Campbell Law School Launches New Website

New Site Features Updated User Interface And Improved Navigation - November 09, 2011 - Campbell Law

Need Help Writing Winning Proposals for the Lifelong Learning Programme?

Idox Information Solutions is pleased to announce the launch of its latest training course: Writing Winning Applications for the Lifelong Learning Programme. - November 04, 2011 - IDOX

Blitz, Inc. Announces Numerous Volunteer Opportunities for Employees

Blitz, Inc., is currently planning many volunteer opportunities for his employees in the upcoming months. The two biggest opportunities are with Toys for Tots and Seattle Children’s Hospital. - November 03, 2011 - Blitz Inc.

Tales from the Testkeepers - Releases Results of Their Paranormal Research

Queendom shines a flashlight in dark corners, digging deep to unearth people's fears and beliefs about the paranormal. - November 02, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

Are We Bottling Up Our Anger or Letting It Out? Releases Results of Their Anger Research

Queendom reveals how well we deal with our anger, and uncovers the impact this emotion can have if not channeled in a healthy manner. - October 21, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

Campbell Law School Professor Participates in N.C. State Constitution Day Celebration

Professor Greg Wallace Speaks on Constitutional Issues Facing the U.S. Since 9/11 - October 19, 2011 - Campbell Law

Professor Damodaran Enlightens the Students of IIM Lucknow with a Session on Valuation

In any valuation exercise, the first principles are more important than any model technique used. - October 16, 2011 - Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow

Campbell Law School Hosts U.S. Rep. Renee Ellmers

Congresswoman Addressed Students and Faculty on Jobs and the Economy. - October 15, 2011 - Campbell Law

Sales Training Consultants Announces the Fall Virtual eWorkshop Schedule

Sales Training Course Delivering Tools for How Today’s Buyers Want to be Sold. - October 14, 2011 - Sales Training Consultants

Shining a Light in the Dark Corners of the Mind - Encourages Awareness of Mental Health offers up a host of mental health assessments to set visitors on the path to awareness, education, and recovery. - October 09, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

Campbell Law School Names Judge Rich Leonard to Board of Visitors

Board Members Serve as Advisors to Dean Melissa Essary, Faculty and Senior Leadership - October 09, 2011 - Campbell Law

Campbell Law School Announces Oct. 22 Alumni Reunion Dinner

Alumni Reunion Enables Networking and Support for Law School’s Future - October 01, 2011 - Campbell Law

Facing the Spotlight with Blinding Fear - Releases Results of Their Social Anxiety Research

Queendom looks through the eyes of individuals with social anxiety, providing a view of what it's like to fear our social world. - September 29, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

The CEO University Launches in Orange County; Executive Organization to Host Information and Networking Session

The CEO University (CEOU), a new executive organization that uniquely melds corporate culture with financial success, is launching in Orange County. To facilitate the launch, CEOU will host morning and afternoon networking and information sessions on Oct. 4 at the Center Club in Costa Mesa for... - September 24, 2011 - The CEO University

Campbell Law Dean Melissa Essary Featured as Keynote Speaker at Garner Chamber of Commerce Event

Dean Melissa Essary Spoke on the Challenges of Relocating Campbell Law School - September 24, 2011 - Campbell Law

Elite AMBT Has Announced That Their Dermal Filler Training Course is Visiting Toronto on Oct 15

Elite AMBT has just announced that their dermal filler training seminar will be visiting Toronto on October 15, 2011. This course will certify medical aesthetician students in one day, and they can implement their techniques on their own patients, immediately after the successful completion of the... - September 23, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Elite AMBT is Offering Their Botox Training Seminar in Toronto on October 15, 2011 to Entire Teams of Cosmetic Clinics

Elite AMBT has just announced that there will be a Botox training seminar in Toronto on Oct 8, 2011. The certification center is extending the invitation to entire teams that work together in a clinic setting. There are many advantages to clinics attending a course together. A seminar is a... - September 23, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Elite AMBT Has Announced a New Dermal Filler Training Course in New York on Oct 8, 2011

Elite AMBT, the medical cosmetic training and certification provider, has just announced a new dermal filler training seminar, which will take place in New York on October 8, 2011. A seminar is a great way to achieve certifications for popular cosmetic treatments, while spending a day with... - September 22, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Elite AMBT is Offering Botox Training in New York on Oct 8, 2011

Elite AMBT has just released a new seminar for Botox Training in New York on October 8, 2011. This course is ideal for new practitioners or experienced medical aestheticians, who are looking to expand their services, and learn more about this trending procedure. Botox treatments are gaining... - September 22, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Elite AMBT Has Announced a New Dermal Filler Training Seminar in Denver on September, 24 2011

Elite AMBT has just announced that they are offering a dermal filler training seminar in Denver on September 24, 2011. This seminar can be taken along with the Botox training seminar, which is offered on the same day. The benefit of this seminar is that students will be certified for basic and... - September 22, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Elite AMBT is Inviting New Students to the Botox Training Seminar on September 24, 2011

Elite AMBT (Aesthetic Medical & Business Training) has announced that their Botox training seminar in Denver on September 24th is available to new students. Anyone who has considered starting a career in the lucrative and satisfying field of medical cosmetics can enroll in a seminar, to achieve... - September 22, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

The Scoop on Tough Cookies - Releases Results of Their Research on Mental Toughness reveals how the trait of mental toughness can affect both physical and psychological health. - September 21, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

Campbell Law School Holds Swearing-in Ceremony for Graduates of Class of 2011

Local Superior Court Judge Presided Over Ceremony with Graduates Who Passed July Bar Exam - September 15, 2011 - Campbell Law

Need Help Writing Competitive Research Proposals for Framework Programme 7?

