Recent Headlines
Within Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, & Control Instruments Manufacturing
Systech Europe and XJTAG Offer Enhanced Testing
XJTAG and Systech Europe announce new integrated solution using XJTAG boundary scan and Takaya’s flying probe system. - November 10, 2017 - XJTAG
Modbus-RTU Added to Integrated Motion Control
AMCI's integrated motion control products are available with built-in Modbus-TCP. - October 27, 2017 - AMCI
Last SuperSurv 10.0 Update Released, Next: SuperSurv 10.1
With more coordinate systems and a new menu for the source of GPS precision, SuperSurv 10.0 will end at this update. SuperSurv 10.1 will be released soon. - October 22, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
ABX Air Announces New UPRT Simulator Capability
ABX Air, Inc. is among the first in its industry to implement critical Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT), well ahead of the FAA/Title 14 Part 60 Dir 2 deadline of March, 2019. ABX’s simulator upgrades will be powered by Bihrle Applied Research’s StallBox, the first FAA-qualified solution on the market to meet the newly enhanced requirements for UPRT, stall modeling and instructor displays. - October 20, 2017 - Bihrle Applied Research, Inc.
GriBat Consultants Selects SuperPad for Spatial Data Collection
The professional French building consulting firm GriBat chooses SuperPad to collect spatial data in the field and depict precise maps for construction sites. - October 14, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Every Second Counts: the Maintenance Free WS100 Measures Precipitation from the First Drop
Especially in the cold and wet season, it is vital that operational decisions can be made and implemented within a few seconds. This is especially true for meteorological data evaluations for aviation and road traffic. Sensor manufacturer Lufft has developed, with the WS100, a radar precipitation... - October 12, 2017 - G. Lufft Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH
Electronics Test Development Gets Faster with XJTAG Boundary Scan v3.6
XJTAG has launched v3.6 of its flagship boundary scan software, XJDeveloper. This major update includes several new productivity and automation-focused enhancements, allowing engineers to significantly reduce test setup times for even the most complex electronics. - October 02, 2017 - XJTAG
SuperSurv 10.1 Supports New Raster Formats and Online Maps
From SuperSurv 10.1, this cutting edge mobile GIS will start to support Google Map and TIFF. Also, several new features will be added to help your field works. - September 22, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
New Charging Stand Product Announced by today announced a new product designed specifically for the Tag Hauer Connected 45 Smart Watch. The company set out to provide an accessory said to missing from the Tag Hauer line of watch accessories, namely a charging stand to hold the Connected 45 while it charges. Features of the... - September 18, 2017 - TAGStands
Embedded Ethernet Switch Added to Integrated Stepper Drives
AMCI added an embedded Ethernet switch to their line of integrated stepper drive/controllers, eliminating the need for an external switch and reducing cabling costs. DLR is also now supported with the enhanced integrated drives. - September 17, 2017 - AMCI
Gamry Introduces a New Potentiostat to Their Line of Electrochemical Instrumentation
Gamry Instruments has released a new potentiostat, the Interface 1010, to their complete line of electrochemical instruments. - September 09, 2017 - Gamry Instruments
Several Improvements Made in the Latest Version of SuperGIS Desktop 10
After improving several features in 3D spatial data display and map tiles, the latest update of SuperGIS Desktop is released and awaits you to experience. - September 08, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Miller Energy, Inc. Acquires Jones and Auerbacher
Miller Energy, Inc., a New Jersey based manufacturer's representative and distributor of industrial instrumentation and process control equipment, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Jones and Auerbacher as of September 1, 2017. Founded in 1916, and located in Kenilworth, NJ, Jones and... - September 07, 2017 - Miller Energy, Inc.
SuperPad Will Support the Popular MBTiles Format in the Next Update
SuperPad, one of the best-selling mobile GIS of Supergeo, will start to support the popular tile format- MBTiles in the next update. - September 02, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Hydracos Selects SuperPad for Water Utility Inspection
SuperPad, one of the best selling Mobile GIS of Supergeo, is earlier selected by Hydracos, a French water utility consulting firm, to help on-site inspection. - September 02, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Reinforced Heating: The New VENTUS-X from Lufft for Extreme Locations
Summer is drawing to an end and the cold season is approaching. Reason enough for the Lufft sensor company to introduce an upgraded version of the VENTUS ultrasonic wind sensor - the VENTUS-X. The revised sensor is equipped with an enhanced 240-watt heater and is available from now on. To get it... - September 02, 2017 - G. Lufft Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH
Learn Advanced Tools and Analysts with SuperGIS Online Manuals
Recently, Supergeo has released more manuals online to help users better understand how to operate complex methods, like Kriging or Finding Best Route. - September 02, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
SuperGIS 3D Solutions to View Cities from Different Angles
SuperGIS has released various 3D GIS products, which include the 3D Analyst of SuperGIS Desktop, SuperGIS Globe, SuperGIS Cube, and the SuperGIS 3D Server. - September 02, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Phidgets Inc. Releases New Motor Controllers and More
A new bipolar stepper controller, DC motor controller, and programmable power supply protector among new Phidgets products. - August 20, 2017 - Phidgets Inc.
