Recent Headlines
Within Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, & Control Instruments Manufacturing
Dates Have Been Announced for the Annual Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Short Course Co-Sponsored by Gamry Instruments
Registration is now open for the Fall 2018 EIS Short Course being held November 5th-9th, 2018 in Houston, TX (USA). - May 11, 2018 - Gamry Instruments
Phidgets Releases New Brushless DC Motor Controller
New controller launches alongside 13 new motors. - May 11, 2018 - Phidgets Inc.
Specialty-I/O Modules for GE PACSystems RX3i & RX7i
AMCI, a long standing and trusted manufacturer of specialty PLC modules for GE PLCs since 1994, announces plug-in modules that are 100% compatible with GE PACSystems RX3i & RX7i controllers. Specialty functions include Resolver, SSI, LDT, & PLS control. - May 06, 2018 - AMCI
Gamry Instruments to Attend the PlugVolt Battery Seminar in Plymouth, MI
Gamry Instruments will be attending the Battery Industry's most anticipated event – the PlugVolt Battery Seminar on July 17-19 in Plymouth, MI (USA) - May 05, 2018 - Gamry Instruments
New Industrial Grade, 48 Channel, Isolated USB Relay Controller
Online-Devices announces the newest in its product line: A digital I/O industrial controller IA-3217S-U2i, by Intelligent-Appliance, a leading designer and manufacturer of intelligent relay modules, specializing in Industrial Data Acquisition and Control Systems. - May 05, 2018 - online-devices
Supergeo Supports Philippine Reseller RASA Surveying to Further Expand Business
In April 2018, Supergeo sent skilled personnel to Manila for one-week training. By taking such action, resellers will gain confidence and expand its business. - April 29, 2018 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Shih Hsin University Dominates SuperGIS Youth Award 2018
The participants from Shih Hsin University had outstanding performance and won the champion and the second place at 6th SuperGIS Youth Award. Congratulations! - April 22, 2018 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Transient Specialists Offers Discount on Military and Aviation Test Equipment
Transient Specialists, a leader in electromagnetic compatibility rentals for over 30 years, announces that they will be offering a discount price on the AVI 3000 for the month of May. This all-in-one 6 waveform portable test unit allows easy on-site testing to full level 3 threat under all load... - April 19, 2018 - Transient Specialists
Morningstar Expands by Adding New Technology to Its Solar Line and New Talent to Its Team
The employee-owned leader in charge controllers recruits three industry veterans as part of its growth strategy into new solar product categories and markets. - April 17, 2018 - Morningstar Corporation
SuperGIS Web Mapper 2.0 is Ready for Release
The latest SuperGIS Web Mapper will help users establish a custom GIS website without a single line of code as well as adding useful GIS tools they want. - April 14, 2018 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies Ship Containerised 200kW Fuel Cell System to South Korea, for Deployment at Ulsan Technopark
UTP in South Korea is now implementing the first phase of their foray into hydrogen power from waste hydrogen streams, improving energy independence and capturing great environmental benefits. - April 05, 2018 - Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies
SuperGIS Desktop Wins the Heart of Romanian Consulting Firms
After using SuperGIS Desktop for years, SysCAD, the Romanian surveying consulting firm recommends its business partner, EcoGIS, to select the same product. - April 01, 2018 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
SuperSurv Selected by Indonesian Agency for Forest Conservation
By the assist of GPS Lands Indosolutions, the forest department in Indonesia selected SuperSurv and installed on Trimble’s TDC100 to collect spatial data. - March 31, 2018 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Gamry Instruments Adds a Video Library to Their Website
The new Video Library on the Gamry website includes a series of demonstration videos to help users get the best possible performance from their electrochemical instrument. - March 31, 2018 - Gamry Instruments
Transient Specialists - 100 Amp. Automotive Generator System Rentals
Transient Specialists, a leader in electromagnetic compatibility rentals for over 30 years, announces that they will be offering rentals of the NSG 5500 by Teseq this coming May. This compact automotive immunity transient test generator allows for testing to meet standards of ISO, SAE, DIN and JASO, and many others. Rentals include technical support on the equipment, weekly and monthly rentals, and 2 days each way of transit time free with each rental. - March 27, 2018 - Transient Specialists
New Ballast-Check 2 Data Reporting
Turner Designs recently developed new data reporting software which ensures data integrity as requested by Saudi Aramco. The new software writes Ballast-Check™ 2 results directly to a PDF report which cannot be altered. Saudi Aramco is now able to ramp up their use of indicative compliance... - March 25, 2018 - Turner Designs, Inc.
