Recent Headlines
Within Development Tools, Operating Systems & Utilities Software
Printing from the Web Made Fast, Easy and Efficient
Millions of people browse the Internet every day; millions of pages are printed from the Internet every day. It has always been complicated to print a web page without cropped text at page margins or without deforming page layout. Now it is different! With ieZoom toolbar there are no more web page printing problems... and that is not all there is. - December 06, 2005 - febooti software
4Diskclean Gold # 1 Disk Tool
RSS Systems releases a new version of 4Diskclean Gold 5.5. Finds and fixes PC problems fast, keeping your system running at peak performance and reliability, and properly maintains Windows to prevent problems altogether. This awarded software will: Speed up your PC. Clean up and fix it. Modules: Registry cleaner - Block Spyware - Disk Cleaner - Protect your Privacy - Delete Duplicates - Disk Stats and Graphics and much more. - December 05, 2005 - RSS Systems
A Great Logs Monitor For Debugging and Administration
Hoo Technologies has released Hoo WinTail v3.3, a great logs monitor for debugging and administration. Hoo WinTail is a real-time logs monitor for Windows like the UNIX tail -f utility. - December 05, 2005 - Hoo Technologies
EPAM Launches Software Development Centers in Ukraine
EPAM (, the number one provider of software engineering services in Central and Eastern Europe, announced today the launch of its first of several "engineering centers of excellence" in Ukraine. EPAM was recognized as #1 of "Top 5 To Watch in Central and Eastern... - December 02, 2005 - EPAM Systems
It's So Easy to Add Audio to Your Website
Hoo Technologies has released MP3 to SWF Converter v2.0. MP3 to SWF Converter converts MP3 and WAV to SWF (Macromedia Flash Movie File) quickly. - December 01, 2005 - Hoo Technologies
Automate Your Bulk Uploads To Google Base
ExpediteBiz Helps Companies and Individuals with Large Number of Items Automate Bulk Uploads To Google Base. - November 29, 2005 - ExpediteBiz
New Software Released: Latest PDF Converter from Converts PDF to Word and Makes PDF Files
A new PDF converter has just been released by Nooran Corp. of Canada, named after their site This PDF converter is the second offering from this Canadian software firm. - November 22, 2005 -
Gentleware Celebrates 5 Years of Success
Poseidon for UML’s merit sees it through tech downturns to emerge leading the competition. - November 21, 2005 - Gentleware AG
Stylus Studio Launches XML Deployment Adapters for Accessing any Data Source as XML
New Product Line offers Productive, Scalable and Cost-Effective Approach to Building and Deploying Complex Data Integration Solutions. - November 15, 2005 - Stylus Studio
Stylus Studio Releases Stylus Studio 2006 XML Enterprise Edition to Simplify XML Data Integration and Enhance Developer Productivity
World's most productive XML IDE adds updated support for XQuery 1.0, XSLT 2.0, and new tools for working with legacy data - November 14, 2005 - Stylus Studio
Stylus Studio Offers Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Users an Alternative to Altova XMLSpy
Stylus Studio offers Fully-Integrated Support for Microsoft XML Processing Components. - November 10, 2005 - Stylus Studio
An Introduction to the XQuery FLWOR Expression
The Sequel to the Highly Acclaimed "Learn XQuery in 10 Minutes" by Dr. Michael Kay Now Available for FREE! - November 09, 2005 - Stylus Studio
New Release of SPARX' UML Tool Builds "Productivity Bridge" Between Programmers Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Enterprise Architects
Enhancements enable modellers and developers to share work without complications and expense of a big learning curve. - November 08, 2005 - SPARX Systems
Sencesa Flash Player v2.0 Released
Sencesa Group has released Sencesa Flash Player v2.0, a stand alone SWF player - November 04, 2005 - Sencesa Group
SPARX Systems’ Unveiling of Integration with Microsoft’s New Visual Studio 2005 to Coincide with Microsoft’s Nov 7 Launch
SPARX Systems has worked wioth Microsoft to integrate SPARX' UML modeling tool into Microsoft's new Visual Studio. SPARX today announed it will release working beta versions of the integration software on November 7, 2005 to coincide with the Microsoft launch of Visual Studio 2005. - November 03, 2005 - SPARX Systems
New Release of Poseidon for UML Provides Superior Support for UML 2 Sequence Diagrams
