Perceptant’s Resellers Tap the $6.7 Billion Supply Chain Management Market

Perceptant announce SCMaaS (Supply Chain Management as a Service), a suite of on-demand, fully-serviced supply chain solutions designed for resellers to capitalise on the $6.7 billion supply chain market and generate seven figure reoccurring revenue streams. - November 18, 2009 - Perceptant Limited

DataWorks’ NeXT® Inventory Management Software Rolls Out “Suggested Orders” Module

"Customers have come to count on us to help them manage their inventory, and Suggested Orders will help them be even more efficient and productive managers." - Mark Cecil, President and CEO. - November 18, 2009 - DataWorks, Inc.

Fluendo Codec Pack Release 10: One Step Ahead to Reaching Excellence in Multimedia

Fluendo S.A. announces the Codec Pack Release 10. Fluendo is an established leading provider of multimedia plug-ins for the GNU/Linux Market, and has succeeded in offering legal end-to-end solutions working with multiple formats and platforms. - November 18, 2009 - Fluendo S.A.

Vālant Releases the First Completely Web-Based Psychiatric Practice Management Suite

Vālant Medical Solutions announces the release of the Vālant Psychiatric Suite 3.0: the first and only completely web-based practice management suite designed specifically for psychiatrists. - November 18, 2009 - Valant Medical Solutions

Camouflage Software Inc. Recognized as One of the Top 5 Data Masking Vendors

Camouflage Software Inc. is pleased to announce that Forrester Research, Inc., an independent technology and market research company, recently recognized Camouflage Software Inc. as one of the top five data masking vendors in a recent independent report by Principal Analyst, Noel Yuhanna. In the... - November 18, 2009 - Camouflage Software Inc.

Bevinco Partners with Inside Hospitality

Bevinco, the worlds largest on-premise profit control and revenue enhancement service for bars and restaurants, has entered into an informal reciprocal partnership with Inside HospitalityTM, the world leader in guest experience management programs. Both Toronto-based Bevinco and St. Louis-based... - November 18, 2009 - Bevinco

Quantum3D Delivers IDX Image Generation Follow-on Systems to Embraer in Support of the Chilean Super Tucano Training Program

Quantum3D’s Independence® Image Generator uses COTS Technology to Provide Support of the Chilean Super Tucano Training Program - November 18, 2009 - Quantum3D, Inc.

Quantum3D Announces the Release of the Thermite® 3 Model 1100 with CUDA

Quantum3D, Inc., a leading provider of Commercial off-the-Shelf (COTS), open-architecture, real-time, visual-computing solutions, today announced the release of Thermite® 3 (T3) Model 1100 with NVIDIA® CUDA™ Technology. T3 1100 delivers dramatic increases in computing speed and uses... - November 18, 2009 - Quantum3D, Inc.

SBS Group Chosen as a Technology Pacesetter for the 6th Consecutive Year

SBS Group, New Jersey’s leading technology solutions provider, is proud to be named a 2009 Technology Pacesetter by Accounting Today Magazine for the sixth consecutive year. The magazine gives this award each year to 100 organizations that market financial software applications in the... - November 18, 2009 - SBS Group

CRN Lists Intelestream in Top 140 Emerging Technology Vendor List of 2009

Intelestream has been selected by CRN as a Top 140 Emerging Vendor for 2009. The company is currently developing its own channel program, reaching out to business-focused solution providers to offer intelecrm™, the company's on-demand CRM solution. - November 18, 2009 - Intelestream Inc

Annuvia Expands Services to Houston

CPR Classes, AED Defibrillator, First Aid Training, and Emergency Preparedness Training Now Available in Houston and Throughout Texas - November 18, 2009 - Annuvia, Inc.

Amadeus Consulting Celebrates Its 12th iPhoneTM Application

Amadeus Consulting, a custom software development company, is pleased to announce the arrival of the newest iPhone applications they’ve developed. - November 18, 2009 - Amadeus Consulting

Insight Video Net Going Green Digital Asset Management Solution Provider to Operate Virtually in "The Cloud"

Insight Video Net, a provider of digital asset management software solutions for the public safety and government industries is transitioning their business to a virtual office environment to make a positive impact to the environment, contribute to a healthier work environment, and reduce costs in order to pass savings along to customers. - November 18, 2009 - Insight Video Net

Effective Teaching Method Helps Another Struggling Reader

The Reading Horizons program has helped another parent, Tracy Keith, to find the solution for helping her son with his reading difficulties. This program’s success is founded on an Orton-Gillingham teaching method. The Orton-Gillingham approach to teaching reading is a language-based,... - November 18, 2009 - Reading Horizons

Imaging Technologies, Inc. (I-TECH) Has a Strong Showing as It Enters the 4th Quarter of 2009 with Two Orders of Automatic Register Control

KT Web Printing, Ltd. agrees to be a Canadian demo site and Richner Communications, Inc. agrees to be an East Coast demo site for I-TECH’s automatic register control. - November 18, 2009 - Imaging Technologies, Inc.