Upcoming SuperGIS Webinar- Web-Based 3D Cadastral Mapping
On Aug. 16, Supergeo will host a webinar focused on the web-based 3D GIS solution, built by SuperGIS 3D Earth Server and its APIs. Sign up and learn more. - August 11, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Web Mapper in SuperGIS Server 10- Building Web GIS Without Coding
In the upcoming product- SuperGIS Server 10, Supergeo will provide a brand-new interface and a tool called Web Mapper to help users create web GIS without coding. - August 11, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Lufft Weather Sensor on "Willi Wien Tower" of the German National Metrology Institute
The environmental sensor manufacturer Lufft from South Germany supplied the amateur radio interest group DL0PTB located in the German Metrology Institute (PTB) in Braunschweig with a professional weather sensor. The WS601, which is installed on the 50-meter-high Willi Wien Tower, is in operation... - August 10, 2017 - G. Lufft Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH
Brive City Uses SuperSurv to Update Topographic Maps
With the help of Geo RM, Supergeo’s reseller in France, the city of Ville de Brive has selected SuperSurv to assist its surveyors to build topographic maps. - August 04, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Total AG Industries Selects East Coast Rep Firm
Total AG Industries of Hillsborough, North Dakota has selected PK Innovation to represent their product groups on the East Coast. This appointment is an outgrowth of Total AG's exclusive national distribution agreement for Magnojet spray nozzles. The presence of PK Innovation allows both Total AG... - August 02, 2017 - PK Innovation
PhytoFind in situ Algal Classification Simplifies Identification of Harmful Algae
Turner Designs’ PhytoFind Quickly Estimates Abundance of Algal Groups - July 29, 2017 - Turner Designs, Inc.
Upgraded Extensions of SuperGIS Desktop Provide More Insights
Before the end of this July, Supergeo will release a new update of SuperGIS Desktop 10 along with brand-new SuperGIS Spatial Statistical Analyst and Biodiversity Analyst. Developed by Supergeo Technologies Inc., SuperGIS Desktop 10 is powerful and multifunctional stand-alone GIS software, which... - July 28, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
SuperSurv Selected for Road Data Collection in Meurthe-et-Moselle, France
The award-winning mobile GIS app- SuperSurv 10 was selected by DDT in Meurthe-et-Moselle department to collect and edit road data in the field. - July 28, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Passion Meets Fashion Right on Time
Todd & Marlon Luxury Watches to Support EMERGENCY’s Worldwide Medical Assistance. - July 25, 2017 - Todd & Marlon LLC
Grayton Automatic Watches Announces New Radiance Collection by Constantin de Slizewicz
Remi Chabrat, CEO, and Founder of Grayton Automatic Watches met Constantin de Slizewicz while experiencing the Caravane Liotard. He was profoundly inspired by exploring the wild beauty of these untouched territories. It was in this place of boundless beauty that the Radiance Collection was born. It’s time to travel under starry skies. - July 22, 2017 - Grayton Automatic Watches
Supergeo to Showcase the Latest GIS Products at INTERGEO 2017
Supergeo will showcase its latest SuperGIS 10 products at INTERGEO 2017, including SuperSurv, SuperPad, SuperGIS Desktop, and the upcoming SuperGIS Server. - July 21, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Long Distance, CAT5 Wired, Dry-Contact I/O, Peer to Peer Ready
Intelligent-Appliance announced a new I/O device, IA-3886-5, featuring 8 Isolated Digital Inputs and 8 Relays, making the use of Cat5 easy wiring both for powering and communication purposes, and is capable of maintaining a secured operation through a distance of over 1KM. - July 18, 2017 - online-devices
Managing Assets from Different Angles- SuperGIS 3D Earth Server
In the recent development of SuperGIS 3D Earth Server, Supergeo has not only significantly improved overall performance but has added several useful functions. - July 09, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
SuperSurv 10 Wins Golden Map Award Issued by TGIS
Integrating advanced GIS and GNSS tech on Android, SuperSurv 10 won the highest honor of GIS in Taiwan, given by Taiwan Geographic Information Society. - July 09, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
DNX Co to Launch Carah, the Smart Safety Watch for Women, on Kickstarter
A new hybrid smart safety watch, Carah, will launch on August 1st on Kickstarter. It boasts an SOS function that immediately notifies pre-selected guardians of the wearers location and sounds an alarm if the wearer holds down the watch face for longer than 2 seconds. Carah aims to provide back up for women who want to live their lives more freely and securely without sacrificing their style or comfort. - July 06, 2017 - DNX
AMCI Expands Sales Force Throughout Mid-Atlantic & Southeast
One of AMCI's Sales Rep Agencies, Automation Support Group, has expanded to support AMCI's growth in the Mid-Atlantic & Southeast states. - July 05, 2017 - AMCI
Phidgets Inc. Releases New Line of Control and Sensing Boards
26 new products including data acquisition boards, I/O boards, relays, thermocouple interfaces and sensors. - June 29, 2017 - Phidgets Inc.
