Chicago Boutique PR Firm Announces Expansion with New Associates

Cascade Communications Welcomes New Associates, Implements New Services for Small Businesses. - July 12, 2009 - Cascade Communications

Leading Telecom Organizations Comverse and Subex to Sponsor 2009 CTO Telecom Summit

The CTO Telecom Summit announces new sponsors - Comverse and Subex - for the 2009 IT telecommunications event which will gather the nation’s C-level IT executives and CTOs at the Four Seasons Resort in Scottsdale, Ariz. The CTO Telecom Summit will be held November 8-11, 2009 and will include... - July 12, 2009 - CDM Media

TM Forum to Partner and Support CTO Telecom Summit

The CTO Telecom Summit team is pleased to announce that TM Forum, the leading industry association focused on improving business effectiveness for communications service providers, will join the roster of telecommunications organizations and CTOs gathering in support of the 2009 CTO Telecom Summit. - July 12, 2009 - CDM Media

Call for Telecommunications Speakers and Panelists: Opportunity to Participate in Leading IT Business Summit

The CTO Telecom Summit will be held at the Four Seasons Resort, November 8 -11, 2009. - July 12, 2009 - CDM Media

Economy Creates Opportunities in Outsourcing

Addressing the demand for more cost-effective administrative services, Keystone Consulting Partners and iProcess Online announce a partnership to serve the direct selling industry through advanced outsourcing techniques. - July 12, 2009 - Keystone Consulting Partners

Career Uh-Oh's: Seven Career Sins Sabotage Success, Debra Benton Asks 100 CEOs What Hinders Success

It's true that we learn from our mistakes, but the wise young businessperson corrects his/her mistakes before they are made. What mistakes should you be weary of? D.A. Benton, executive coach and author of CEO Material (McGraw-Hill, May, 2009), surveyed 100 CEOs to reveal the “seven career... - July 12, 2009 - Benton Management Resources, Inc. at the Forefront of Marketing Efforts for New Automotive Accessory

Edel L., a Florida resident and inventor, has contracted South Florida-based to take the reins of the marketing efforts for his Non-Rejecting Tire Plug invention for the next 2 years. A highly effective and innovative new product sure to resonate with anyone who has ever suffered... - July 12, 2009 - New Product Help, Inc. Set to Represent New Cell Phone Accessory to Industry

Dale B., a Mississippi-based inventor, has designated South Florida invention assistance leader to represent his Solar Cell concept to industry over the next 2 years. A cutting edge new product sure to appeal to the billions of cell phone users worldwide, the Solar Cell's unique... - July 12, 2009 - New Product Help, Inc.

Avoid the Most Common Resume Writing Trap

Ayesha Long, expert resume writer offers cool tips for the lazy job seeker looking to change careers. - July 11, 2009 - Ayesha Writes 4 You

‘Unfair’ Pay Freezes May Not Damage Worker Loyalty, Says Workplace Expert

While only half of employees (51%) thought their pay was fair before the current recession, pay freezes may not reduce worker loyalty. - July 11, 2009 - ETS plc

Ruhmann Associates Taps MMI Associates, Inc. for Public Relations Services

Joy Ruhmann, managing director of Ruhmann Associates, (, has announced that the talent assessment and leadership development firm has named MMI Associates, Inc. agency of record. Ruhmann Associates is dedicated to developing the leadership potential of individuals and... - July 11, 2009 - Ruhmann Associates

Free Report: The Top Ten Email Blunders That Cost Companies Money

Poorly written email messages cost companies money. To help companies overcome the challenges associated with email, Creative Communications & Training is offering a free special report, The Top Ten Email Blunders That Cost Companies Money. - July 11, 2009 - Creative Communications & Training, Inc.

iMapHurricane! Video Widget Brings Streaming-Video Hurricane Center Updates to Media Sites and Mobile Phones

National Hurricane Center (NHC) Briefings Delivered Directly to Newspaper, Radio, and Television Websites, iPhone Users - July 11, 2009 - Weather Decision Technologies

