AAUCM and VaxCare Partner Together to Provide AAUCM Members the FluStation Program

The American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine (AAUCM) and VAXCARE have partnered together to offer the FluStation Program to AAUCM members. - July 16, 2010 - American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine

WIAAP Selects Jackie Baldwin of Wisconsin Family Ties for 2010 Community Service Award

The Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics recently awarded its 2010 Community Service award to Jackie Baldwin, Family Advocate for Wisconsin Family ties. Her long-time advocacy for children and families coping with mental and behavioral health have greatly impacted the well-being of children in Wisconsin, especially in northern counties with limited access to services. - July 15, 2010 - Wisconsin Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

Raleigh Regional Association of Realtors® Releases Communications Video

Raymond Larcher, executive vice president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (www.rrar.com), has announced the release of the first video in a series of clips that spotlight committee’s and their active association members. In the video, Julie Garrison, communications... - July 15, 2010 - RRAR

Photo Slideshow of the Huntington Beach Fourth of July Parade Released by Committee to Re-Elect Jennifer McGrath

Now available for public viewing is a complete photo slideshow of the biggest Fourth of July parade west of the Mississippi - the 2010 Huntington Beach 4th of July Parade. Over 400 high quality photographs are available. - July 14, 2010 - Committee to Re-Elect Jennifer McGrath City Attorney

The World in 2030: Pressure on Resources and a Completely New Approach to Global Business Says ACCA

New ACCA report collates expert opinion on what our world will look like in 20 years time. - July 14, 2010 - ACCA

SBA 7(a) Lender Training: SBA Express Purchases

Participate in NAGGL WEBExpress courses and take advantage of the most affordable way to train your staff on timely issues critical to every aspect of your SBA lending operation. - July 11, 2010 - National Association of Government Guaranteed Lenders

SBA 7(a) Lender Training Courses in Fort Lauderdale/Miami

Get a spark and boost your success in SBA 7(a) lending as you gear up for growth in a recovering economy. NAGGL's upcoming SBA lender training event in Fort Lauderdale/ Miami, August 9-13 is a must-attend event for you. Our most experienced instructors will be in Florida to share their knowledge of the ins-and-outs of SBA lending. Don't miss it! - July 11, 2010 - National Association of Government Guaranteed Lenders

SBA 7(a) Lender Training: Successfully Navigate SBA's New Onsite Risk-Based Reviews

Participate in NAGGL WEBExpress courses and take advantage of the most affordable way to train your staff on timely issues critical to every aspect of your SBA lending operation. - July 11, 2010 - National Association of Government Guaranteed Lenders

Texas Self Storage Association Hosts Storage Showcase Event in San Antonio

Texas Self Storage Association will host a Storage Showcase educational event on July 27 in San Antonio at The Westin Riverwalk. The seminar is a one-of-a-kind educational opportunity for self-storage owners, managers and developers. Registration information and other details are available at www.txssa.org. - July 11, 2010 - Texas Self Storage Association

North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association Releases Podcast on Rabies Awareness and Prevention

The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association (www.ncvma.org) has announced the release of a podcast discussing rabies awareness and prevention. In the podcast, Dr. Jim Dobies, president-elect of the NCVMA’s board of directors, discusses how rabies is spread, how the disease is treated,... - July 10, 2010 - NCVMA

Leadership Triangle Offers Legacy Lunch Series with Kevin Trapani

Winkie La Force, executive director of Leadership Triangle (www.leadershiptriangle.com), has announced that LT will host a legacy lunch series this fall. The lunch series will consist of three lunches where Kevin Trapani, president of The Redwoods Group, will speak. The luncheons will take place in... - July 10, 2010 - Leadership Triangle

G20’s Four Pillars for Agenda Reform Built on Uneven Foundations, Says ACCA

Stability is crucial ahead of the next meeting in Seoul later in the year and there is a real risk that complacency could plunge the global economy back into danger. - July 10, 2010 - ACCA

54 Students Awarded Scholarships by United Agribusiness League

UAL and UABT has awarded fifty-four students with a combined amount of $75,500 in scholarship monies. - July 10, 2010 - United Agribusiness League

Destination Wellness - Health Tourism Magazine Releases Issue 7 for Medical Tourism Association

The Medical Tourism Association motivates the integration of health and wellness with medical tourism in the release of Issue 7 of Health Tourism Magazine, “Destination Wellness.” - July 09, 2010 - Medical Tourism Association™

Junior League of Long Island to Host Community Impact Breakfast

The Junior League of Long Island and Community Leaders to Explore Health and Well-Being Issues on Long Island and Their Impact on Local Women and Children. - July 09, 2010 - The Junior League of Long Island

