This Father’s Day Think California Healthy Olive Oil Plus Free Shipping

Get a step ahead this Father’s Day with unique gift baskets and gifts that your Dad will love. Find the perfect gift, healthy extra virgin olive oil and gourmet foods from Olinda Ridge. Plus, enjoy free and flat rate shipping from May 23rd-June 17. - May 23, 2007 - Olinda Ridge Olive Company

SmartPower Fuels the WCF Charity Softball Tournament

Earlier this month, Smart Energy Enterprises hit a home run for the kids. The company participated in the eighteenth annual Worker’s Children’s Fund charity softball tournament, donating fifty percent of their profits to the charity as well as several cases of drinks to the tournament... - May 23, 2007 - Smart Energy Enterprises Inc.

Zoft Gum Company Launches New Product to Ease the Pain of Menopause

Zoft Menopause Gum offers relief for menopausal symptoms in a convenient chewing gum product. - May 23, 2007 - Zoft Gum Company

AnaSpec Introduces Line of Insulin Receptor Antibodies

The insulin receptor is a transmembrane receptor that belongs to the tyrosine kinase receptors class. It is a heterotetrameric glycoprotein composed of disulfide-linked subunits in a β-α-α-β configuration. This transmembrane receptor consists of 95kDa β-subunit, a single... - May 23, 2007 - AnaSpec, EGT Group

Biscuits by Lambchop Launches Gluten-Free Dog Biscuits in Japan

With pet food recalls expanding to other countries, pet owners across the globe are becoming more proactive with what they feed their pets. Japan is no exception. - May 22, 2007 - Biscuits by Lambchop

Sound Wall Enclosure Engineered to Reduce Shredder Sound Near Residential Community

Sturgis Iron and Metal retained Acoustical Solutions to assist in a continuous effort to “coexist” with the surrounding residential community in Elkhart, Indiana. After the installation of the Mega-Shredder at the Sturgis facility, Acoustical Solutions was brought in to perform additional sound mitigation, including the design of a sound wall enclosure. - May 22, 2007 - Acoustical Solutions, Inc.

High Efficiency Fitness Says: "‘Body Oars" Allow Huge Athletes to Run "Exercise Marathons"

High Efficiency Fitness Says: "‘Body Oars" Allow Huge Athletes to Run "Exercise Marathons"

High Efficiency Fitness Company of Columbus is introducing a fitness device (Body Oars) that totally bypasses knees elbows and every joint and muscle beyond them. This allows giant athletes to run exercise marathons on their huge body core muscles, with up to eight times more load resistance, levered through full range motion. Combined with zero impact or back compression, Body Oars will give them the first way to hard run their strongest running muscles for hours a day. - May 21, 2007 - High Efficiency Fitness Company

Handmade Baby Gifts Company Distributes Work of Knitters

New online shop brings heirloom quality handmade baby gifts -- knit sweaters, layettes, booties -- to shoppers nationwide. - May 21, 2007 - NannyGram

Midnight Firefly Sees the Beauty in All of Us

Midnight Firefly, "Jewelry for the Uncommon Beauty", believes that every woman is beautiful in their own way. This is why they have decided to donate 10% of all of our sales to Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty. The Dove campaign strives to build a new perspective of beauty in the media, as well as supports programs that nurture the self esteem and confidence in young girls. - May 21, 2007 - Midnight Firefly

Chatham Hill Winery Releases First Ever Pomegranate Infused Wine

Marek Wojciechowski and Jill Winkler, proprietors of Chatham Hill Winery, have announced that the winery has introduced pomegranate to its Sweet Carolina line of fruit infused wines. This new addition is a unique wine, created by infusion of the natural, tangy pomegranate juice to a blend of grape... - May 21, 2007 - Chatham Hill Winery

AdvantaPure Receives a Patent for Its Hose Track Equipment Identification & Tracking System

AdvantaPure has received U.S. patent number 7,195,149 for its Hose Track Process Equipment Identification and Lifecycle Analysis System used in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage, biomedical, chemical, and other high-purity industries. Using RFID technology, Hose Track monitors parts usage and replacement to minimize contamination risks and underutilized equipment. The patent protects the uniqueness of the system. - May 21, 2007 - NewAge Industries, Inc.

