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Within Computer Software
EF Englishtown Releases Language Education’s First Social Game, English Tower
EF Englishtown today announces the release of English Tower, the English langauge industry’s first social word search game. Built on Englishtown’s commitment to meeting and engaging users, English Tower is a English language industry first in building a Facebook game to reach English learners around the world. - May 19, 2012 - EF Education First
Full Circle Solution Group Expands Services with Acquisition of Technology Distribution Firm
Full Circle Solutions, an industry leading IT company located in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, is very pleased to announce the recent acquisition of a technology distribution firm - Eagle Distribution,, from Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Eagle Distribution was and still is an... - May 19, 2012 - Full Circle Solutions Group
KANA® Awarded Customer Interaction Solutions 2012 CRM Excellence Award
KANA Software, Inc., a global leader in customer service solutions used by more than 600 enterprises including half of the Global 100 and more than 200 government agencies, today announced it is the recipient of a Customer Interaction Solutions 2012 CRM Excellence Award. - May 19, 2012 - Kana
PMI Creates Its First Ebook for Kindle in Association with Upside Learning
Process Management International (PMI), a leader in business improvement consultancy and training, has released its first eBook for Kindle. Called The Project Leader’s Handbook this eBook, developed by Upside Learning, is an online version of PMI’s handbook on work management and improvement. - May 19, 2012 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
sCoolWork Releases World's First Free Editor to Automatically Support Academic Styles
sCoolWork, an innovative web app which decreases homework preparation time while increasing quality, releases a unique free editor to automatically comply with MLA/APA/Chicago academic styles. Editor was developed in a gamification process which revealed users' strong demand. - May 19, 2012 - Skills and Knowledge
Ziptr and DiCicco, Gulman & Company Present Webcast on Client Satisfaction and Privacy Law Compliance
Webcast with CPA and Accounting Firm DiCicco, Gulman & Company, to Share Best Practices on Delivering Excellent Client Service and Protecting Confidential Client Data - May 19, 2012 - Ziptr, Inc.
GOSS Congratulates Teignbridge District Council for Website Success
GOSS Interactive congratulates Teignbridge District Council for receiving 3 stars in the Socitm Better Connected 2012 report. - May 19, 2012 - GOSS Interactive
Vikash Sureka Joins IBS as Chief Financial Officer
IBS Software Services, the leading provider of new-generation IT solutions to the global aviation industry, has appointed Mr Vikash Sureka as its Chief Financial Officer. He will head the Finance, Legal, Company Affairs and Administration functions of IBS operations world-wide. A Chartered... - May 19, 2012 - IBS Software Services
Pinnacle Oil Finds a Fully-Integrated Software Solution in DEACOM
Pinnacle Oil has licensed the DEACOM ERP Software System to manage its business operations. Pinnacle chose DEACOM for the functionality it provides in a fully-integrated, single system, including CRM, inventory management, EDI, reporting, WMS, formula mgmt, QC, production and dock scheduling capabilities. - May 19, 2012 - Deacom
BalaBit Announces New Release of Its syslog-ng Store Box™ Log Management Appliance
The turn-key appliance for log management helps meet compliance requirements while lowers the operational risks and costs. BalaBit IT Security – also known as the “syslog-ng company” – today announced the general availability of syslog-ng Store Box™ 3.0, the latest long term supported version of its trusted log server appliance. - May 19, 2012 - xyz
Critical Manufacturing Grows 56% in 2011
Critical Manufacturing registered a 56% increase in sales from 2010, reaching a turnover of 4,1M€. In line with the turnover increase, EBITDA/sales and Net earnings/sales ratios rose to 47% and 27% respectively. - May 19, 2012 - Critical Software
iS3 Launches Sniper Anti-Virus 2013
iS3, a solution provider for internet security, computer optimization, and technical support has announced today that Sniper Anti-Virus will be introduced to the market. The mobile version of Sniper Anti-Virus for Android is also available for end to end protection of a consumer’s computer and mobile device. - May 19, 2012 - iS3, Inc.