Karen Montgomery’s Campaign for State Senate Announces New Manager

A new campaign manager has taken the helm of Delegate Karen Montgomery’s campaign for the District 14 State Senate seat. Bronwyn Beistle, a veteran of Democratic campaigns in Florida and Maryland, assumed the position of campaign manager last week. She succeeds Peter Blaes who was recruited... - July 08, 2010 - Citizens for Karen Montgomery

Ct Real Estate Investors Association (CT REIA) Announces 7th Anniversary and Monthly Meeting with Terry Hale on July 19

On Monday, July 19, the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association will be hosting its monthly meeting and 7th anniversary party with Terry Hale. Attendees will learn how to be competitive in the commercial real estate market. - July 08, 2010 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

ACCA Global Virtual Conference Set to Attract More Than 2000 Participants

Participants to include corporate governance guru Professor Mervyn King from South Africa, and Alan Teixeira, Director of Technical Activities of the International Accounting Standards Board. - July 08, 2010 - ACCA

Acca Pakistan Publishes Discussion Paper "Gender Diversity on Boards in Pakistan"

Report finds there is a need for greater understanding of the potential business case for gender diversity on boards of publicly listed companies - July 07, 2010 - ACCA

ACCA Makes the Case for Auditors Ahead of FRC Audit Review

It’s time to open up the audit black box, says global accounting body. - July 05, 2010 - ACCA

Troy CROP Hunger Walk Surpasses $375,000 in Total Funds for Local and World Hunger with Help of Wellco President

Two hundred fifty eight hunger fighting advocates representing 17 organizations walked to raise $19,023 for a total of nearly $385,000 in their 20-year span. - July 04, 2010 - Wellco Corporation

CSIA Announces the Judges for the 2010 Apex Awards

CSIA, Colorado’s Technology Association, today announced the independent judging panel for the 2010 Apex Awards. - July 03, 2010 - CSIA, Colorado's Technology Association

NAWBO San Diego's July Meeting Features BRAVO! Award Winners, Board Installation

The July 21 NAWBO San Diego lunch meeting will feature a Q&A session with the 2010 BRAVO! Award winners as well as the installation of the 2010-2011 Board of Directors. Online registration is available at nawbo-sd.org. - July 02, 2010 - NAWBO San Diego

Talent Management for Finance Professionals Gains Traction, But There is Further Work to do, ACCA Survey Reveals

‘Talent Management in 2010 ‘report shows talent development programmes were hit hard in downturn. - July 02, 2010 - ACCA

Arizona Self-Storage Association Announces 2010 Pioneer Award Recipient

AZSA Honors Bill Cole Of B.C. Cole Auctioneers with the Prestigious Award. - July 01, 2010 - Arizona Self Storage Association

World’s Biggest Global Healthcare Congress Creates Opportunities for Spa and Wellness Industry

3rd Annual World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress creates opportunity to Bridge Medical and Wellness Sectors, also invites experts to submit white papers. - July 01, 2010 - Medical Tourism Association™

North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association Launches Twitter Page

The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association (www.ncvma.org) has announced the official launch of its Twitter page (www.twitter.com/NCVMA). The professional organization of veterinarians will use the account to provide pet and animal care tips, announce upcoming news and events, and engage its... - July 01, 2010 - NCVMA

Women of Color Career Success Telesummit 2010

Be Promotable is hosting a virtual conference called the Women of Color Career Success Telesummit to help professional women learn and project the right career management skills that get them hired and/or promoted. - June 27, 2010 - Be Promotable

Re-Igniting RRG Bill in Congress

The Self-Insurance Institute of America, Inc. (SIIA) today reported that its lobbying team has intensified efforts to bring modernization of the Liability Risk Retention Act (LRRA) back to the attention of Congress as the House Financial Services Committee and the Senate Banking Committee wrap up... - June 27, 2010 - Self-Insurance Institute of America, Inc.

Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CT REIA) Announces Free Webinar with Tax Specialist Al Aiello

On July 1, 2010, the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association will be hosting a free webinar on how to start a real estate LLC business with Al Aiello. - June 27, 2010 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

HVAC Company AJ Danboise Reverses the Flow of Health Costs by 34% with Wellco Wellness Program

AJ Danboise – a Farmington Hills plumbing, heating, cooling and electrical company, has reduced their overall medical costs by 34% over 3-years. - June 27, 2010 - Wellco Corporation

Motorcoach Council’s New Ad Campaign and Public Service Announcements Educate Travelers About Environmental Benefits of Group Travel Using a Motorcoach (Charter Bus)

Campaign research shows that CO2 emissions are reduced by an average of 85% per passenger mile for every person who chooses motorcoach travel instead of driving alone. - June 26, 2010 - Motorcoach Council, Inc.

Alliance of Legal Document Assistant Professionals Announces New President, Elects New Board of Directors

Non-profit association promotes professional integrity and consumer protection in the delivery of non-attorney, self-help legal services. - June 26, 2010 - Alliance of Legal Document Assistant Professionals

NPSA Partners with Foley Services

The National Portable Storage Association partners with Foley Services to help membership meet Department of Transportation (DOT) compliance needs. - June 26, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association

Fireworks and Your Family: Leave It to the Pros. Wisconsin Pediatricians Urge Caregivers to Prohibit Use of Fireworks.

