Recent Headlines
Language Systems International Refreshes Its Image with a Revamped Logo and Its Launch of an Innovative New Website
Language Systems International (LSI), a private ESL school with four locations in Southern California, launched a newly redesigned, student-focused website this week. The site,, is designed to inform students about the various programs LSI offers and to guide students... - July 24, 2011 - Language Systems International
Campbell Law Hosts Fraternity Leadership Conference
Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity Meets in Raleigh for 57th Biennial Convention. - July 21, 2011 - Campbell Law
Community Business College Announces New DealSaver Coupon for Enrichment Classes
College offers online and traditional campus-based classes at over 50% off in a “Back To School” summer special using the new DealSaver network. - July 19, 2011 - Community Business College
Thinking Like a Winner - Releases Results of Their Research on Goal Setting and Achievement
Queendom releases results from their study on how high achievers think and act as they strive to make their dreams come true. - July 10, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
An Empty Shell Sitting at a Desk - Releases Results of Their Research on Burnout
Queendom releases results from their study on stress and burnout and their impact on physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing. - July 07, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
InnovationM School of Android Goes to Bangalore for Their Next Android Workshop
Good news for Bangalore IT and mobile application developers. InnovationM School of Android has chosen Bangalore for their next Android workshop. It’s Android time, Bangalore. - June 30, 2011 - InnovationM School of Android
Who's the Dirtier Fighter? Releases New Gender and Age Research on Arguing Style
Queendom releases results from their study on how couples fight, and reveals which gender is more likely to resort to dirty tactics. - June 25, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
Striving for Success is a Double-Edged Sword - Releases Results of Their Research on Type A Personalities
Queendom releases results from their study on people with Type A personality traits, and reveals the downside of striving for success. - June 23, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
See the World Through Anxious Eyes - Releases Results of Their Research on Anxiety
Queendom releases results from their study on people with anxiety, and reveals how the world looks through the eyes of anxiety-sufferers. - June 16, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
Grenoble Ecole de Management Tunes in on iTunes U
The French school, renowned for its tastes in innovative pedagogy and technology has joined iTunes U. - June 02, 2011 - Grenoble Ecole de Management
CBT College Hosts Book Drive to Help Restock Libraries
South Florida college asks for community support in this project - May 22, 2011 - College of Business and Technology
Grenoble Ecole De Management Selected as a Pilot Study Center on Stress, Well-Being and Achievement at Work
The French school, which hosts a student and staff personal development facility, has been chosen by the French Government Department of Labour as a pilot study center focused on research into the assessment and management of work-related stress*, alongside Arts et Métiers Paris Tech. - May 20, 2011 - Grenoble Ecole de Management
ISBR Business School Bangalore Announces Annual Convocation for Year 2011
ISBR Business School, a prominent Business School in India which is ranked among the Top MBA Colleges of India has announced Annual Convocation for Year 2011. - May 14, 2011 - ISBR Business School
ACTLean and Schuh & Company Announce Week-Long Lean Implementation Leader Training in Atlanta, GA
ACTLean and Schuh & Co. will offer a 5-day Lean Implementation Leader Training Workshop in Atlanta, GA on July 18th – 22nd, 2011. This Lean Implementation Leader training provides all the necessary information to get your own Lean Initiative started. The goal of this workshop is to learn... - May 11, 2011 - ACTLean and Schuh & Co.
Helen Dratwa Joins Sandler Training at The Ruby Group
Former UPS Store Owner Becomes Sales Training Consultant and Firm’s Associate Partner - May 10, 2011 - Sandler Training, OH
My Roof, My Rules - Queendom Releases Results of Parenting Style Study uncovers parental attitudes toward childrearing and the most typical approach to raising children. - May 08, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
Being Perfect Has Its Flaws - Queendom Releases Results of Perfectionism Study reveals the pitfalls of setting the bar too high for ourselves and others. - April 23, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
ACTLean and Schuh & Company Announce Lean Innovation Workshop in Atlanta, GA
ACTLean will offer a 2-day workshop discussing Lean Innovation Topics in Atlanta, GA on June 2nd & 3rd, 2011. The workshop will focus on methods to create more customer value with fewer resources in product development. What does Lean Thinking have to do with Product Development? The biggest... - April 23, 2011 - ACTLean and Schuh & Co.