Crafty Devil Readies Holibob for Beta Launch
UK web app specialist Crafty Devil is preparing to launch Holibob – the output of the company’s groundbreaking #CraftyHack initiative. - May 19, 2012 - Devilicious T/A Crafty Devil
Audio4fun Seriously Focuses on After-Sales Service for Their Best-Seller Product
The website is updated each week with a new nickvoice package for its best-seller, Voice Changer Software Diamond. - May 18, 2012 - AVSoft Corp.
Android App Measures Acceleration Times
GTR from Tempes measures acceleration times (0-60 mph, quarter mile and more) and top speed with high accuracy. - May 18, 2012 - Tempes
ElcomSoft Discovers an Alternative Way of Accessing iPhone User Data, Provides Forensic Access to iCloud Backups
ElcomSoft Co. Ltd. discovers yet another way to access information stored in Apple iOS devices by retrieving online backups from Apple iCloud storage. - May 18, 2012 - Elcomsoft
Semantic Web Company's PoolParty Brings Semantic Power to Confluence Social Collaboration Software
Semantic Web Company will release a semantic plugin for Confluence at this year's Atlassian Summit and Semantic Tech & Business Conference, both to be held between May and June in San Francisco. PoolParty PowerTagging will support semantic tagging and indexing within Atlassian's... - May 18, 2012 - Semantic Web Company
Icinga v1.7 Released
Icinga, open source monitoring solution and Nagios fork has released version 1.7 for download. While improving performance in the core and simplifying packaging, the release gives users more flexibility in customizing Icinga’s two user interfaces. - May 18, 2012 - ICINGA - Open Source Monitoring
Alpha Data Releases New High-Performance Kintex-7 FPGA Based XMC Card
New board offers unprecedented levels of performance and logic density at lower power on a reconfigurable XMC platform. - May 18, 2012 - Alpha Data
Alphadore Hits 1000
In just 3 months time, Alphadore has already reached 1000 registers. With its unique platform, any financial analysis, personal or business, is made simple, easy and quick. Optimized solutions in finance were first given at the site. - May 18, 2012 - Alphadore
Play Ink Studio – Announces Its Exciting Android-Based Action Game; Mafia Mob
Play Ink Studio, an emerging publisher of social digital games, today announced the release of its latest Action game, Mafia Mob, for Android® based devices and smartphones, further expanding its lineup of mobile titles. - May 18, 2012 - OziTechnology
Excel Software Adds Integrated Order Processing with Safe Activation Service 3
Safe Activation Service 3 expands software activation services to integrated order processing, event driven actions, daily account backups, advanced licensing features, vendor branding and added customization features. The online service is used by software publishers to automate software protection, activation and license management. - May 18, 2012 - Excel Software
SafetyPay Pioneers the Payment Industry with Cash Payment Option for eCommerce Worldwide
U.S. merchants can now sell to consumers worldwide with shop online, pay offline with cash option. SafetyPay, a secure payment provider serving online shoppers, merchants and banks worldwide, announced today its global cash payment platform. Through SafetyPay, online merchants can now accept cash payments from customers within the US and internationally. - May 18, 2012 - SafetyPay
Metropolis Technologies Announces Prizes (Including an iPad3) for Session Participants at 2012 International Avaya Users Group Conference
Metropolis Technologies [IAUG Booth 1224], a leading telemanagement solution provider and Avaya DevConnect partner, is excited to announce that they will be offering multiple prize opportunities for session attendees and booth visitors at the International Avaya Users Group Conference (IAUG). The... - May 18, 2012 - Metropolis Technologies, Inc.
