MS Passes Resolution Celebrating American Tree Farm System's 75th Anniversary

American Tree Farm System 75th Anniversary Resolution - April 09, 2016 - Mississippi Forestry Commission

Ratha Yatra: Dallas’ Ancient Festival of Chariots

Ratha Yatra (Festival of the Chariots), one of India’s most ancient and most popular festivals, a sacred day for Hindus worldwide, will be celebrated with a parade at Kalachandji's Hare Krishna Temple and will culminate in a festival and free vegetarian feast. All are welcome and admission is free. - April 09, 2016 - Kalachandji's Hare Krishna Temple

The Church of Scientology Salutes Community Volunteers

On Thursday the 12th of April in honor of National Volunteer Month, volunteers from Consumer Energy Solutions will be recognized for their volunteerism in the community at the Scientology Information Center in Downtown Clearwater for their tireless work in the community. - April 09, 2016 - Church of Scientology

Tim Tebow Headlining Free Wheelchair Mission’s 13th Annual Miracle of Mobility Gala

Tim Tebow Headlining Free Wheelchair Mission’s 13th Annual Miracle of Mobility Gala

On July 28, 2016, Free Wheelchair Mission will hold the 13th Annual Miracle of Mobility Gala at Costa Mesa’s Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Orange County, Calif. Special guest speaker Tim Tebow will share a message affirming the faith, hope and transformation Free Wheelchair Mission... - April 08, 2016 - Free Wheelchair Mission

Student with Autism Raises Money to Help Others

Paying it Forward for Autism Awareness Month - April 08, 2016 - Rock Brook School

Healing Transitions Names Chris Budnick as Executive Director

The Board is confident that Budnick will successfully lead the nonprofit’s current program in Wake County and its expansion in the state. - April 08, 2016 - Healing Transitions

Washington, D.C. Metro Area Family Making Strides to Raise Awareness of Preeclampsia

Nickey Family Named the Washington, D.C. Promise Walk for Preeclampsia Mission Family to Help Call Attention to Serious Pregnancy Disorder Affecting Mothers and Babies - April 08, 2016 - PreEclampsia Foundation- Washington D.C.

NERETA Announces Industry Cluster Development Pioneer, Eric Hansen of ETG Will Lead NERETA Summit Training to Spur Manufacturing Growth in the US

NERETA Announces Industry Cluster Development Pioneer, Eric Hansen of ETG Will Lead NERETA Summit Training to Spur Manufacturing Growth in the US

World renowned industry cluster development expert, Dr. Eric R. Hansen, President of Economic Transformations Group, Inc., will be lead trainer for upcoming NERETA Summit and post-conference course ( The NERETA Summit being held in Clinton, NJ April 27-29, will teach local leaders from around the country (workforce development, economic development and higher education professionals) how to align their resources and capabilities to grow manufacturing in their regions. - April 07, 2016 - North East Regional Employment and Training Assoc

Millions to Vote Against Two-Party Tyranny in 2016?

John Manimas predicts millions of voters will write-in his name for the office of President in November 2016 because of the electorate's extreme dissatisfaction with the two-party tyranny. Manimas offers a new election system that uses vote donation and party coalitions to identify a legitimate new political majority. - April 07, 2016 - John Manimas Publishing

Sue McClain Greenfield, Ed.S. Recognized as a VIP by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Sue McClain Greenfield, Ed.S. Recognized as a VIP by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Sue McClain Greenfield, Ed.S. of Columbia, Tennessee has been recognized as a VIP for 2016 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of higher education. About Sue McClain Greenfield, Ed.S. Ms. Greenfield is retired after 40... - April 07, 2016 - Strathmore Worldwide

Not My Candidate LLC Brings Political Passion to the Fashion Industry

Not My Candidate, a Kansas City company, offers political merchandise to help people express their frustration with American politics. They operate under the premise that most Americans vote against the candidates rather than for them. During one of the more controversial presidential primaries, there has been a high demand for clothing that helps customers express their political opinions. Not My Candidate products are available at and on - April 07, 2016 - Not My Candidate LLC

PHM-CEE Delivers Nearly $1m USD of Life Saving Cancer Medicines to Macedonia Patients

Less than one year old PHM-CEE, a Macedonia NGO, leads in helping cancer patients fight the disease. - April 07, 2016 - PHM-CEE

Aging Life Care Experts, Helping Make the Difference Between Aging and Aging Well