Glass Watch by Orsto™ on Kickstarter
UK wrist watch manufacturer Orsto Ltd, specialists in unique horology design are launching their latest wrist watch model with a Kickstarter campaign titled 1st Affordable Glass Luxury Swiss Mechanical Skeleton Watch. - June 26, 2017 - Orsto Ltd
Supergeo Holds SuperGIS Cup 2017 to Promote Geographic Thinking
Supergeo has held SuperGIS Cup to promote geographic thinking among students in Taiwan for years. For 2017, the due date for submitting proposals is June 30. - June 22, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Embrace GeoJSON Format Together with SuperGIS Desktop
The latest release of SuperGIS Desktop adds a function for supporting GeoJSON because it is one of the most widely-used formats in geospatial open data. - June 22, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Blacoh Fluid Control Introduces New Hybrid Valve
Blacoh Fluid Control is proud to announce the release of the Hybrid Valve™, the world’s first combination pulsation dampener and back pressure valve. - June 22, 2017 - Blacoh Industries
New Flexible Electronic Testing and Measurement Equipment
Online-Devices is pleased to announce the new 96-ch highly featured Digital I/O device by Intelligent Appliance, IA-2660-E. - June 15, 2017 - online-devices
All-in-One Stepper Motion Control Available in More Sizes
AMCI has expanded their selection of SMD Series integrated stepper motors to include larger motor sizes to satisfy a broader range of torque requirements. - June 14, 2017 - AMCI
SuperPad 10 - Heading to the Era of Cloud Tech
The upcoming new feature of SuperPad will help you update the collected data to Google Drive or Dropbox so that you can collect a large amount of data at once. - June 13, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
French Environmental Consulting Althis Selects SuperPad to Collect Data
Althis, the environmental consulting firm in France, has selected SuperPad, the mobile GIS developed by Supergeo, to collect spatial data in the field. - June 13, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Morningstar Appoints Jim McGrath to Lead Its Sales Department
Morningstar Corporation’s Sales Department is now under the direction of Jim McGrath. - June 12, 2017 - Morningstar Corporation
Flow Management Devices Raises the Bar in Small Volume Proving. Introducing the 4th Generation Unidirectional Captive Displacement Prover (SVP).
Flow Management Devices introduces the 4th Generation Unidirectional Captive Displacement Prover with enhanced performance and safety features. - June 09, 2017 - Flow Management Devices
University of the Punjab Selects SuperGIS Desktop 10
University of the Punjab, the oldest and most prestigious university in Pakistan selects SuperGIS Desktop 10 for their geography and remote sensing education. - June 09, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
Latest SuperGIS Desktop 10 Release Provides a Smoother Experience
The latest release of SuperGIS Desktop 10 not only fixes bugs but provides more compatibilities with Excel and monitors, and in the future, SQLite and GeoJSON. - June 09, 2017 - Supergeo Technologies Inc.
IA-3118-E: High Power @ High Voltage Monitoring & Control
Online-Devices is pleased to announce the new Intelligent-Appliance Ethernet Relay controller, IA-3118-E, designed to Monitor and Control high power, high voltage tasks. - May 31, 2017 - online-devices
IDEC Partners with AMCI to Deliver Motion Control Solutions
AMCI and IDEC partner to offer IDEC micro PLC customers a range of affordable yet sophisticated motion control solutions that are quick and easy to implement into their PLC systems. - May 27, 2017 - AMCI