an IBM Software and Hardware Reseller. - August 02, 2009 - Virtuosant Technology, Inc.

Virtuosant Technology, Inc. Appoints Eleanor Anderson-Miles as Chief Marketing Officer

Senior marketing executive brings more than 20 years experience in healthcare and technology industries to lead Virtuosant’s strategic marketing growth. - August 01, 2009 - Virtuosant Technology, Inc.

Virtuosant Technology, Inc. Announces Patrick Martin as Vice President of Sales

Top sales producer brings more than 20 years experience in healthcare and technology industries to lead Virtuosant’s sales efforts. - August 01, 2009 - Virtuosant Technology, Inc.

HobNobMurfreesboro Announces MTMC Receives Lead Gift from Christy-Houston

HobNobMurfreesboro is pleased to announce that the Christy-Houston Foundation has pledged a $10 million grant toward the building of the new MTMC medical campus. It is the lead gift in a capital campaign fund raising effort that will support the construction of the new hospital. This is the single... - July 31, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

New Search Engine Atomic5 Launches

Today, the new search engine Atomic5 Search has announced its launch. Atomic5 is a web search engine which focuses on delivering quality results while also helping newcomers to receive exposure. The new search engine is available at http://atomic5.com/ "Atomic5 has launched early, as we have... - July 31, 2009 - Atomic5 Search

HobNobMurfreesboro Interviews Jason Jones Reminding IRS Taxpayers to Take Advantage of Recovery Act Benefits

With 2009 now half over, HobNobMurfreesboro and Jason Jones, CPA want to reminds taxpayers to take advantage of the numerous tax breaks made available earlier this year in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). - July 31, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

UKFast Hosts a Day of Speed at Donington

UKFast celebrates the success its hosting speed delivers with a day of rapid racing at Donington Park. - July 31, 2009 - UKFast

Patientfyi Introduces "eMATCH" Service to Quickly Connect Patients & Dentists

Innovative Matching Service Empowers Patients to Select the Services & Strengths They Want and be Matched with the Local Dentist That Offer Them. - July 30, 2009 - Patientfyi L.L.C.

Arsys Opens New Data Center in Spain

Air conditioning's energy consumption will be reduced by 40% - July 30, 2009 - Arsys

New Video Series on Direct Mail for Real Estate Investors

Foreclosures Have Captured the Headlines but Real Estate Investors Still Need Systems to Direct Mail Market for Great Leads. - July 30, 2009 - Get Real REI

New WebSite Instantly Alerts You If Your WebSite or Network Crashes- SurePing.Com

New WebSite Instantly Alerts You If Your WebSite or Network Crashes- SurePing.Com

Have you ever had someone call you and ask you if you network or website was down, and you had no idea? What a terrible feeling - they knew before you, there you sit with egg in the face - SurePing Claims to Solve End that Worry. - July 29, 2009 - SurePing.Com

Vivio Technologies Now Offering Windows Server 2008 VPS Hosting

Long time Linux VPS Hosting Provider Vivio Technologies is proud to announce a partnership with Microsoft Corp. in which Vivio Technologies will offer Windows Server 2008 VPS Accounts. Vivio Technologies is a long standing member of the ColdFusion community and has been proud to offer ColdFusion... - July 29, 2009 - Vivio Technologies

HobNobMurfreesboro.com Teams with GreenGrassRealty.com to Provide Affordable Real Estate Services

GreenGrassRealty.com, a Middle Tennessee discount real estate broker, provides four listing options for home sellers with excellent customer service, information and resources are provided to For Sale by Owners, free market analysis, dream home finder, mortgage quotes, featured listings, video tours. - July 29, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

Sprocket Networks Adds Linux Virtual Servers to Their List of Services

Sprocket Networks is now offering Linux Virtual Private Servers in many different flavors and now, for a limited time, at 50% off. - July 29, 2009 - Sprocket Networks

Web Load Tester Enhanced with Application Workflow Testing-as-a-Service

Monitis Inc., a leading service provider of enterprise-class systems on-demand management software, launches advanced, scenario-based web load and stress testing service. The service utilizes cloud computing power to provide unlimited scalability at affordable price for web developers, testers and performance analysts to ensure quality end-user experience under heavy web traffic. - July 29, 2009 - Monitis GFI

Yebol Announces Launch of Revolutionary Knowledge-Based Search Engine

New Search Engine Will Provide a Home Page for each Query through Semantics and Sophisticated Algorithms. - July 29, 2009 - Yebol

AIO Technology Has Acquired Superior Helpdesk

AIO Technology is happy to announce that Superior Helpdesk (http://www.superiorhelpdesk.com) has been fully acquired by AIO Technology (http://www.aiotechnology.com). AIO Technology brings with them a team of web developers and technology consultants that will be able to provide a much higher... - July 27, 2009 - AIO Technology

Solutions to Real Estate Financing in a Tight Market

Don Derosa Shares Ways to Finance Investment Properties Without Going Hat in Hand to the Bank. - July 26, 2009 - Get Real REI

Realtor Finds This a Great Market Working with Short Sales

One Realtor/Investor Chose Not to Lay Down and Take it in this Tough Market. He Found a Niche to Thrive and Help Others. - July 26, 2009 - Get Real REI

Asset Protection is Essential for Real Estate Investors

In a Down Market Real Estate Investors Often Look to Cut Costs. Not Investing in Proper Asset Protection Could Cost Much More. - July 26, 2009 - Get Real REI

The Launch Pad President & CEO, Ilene Rosoff Named Finalist for Business Woman of the Year

The Launch Pad founder and CEO, Ilene Rosoff, has been named as a finalist for the Business Woman of the Year Award by the Tampa Bay Business Journal for business leadership and community contributions. - July 26, 2009 - The Launch Pad

Gossimer’s the Ultimate Hosting Plan is Out and Running

Gossimer has released a new Unlimited Web Hosting plan as of July 1st and so far it has been a complete success. The release also provides some information about other innovations being implemented. - July 25, 2009 - Gossimer

HobNobMurfreesboro & Sugarbush Properties Illustrate the Difference Between Lease-Option & Lease-Purchase

HobNobMurfreesboro has been working closely with Ray Burkhalter, owner of Sugarbush Properties, LLC who has almost two decades of real estate experience and together have laid out some important things to know about the difference between lease-option and lease-purchase and which one is best for... - July 25, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

HobNobMurfreesboro Announces Middle Tennessee Medical Center Receives Top Award for Stroke Care

MTMC Stroke Program recognized in “America’s Best Hospitals” issue of US News & World Report for providing quality stroke care brought to you by HobNobMurfreesboro.com. - July 24, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

HobNobMurfreesboro Announces Middle Tennessee Medical Center Creates Scholarship Program for Diabetes Education Classes

HobNobMurfreesboro has recently partnered up with the Middle Tennessee Medical Center which is set to launch in October of 2010. This partnership is designed to help promote the awareness of the medical community and its advances in Murfreesboro, TN. Middle Tennessee Medical Center has established... - July 24, 2009 - HobNobMurfreesboro

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