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Within Asset Management Software
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club Selects Mediabox-PA for Online Product Approvals
Conecture Technologies newest client, Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, has chosen Mediabox-PA as its official product approvals software application. - September 15, 2010 - MyMediabox
APL+WIN Version 10 Establishes a New Benchmark for Performance and Workspace Size
Version 10 provides more speed, support for larger workspaces and larger arrays enabling a whole new level of performance. - September 14, 2010 - APLNow LLC
RMI Corporation Partners with CCH, Monthly Sales Tax Updates Now Delivered Automatically
RMI Corporation announced today that it has partnered with CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business to deliver Sales Tax rates automatically to RMI ADVANTAGE Cloud customers. This new partnership allows ADVANTAGE customers serving the United States and Canada to enjoy the benefits of automatically updated... - September 11, 2010 - Rental Management Inc
My Mediabox Attends Brand Licensing Europe and MIPCOM
Conecture Technologies is inviting consumer products and television companies at Brand Licensing Europe and MIPCOM to meet and demo their Mediabox applications for online digital asset management and creative approvals workflow. - September 09, 2010 - MyMediabox
JForce Project Management Component for Joomla Challenges Mainstream Systems
The award winning Open Source Content Management System, Joomla!, celebrates its 5th birthday today and on the same day, has released its full-featured project management system, JForce PM, built specifically for the same CMS. JForce brings to Joomla! all the features of the popular... - September 04, 2010 - Webspark Inc
Aligned Assets’ Events and Training Receive AGI Accreditation
Gazetteer Best Practice Day and BS7666 Training receive Accreditation from the AGI - September 02, 2010 - Aligned Assets
BS7666 Training Courses Announced by Aligned Assets
Training courses in ‘An Introduction to BS7666’ and ‘BS7666 for Developers’ to be run by gazetteer specialists Aligned Assets. - August 20, 2010 - Aligned Assets
One Wales – One Voice: Aligned Assets Announce Welsh Gazetteer Best Practice Day
Welsh Gazetteer community to come together to discuss the future of addressing in Wales. - August 14, 2010 - Aligned Assets
AEGON Goes Live with SkyREPORT for Advanced Treasury Reporting
Global life insurance and pensions giant AEGON has implemented the SkyREPORT business intelligence and testing solution from SkySparc to enhance reporting from its Wallstreet Suite treasury system. To meet all its reporting needs it previously had to supplement direct reports from Wallstreet Suite... - August 12, 2010 - SkySparc
NLPG-Based Property Management System Available by Subscription
Aligned Assets provide for NROSH compliance and affordable, cost-effective property management systems - August 12, 2010 - Aligned Assets
Aligned Assets Bring NLPG Affordability to Smaller Organisations Through Software by Subscription
Accessing the power of the NLPG is now affordable thanks to Software By Subscription from Aligned Assets. - August 04, 2010 - Aligned Assets
Watch Free Recorded Webinar About Improving Search in FAST ESP and Sharepoint Using Smartlogic Semaphore
Open semantic search platform providers, Smartlogic, have made publicly available their recent webinar about improving the search capabilities of Microsoft Sharepoint and FAST ESP, with presentations from Smartlogic, Microsoft and Earley & Associates. - August 04, 2010 - Smartlogic
Principia Deploys Web Platform for Independent Valuation and Risk Surveillance of Investments and Derivatives
Principia Partners, a leading provider of software for the capital markets and structured finance industry today launched fully hosted, online version of Principia SFP. The valuation, investment analysis and risk surveillance platform is now accessible as an integrated web-based service to manage vanilla and structured derivatives, as well fixed income and structured credit investments. - July 29, 2010 - Principia Partners LLC
Aligned Assets Planning and Prioritisation to Play a Key Role at the Next Symphony User Group
Aligned Assets continue to buck the trend by actually listening to their users - July 28, 2010 - Aligned Assets
Aligned Assets Release Symphony iMatch 5.4
New release of Aligned Assets’ data matching product ensures a consistently high level of inter-departmental accuracy. - July 28, 2010 - Aligned Assets
Free Webinar: Cutting Search Chaos, on 27 July 2010, with Smartlogic and Lucid Imagination
Register for a free online seminar that will discuss how Smartlogic Semaphore, the open semantic search platform, works with Apache Lucene/Solr to help users find information quickly and enhances the search/navigation experience. - July 25, 2010 - Smartlogic
Mera-Soft Presents a Library for Dynamic Charts with CSS and Javascript
Mera-soft introduces a new way to show charts on web pages: Without pictures and plugins - only JavaScript in connection with CSS and HTML is needed, so the charts can be updated with Ajax technology without reloading the entire webpage. - July 17, 2010 - MERA-Soft GmbH
McClatchy-Tribune Adopts Smartlogic’s Semantic Search Tool to Maximise Their News Service
