Recent Headlines
RoboCounsellor Uses Tabletop Psychodrama to Help Clients
RoboCounsellor now includes tabletop psychodrama in the counselling methods it delivers interactively free of charge to almost anyone. It does this by taking regular counselling actions and duplicating not the actions themselves but their essence. - November 20, 2009 - RoboCounsellor
Midway College and Highland Community College Offer Students a Great Educational Opportunity
The 2+2 Online Academic Agreement Helps graduates of Highland Community College Earn a Bachelors Degree Online from Midway College. - November 20, 2009 - The Learning House, Inc.
eSpok Launches Its Learning Management System & Training Marketplace for Companies
Since 2007, eSpok’s learning management system and virtual classroom have been used by training companies to deliver training to their clients through the Internet. eSpok is now launching a specific offer for companies. - November 19, 2009 - eSpok
SyberWorks e-Learning Podcast Discusses Learning Management Systems Used in Distributor-Modeled Training
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces the next episode in their e-Learning Podcast Series: “Learning Management Systems Used in Distributor-Modeled Training.” - November 19, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Authoring and Delivery (Distribution) of eLearning Content Made Easy with Upsidelms’s Built-in Rapid Authoring Module
UpsideLMS Version 4.0 ships with an in-built, integrated authoring module for rapid content development. The authoring module presents an innovative way of rapid authoring using a number of templates which provides a complete WYSIWYG editing experience to the content authors. The rapid authoring module comes with a number of templates, in multiple skins and themes, including templates for interactivies and quizzes as well. - November 19, 2009 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The UOC - Open University of Catalonia - The Global Online University - IN3-HAROSA Workshop First Edition, an International Forum on Collaborative Research
The UOC's research institute, the IN3, is organising the first edition of the "Hybrid Algorithms for solving Realistic rOuting, Scheduling and reliability/Availability problems" (HAROSA) Workshop, a forum about online, distributed and collaborative research in the fields of computation and operational research. - November 18, 2009 - UOC - Open University of Catalonia
The UOC - Open University of Catalonia - The Global Online University - The UOC Organizes a Get-Together for More Than 2.400 Postgraduate Students
On Saturday, the 7th of November, the first get-together of the new academic year took place for over 2,400 students of the UOC's International Graduate Institute, held at the Geography and History Department of the UB (c-Montalegre, 6). Throughout the morning, the students in the masters, postgraduate and specialization programmes and their professors and tutors had the opportunity to participate in different talks and program activities. - November 18, 2009 - UOC - Open University of Catalonia
Australian Aerospace Upgrades to UpsideLMS Version 4.0 to Enhance Training Experience for Over 900 Employees
Australian Aerospace, the only helicopter producer in Australia and New Zealand and a subsidiary of the Eurocopter, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of EADS, the largest Aerospace and Defence company in Europe, upgraded to UpsideLMS Version 4.0 from UpsideLMS Version 3.0. Australian Aerospace has been using UpsideLMS for over a year before the upgrade. UpsideLMS deployed on-site at Australian Aerospace is used to train more than 900 employees spread across various facilities in Australia. - November 17, 2009 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Noted Author Joins Classical Learning Resource Center
The Classical Learning Resource Center is an online resource center for teachers and homeschoolers dedicated to Christian education through Classical Learning. A classical education not only prepares students for the practical responsibilities of life, but also opens the door to a deeper understanding of humanity and faith. - November 16, 2009 - Classical Learning Resource Center
Midway College Announces Another Major Achievement - Development of Neighboring Retirement Community
Midway College recently finalized an agreement with Christian Care Communities, Kentucky’s largest faith-based provider of senior housing and long-term care services, for an option to purchase sufficient land for developing a “Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC)” adjacent to Midway College’s campus in Midway, Kentucky. - November 16, 2009 - The Learning House, Inc.
Career Step Named to the Utah 100 for Ninth Consecutive Year
Career Step has been named to the MountainWest Capital Network’s Utah 100 for the ninth consecutive year. Career Step placed at number 76 in the state. - November 15, 2009 - Career Step
Midway College Announces Major Project - New State-of-the-Art Learning Resource Center
Midway College announces the construction of a new state-of-the-art learning resource center to replace the Starks Building which has served the College since 1925. - November 15, 2009 - The Learning House, Inc.
Workplace Violence is Taking a Deadly Toll
Violence in the workplace prevention strategies need to be taken. - November 15, 2009 - SafetySkills
The Learning House, Inc. Recognized as a High Growth Company During National Distance Learning Week
The Company, Founded in 2001, Receives “Hot Dozen” Award from Louisville Chamber for Entrepreneurial Growth and Achievement in Distance Learning Industry - November 14, 2009 - The Learning House, Inc.