New Industrial Grade, Cost-Effective, RS-485 Relay Controller
Online-Devices announces a new Industrial Grade, cost effective Relay Controller – the IA-2216-5 by Intelligent-Appliance, a leading designer and manufacturer of intelligent relay modules, specializing in Industrial Data Acquisition and Control Systems. - March 21, 2018 - online-devices
Gamry Instruments to Co-Sponsor the 22nd Annual Penn State University Corrosion Short Course
Registration is open for Penn State University’s 22nd Annual Corrosion Short Course scheduled for June 10-15, 2018 at the University Park Campus in State College, PA (USA). Gamry Instruments will be a co-sponsor for the course. - March 18, 2018 - Gamry Instruments
Supergeo Strengthens the Partnership with RASA Surveying
RASA surveying, Supergeo’s Philippine reseller, visited Taiwan in Feb. 2018 and discussed how to promote SuperGIS products in 2018 and upcoming years. - March 18, 2018 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
New Partnership Release: Chipkin Automation Systems Inc. & Intesis
Chipkin Automation Systems Inc. has entered into a partnership with Intesis to become its North America Distributor. Chipkin will now provide a new array of products for Building and Home Automation. Chipkin Automation Systems Inc. proudly presents a new partnership that will incorporate their... - March 14, 2018 - Chipkin
Washington State University to Present a Short Course on Electrochemically Active Biofilms in Partnership with Gamry Instruments
In collaboration with Gamry Instruments, the Biofilm Engineering Research Group at Washington State University has scheduled a short course “Electrochemically Active Biofilms” for August 7-10, 2018. - March 14, 2018 - Gamry Instruments
Supergeo Enhances the Agricultural Productivity in St. Kitts and Nevis
SuperGIS Desktop developed by Supergeo is selected as the main tool to enhance the agricultural productivity of St. Kitts and Nevis in an international project. - March 11, 2018 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Gamry to Present a Free Exhibitor Workshop at the ACS National Meeting
Gamry Instruments will be presenting a free Exhibitor Workshop entitled “Echem101, Electrochemical Lab Course” at the American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting and Exposition in New Orleans, LA. - March 07, 2018 - Gamry Instruments
Clear Scientific Announces New Aspergillus Testing Product for Booming Cannabis Industry
Laboratory Development and Supply Company, Clear Scientific expands their scientific cannabis product line. - March 01, 2018 - Clear Scientific
Suitable for Every Climate: Lufft Launches New CHM8k Cloud Height Sensor
The product innovation Lufft CHM8k complements the ceilometer family of the South German metrology specialist and is suitable for applications in which low-lying measurement ranges in up to eight kilometers are in focus. - February 23, 2018 - G. Lufft Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH
New Devices Available at Phidgets Inc.
Motor controllers, sensors, LCD screen and encoder among new products released by Phidgets. - February 23, 2018 - Phidgets Inc.
Computer Vision Technologies Enable BNSF Railway to Process Terabytes of Imagery Captured During Beyond Visual Line of Sight Drone Operations
Bihrle Applied Research Inc. and BNSF Railway successfully demonstrate automated detection, classification and reporting of infrastructure conditions found during long range UAS railway inspections. - February 22, 2018 - Bihrle Applied Research, Inc.
Phidgets Inc. Releases Six New Devices
A servo controller, two motion sensors, two input devices and a new single-board computer now available at Phidgets. - February 21, 2018 - Phidgets Inc.
Madden Manufacturing is Offering Complete Industrial Chemical Injection Packages
Save time and money with chemical metering packages that include all of the accessories you will need to get up and running. - February 19, 2018 - Madden Manufacturing
Zero-Coding Web GIS Designer - SuperGIS Web Mapper Update
In the upcoming SuperGIS Web Mapper v2, Supergeo will augment this tool with the tools of opacity adjusting, layers comparing, and attribute tables displaying. - February 11, 2018 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
DataBank Handheld Datalogger Now Includes Internal GPS
Turner Designs’ DataBank Handheld Datalogger now includes integrated GPS to identify measurement locations. - February 09, 2018 - Turner Designs, Inc.