Baxa Ltd, Subsidiary of Denver-based Baxa Corporation, Announces Direct Sales and Marketing Operations in Switzerland

Baxa Ltd, subsidiary of Denver-based Baxa Corporation, has moved to a direct sales and marketing model for the Swiss market. The company provides systems and devices for simplifying the handling, mixing and administration of fluid medications. Direct operations will provide Baxa Ltd with improved customer access for product development and continuous improvement, while continuing their excellent customer service. - May 21, 2007 - Baxa Corporation

Just in Time for Allergy Season: New BreathePure® Nasal Air Filters Stop Sneezing and Itchy, Watery Eyes by Filtering Out Pollen, Dust and Other Irritants

Laboratory Tests Show Inexpensive, Disposable Nasal Filters Remove Up to 97 Percent of Most Airborne Particulates that Can Cause Reactions - May 20, 2007 - BreathePure Healthcare LLC

ELAN Launches New Benchmark in Service with Debut of Five Star Customer Service Standard

Company Expands Dealer Offerings, With Breakthrough Program Aimed at Helping Dealers Provide Even Better Client Services - May 20, 2007 - ELAN Home Systems

H2O Plus Launches New Poolside Paradise Bath Collection

Revive Your Spirit and Your Skin - May 20, 2007 - H2O Plus Inc

Rapid Turnaround on CD and DVD Production - Copy Credits Create Capacity to Handle Overflow

New from, a leading UK CD and DVD duplication and technology firm are Copy Credits – an enhanced service level agreement that combines hardware purchases with bureau style production services supporting overflow and covering downtime. Copy Credits represents the perfect complimentary service for customers of CD-writers hardware solutions. - May 20, 2007 -

The Spring Loaded Engraving Tool is Now Available in a Mini Size for Smaller CNC Machines

2L inc.'s Patented Spring Loaded Engraving Tool, for engraving flat, curved and uneven surfaces is now available with 1/4", 1/2" or 3/4" shanks for CNC machines which have limited distance between the spindle and the workpiece table. - May 20, 2007 - 2L inc.

Weathered Stone™ Column Install Premieres on SplashCast

Bendable Stone Column Installs Have Never Before Been Available for Public Viewing. - May 20, 2007 - Weathered Stone

Porous Materials, Inc Announce New Machine

Porous Materials, Inc (PMI) is happy to announce the production of the Automated Filter Cartridge Tester, which will replace the current Complete Filter Cartridge Analyzer. - May 20, 2007 - Porous Materials, Inc.

ThermoSpas Hot Tubs Releases Revolutionary Spa Trainer Swim Spa

The worlds most respected Hot Tub Manufacturer, ThermoSpas releases The Spa Trainer Swim Spa. - May 20, 2007 - ThermoSpas

SmartPower in Over 50 Stores in the San Francisco Bay Area

SmartPower™ energy drinks continue to blanket the Bay Area, with new stores continuing to steadily come on board. Considering that SmartPower™ energy drinks were only introduced in January of 2007, the makers of the product are thrilled with the reception it is receiving locally, as... - May 20, 2007 - Smart Energy Enterprises Inc.

Chukar Cherries Utilizes Washington’s Record Yielding Cherry Crop

Chukar Cherries, Washington’s manufacturer of cherry treats, is gearing up for another record year of cherry processing. The Northwest Cherry Commission predicts Washington will harvest 120,000 tons of sweet cherries, making the Pacific Northwest, the world’s foremost producer. Northwest’s cherries are shipped world-wide for consumers to enjoy. Each year a select amount is delivered to Chukar Cherries in Prosser, Washington where the fruit is preserved for year ‘round use under the Chukar brand. - May 20, 2007 - Chukar Cherry Company

The Evolution of Man

iShave, a new product from Gre'jon, LLC, sports an ergonomic design to remove hair from those hard-to-reach spots. - May 19, 2007 - Gre'jon LLC

MacCase Introduces Collection of Premium Leather Cases and Bags

MacCase launches a new collection of leather cases, bags, sleeves and pouches to an already established line of portable protection solutions. Avaliable in 5 colors, the collection is the first of its kind to deliver leather sleeves and shoulder bags specifically for Apple MacBook, MacBooks Pros and PowerBooks. - May 19, 2007 - MacCase