McClatchy-Tribune Information Services (MCT), the online news and image provider, has adopted Smartlogic’s open semantic search platform, Semaphore, which will enable users to access broader and more comprehensive news content based on specific topics, geography, companies and industry sectors. - July 14, 2010 - Smartlogic
Aligned Assets to Offer Software by Subscription
New method of public sector procurement from Aligned Assets makes it easier, more flexible and significantly cheaper. - July 08, 2010 - Aligned Assets
Portable Technology Solutions, LLC Announces TracerPlus 6.0 Data Collection and RAD Tools for Windows Mobile and Windows CE
Portable Technology Solutions, LLC (PTS) announced the release of version 6.0 of TracerPlus for Windows Mobile/CE in conjunction with the newest version of it’s free form design tool, TracerPlus Desktop. This version upgrade adds a great deal of functionality to the TracerPlus System and vastly increases its ability to be applied to different mobile uses. - July 06, 2010 - Portable Technology Solutions
Motolingo Outshines Over 200 Nominees to Become a MobileBeat 2010 Startup Competition Finalist
20 finalists have been picked to present as this year’s hot mobile startups - July 02, 2010 - Motolingo Inc
SkyREPORT Gives Sampo Four Times More Testing for Wallstreet Suite Upgrade in 25% of the Time
Finnish insurance group Sampo recently completed an upgrade of its Wallstreet Suite treasury system. It used SkyREPORT, the business intelligence and testing tool from SkySparc, to automate the process and reduce the usual timeframe for such upgrades by 75%, while testing four times the volume of... - June 28, 2010 - SkySparc
SOTI Inc. Honored in the 2010 Microsoft Partner Awards as Mobility Solutions Partner of the Year
Today, SOTI Inc. proudly announced that it is a Microsoft Partner Awards winner as Mobility Solutions Partner of the Year. The company was chosen out of an international field of top Microsoft partners as delivering market-leading customer solutions built on Microsoft technology. Carl Rodrigues,... - June 26, 2010 - SOTI Inc.
The Attivo Group Hires New Senior Sales Manager
The Attivo Group, a business software value added reseller and consultancy organization serving manufacturers, distributors and service companies, today announced the hiring of Christine Markuson as Senior Sales Manager. - June 19, 2010 - The Attivo Group
Aligned Assets Hold Another Successful Gazetteer Best Practice Day
Best Practice in focus, as everything from NLPG integration to the INSPIRE Directive are debated at the latest Aligned Assets event - June 18, 2010 - Aligned Assets
Free Webinar: Creating Innovative Enterprise Search Applications to Enable Business Productivity, On 29 June 2010, with Microsoft, Smartlogic and Earley & Associates
Find out how internet business search solutions enable you to deliver what the customer really wants, and turn your assets into revenue. This free webinar has presentations from Microsoft, Smartlogic and Earley & Associates. - June 16, 2010 - Smartlogic
Updating Windows at the Appropriate Time with WuInstall - Developed by hs2n
WuInstall is a command line tool which searches, pulls and enforces Windows updates and patches. It allows system administrators to keep systems up to date while gaining better control over the what and when of the update process. Users benefit from not being disturbed by updates and reboots while doing important work. Developed by hs2n in 2009, now more than 10.000 companies and organizations worldwide use this tool. - June 10, 2010 - hs2n Informations technologie GmbH
HomeTelos, LP Selected by HUD to Market Residential Inventory in 25 States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
HomeTelos, LP, a Dallas-based real estate services and technology firm, and an approved GSA Schedule Contractor, has been selected by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide new and advanced marketing strategies to sell HUD’s single-family residential... - June 09, 2010 - HomeTelos, L.P.
kronsoft Improves Its Photovoltaics Software
kronsoft enhances its photovoltaics freeware with several analysis functions. - June 09, 2010 - kronsoft e.K.
Smartlogic Demonstrates Improved User Search, Find and Navigation with Semaphore Open Semantic Platform
Expose enterprise ontologies and taxonomies to any application using Semaphore's search and navigation enhancement XML API. - May 29, 2010 - Smartlogic
Conecture Technologies’ Announces the Addition of a Creative Markups Tool to their Online Product Approvals Software, Mediabox-PA
The addition of Conecture’s new markup tool allows Licensors to more specifically highlight design changes; particularly with the placement or removal of design elements. With over forty-five leading customers, including Paramount, BBC, CBS, King Features, CAPCOM and The Joester-Loria Group, and thousands of their Licensees worldwide, Conecture’s Software-as-a-Service application (SaaS), Mediabox-PA, has quickly become the industry standard for managing online product approval workflows. - May 26, 2010 - MyMediabox
New Method of Saving Money in Local Authorities
How web services can remove unnecessary licensing costs for local authority address data. - May 18, 2010 - Aligned Assets
Novo Solutions Announces the ‘Novo Private Cloud Platform,’ Providing a Highly Available, Secure Hosting Solution
Partnering with Rackspace, a trusted leader in Cloud computing services, Novo Solutions has adopted a secure, private cloud infrastructure for their customer’s data. - May 12, 2010 - Novo Solutions, Inc.