Idox Information Solutions is pleased to announce the launch of its latest training course: Writing Competitive Research Proposals for FP7. - September 11, 2011 - IDOX

The CEO University Launches in Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura Counties: Executive Organization to Host Information and Networking Sessions in New SoCal Markets

The CEO University (CEOU), a new executive organization that uniquely melds corporate culture with financial success, is launching in Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura Counties. In each of these new markets, CEOU will host networking and information sessions for local executives and entrepreneurs,... - September 10, 2011 - The CEO University

Of Doormats and Dominators - Releases Results of Their Research on Assertiveness reveals the importance of assertiveness, and how the lack thereof can negatively impact our sense of self. - September 08, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

GIIP Distance Learning Programme – OCL (Off Campus IP Learning)

GIIP Distance Learning Programme OCL aims at making IP learning more easily available, cost-effective and convenient to a broader constituency of learners. - September 07, 2011 - Global Institute of Intellectual Property

Campbell Law School Ranks Second in North Carolina for 2011 Bar Passage Rates

Campbell Law Bests UNC-Chapel Hill and Wake Forest University for First-Time Exam Takers, Maintains Top Overall Record of Success on Exam Among State Schools - September 01, 2011 - Campbell Law

Teachers Certify for Free in September at Community Business College

It’s back to school time and Community Business College is offering free industry-based certification vouchers to teachers. - August 29, 2011 - Community Business College

GRANTfinder Reaches 7,000 Funding Opportunity Milestone

The UK’s most established funding database has reached a new milestone of 4,000 funding entries, bringing the total amount of funding opportunities aggregated on the website to more than 7,000. - August 28, 2011 - IDOX

Campbell University Law Faculty Member Appointed to Governor’s Crime Commission

Professor Jon Powell to Serve on the Juvenile Planning Committee - August 27, 2011 - Campbell Law

An Introduction to Tenders: New Course Launches on 28 September 2011

IDOX Information Solutions is pleased to announce the launch of its new Introduction to Tenders training course. - August 21, 2011 - IDOX

CBT College to Donate Fully Supplied Backpacks for Children in Need Throughout the Greater-Miami Area, August 18 & 20th 2011

CBT College, an academic institution based in Miami, Florida operating five campuses throughout the greater Miami-Dade area, announces that it will be donating over 1000 backpacks filled with supplies to children in need to the communities where CBT College campuses are located. The back packs will... - August 18, 2011 - College of Business and Technology Releases a Battery of Career-Specific Assessments to Help Job Seekers Find Alternative Careers releases a battery of psychological tests that give visitors the opportunity to assess their potential in a number of different specialized careers. - August 17, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

Elite AMBT Hosting Dermal Filler Training Seminar in Fort Lauderdale

Certification course offered on November 5th, 2011 - August 17, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Elite AMBT Hosting Botox Training Seminar in San Antonio

Certification course offered in Texas on December 17th, 2011 - August 17, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Elite AMBT Hosting Botox Training Seminar in Nassau

Certification course offered in the Bahamas on December 3rd, 2011 - August 17, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Elite AMBT Hosting Botox Training Seminar in Fort Lauderdale

Certification course offered on November 5th, 2011 - August 17, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Elite AMBT Hosting Dermal Filler Training Seminar in Nassau, Bahamas

Certification course offered on December 3rd, 2011 - August 17, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Elite AMBT Hosting Dermal Filler Training Seminar in San Antonio

Certification course offered on December 17th, 2011 - August 17, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

IITrade Welcomes 4th Full-Time BBA (Hons) Batch for the Session 2011-14

Know how your future can be secured with the new batch of BBA, session 2011-14, by Institute of International Tradestarted in the beginning of this August. - August 12, 2011 - Institute of International Trade

Impact Learning Systems Helps Veterans Find Their Place

Impact Learning Systems is proud to announce a partnership with Fast Forward to help returning soldiers find steady jobs. - August 11, 2011 - Impact Learning Customer Service Training and Consulting

A Career Isn't a One-Way Street Anymore - Releases Results of Their Career Aptitude Test

Queendom releases results of their Career Personality & Aptitude Test, revealing that the road to career fulfillment isn't always as straightforward as we think. - August 04, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

CourseMonster Hires New Operations Director to Lead UK Training Division

CourseMonster continues to expand its training team. - August 04, 2011 - CourseMonster

Global Institute of Intellectual Property (GIIP) Launches Off-Campus IP Learning

GIIP launches Off-Campus IP Learning programme and is inviting applications for the same. The programme aims at making IP learning more easily available, cost-effective and convenient to a broader constituency of learners. - August 04, 2011 - Global Institute of Intellectual Property

Campbell University Law Faculty Present at Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting

Campbell Professors Speak on Patent Law, Civil Procedure and Other 21st Century Legal Challenges - August 03, 2011 - Campbell Law

The Mind of an Athlete: PsychTests Releases Athletic releases a sports psychology website dedicated to assessing the mental side of athletic success. - July 29, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

Ethica Trains 100 American Imams in Islamic Finance

Two months of rigorous, first ever Islamic finance training successfully completed. - July 29, 2011 - Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance

ACTLean and Schuh & Company Announce Lean Bronze Certification Workshop in Atlanta, GA and Miami, FL

With an established Lean Certification Standard, companies can make Lean activities an integral part of the organization. Professionals attain industry recognized abilities that make them stand out in the crowd. - July 24, 2011 - ACTLean and Schuh & Co.

Job Fair Coming to Modesto with Community Business College Workshops

College will be donating free resume reviews and providing speakers for three timely workshop sessions for the unemployed. - July 24, 2011 - Community Business College

Press Releases 451 - 500 of 806