German software producer Gentleware AG has made an outstanding user experience the focus of the solid new features of the newest release, version 3.2, of Poseidon for UML. - November 03, 2005 - Gentleware AG
dhtmlxTree 1.2 - Efficient Way to Organize Data in Function-Rich Dynamic Tree View
Scand released new version 1.2 of its JavaScript tree control dhtmlxTree. The component is now XHTML compatible, has enriched functionality and provides the ability to easily integrate dynamic tree menu with different server-side technologies such as ASP.NET, Cold Fusion and JSP. - November 02, 2005 - Scand LLC
ExpediteBiz to Ease Business Process Integration
ExpediteBiz Unified Integration Web Services automate crucial business processes that require interaction with other organizations. - October 24, 2005 - ExpediteBiz
Organize Your Mac with Desktility...Desktop Icons and Application Windows Will Now Stay Put
No-U-Turn releases Desktility (formerly Desktop Resetter). Mac OS X will move icons & app windows around for various reasons, which DT resolves by auto-resetting them back to their home position. - October 19, 2005 - No-U-Turn, Inc.
MagicDraw UML 10.0 Outruns Other Modeling Tools in Race for Full UML 2.0 Support
Golden, CO, October 10, 2005. No Magic, Inc.®, a leading vendor of architecture modeling software, today announced the release of MagicDraw® UML 10.0, a significant upgrade of No Magic’s award-winning UML-based architecture tool. MagicDraw 10.0 delivers support for the latest UML 2.0 and BPMN standards with improved diagramming, a completely redesigned GUI and other expanded capabilities that combine to accelerate architecture modeling. - October 10, 2005 - No Magic, Inc.
Scand LLC Releases New Customizable JavaScript Menu for Web Applications
Scand LLC announced the release of dhtmlxMenu - customizable DHTML JavaScript Menu for web-based applications and web sites. - October 06, 2005 - Scand LLC
Latest PDF and Image Conversion Software Released by 1-2-3FileConvert
1-2-3FileConvert is a newly released PDF and image conversion software utility to convert PDF files to Word documents, make PDF files, and convert and edit digital images, just released by Nooran Corp. of Canada. - October 06, 2005 - Nooran Corp
Outlook Express Backup Made Easy by Adolix Outlook Express Backup
Adolix Software has released Adolix Outlook Express Backup v2.61. It's a tool that can backup Outlook Express, MS Outlook and 7 more email clients. You can backup messages, signatures, folders and addresses to a single file. It has a standard mode and a wizard mode for less experienced users. You can save your email data in Windows98 and restore to XP. - October 05, 2005 - Adolix Software
Stylus Studio Offers Altova XMLSPY and Mapforce Users a Free Upgrade to Stylus Studio 6 XML Enterprise Edition
Customers Who Purchased Altova XML Products Can Now Obtain a Free Upgrade to Stylus Studio(R) 6 XML Enterprise Edition, the World's Best XML IDE - October 03, 2005 - Stylus Studio
Net Sphaera Launches Wireless Dev Studio, the OCX that Handles GSM Modems
Wireless Dev Studio is an ActiveX DLL that allows you to send and receive SMS through GSM/GPRS modems. It handles voice and data calls and the phonebooks of both SIM and modem. - September 27, 2005 - Net Sphaera
New Release : oXygen XML Editor 6.2
Syncro Soft Announces New Release of oXygen XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Debugger. Syncro Soft Ltd, the producer of oXygen XML Editor, has announced the immediate availability of version 6.2 of its XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Debugger. Version 6.2 of the oXygen XML Editor gives a whole new editing experience with the introduction of a dockable framework that allows free configuration of the editor layout. For the complete list of new features please visit - September 22, 2005 - Syncro Soft
DataDirect Technologies Releases DataDirect XQuery to Simplify XML and Relational Data Integration
DataDirect XQuery(TM) is the First Embeddable Component for XQuery That is Modeled after the XQuery API for Java(TM) (XQJ) - September 20, 2005 - Stylus Studio
EPAM Named One of New Jersey's Fastest Growing Technology Companies in Deloitte & Touche LLP's Technology Fast 50 Program
Staggering growth is sustained for the fourth consecutive year - September 15, 2005 - EPAM Systems
Build Fabulous XML Schemas with Stylus Studio
World's Most Advanced XML Schema Editor Adds Support for IBM AlphaWorks XML Schema Quality Checker to Improve XML Schema Style and Quality - September 13, 2005 - Stylus Studio
Caught on Tape: Bi-Directional EDI to XML Mapping!