EndoSoft Presents Meaningful Use EHR Software at DDW 2012
EndoSoft is pleased to announce that they will once again be an exhibitor of their Meaningful Use Certified software applications at the 2012 Digestive Diseases Week (DDW) May 20-22, in San Diego, CA. Booth# 1043. EndoSoft has been a long time participant in DDW and is a proud supporter of their... - May 18, 2012 - EndoSoft
Banyan Software Adds avast! Internet Security to Portfolio
Banyan Software, LLC announced that it has grown its family of leading software titles. is now an affiliate for AVAST Software a.s. award-winning avast! 7 Internet Security. - May 18, 2012 - Banyan Software, LLC
iSkysoft Announces New Video Converter for Mac for Easy and Quick Video Conversion
iSkysoft has now launched a great new video converter software that is compatible with all Apple devices - May 18, 2012 - iSkysoft Studio
Lemon Frog Learning Announces the Drop-In Ceiling Mount
Lemon Frog Learning adds the world’s easiest projector mount to their product line. - May 18, 2012 - Lemon Frog Learning
Qeep Social Platform is Open to New Relationships
Mobile social community qeep integrates SOFTGAMES titles with its OpenSocial-compatible API. - May 18, 2012 - BLUE LION mobile GmbH
Polaris Publishes on Predicting Permanency for Child Welfare Youth in The Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research
Collecting mental health and strength data from youth and their families in the child welfare system can have a positive impact on how they react to and engage in planning their care, a new paper from Polaris reports. - May 18, 2012 - Polaris Health Directions
CDN Mobile Solutions Launches Its First Universal Application "Dog Selector"
CDN Solutions Group has launched a new application designed for "True Dog Lovers" to help them study and select Dogs. The app is available in iPhone and iPad. - May 18, 2012 - CDN Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Zuora Partners with, Intacct and Sage to Bring Finance Into the Subscription Economy
New alliances to standardize integration between leading financials and Zuora subscription billing and commerce solutions. - May 18, 2012 -
A Revolutionary New Program is Giving Indonesians the Chance to Learn English from Native Speakers
English First, the world’s largest private education company specializing in English training, has already helped 15 million students with its innovative e-learning program called Englishtown. So far, the majority of these students have been from Brazil, Russia, China, Germany, France and Spain, but now Indonesians are able to benefit from the service too. Englishtown's launch in Indonesia builds on an already strong network of 63 English First schools serving kids and teens across the country. - May 18, 2012 - EF Education First
uCertify Prepkits for the New MCSA: Windows Server 2008 Certification
Microsoft has relaunched its MCSA and MCSE certification program but with a change. Now the MCSA is defined as Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate, which is the prerequisite for the new MCSE (Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert). The program now features three new skill levels: Associate,... - May 18, 2012 -
Ranked #1 - Practice Velocity EMR by KLAS Research for Urgent Care
VelociDoc®, Practice Velocity's Urgent Care EMR has been ranked #1 overall for urgent care by KLAS research, an independent company who monitors vendor performance in the healthcare industry. - May 17, 2012 - Practice Velocity
Eos Group Announces the 2012 Release of the High Voltage Database
Eos Group, Inc. announces the 2012 update to their High Voltage Database. The High Voltage Database is designed for use with Sage Timberline Office Estimating. The database supports construction cost estimating for utilities, owners, design engineers, and contractors in the areas of electrical transmission and distribution, and heavy industrial electrical systems. - May 17, 2012 - Eos Group
1,000,000+ Visitors in 30 Days - Social Marketing Avengers Partner with to Reverse Engineer Social Elements
1,000,000+ visitors in 30 days! Superheroes of the online casino industry partner with to look at out of the box ways to better engage players via social media. Facebook Like this, Tweet that, Pinterest this, Google+ that... Social media overload is killing marketing... - May 17, 2012 -
Upside Learning Expands Its Catalogue of Courses by Partnering with THE Group to Offer ILM Qualifications
Upside Learning has announced its recent collaboration with THE Group UK, to provide the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) Level 3 qualifications in First Line Management (Award, Certificate, Diploma,) and the Level 3 Award in Leadership qualification to its customers and prospects. This partnership has expanded Upside Learning’s existing portfolio of 3000+ ready-to-use courses to include over 26 optional units of ILM validated courses and content. - May 17, 2012 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
LeadMaster Australia Pty Ltd Selected Finalist for Two Business Awards by CeBIT.AU 2012
LeadMaster Australia Pty Ltd is pleased to announce that it has been selected as finalist for two 2012 CeBIT Business Awards. The CeBIT.AU Business Awards recognises excellence, innovation and achievement in the Information and Communication Technology Industry. LeadMaster Australia Pty Ltd is a... - May 17, 2012 - LeadMaster Australia Pty Ltd
Ares Implements Foreign Exchange System for China Development Industrial Bank
Ares recently signed a contract with Taiwan’s China Development Industrial Bank (CDIB) for implementing AFEIS (Advanced Foreign Exchange Integrated System), with system implementation to complete within a year. With new business and inconvenience of modifying its existing system, CDIB has... - May 17, 2012 - Ares International Corp.