Artech Ranked #12 Fastest-Growing Staffing Company in the US

Artech Information Systems LLC announced today that it has been ranked #12 in Staffing Industry Analysts’ “America’s Fastest-Growing Staffing Companies 2009” report. Artech’s compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is listed as 54% from 2004 through 2008, based on revenues... - July 11, 2009 - Artech Information Systems LLC

System Sensor i³ Smoke Detectors Receive ETL Listing

Intertek’s ETL Listed Mark Provides Manufacturers Greater Service, Flexibility and Cost-Efficiency. - July 11, 2009 - Intertek

Dave Newman Advertising Adds to Marketing Experience

Dave Newman Advertising today announced that 38 year marketing veteran Tom Cavanagh would be joining the company as Director of Marketing. In the announcement, Dave Newman said, “We are very glad Tom decided to join us as he brings with him a wealth of experience that crosses many marketing... - July 11, 2009 - Dave Newman Advertising

The New Face of IT Recruiting - Vestigo Staffing Brings Industry Experts to Work

In this challenging economic climate, Vestigo Staffing is helping its customers save time and money by using field experts to screen candidates and by taking the time to understand the inner operations and culture of client companies through its new Miami Office. - July 11, 2009 - Vestigo Staffing

Momentum Expands Services and Reach; Learning Services Company Targets South Central U.S. with Innovative Approach to Training

Momentum, a knowledge transfer and technical training company, today announced that the company has expanded its strategic learning services and now serves the entire south central United States. Momentum offers enterprise companies a broader range of customized learning programs that help... - July 10, 2009 - Momentum

Relidy Partners with CE Pro Magazine - Provides Marketing Component to CEProVIP Program

Relidy LLC, the premier marketing company for Custom Electronic Integrators, today announced the partnership between EH Publishing's CE Pro Magazine and Relidy LLC with the launch of the CEProVIP Program. CEProVIP is an integrated suite of sales, marketing and business tools expressly designed for... - July 10, 2009 - Relidy LLC

GreatPlaceJobs Q2 Employment Study: Great Workplaces Continue to Outperform and Weather the Recession Better

GreatPlaceJobs is excited to share the updated results from their ground-breaking study comparing layoff trends between top-rated and other Fortune 100 companies. The new findings, which consist of data from the first half of 2009, continue to clearly demonstrate that the biggest employers are not... - July 10, 2009 - GreatPlaceJobs LLC

Green Lighting Isn’t Just About Wicked - Lightswitch Architectural LEEDS the Discussion at Design Industry Annual Conference

Avraham Mor, LEED AP, partner at Lightswitch Architectural, an award winning provider of architectural lighting design services, facilitated two discussions that emphasized the place lighting has in design at NeoCon World’s Trade Fair 2009 held June 15th - 17th. - July 10, 2009 - Lightswitch Architectural

Mandy Fletcher Fraher Hired as Vice President of Cornerstone Solutions

Chris Sinclair, Rick Asnani and Alastair Macaulay, partners of Cornerstone Solutions (, have announced that Mandy Fletcher Fraher has been hired as vice president of the firm. In this position, Fraher’s duties will include consulting, managing political and... - July 10, 2009 - Cornerstone Solutions

High Octane Thrills Teams Up with 919 Marketing

Organizing Body of the Caged Heat Racing Series, an up and coming Indoor Racing Circuit Signs Top Tier Marketing Firm to One Year Deal - July 10, 2009 - 919 Marketing Company

Bunnyfoot is Pleased to Announce a Partnership with OgilvyOne in Hong Kong

Ogilvy's focus on "Great Work that Works" and effectiveness in advertising sits at the heart of this partnership and Bunnyfoot is very pleased that an organisation of Ogilvy's standing has chosen Bunnyfoot to provide a range of user-centric design services to measure advertising response... - July 10, 2009 - Bunnyfoot

LTS Advisors Now Offering Business Plans to the Small Business Market

LTS Advisors LLC, an industry leader in business and professional consulting services, now offers an array of small business services designed to help smaller entities to succeed in a difficult economic times. - July 10, 2009 - LTS Advisors, LLC