Quantros Announces Partnership with Hospital Accreditation Agency DNV

DNV Accreditation Standards Now Embedded in Quantros Accreditation and Compliance Excellence™ (ACE) Product - November 18, 2009 - Quantros Inc.

New Software Bundle: MetaServer and MetaClient

With the software bundle MetaServer/ MetaClient a new level of patient data management has been introduced by MetaSystems. The software bundle, which comes as a part of the new Ikaros and Isis Versions 5.4, is a comprehensive dashboard to maintain, filter, search, and summarize case and image data from all systems in the network. - November 18, 2009 - MetaSystems

Bank ATM Downtime Reduced and Costly Technician Visits Eliminated by ATM Power Manager Product from Data Connections Inc.

Data Connections Inc, announces the ATM Power Manager product line. The ATM Power Manager will reduce ATM downtime, and eliminate technician site visits to Bank ATMs to perform a power shut down and restart. - November 17, 2009 - Data Connections Inc

CTXM Deploys Games on

CTXM Deploys Games on

A variety of CTXM casino and fixed odds games now are added to OffsideBet’s new Games section. - November 17, 2009 - CTXM Ltd

Learn360 Keeps Students Engaged as Classrooms Are Closed by H1N1

Learn360, an interactive media-on-demand service for the K-12 educational market, is enabling educators to maintain continuous learning in spite of a potential widespread outbreak of H1N1 and other flu viruses. - November 17, 2009 - Learn360

Zeus Software Now Available on Amazon EC2

Zeus launches pay-as-you-go traffic management on Amazon Web Services. - November 17, 2009 - Zeus Technology

Todos Brings Trust and Usability to Mobile Authentication - Launches iPhone/iPod Touch App, Announces Android App

Transaction verification goes mobile as Todos AB updates onMobile for Java MIDP mobiles, launches onMobile for iPhone(TM) and iPod Touch(TM) and announces application for the Android platform. - November 17, 2009 - Todos Data System AB

Australian Aerospace Upgrades to UpsideLMS Version 4.0 to Enhance Training Experience for Over 900 Employees

Australian Aerospace, the only helicopter producer in Australia and New Zealand and a subsidiary of the Eurocopter, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of EADS, the largest Aerospace and Defence company in Europe, upgraded to UpsideLMS Version 4.0 from UpsideLMS Version 3.0. Australian Aerospace has been using UpsideLMS for over a year before the upgrade. UpsideLMS deployed on-site at Australian Aerospace is used to train more than 900 employees spread across various facilities in Australia. - November 17, 2009 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Ecreativeworks Redesigns Abrasive-Form Website

Ecreativeworks redesigns the Abrasive-Form website. With updated content, design, and employment opportunities, the Abrasive-Form website went live on November 10, 2009. - November 17, 2009 - Ecreativeworks

StaffKnex Announces Exciting October 2009 Version Features

StaffKnex announces new features for nurse scheduling and employee communications software. StaffKnex provides a web-based software solution that enables employers with shift based workforces to optimize their scheduling process, tightly manage their labor costs, prevent overtime and automate the resolution of staffing issues like call offs. - November 17, 2009 - StaffKnex

StaffKnex Partners with Willow Valley Retirement Community

StaffKnex and Willow Valley Retirement Community announce that they will be partnering to provide better services to the residents of Willow Valley’s skilled nursing facilities. With StaffKnex, Willow Valley can avoid understaffing situations and prevent paying overtime costs. - November 17, 2009 - StaffKnex

Intelligent InSites Receives Award for Best Technology Development for Real Time Location System and Wireless Sensor Networks

Location- and condition-sensing solution selected as the top RTLS/WSN technology by IDTechEx. - November 16, 2009 - Intelligent InSites

A Plus Conferencing and Partner to Deliver Cross Collaboration Services

Start-Team provides Network Based Communication and Collaboration Services for Distributed Teams A+ Conferencing and PeerPort announced today the availability of Start-Team, a new service designed to transform audio and web conferencing services into world-class collaboration tools. Start-Team... - November 15, 2009 -

WebriQ Template Contest

WebriQ starts its Template contest on its newly introduced Pro Package - November 15, 2009 - WebriQ Pte Ltd

Virso Offers UK IT Managers Free Workshops and Seminars on Delivering Cost Effective IT Virtualisation from Desktop to Datacenter

VMware, Symantec and Dell are proud to present in conjunction with Virso, a one stop, end to end guide to deploying cost effective and highly efficient virtualisation environments. - November 15, 2009 - Virso

Intellias Competence Highlighted by it&t Business

Intellias, one of the leading providers of outsourced software development services in D-A-CH region, has been recently featured in it&t business magazine. - November 15, 2009 - Intellias

Infohrm Survey Predicts Increasing Investment in Workforce Planning for 2010

Infohrm announces the publication of one of the largest workforce planning surveys conducted to date. This survey, with 780 respondents globally, investigating what structures, practices, and outcomes differentiate leading working planning practice. - November 15, 2009 - Inform

Successful Sales Launch for Version 15 of List & Label

Reporting Component List & Label 15 get's a Headstart with Great Features - November 15, 2009 - combit GmbH

Fluendo Launches the Long Awaited DVD Player for Open Solaris

Fluendo is an established leading provider of multimedia plug-ins for the GNU/Linux Market, and has succeeded in offering legal end-to-end solutions working with multiple formats and platforms - November 15, 2009 - Fluendo S.A.