ELAN Home Systems Gets Connected with Lutron Electronics through New 2-Way Control

ELAN® Debuts 2-Way Integration with the Lutron RadioRA Lighting Control System and New Security Drivers at TRIO 2007 - May 19, 2007 - ELAN Home Systems

Outskirts Press Announces Oh! So You Think You Know Dogs?, the Latest Highly-anticipated Biography/ General Book from Aurora, Canada (Ontario) Author George Croft

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Oh! So You Think You Know Dogs? by George Croft, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback in the Biography/ General category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a... - May 19, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

FreeDress for Success, a Businessman's Guide to Sartorial Disarmament

A Great New Book from Pandit Press - FreeDress For Success - May 18, 2007 - Pandit Press

Colorado BioScience Association Names Jack Wheeler Chairperson, Announces 2007 Sponsors and Appoints Eight New Board Members

Jack Wheeler, CEO of MicroPhage, Inc., Longmont, is the new chairperson of the board of directors for the Colorado BioScience Association (CBSA). He was appointed at the association’s 2007 annual meeting April 24th. Wheeler assumes chairperson responsibilities from Ed Wood, ArcScan, Inc. In other action, eight new board members were appointed to three-year terms. - May 18, 2007 - Colorado BioScience Association

FEECO International Releases Innovative Ethanol Site

FEECO International announces a new Ethanol site which features current ethanol news, videos, blog, ethanol plant map and more! - May 18, 2007 - FEECO International, Inc

Get Smart. Don’t Get Wasted, Get Nuclear Wasted

As high school seniors around the country gear up to graduate, so does the high school party season, and Mom’s and Dad’s anxiety level. Schools, non-profit groups, and parents alike try to find new ways to help prevent teens from engaging in underage drinking, and the possibility of... - May 18, 2007 - Smart Energy Enterprises Inc.

Storm Smart Industries Receives Award from Governor Charlie Crist

The annual Governor’s Hurricane Conference Awards Banquet, held in Fort Lauderdale Wednesday evening, concluded with Fort Myers-based Storm Smart Industries receiving the ‘Corporate Award’ presented to Storm Smart Industries President Brian Rist. Nominated by staff members of the... - May 17, 2007 - Storm Smart

coverPlug, Three Uses in One New Product, Introduced at National Hardware Show

The coverPlug is a solid, paintable panel that covers unsightly and hazardous electrical outlets. It can be painted with the same paint used on surrounding walls. It is new and is the first product to combine safety and energy savings with décor improvement. It is pressed into place over the outlet and faceplate and can be removed and reused as needs change. - May 17, 2007 - coverPlug, Inc.

WaterField Designs Announces Custom Laptop SleeveCases for HP Models Introduced at Last Week’s HP Mobility Summit

WaterField Designs announces custom-fitting laptop SleeveCases for 13 new notebook models announced at last week’s HP Mobility Summit, including a sleek, ultra-light Tablet PC and the company's first 20-inch diagonal entertainment notebook. These sleeves add themselves to the list of over 40 custom laptop cases available from WaterField Designs for the Mac and PC market. - May 17, 2007 - WaterField Designs

Colortech Inc. Introduces Personalized Event Printing and Design Items for Weddings and All Occasions

Weddings by Colortech Inc. provides personalized wedding reception items to brides throughout the United States. Items to make your special day memorable and unique with your pictures and text. Placemats with pictures of you and your special someone, coasters with your names and wedding date, bookmarks with a special poem, save the date magnets, and much, much more. - May 17, 2007 - Weddings by Colortech Inc.

Universal Laser System Featured on Food Network

A Universal Laser System was prominently featured on a recent one-hour Food Network special called “Kitchens of the Future.” Narrated by Food Network personality Alton Brown, “Kitchens of the Future” took viewers on a fast paced, fun tour of past generations of kitchen... - May 17, 2007 - Universal Laser Systems

Outskirts Press Announces the Publication of Florida for Boomers, the Latest Highly-anticipated Work from Port Orange, FL Author Ryan Erisman

On May 04, 2007, Outskirts Press, Inc. published Florida for Boomers: A Guide to Real Estate by Ryan Erisman, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 6.14 x 9.21 Paperback in the Real Estate category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble... - May 17, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Fitness Device Bypasses Arms and Legs, Empowers Obese, Disabled and Elderly