Houston Outplacement Launches with Free Resume Services

Houston Outplacement Founders, with 14 years of resume writing experience, are offering free resume writing for 15 out of work job seekers. - July 10, 2009 - Houston Outplacement

Measurable Marketing LLC Releases Express Contact

Express Contact utilizes the power of the USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMB) and the USPS Confirm service to automatically trigger SMS text messaging and Email blasts that creates a powerful Integrated Marketing solution. - July 09, 2009 - Measurable Marketing

The Black Liquor Tax Credit in the US Has Limited the Fall of Wood Chip and Pulpwood Prices in the 2Q/09, Reports the North American Wood Fiber Review

In 2008, US pulp companies started to take advantage of a loophole in the US tax law, which will result in an influx of billions of dollars to a struggling industry. As a consequence, prices for wood chips and pulpwood in the US have not fallen as much as they would have without the subsidy, reports the North American Wood Fiber Review - July 09, 2009 - Wood Resources International LLC

Marketing Communications Firm Launches

Stresses the importance of integrated internal and external brand communication. - July 09, 2009 - beBroad

ActionCOACH, World’s #1 Business Coaching Firm, Announces That They Have Been Approved by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy and is Now a CPE Sponsor

ActionCOACH ‘Six Step’ workshops have been attended by thousands of small to medium-sized business owners around the world because it is a proven and progressive, step-by-step approach that helps clarify company objectives and produces consistent profits over time. Now these important strategies can be used to benefit CPA businesses for CPE credit. - July 09, 2009 - ActionCOACH Rich Phillips

Covenant Communications Redesigns Seven Websites for the Orlando Health Hospital System

Healthcare marketing specialist, Covenant Communications, launches a fresh website design for the Orlando Health hospital system. Covenant Communications, an Orlando-based creative agency, gives the Orlando Health family of websites a clean bill of health. - July 09, 2009 - BigEye Creative

Mobile Market in China

InfoCom says China Telecom’s entry and new 3G licenses will drive growth - July 09, 2009 - Infocom GmbH

Green + Tech = Tesla Motors Participates in the IT Management Conference in NYC

The new Tesla Motors Roadster Sport is a zero-emissions 100% electric 288-hp sports car capable of 0-60 in 3.7 seconds and 244 miles per charge. ITMC will feature the greatest minds in IT including executive leadership from Forbes, IBM, HBO, GE, AIG, Citigroup, Salesforce, MySQL, Unisys, Zend (The PHP Company), CSC, Cushman & Wakefield, Avocent, Meetup, Nortel and many others. - July 09, 2009 - IT Management Conference

Outdoor Sports Promoter Wild Sports Marketing Announces Celebrity Interview Series

In an ongoing series, Mark Murphy of Wild Sports Marketing will interview some of the biggest names from the Outdoor Channel, the Pursuit Channel, The Sportsman Channel, ESPN, and more. - July 09, 2009 - Wild Sports Marketing

Weary Commuters Offered Tactics for Telecommuting Now

Free teleseminar tells employees how they can get management approval to work from home. - July 09, 2009 - Work Options Inc

Long Island Business Executives Join Forces to Form The Creative Logic Group, an Outsourced Sales and Marketing Firm Dedicated to Technology Companies

Elaine De Luca Byrnes, an award winning marketing executive, knew that business in the 21st Century would be conducted much differently than it was in the 20th Century. This is why she responded to an ad on Craig’s List to become the Marketing Partner for a technology venture. Once she... - July 09, 2009 - The Creative Logic Group

Market Research Experts Join Professional Mojo Workshop Roster in July

Professional Mojo welcomes Erick Moore, President of EMpanel, and Bob Johnson, Vice President and Principal of IDG Connect, to their July 30th online workshop, Surveys on a Shoestring Budget: Learn how to get the most out of your efforts, from 1:30pm to 3:00 PM EST. - July 09, 2009 - Professional Mojo

Adcap Network Systems Acquires ADX Technologies Creating a Regional Powerhouse of Technical Expertise and Customer Service