CCS Training Announces Training Calendar for the Month of May
CCS Training announced the dates for the much awaited “Advanced Negotiation Workshop.” This two day workshop will be conducted on 13th & 14th May, 2011. - April 17, 2011 - CCS Training
Language Systems International Supports Relief Efforts in Japan with Launch of New Outreach & Volunteer Program
Language System International (LSI) and its students have donated almost $6,000 towards the Red Cross Japan Relief Effort. The two week fundraiser collected donations from the students and faculty at all four campuses (Alhambra, Downtown Los Angeles, Orange County and Torrance) and LSI matched all... - April 16, 2011 - Language Systems International
Your Destiny is Calling: PsychTests Releases New Test to Help People Find Their Dream Job
It's not just another job test. PsychTests gives visitors from all walks of life a chance to find their true calling. - April 14, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
Schuh & Co. Complexity Management is Proud to Announce the Release of Their New Book: “Complexity Management: The Journey of A Thousand Miles Begins With One Step”
Schuh & Co. Complexity Management has just released “Complexity Management: The Journey of A Thousand Miles Begins With One Step.” Featuring articles related to Lean Complexity Management, and subject matter ranging from the identification of Complexity issues, implementation,... - April 14, 2011 - ACTLean and Schuh & Co.
CBT College Announces Its Fourth LANBASH: Friday, April 29 at 6PM
Video Gaming Tournament in Miami Becoming a Huge Trend; Growing Number of Fanatics Show LANBASH is a Hit and Meeting Demands - April 08, 2011 - College of Business and Technology
Government of Dubai Invites Ethica to European Trade Delegation
Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance and the Government of Dubai Join Forces to Bring Accredited Islamic Finance Training to France and Germany - April 06, 2011 - Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance
Launch of IDOX’s New Bid Writing Workshops
Looking to secure funding but needing help with writing applications? Idox Information Solutions has launched its new Bid Writing Workshops to help those in need of submitting successful bids. - April 06, 2011 - IDOX
The Elite Leaders: PsychTests Releases Study on Leadership Qualities That Differentiate the Best from the Rest reveals the skills and personality characteristics that make or break leaders. - April 03, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
Impact Learning Systems Announces Launch of New Website, New Logo
Impact Learning Systems, a leader in customer service consulting and training, announced the launch of its new website on Mar. 11, 2011. The new website design at gives those involved in customer service strategy and management a more direct means of accessing information on Impact Learning Systems programs. - March 26, 2011 - Impact Learning Customer Service Training and Consulting
Skrivanek Shares Its Knowledge of Risk Management Specific to Localization Projects and Processes at Gala 2011
Skrivanek will show how to integrate a systematic risk management system into existing management processes in view of globalization and the associated complex legal situation. The Executive Manager of Skrivanek Germany and Belgium Astrid Hager will give a presentation about "Risk Management" at the GALA 2011 conference. Astrid will speak about specific risks in localization projects and processes, the possible liability connected with inaccurate translations, and confidentiality agreements. - March 23, 2011 - Skrivanek, s. r. o.