Bridget Ritossa of Careplan Geriatric Care Managers in Beachwood will participate in National Aging Life Care™ Month by reaching out to families and older adults in the community proving education and assistance with helping keep this rapidly growing population safe and at home. Aging Life Care Professionals provide guidance and advocacy for families who are caring for older relatives or disabled adults. With a specialized focus on issues related to aging. - April 07, 2016 - Careplan Geriatric Care Managers

Redeeming Word Christian Center International 2016 Tea Party

Redeeming Word Christian Center International (RWCCI) will host their 2016 Tea Party at the luxurious Marriott Harbor Beach Resort and Spa in Fort Lauderdale, FL on Saturday, April 16th at 11:00 AM. - April 07, 2016 - Redeeming Word Christian Center International

Devoted Foster Mom Receives the Gift of a More Beautiful Home

Inaugural project by Design Heals to benefit a deserving foster parent. Design Heals is a non-profit organization founded by Tiffany Parker of Parker Interiors Staging & Redesign, LLC. The foster parent received a custom-designed multi-functional family room to help her create a stable, nurturing space for the children she welcomes into her home. - April 07, 2016 - Parker Staging & Redesign

Law & Order Ball Moves to Bigger Venue for 2016

Germain Arena to host Rotary Club of Fort Myers South’s September 17th event.  - April 07, 2016 - The Rotary Club of Fort Myers South

Save Our Cemeteries Announces Second Lecture of 2016

"Beautiful, Historic and Unique Metairie Cemetery" a Lecture by Jerry Schoen - April 07, 2016 - Save Our Cemeteries

U.S. Veg Corp's Plant-Based Cheese Competition Arrives in NYC

If non-dairy cheese sounds like an oxymoron, you may wish to head over to the Big Cheese for a palate-expanding experience. V Spot Organic Restaurant (on St. Mark’s Place) will host a vegan cheese competition Tuesday, April 12, 7-9 p.m. - April 07, 2016 - U.S. Veg Corp.

International Economic Development Council 2016 Federal Leadership in Economic Development Programs Award Presented to The Honorable Fred P. Hochberg

The International Economic Development Council has presented the 2016 Leadership in Economic Development Programs Award to The Honorable Fred P. Hochberg, Chairman and President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM Bank). The award presentation was part of the 2016 IEDC Federal... - April 07, 2016 - International Economic Development Council

Puppeteers and Multimedia Arts Couple Named as Artists in Residence at Chaco Culture National Park

This April, the National Parks Arts Foundation in cooperation with the National Park Service at Chaco Culture National Historical Park will host NM based performers and puppeteers Danielle Reddick and Giuseppe Quinn. The artists will spend a month working at various locations around the... - April 07, 2016 - National Parks Arts Foundation

Bloom and Adventure to Fitness Launch First-of-Its-Kind Fundraiser

Bloom and Adventure to Fitness Launch First-of-Its-Kind Fundraiser

Exclusive partnership provides schools an opportunity to raise money and earn wellness-based incentives from the nation’s leading educational fitness provider. - April 06, 2016 - Bloom

New York Land Developer Elie Hirschfeld Gives Back to Community by Adopting a Highway

New York Land Developer Elie Hirschfeld Gives Back to Community by Adopting a Highway

Philanthropist and Hirschfeld Properties president Elie Hirschfeld has adopted a portion of New York's Grand Central Parkway Exit 23 at Cross Island Parkway. "Our roads are the gateways to our communities. The way they appear is often the first impression visitors get; why not make those the best they can be," Hirschfeld said. - April 06, 2016 - Hirschfeld Properties

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Donald W. Austin as a Lifetime VIP Member

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Donald W. Austin as a Lifetime VIP Member

Donald W. Austin, of Davenport, Iowa, has recently been honored as a lifetime VIP Member by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Compliance Management-Postal Service. - April 06, 2016 - Strathmore Who's Who

Stephanie Barfield DDS Has Recently Been Honored by Strathmore’s Who’s Who

Stephanie Barfield DDS Has Recently Been Honored by Strathmore’s Who’s Who

Stephanie Barfield, D.D.S., of Houston, Texas, has recently been recognized as a VIP Member by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Registry for her outstanding contributions and achievements in field of Dentistry. - April 06, 2016 - Strathmore Who's Who

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Grazina R. Vižinas as a Professional of the Year for 2016

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Grazina R. Vižinas as a Professional of the Year for 2016

Grazina R. Vižinas, of Chicago, Illinois, a lifetime member of Strathmore’s Who’s Who, has recently been recognized as a 2016 Professional of the Year for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Medical Administration. - April 06, 2016 - Strathmore Who's Who