Adcap Network Systems today announced that it has acquired Miami-based ADX Technologies. The company will operate under the name Adcap Network Systems. This acquisition represents a pooling of the expertise of two leading Cisco Advanced Technology solution providers in order to expand service offerings, improve customer service and increase operational efficiencies. - July 09, 2009 - ADX Technologies

Solar Panel Cleaning Company Growing in Recession

Solar Maid is on pace to double it's growth in 2009 - July 09, 2009 - The Solar Maid Company

When the Buddha Met Bubba Gets Optioned

Concrete Dream Pictures, a film and video production company specializing in independent films, bought the option to produce a feature film based on the novel, When the Buddha Met Bubba. - July 09, 2009 - John Lee Books and Seminars

President of Intuitive Concepts Featured in United Kingdom's Feng Shui Society Newsletter

The President of Intuitive Concepts was interviewed and featured in an article in the UK's FengShuiSociety recent newsletter. The article discusses Garber's approach to classic Feng Shui and the impact Feng Shui has on today's world crises. - July 09, 2009 - Intuitive Concepts, Inc.

Harris Technology Committed to Assist with Continued Sage SalesLogix Support and Service

Harris Technology is prepared to assist with SalesLogix support and services to former Management Information Services, Inc/MIS Group Sage SalesLogix customers. - July 08, 2009 - Harris Technology

Chicago’s Leading Skyline Trade Show Display Dealer Announces Their New Website

Chicago’s Leading Skyline Trade Show Display Dealer Announces Their New Website

The new online exhibiting portal gives them the ability to showcase up to date information, new trade show display products and reference materials that will help clients make a more informed decision when it comes to their trade show needs. - July 08, 2009 - Tradetec Skyline Chicago

Bestselling Author John Lee Opens Private Practice in Asheville, NC

Bestselling author, John Lee, announces that after 23 years of lecturing, providing workshops, seminars and clinical trainings in 40-50 cities a year both nationally and internationally he is opening a private practice in the beautiful mountain city of Asheville, NC beginning September 1,... - July 08, 2009 - John Lee Books and Seminars

The Mom Entrepreneur July Teleseminars: How to Use Social Media to Grow Your Business

Learn Valuable Tips to Generate Free Publicity, Reach New Customers. - July 08, 2009 - The Mom Entrepreneur

Automobile Dealers Join SMS Mobile Marketing by AdTel

The incredible new medium of text messaging and mobile marketing is proving highly effective for dealers using AdTel services. - July 08, 2009 - AdTel International

MMI Associates, Inc. Wins Top 100 Small Businesses Award

Patty Briguglio, president of MMI Associates, Inc. (, a Raleigh-based full-service public relations firm, has announced that the firm has been ranked in Business Leader magazine’s 2009 list of Top 100 Small Businesses in North Carolina. These businesses, which represent... - July 08, 2009 - MMI

Fuentek Cosponsors Excellence Fund Scholarship for 2009-2010 UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine Student

Laura A. Schoppe, president of Fuentek, LLC (, has announced that the firm is cosponsoring a scholarship for a medical student at UNC-Chapel Hill through the Excellence Fund for the second consecutive year. - July 08, 2009 - Fuentek, LLC

EmployEasily Help Businesses to Boost Profits & Reduce Your Costs

EmployEasily HR Services Ltd, the Glasgow based specialist Human Resource Management Company, today announced the launch of their free job board site available to Employers and Job Seekers. EmployEasily’s free job board provides users with an attractive, user-friendly site that is free for everyone. - July 08, 2009 - EmployEasily HR Services Ltd

Pop the Cork on the Bubbly! Jovenville Recognized in “Best of Show” Category by NIRI OC in the Annual Report Competition

Orange County-based branding and creative agency Jovenville took home a prestigious Silver award in the overall “Best of Show” category at the NIRI OC (National Investor Relations Institute Orange County) Annual Report Competition. Jovenville’s entry, the 2008 Annual Report for... - July 08, 2009 - Jovenville LLC. DBA- We The Creative

Press Releases 31,751 - 31,800 of 38,317