New device, "Body Oars" from High Efficiency Fitness Company, Columbus, gives the elderly obese and disabled a stout way to exercise their body core. - May 17, 2007 - High Efficiency Fitness Company

Outskirts Press Announces the Publication of Him, the Latest Highly-anticipated Work from Ashland, OR Author DS Barron

On Oct 05, 2006, Outskirts Press, Inc. published Him by DS Barron, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 6.14 x 9.21 Paperback in the Body, Mind & Spirit/ Healing category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail... - May 17, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc. - Announces its Preferred Online Partnership with Baldwin Hardware (DHWH) has recently become the first Baldwin Hardware Preferred Online Partner. Baldwin has built its name and reputation on its attention to detail, quality, style and timeless good taste. Combined with its more than fifty years of commitment to making its products look... - May 17, 2007 -

Industry’s First West Nile Virus Protease Assay Kits

While West Nile virus (WNV) has had significant outbreaks throughout the world since it was first identified, commercially available assay kits for the detection of WNV protease inhibitors had not been developed until now. With the SensoLyte™ series of WNV Protease Assay Kits AnaSpec, a... - May 17, 2007 - AnaSpec, EGT Group

Chuck Liddell Wears His Affliction Signature Series Top into the Ring at UFC 71

Chuck 'the Iceman' Liddell, soon to defend his Lightweight Championship title, works on his mainstream appeal through fashion and TV. - May 17, 2007 - SUSA Trading LLC (DBA SOLIS)

Custom Brochure Holders Now Available

Custom Craft Plastics is Now Producing Custom Brochure Holders with Designs from Customers - May 16, 2007 - Custom Craft Plastics

Baxa Corporation Wins BMA Colorado 2007 Gold Key Award

Baxa Corporation's direct marketing campaign for the Rapid-Fill™ Automated Syringe Filler was awarded a Business Marketing Association Gold Key in the Colorado Chapter’s 2007 competition. Three messages: Safety is Automatic, Technology that Fits and Designed for Speed emphasized the key attributes that differentiate the Baxa product from competitive products and processes. - May 16, 2007 - Baxa Corporation

Spray Tan Demos Drew Large Audience at Recent Salon Event

Aviva Labs, manufacturer of natural, sunless tanning products drew a big crowd at the Spring Beauty Classic event, where it offered spray tans to the 6,000+ beauty professionals in attendance. - May 16, 2007 - Aviva Labs, Inc.

Safety Brainiac – Junior Edition Honored with Coveted Toy Award

Receiving praise and earning awards from independent toy evaluators and organizations can give the little company a fighting chance to grow and prosper in the Toy Industry. Safety Brainiac – Junior Edition is starting to put up a fight by receiving it’s first toy award, the Dr. Toy Best Product Winner for Spring 2007. - May 16, 2007 - Brainiac Games Inc.

BSC Enterprises Announces Affiliate Program

BSC Enterprises, exclusive online distributors of the Bad Air Sponge, introduce their internet based affiliate program. - May 16, 2007 - BSC Enterprises

Olathe, Kan. Company Offers Unique Alternative with In-the-Wall LCD/Plasma TV Cabinet

When it comes to unique ideas, WG Wood Products is definitely on a roll. With the current trend of consumers moving away from traditional TV sets in favor of thin LCD and Plasma TV sets, they’ve taken the mere idea of hanging the TV on the wall to a whole new level. This new cabinet is custom... - May 16, 2007 - WG Wood Products

Company Offers Ladies Home Improvement Night

The Company is offering Ladies Home Improvement Night programs in their Designer Showroom. Participants learn simple techniques of installing recessed in wall accents. Following the program will be an “Ask the Builder” segment. - May 16, 2007 - WG Wood Products

Relios Issues New Internet and Store Qualification Process

Relios Inc., designer and manufacturer of contemporary sterling silver and genuine gemstone jewelry, has issued a new internet and store qualification process for their customers purchasing at the wholesale level. The new process to qualify a store for access to wholesale pricing involves showing... - May 16, 2007 - Relios Jewelry

DBI-SALA Introduces i-Safe™ Intelligent Safety System

Fall protection enters the information age - RFID equipped personal protective equipment combined with web-enabled information management. - May 16, 2007 - Capital Safety Australia

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