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Airs Dr. Andrew Batsis Podcast

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Airs Dr. Andrew Batsis Podcast

Andrew Batsis, of Toms River, New Jersey, has been honored as the subject of a 60 minute podcast airing on Strathmore’s Who’s Who Radio. - April 06, 2016 - Strathmore Who's Who

K.D. Auclair Recognized as a Professional of the Year by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

K.D. Auclair Recognized as a Professional of the Year by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

K.D. Auclair of Benton City, Washington has been recognized as a Professional of the Year for 2016 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of consulting. About K.D. Auclair Mr. Auclair is the President and CEO of KD... - April 06, 2016 - Strathmore Worldwide

Northwest CASA Brings "Strike-Out Sexual Assault Event 2016" to Northbrook, IL

The Northwest Center Against Sexual Assault (Northwest CASA) announces their annual fundraiser; Strike-Out Sexual Assault Event on Thursday, April 14, 2016, 5:30p.m.-9p.m. at Pinstripes Northbrook (1150 Willow Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062). The event includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, a dessert... - April 06, 2016 - Northwest Center Against Sexual Assault

Disabled American Veterans Charitable Trust Awards $15,000 Grant to Food Bank of South Jersey

Funding Enables Hunger-Relief Organization to Deliver Food Assistance to 3000 Veterans Annually - April 06, 2016 - Food Bank of South Jersey

Danforth Center Expands with New Principal Investigators

The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center is growing with the addition of two principal investigators, Ru Zhang, Ph.D. and Malia Gehan, Ph.D. The new scientists bring significant expertise in plant genomics and phenomics, and strengthen the Center’s focus on agricultural productivity and... - April 06, 2016 - Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

World Vision PH Partners with "Gift It" to Help Children in Need

A new app aims to change the way we give by making generosity a lifestyle. And you can now use this technology to help thousands of children in need, and even invite your friends to join in the fun. World Vision partners with Gift It, a “crowdgifting” app that allows people to launch... - April 06, 2016 - World Vision Development Foundation Inc Philippines

Healthcare, Parent, and Faith Organizations Join Together for the First Time to Discuss Health Benefits of Clean, Renewable Energy

Meet, Eat, & Discover: Health Benefits of Clean, Renewable Energy, a luncheon and conversation on April 7, will bring together for the first time North Carolina’s healthcare, parent and faith organizations to explore how children’s health is directly impacted by our reliance on... - April 06, 2016 - Mothers & Others for Clean Air, a program of the American Lung Association of the Southeast

Colorado Becomes 3rd State to Pass #AutoErase Legislation

Wrongful arrest of Hollywood entertainment industry exec, Charles Belk, is inspiring automatic expungement legislation across the nation. Colorado becomes the third state to pass #AutoErase legislation which requires that arrest records are automatically erased of innocent individuals wrongfully arrested due to mistaken identity. The bill, HB16-1265 – “Expungement of Arrest Records Based On Mistaken Identity,” was introduced and championed by Rep. Jovan Melton and Rep. Daneya Esgar. - April 06, 2016 - Fitting The Description

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades Service Auction 2016

Please join the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades (UUCP) for their annual service auction on Saturday, April 9th at 7:00 PM. Come and enjoy a live and silent auction presented by a professional auctioneer. Some items included are musical events, dinners, restaurant/service... - April 06, 2016 - The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades (UUCP)

Joyce E. Gordon Recognized as One of the Top 10 Women of the Year by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Joyce E. Gordon Recognized as One of the Top 10 Women of the Year by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Joyce E. Gordon of Oxford, Ohio has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Women of the Year for 2016 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of art, specializing in calligraphy. About Joyce E. Gordon Joyce is an accomplished... - April 05, 2016 - Strathmore Worldwide

Is Membership in Strathmore's Worldwide Professional Who's Who Beneficial to Your Health?

According to Jane Penelope Johnson, the World Renowned Poet and member of Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide, a friend was having a hearing problem and had seen several physicians without relief. Jane looked up a surgeon listed in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Directory... - April 05, 2016 - Strathmore Worldwide

Gilbert Gordon, Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry Recognized as One of the Top 10 Men of the Year by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Gilbert Gordon, Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry Recognized as One of the Top 10 Men of the Year by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Gilbert Gordon, Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry of Oxford, Ohio has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Men of the Year for 2016 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the fields of education and chemistry. About Gilbert Gordon, Ph.D.,... - April 05, 2016 - Strathmore Worldwide