New Online Video Demonstrations Show How to Simplify Legacy Integration - September 07, 2005 - Stylus Studio
Learn XQuery in 10 Minutes!
The World's Fastest XQuery Tutorial Available Now for Free. This article talks about a recent article which was release on how to learn XQuery in 10 minutes. - September 06, 2005 - Stylus Studio
Nominated for Innovation Excellence Award
The GMCC has nominated DOVICO Software for its Greater Moncton Excellence Awards. DOVICO Software is nominated in the Innovation Excellence category. - September 02, 2005 - DOVICO Software
ZapThink: Using Stylus Studio® to Deploy XML Data Services
ZapThink does analysis of Stylus Studio. - August 31, 2005 - Stylus Studio
Stylus Studio Wins SQL Server Magazine's Readers' Choice Award for Best XML Development Tool
Stylus Studio "Rises Above the Competition" by Offering Innovative Productivity Tools to the XML Developer Community - August 30, 2005 - Stylus Studio
Stylus Studio and Raining Data Partner to Simplify XML Data Services
Stylus Studio 6 XML Enterprise Edition Now Integrates with TigerLogic XDMS XQuery and Native XML Database - August 11, 2005 - Stylus Studio
Sencesa Group Announces the Release of PhotoStory 2005
Sencesa PhotoStory 2005 is a digital photography organizer that allows you to organize your photos, sort them, classify and describe them using full formatted text and OLE objects, filter them by date and keywords, create your own photo gallery and more. - August 06, 2005 - Sencesa Group
How To Play Flash/SWF Files Without Using a Browser?
You are able to view Flash movies in a web-browser, but what if you want to run downloaded Flash/SWF files at another time without a web-browser? - August 05, 2005 - Sencesa Group
Save Your Computer Screen
You already know about computer viruses. But do you know that any program potentially can damage your computer screen? - August 05, 2005 - Sencesa Group
New Version of dhtmlxTree from Scand Provides Web Developers with Comfortable Way to Create Full Featured JavaScript Navigation System for a Web Application
Scand LLC released version 1.1 of dhtmlxTree, a cross-platform JavaScript navigation component that allows web authors to organize great volume of data into XML-based dynamical tree control. This version brings new features, enriched client-side API and high stability. - July 28, 2005 - Scand LLC
'Flat File to XML Data Conversion' Tops Stylus Studio Box Office
Popular XML video demonstrations for simplifying advanced XML data integration eclipsing tired summer blockbuster fare - July 26, 2005 - Stylus Studio
Stylus Studio Offers Unprecedented Employee Discount for Everyone on Award-Winning XML Tools
Historic Savings Provide Opportunity for Developers to Solve XML Development Challenges at Lowest Price Ever. - July 20, 2005 - Stylus Studio