Fireworks and Your Family: Leave It to the Pros. Wisconsin Pediatricians Urge Caregivers to Prohibit Use of Fireworks.

Many families use fireworks as entertainment during the summer months, especially over the Fourth of July holiday. But is it safe? A surprising number of injuries and fatalities occur each year from using fireworks at home. It is much safer and easier to enjoy fireworks displays at events organized by professionals. - June 25, 2010 - Wisconsin Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

CSIA Announces the 2010 Apex Awards Nominees

CSIA, Colorado’s Technology Association, today announced the 2010 Apex Award Nominees - June 25, 2010 - CSIA, Colorado's Technology Association

Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts Applauds Passage of ‘Nurse Delegation’ Bill by State Senate

Legislation to Improve Home Health Services Moves on to Massachusetts House of Representatives. - June 24, 2010 - Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts

NACCE Announces Awards to be Presented at 8th Annual Conference This Fall

The National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE) is seeking nominations for three award programs as well as entrants for its annual Student Essay Contest. Winners will be honored at the 8th Annual NACCE Conference, to be held October 11-13, 2010, in Orlando, FL. Award nominations and student essays must be submitted by September 15, 2010. - June 24, 2010 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship

Arizona Self-Storage Association Annual Conference and Tradeshow a Success

53 Exhibiting Companies and Nearly 350 Attendees Present for Expo. - June 24, 2010 - Arizona Self Storage Association

Brian Blair Qualifies for State House, Leads in Polling

Blair has a very positive name identification and opens up significant lead. - June 23, 2010 - Brian Blair

Powerful Environmental Groups Endorse Karen Montgomery’s State Senate Bid

A lifelong commitment to conservation has earned Delegate Karen Montgomery’s bid for the District 14 State Senate seat the endorsement of two infuential environmental organizations. - June 23, 2010 - Citizens for Karen Montgomery

Houston Apartment Association Honors Industry’s Finest

Industry Achievement Awards Recognize 16 Individuals for Contributions. - June 23, 2010 - Houston Apartment Association

Junior League of Long Island Names New President

The Junior League of Long Island (www.jlli.org), a nonprofit organization of women volunteers, today announced that Shelley Wojtkiewicz has been appointed President for the upcoming year. The office of the Junior League President is an annual appointment by the JLLI Board of Directors. - June 23, 2010 - The Junior League of Long Island

How to Start a Business for $1,000

Creativity trumps cash when looking to launch, says Startup Experts at Bizlaunch.ca. Instead of looking for another job, unemployed Canadians should consider starting their own small business. But becoming ‘the boss’ today could have more to do with your creativity with money, then the amount in your wallet - it’s in how and where you spend it. - June 23, 2010 - Bizlaunch

AIGA/LA Announces Its New Board of Directors for 2010-2012

AIGA/LA, the Los Angeles chapter of AIGA, the professional association for design, elected a new Board of Directors for 2010-2012. In May 2010, a slate of nominees was presented to the Los Angeles membership for a vote. There was a two-week voting period which ended on June 4, 2010, and the new... - June 23, 2010 - AIGA LA

National Concierge Association Holds 12th Annual Conference for Hospitality Professionals

National Concierge Association Holds 12th Annual Conference for Hospitality Professionals

The National Concierge Association (NCA), a non profit-network organization for Concierge of all types and hospitality industry professionals will be holding their 12th annual conference August 16-18, 2010 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. The three day event features a variety of... - June 20, 2010 - National Concierge Association

NAMWOLF Lauds Congresswoman Maxine Waters for Her Efforts in Pushing for the Inclusion of Minority and Women-Owned Business

The National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) lauds Representative Maxine Waters, for sponsorship of the reform bill. - June 20, 2010 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms

GCN Celebrates Mayan Community Center Inauguration

Minnesota-based nonprofit Global Citizens Network (GCN) recently celebrated the inauguration of the Mayan Center for Peace building in Cantel Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. The center serves Cantel, a community of 35,000 inhabitants, 95% belonging to the K'iche' Mayan tradition. Guatemala is a country... - June 20, 2010 - International Volunteer Programs Association

NAWBO San Diego July Seminar Focuses on Wellness

NAWBO San Diego's July 9 seminar, "Wellness for Women Entrepreneurs," will be presented by Kathy Gruver at Brandman University. To learn more, visit nawbo-sd.org. - June 20, 2010 - NAWBO San Diego

NPSA Planning Portable Storage Industry Insurance Product

The National Portable Storage Association is seeking a test group of portable storage companies to help develop an insurance product tailored for the industry’s specific needs. - June 20, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association

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