Florian M. Ward, Ph.D. Recognized as a VIP for 2016 by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Florian M. Ward, Ph.D. of Bel Air, Maryland has been recognized as a VIP for 2016 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the fields of consulting and inventing. About Florian M. Ward, Ph.D. Dr. Ward has over 20 years experience... - April 05, 2016 - Strathmore Worldwide

Barbara L. Beckett Recognized as a Professional of the Year by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Barbara L. Beckett Recognized as a Professional of the Year by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication

Barbara L. Beckett of Boynton Beach, Florida has been recognized as a Professional of the Year for 2016 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the fields of aviation and transportation. About Barbara L. Beckett Ms. Beckett has... - April 05, 2016 - Strathmore Worldwide

Local Charity Holding Inaugural Event Benefiting Brain Cancer Research (Saturday, May 14, 2016 at 8am, Fort Mellon Park, Lake Monroe, Sanford, FL)

Introducing an inaugural, central Florida charity event, Melissa’s Race. This event will benefit brain cancer research. The charity has been created by a loving Sanford family, who suffered a great loss in the passing of a loving daughter, wonderful sister, and passionate and dedicated local... - April 05, 2016 - Melissa Vosburg, Inc Offers New Social Collaboration Church Database Platform

New church database platform released by LLC. - April 05, 2016 - LLC

Maria E. Celis, Partner, Neville Peterson LLP to Speak at the KC’s Event

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Maria E. Celis, Partner, Neville Peterson LLP to Speak at the KC’s event will speak at the Knowledge Group’s webcast entitled:... - April 05, 2016 - The Knowledge Group

World Index of Moral Freedom 2016 Published

The Netherlands top the world ranking with 91.70 out of 100 points. Among the most morally free countries, Uruguay and Portugal score surprisingly high. USA only seventh, just after Spain and before Germany and Canada. Saudi Arabia closes the list as the 160th country, scoring under 10 points. Islamic, communist and small Central American countries perform poorly. Russia and the former Soviet Union have middle or low scores. - April 04, 2016 - Foundation for the Advancement of Liberty

The International Public Safety Association Announces "If You See Something Say Something™" Partnership with the Department of Homeland Security

The International Public Safety Association announces a new partnership with the United States Department of Homeland Security’s “If You See Something, Say Something™” public awareness campaign. “In today’s environment, civilians and public safety must increase... - April 04, 2016 - International Public Safety Association

Charles Belk Named a National Ford Freedom Unsung Hero Finalist

Charles Belk Named a National Ford Freedom Unsung Hero Finalist

Entertainment Industry Exec turned Advocate for basic human rights recognized for his national criminal justice reform efforts. Ford Motor Company and Tom Joyner Foundation announced that Charles Belk, Founder and Executive Director of Fitting The Description, is one of ten Ford Freedom Unsung Hero Finalists, as part of a national campaign honoring the outstanding achievements of ordinary people performing extraordinary work in the African American community. - April 03, 2016 - Fitting The Description

The VR/AR Association Partners with Tribeca to Promote a Special VR Event

The VR/AR Association is pleased to partner with TriBeCa Film Festival on a special VR film event on April 19. “Not only is Richard Branson there with a special film screening and the top woman scientist Regina Dugan former DARPA secret projects and now Google Advanced Projects, but also... - April 03, 2016 - The VR/AR Association

Tax Defense Network, LLC Seeks Talent at UNF Job Fair

Human Resource representatives from Tax Defense Network® attended the University of North Florida Job Fair to scout new talent for upcoming positions in various departments. The event was held on Wednesday, March 30th at the Osprey Career Fair to pair prospective job-seekers with employers... - April 03, 2016 - Tax Defense Network (R)

Palmyra Destruction Situation Update

DigitalGlobe Satellite Imagery released on March 30, 2016 has shown new damage to the Valley of the Tombs, the Western Necropolis, and the Southeast Necropolis of Palmyra. This is the first new satellite imagery of Palmyra since September 2015, which was analyzed in the ASOR Cultural Heritage... - April 03, 2016 - ASOR

10th Year of Restoring, Healing and Restoration

Saved Souls Ministries holds it's 10th Women's Conference at Hilton Garden Inn at Kent Island. A weekend that transforms the beautiful Hilton Garden Inn into an oasis of renewal for women. - April 02, 2016 - Saved Souls Ministries

Cancer Transitions Workshop Series Helps Cancer Survivors Thrive

Cancer Support Community Central New Jersey Expands Free Survivorship Program to Three Locations - April 02, 2016 - Cancer Support Community Central New Jersey

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