New SuperGIS 3D API for JavaScript - Coming Soon
The new SuperGIS 3D API for JavaScript is coming soon. In this release, users can not only integrate various data easily but also have a smoother experience. - February 03, 2018 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Supergeo Offers Educational Site License at a Competitive Price
Supergeo releases a site license program includes mobile, desktop, and server GIS at an affordable price, aiming to help students build a complete GIS workflow. - January 28, 2018 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Online Devices Now Carries New 64/32/16 Channels - Single/Dual/Quad Line - Relay Multiplexer: User-Friendly and Intuitive
A new Industrial Relay Multiplexer board by Intelligent-Appliance announced today - the IA-3133-BEP module. This multiplexer is the long-waited ethernet controlled version of the successful USB controlled multiplexer - IA-3133-U2i. The new ethernet controlled version functionality is completely compatible with the original USB controlled version, with an additional ability to handle 64x1 channels. - January 24, 2018 - online-devices
New Approach to Wiring Industrial Relay Controllers, Extendable and Compact - Find It on Online Devices' Website
The wiring has been an issue when using relay boards. IA-3172-U2i-P introduces a new approach to this issue in order to create a "wiring-friendly" solution. - January 23, 2018 - online-devices
Chronostec Becomes Supergeo’s Exclusive Reseller in Western Africa
Supergeo welcomes Chronostec, the IT company from Côte d'Ivoire, to join its reseller network as the exclusive SuperGIS distributor in Western Africa (ECOWAS). - January 19, 2018 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Surface Characterization Conference – Danish Technological Institute
Gamry Instruments will present a talk at the Surface Characterization Conference in Denmark. - January 19, 2018 - Gamry Instruments
New Morningstar EcoBoost MPPT™ Solar Charge Controller
Morningstar is excited to announce the launch of its new EcoBoost MPPT™ solar charge controller to help regulate off-grid battery power for medical clinics, schools, residences, boats, mobile homes, and lighting applications outside of the US and Canada. - January 18, 2018 - Morningstar Corporation
Towards a More Accurate GNSS Positioning – SuperSurv 10.1’s Support for RTCM 3.1
After the release of SuperSurv 10.1, Supergeo continuously improves this outstanding mobile GIS app by supporting RTCM 3.1 to enhance positioning accuracy. - January 06, 2018 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Berg Engineering Releases World’s First Battery Operated Handheld Explosion Proof UV Inspection Light
Non-Destructive & Material Testing Company Launches Labino MidBeam Hercules EX Worldwide (L3000). - January 04, 2018 - Berg Engineering
Supergeo Teams Up with DataGNSS to Provide a Cost-Effective RTK Solution
By installing SuperSurv on the android devices made by DATAGNSS, Supergeo teams up with DATAGNSS aiming to provide a more integrated GIS/GNSS solution. - December 23, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Supergeo’s New Website Brings a More Pleasant Browsing Experience
Supergeo has just upgraded its website with a brand-new design and changed the hosting service to a stronger one, providing a smoother browsing experience. - December 17, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Lindorm Announces Joint Venture with ProconsultRJ
Lindorm, a specialist in sediment process studies and manufacturer of the SediMeter™ monitoring instrument, is entering a strategic alliance with ProconsultRJ to provide services and products to the Latin American market. - December 12, 2017 - Lindorm, Inc.
Canadian Company Timbercraft Consultation Chooses SuperPad
Canadian company Timbercraft chooses SuperPad to help field workers collect precise spatial data by its advanced GNSS and GIS technologies. - December 10, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Gamry Instruments Introduces New Modular Version of the Laboratory Course in Electrochemistry
Gamry Instruments has added to their Laboratory Course in Electrochemistry by making "modular" Experiment Kits based on the institution’s needs. - December 08, 2017 - Gamry Instruments
3D Viewshed Will be Released in the Next SuperGIS Earth Server
Supergeo is developing the cutting-edge feature, 3D Viewshed, in its web 3D product. This function will be released in the next update to help various works. - December 03, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Ballast-Check 2 Approved by Saudi Aramco for Indicative Compliance Testing
Following detailed scientific and technical evaluation by the Environmental Protection Department of Saudi Aramco, the Turner Designs’ Ballast-Check 2 Handheld PAM Fluorometer (USA) is approved as a valid Ballast Water Sampling Instrument. Saudi Aramco will now accept results from certified... - November 30, 2017 - Turner Designs, Inc.
Making a Giant Leap Toward Smart Irrigation with SuperGIS
SuperGIS Irrigation Module is released. Hargreaves method is selected to help farmers calculate crop water requirement in this version. More methods are coming. - November 26, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Supergeo Partners with Agricultural Engineering Research Center to Develop Irrigation Solution
Partnering with AERC, Supergeo recently has developed an irrigation solution and would like to promote it to ASEAN countries like Thailand, Indonesia, etc. - November 19, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Building a Unique GIS Website Without Coding by Brand New SuperGIS Server 10
Equipped with zero-code web GIS builder - Web Mapper, the last but not least product in SuperGIS 10 family, SuperGIS Server 10, will be unveiled in late Q4 2017. - November 19, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.