Leading Software Development Company Newest Microsoft Silverlight Partner

Amadeus Consulting, a custom software development company is proud to announce that they have become a Microsoft Silverlight partner. - November 15, 2009 - Amadeus Consulting

Career Step Named to the Utah 100 for Ninth Consecutive Year

Career Step has been named to the MountainWest Capital Network’s Utah 100 for the ninth consecutive year. Career Step placed at number 76 in the state. - November 15, 2009 - Career Step

Emerging Tech Accelerator Unveils New Website and Innovative Collaboration Tools to Reduce Time and Cost for Corporate Tech Buyers Seeking Nascent Technologies and IP

Emerging Tech Accelerator unveils its new interactive website and three innovative collaboration tools, ETtools, ETsource and ETforum. - November 15, 2009 - Emerging Tech Accelerator

Intelestream Featured in Channel Web Publication

Company: Intelestream Headquarters: Chicago Technology Sector: Software Key Product: Intelecrm Year Founded: 2006 Number of Channel Partners: About a dozen Ideal Channel Partner: Small business-focused solution providers - November 15, 2009 - Intelestream Inc

iPhone Developers Release Countdown to 2012 Utility Application on the Apple App Store

As the 2012 movie comes out there is a Countdown to 2012 application released in the Apple App Store that will count down to the December 21, 2012 predicted end of the world but also has the benefit of users being able to create custom countdown items. - November 14, 2009 - 1 Call Service, LLC

Coulter Technologies LLC Joins Milton Security Group LLC

Milton Security Group LLC and Coulter Technologies LLC join forces to offer innovative IT infrastructure tools and solutions for Utility, Government, Education and Enterprise customers. - November 14, 2009 - Milton Security Group LLC

Cover Match Album Art Memory Game Now Available on iTunes

Album Cover Art is making a comeback from the days when buying an album was more than just the music inside, but also the artistry on the outside. Back in the day, musicians believed that album art was just as important to their fans as their music was. Well, those days are back. Saying “Music as Art“ takes on a whole new meaning as Cover Match, the game, pays tribute to the album artwork of all musicians and the fans who love them in an exciting memory game. - November 14, 2009 - Hunter Research & Technology

Cosateq Presents New Desk Hardware-in-the-Loop Solution

The new affordable modular desk HiL (Hardware-in-the-Loop) solution CompactHiL based on the ME-Neuron is available now. - November 14, 2009 - Cosateq GmbH & Co. KG

VCSonline Upgrades VPMi SaaS Project Management Software to Cut Project Management Times in Half

VCSonline has announced the immediate availability of their project management software-as-a-service (SaaS) VPMi version 4.5. VPMi 4.5 adds web-based Microsoft Project integration, the ability to manage an entire plan in a spreadsheet view, and the ability to build reports and share them with other... - November 14, 2009 - Virtual Communication Services, L.L.C.

Intelestream is Appointed US National Level Partner for info@hand

The partnership will allow Intelestream to engage more closely with new info@hand clients, execute strategic implementations, and become an additional resource for current US-based info@hand customers. - November 14, 2009 - Intelestream Inc

The e-Learning Lingo Podcast Talks About "Ergonomics"

SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a tool used in human-factors research and design: “Ergonomics.” - November 14, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc.

Voice Transcription Software Features Plug-and-Play Hardware Device Support

Screaming Bee provides hardware controller and hot-key support in Voice Again software. The enhanced navigation support in analyzing audio transcriptions and dictations can improve user productivity. - November 14, 2009 - Screaming Bee Inc

Intellias Announces Results for Q1-Q2 2009

Intellias, one of the top Ukrainian providers of software and web development services in D-A-CH region publishes its financial results, reports on the new clients and expands its sales network. - November 14, 2009 - Intellias

World’s First: Customer Tracking and Loyalty System

Ramp has developed “Track & Tap” a totally unique world’s first Customer Tracking and Loyalty System designed to track the arrival and movement of customers in a retail or hospitality environment via a credit card sized branded loyalty card that contains both a battery... - November 14, 2009 - Ramp RFID Solutions

Customer Effective’s Microsoft Dynamics CRM Expertise Delivers Business Expansion Opportunities for CAPTRUST

More Than 20 Business Applications Built Leveraging xRM Platform. - November 13, 2009 - Customer Effective Inc.

YouConnect© Software Launch Timely for Banking Industry

Web-based Appraisal Ordering and Vendor Management solution enabling banks and financial institutions to automate and streamline their business. - November 13, 2009 - RealWired!, Inc.

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