Expert Android Support Solutions from MyTechGurus
MyTechGurus, a stalwart in offering tech support to customers, has extended their area of expertise to provide Android support solutions to Android application users. With not many players in the market, MyTechGurus offers the right combination of experience and expertise. - May 17, 2012 - Mytechgurus Inc
Convert WTV Files to MP4 H.264 5X Faster
Bigasoft WTV Converter, a professional video converter for converting Windows Media Center recorded WTV files to MP4, AVI, MPEG, WMV, etc., updated to speed up WTV to MP4 H.264 5 X faster even there is no NVIDIA CUDA or AMD installed. - May 17, 2012 - Bigasoft Corporation
Rishabh Software Set to Expand Its Partnerships in Software Application Development and Integration at CeBIT Australia 2012
Rishabh software is a CMMi Level 3 company with over 400 people across its four offices in US (Silicon Valley), UK (London) and India (Vadodara, Mumbai). It has won awards from the State of Gujarat and has been a leader in emerging technologies like Mobile and Cloud applications. It also provides software application enhancement, maintenance, testing and integration services across various technologies such as .NET, Java and PHP. - May 17, 2012 - Rishabh Software Pvt Ltd
Customers “Expect” Address Look-Up, Says Magento Ecommerce Retailer
GasFire uses Postcode Anywhere for Magento to “vastly improve internal processes.” - May 17, 2012 - PCA Predict
goFLUENT Outlines the Effective and Efficient Implementation of Mobile Learning
goFLUENT, a leading provider of Business English training, has published a whitepaper on "How to Implement Mobile Learning in Global Organiations." - May 17, 2012 - goFLUENT
Baltimore Based Technology Firm Expanding to Larger Office Space
RMS Omega Technologies, a barcode systems integrator, is relocating their sales, marketing, and professional services division to a larger office and warehouse space. - May 17, 2012 - RMS Omega Technologies
Endpoint Protector Adds Content Aware Protection to Prevent Data Leaks to the Cloud
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) for cloud services like Google Drive, Dropbox and Co. is now part of Endpoint Protector 4.1. - May 17, 2012 - CoSoSys Ltd.
Fluendo Launches Moovida Universe Optimized for the Second-Generation AMD A-Series APU
Fluendo announced today the release of Moovida Universe, a 3D Media Center optimized for the Vision Technology from AMD that offers a superior user experience by means of a modern concept in content navigation. - May 17, 2012 - Fluendo S.A.
Fikes Truck Line Implements TRANSFLO Express®
Fikes Truck Line and its sister company FTL Custom Commodities have implemented TRANSFLO Express® truck stop scanning from Pegasus TransTech. - May 17, 2012 - Pegasus TransTech
QC Software’s Guide to Managing a Successful Receiving Operation in the Warehouse
An efficient receiving operation reduces costs and improves order fulfillment. Managers can optimize receiving by automating inventory control, slotting, ensuring vendor compliance, robotics, cross docking, employing experienced people. - May 17, 2012 - QC Software, Inc.