You Can Dish It Out, But Can You Take It? PsychTests Releases Study on People's Ability to Handle Constructive Criticism reveals just how sensitive we can be when our ego is bruised by negative feedback. - March 18, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
Can You be an Entrepreneur? PsychTests Releases Study Results on Key Traits for Successful Entrepreneurs helps aspiring entrepreneurs take the first crucial step by releasing a personality test to assess their potential. - March 10, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
Ericpol Enters Belarus Hi-Tech Park
At the beginning of 2011 IOOO ERICPOL BREST became a resident of the Belarus Hi-Tech Park in Minsk. As a result the company gained a lot of tax allowances, a chance to compete on Belarusian market and better opportunities of employing staff. - March 05, 2011 - Ericpol Telecom
New Dermal Filler Training Program Now Offered by Elite AMBT
Certification for Dermal Filler injections is now available through one of Elite AMBT’s professional training programs. This program will be made available through one-day seminars and private training options for professionals and practitioners all over North America. - March 02, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training
Elite AMBT is Presenting Its World-Renowned Botox Training in Denver
Elite Aesthetic Medical and Business Training is proud to announce the new availability of its Botox training program in Denver, Colorado. This internationally acclaimed training program will now be available to practitioners in Colorado in order to enhance their sets of skills and diversify their practice by offering this new service at their clinic or office. - March 02, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training
Success Beyond the Finishing Line - SMC University and Marussia Virgin Racing Team Up
Swiss based premier online education provider SMC University is pleased to announce that it has sealed a long-term partnership with the Marussia Virgin Racing Formula One Team. - February 28, 2011 - SMC University
Step-Up Venture University Launches New Courses in March
Step-up Venture University launches new entrepreneurship courses in March. Such business classes offer high end training that aim to help aspiring entrepreneurs and established entrepreneurs to operate their businesses more proficiently. - February 25, 2011 - Step-up Venture University
Five Traits That Can Change Your Life - Queendom Releases Large-Scale Study on the Big Five Personality Factors reveals just how much The Big Five personality factors are key to happiness and success. - February 25, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
CBT College (College of Business & Technology) Launches "Tech Troopers"
The New Program Puts Students "on the Job" and Offers "Tech" Services for the Lowest Prices - February 23, 2011 - College of Business and Technology
CBT College Named as Lead Sponsor of New World School of the Arts (NWSA) Renowned Puttin' on the Ritz Annual Concert
CBT College will be participating in this prestigious event to help raise funds for the NWSA high school ensemble. - February 21, 2011 - College of Business and Technology
Roses, Chocolates, and a Ball N' Chain? Releases Results of a Study on Gender Differences in Commitment
Queendom releases results from their study on commitment, and reveals interesting differences between men and women. - February 16, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
Want to Get in Touch with the Inner You? Releases Several New Tests to Get You Started releases four new tests to their site to help visitors on their path to self-discovery. - February 12, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
North East College Doubles Student Numbers in 6 Months
A North East based distance learning college has more than doubled the number of adults studying professional qualifications with them in just 6 months. - February 12, 2011 - Distance Learning College & Training
CCS Training Announces Training Calendar for the Month of March
CCS Training announced the dates for the much awaited “Advanced Negotiation Workshop.” This two day workshop will be conducted on 4th & 5th March, 2011. - February 10, 2011 - CCS Training
Arm in Arm or at Arm's-Length? - Releases Surprising Research on Adult Attachment Styles
Queendom releases results from their study on attachment styles, and reveals how gender, age, and self-esteem, among other factors, can impact relationships. - February 06, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
ISBR MBA College Announces Interview Schedule for Admission to Its MBA / PGDM Program
ISBR Business School, a prominent Business School in India, ranked among Top MBA Colleges of India has announced its Interview Schedule for admission to its MBA / PGDM Program at its Bangalore & Chennai Campus. - February 01, 2011 - ISBR Business School
Learning Best Management Practices with Horses
Students on the MSc in Management Consulting at Grenoble Graduate School of Business (GGSB) went on an equestrian adventure to master best business practices. - January 21, 2011 - Grenoble Ecole de Management
ACTLean and Schuh & Company Announce Lean Bronze Certification Workshop in Spartanburg, SC
With an established Lean Certification Standard, companies can make Lean activities an integral part of the organization. Professionals attain industry recognized abilities that make them stand out in the crowd. - January 19, 2011 - ACTLean and Schuh & Co.
Futuretrend's 10th Year in Providing Web Development and Graphic Design Courses in London
Futuretrend Training Academy based in North London is celebrating its tenth year in business and to celebrate they are offering discounts on their web development and graphic design training courses. - January 17, 2011 - Futuretrend Training Academy
Post-Holiday Shock - Uncovers Victims of Obsessive Buying
Queendom releases results from its Shopaholic Test and sheds light on an often overlooked impulse control issue. - January 16, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.
Elite AMBT Now Announcing the Launch of Their Botox Training in LA
Elite AMBT is now proudly offering their well-renowned Botox Training program in Los Angeles, California. The program, known to be the most cost-efficient training solution for Botox and Dermal Fillers will be offered in seminars but also in private sessions. - January 12, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training
Botox Training from Elite AMBT Now Being Offered in Austin, TX
The well-renowned Botox training offered by Elite AMBT is now made available to residents of Austin, in Texas. The program, most commonly offered in seminars, allows students to obtain a certification in Botox injections and dermal fillers in as little as one complete day of training. - January 12, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training