CamDirector for NETIA Radio-Assist 8 Automates Sophisticated Recording of Live In-Studio Video Programs
Enables Low-Cost Switching and Production of Richer Video and Audio Content for Web Streaming and Podcasts. - May 11, 2010 - NETIA
NETIA Introduced Manreo 2, Media Asset Management System
Next-Gen Version Incorporates New NETIA Workflow Engine to Support Efficiency, Reliability. Upgrades Hypercast Warehouse Advanced Archiving Features. - May 11, 2010 - NETIA
AIM Software and SIX Telekurs Launch 7th Edition of the AIM Global Reference Data and Risk Management Survey
Back office and risk managers in financial institutions are invited to participate in this year's survey of the global reference data industry. - May 06, 2010 - AIM Software
UK Gazetteer Best Practice Day Announced for 10th June 2010
Public sector, best practice community meeting in Bolton on 10th June to discuss gazetteers. - April 29, 2010 - Aligned Assets
Be Optimal - DNA's Vehicle Routing Initiative 2010
Until July 31st, 2010 companies may obtain a free Developer Express License of the Vehicle Routing and Optimization Library JOpt.SDK. - April 29, 2010 - DNA Evolutions
US Federal Home Loan Banks Live on Principia Structured Finance Platform for 15 Years
US Federal Home Loan Banks (New York, Atlanta, Boston, Cincinnati and Des Moines), have all been live on the Principia Structured Finance Platform for 15 years. Principia is integral to the ongoing investment analysis and automated processes that drive their investment business. It provides the data and analytics to ensure accurate valuations and effective risk management of assets, debt issuance and hedging positions making it easier to offer low-cost funding to their US community bank clients. - April 28, 2010 - Principia Partners LLC
Motolingo Announces Free Distracted Driver and GPS Monitoring at Fleet Management Association’s 2010 Institute and Expo
Wireless Plans on Mobile Phones Leveraged to Bring Safer Driving to Business Fleets at No Cost. - April 26, 2010 - Motolingo Inc
Four Aces are Hard to Beat. CS3 Technology is “All-In” for the 11th Annual Client Conference.
For the 11th year in a row, CS3 Technology is presenting their annual client conference, Solutions. This year’s conference theme is “Dealing You a Winning Hand.” The traditional 2 day conference has been broken into four mini-conferences, providing multiple opportunities for attendees to interact with the CS3 team and other firms utilizing similar technology tools. - April 24, 2010 - CS3 Technology
BBVA (Suiza) S.A. Optimizes the Processing of SIX Telekurs Data with GAIN Data Management
Private bank benefits from automatic security creation in Ambit Apsys. - April 23, 2010 - AIM Software
The New Release of Semaphore Improves “Self-Service” by Delivering Semantic Search Across Organisations’ Internal and External Information
Semaphore 3.1, the latest release of the semantic platform developed by Smartlogic, improves the ability of diverse audiences to quickly find information, promoting “self service” with semantic search and cutting costs through automatic information classification. - April 22, 2010 - Smartlogic
New Data Source for Housing Associations and NROSH
NLPG data is now available for use by Housing Associations for gaining UPRNs and for more accurate use of GIS - April 21, 2010 - Aligned Assets
Semantic Software Company, Smartlogic, Achieves Microsoft Gold Partner Status for Providing Semantic Search Enhancements to FAST ESP and MS Sharepoint
UK-based Smartlogic, whose semantic platform, Semaphore, adds semantic search abilities to FAST ESP and MS Sharepoint, have today announced their Microsoft Gold Certified Partner status. - April 16, 2010 - Smartlogic
Resolution Financial Software Names Robert Bruce as Managing Director
Robert Bruce brings 13 years of experience to the provider of derivative pricing solutions. - April 16, 2010 - Resolution Financial Software
Wealth Management Technologies, LLC Launches in Park City, UT
Wealth Management Technologies, LLC is a new technology company with its sole focus on client reporting, billing and client web access for Wealth and Institutional Asset Management firms. - April 14, 2010 - Wealth Management Technologies, LLC
Smartlogic Announce the Release of Their Open Semantic Platform That Adds Semantic Abilities to Enterprise Search and Information Management Systems
Smartlogic’s semantic platform, Semaphore 3.1, is now available, delivering advanced semantic search capabilities when integrated with the Google Search Appliance, Sharepoint 2007, FAST ESP, other search engine and information management systems. - March 28, 2010 - Smartlogic
Triad Technology Partners and Join Forces to Bring State of the Art IT Service Management to Government Customers
Triad Technology Partners today announced that it has teamed with to market and sell’s IT Service Management SaaS offering to federal, state, and local government agencies through Triad Technology Partner’s newly awarded General Services Administration... - March 25, 2010 - Triad Technology Partners
Smartlogic’s Semantic Classification Adds Meaning to NASA’s Space Flight Programme
UK company’s open semantic platform delivers advanced semantic search for 50 years of information to do with manned space flight. - March 24, 2010 - Smartlogic