The e-Learning Lingo Podcast Talks About "Ergonomics"
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a tool used in human-factors research and design: “Ergonomics.” - November 14, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc. Expands to and Adds Training for Drupal and Wordpress
By the end of 2009, will have run over 100 Joomla training classes in locations from Alaska to Miami and from Los Angeles to London. Further extending its classroom training schedule, today announced that it is expanding to also provide Drupal and Wordpress training classes. As part of the growth a new website has been launched: with the slogan "Open Source Training." - November 13, 2009 -
RoboCounsellor Delivers Transactional Analysis Free 24/7
RoboCounsellor has added Transactional Analysis to the conventional counselling it delivers interactively free of charge to almost anyone. It does this by taking conventional counselling actions and duplicating not the actions themselves but their essence. - November 13, 2009 - RoboCounsellor
SyberWorks LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcast Looks at Hospital Certification and Training Learning Management
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces the next episode in their LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcast Series: “Hospital Training and Certification Learning Management.” - November 12, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Language Learning Website Abandons "Freemium" Model in Favor of Quality
New version of Babbel features new learning material and Course system. 500,000 registered users since January 2008. Ad-free site allows for unhindered learning. - November 12, 2009 -
SMARTHINKING Names New Chief Financial Officer
SMARTHINKING, Inc. (, the market leader in products and services to bolster student performance, persistence and retention, has announced that Joel Reiser has been named the firm’s new chief financial officer. With an extensive background in financial management and... - November 11, 2009 - SMARTHINKING
Newest Addition to Santa Cruz Waterfront is Geogad's Free Mobile Tour
Geogad's latest free multimedia tour to Santa Cruz, California is now available to travelers and would-be travelers. This tour can be viewed over the Internet, on any mobile phone with a mobile web browser or with Geogad's free Android-based application. Geogad's newest tour focuses on Santa Cruz's best known features, its boardwalk and beaches. Included in this one-hour long audio- and image-based tour are historical photos and descriptions of old Santa Cruz. - November 09, 2009 - Geogad Inc
RedVector Green Lights Participation in GreenBuild 2009 International Expo in Phoenix, Nov. 11 - 13, the leader in online continuing education for the architectural, engineering, and construction industries and a USGBC-approved online education provider, will be showcasing its latest green building products and services at GreenBuild 2009. - November 08, 2009 - RedVector
The e-Learning Lingo Podcast Discusses the “Generative Learning Model”
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a concept used in learning theory: “Generative Learning Model.” - November 07, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc. Publishes Daily Forex Analysis for Forex Traders
Golearnforex, the premier forex educational portal, now generates original forex analysis as well as offering top forex analysis from other respected financial analysts. - November 07, 2009 -
Homeschooling Families and Friends Get a Free Guide to Festive Planning and Frugal Gifting
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine announces the release of a complimentary gift to its readers and their E-community of friends—the Digital Holiday Supplement. - November 07, 2009 - The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
Citizens Demanding Vaccination Choice Carry Republican Chris Christie to New Jersey Governorship
In an unprecedented and historic move, Chris Christie put pen to paper last week and made an official campaign promise to citizens of New Jersey in support of vaccination choice. He further cemented his position on live radio with Don Imus, by becoming the first gubernatorial candidate to utter the... - November 06, 2009 - Life Health Choices
SyberWorks Media Center Presents a New Article: “Spreading the e-Learning Word (Part 1)”
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces an article available in the SyberWorks Online Media Center: “Spreading the e-Learning Word (Part 1),” by David Boggs, CEO and Founder of SyberWorks, Inc. - November 05, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Sae Institute Graduate Gives Back and Shares Knowledge with Future Producers
Multi-platinum producer, Vincent di Pasquale, shares his secrets with SAE Institute of Technology students across the U.S. and Europe. - November 05, 2009 - SAE Institute of Technology, US
Personal Care Aide Certification Course Provides Comprehensive Online Training for In-Home, Assisted Living Staff
Online training provides option for entry into healthcare profession in an accessible, affordable manner. - November 04, 2009 - aQuire Training Solutions Announces Release of EngineRoom® 5.0, the leading global provider of online Lean Six Sigma training and support technologies, today released EngineRoom 5.0, MoreSteam’s latest contribution to its suite of user-friendly data analysis tools. Featuring an interactive Design of Experiments (DOE) wizard, EngineRoom 5.0... - November 03, 2009 -
Swine Flu School Closings Drive Students to Online Tutoring
With Hundreds of Swine Flu-Related School Closings, Homebound Students Go Online in Search of Innovative Instructional Services. - November 03, 2009 -
RoboCounsellor Delivers Conventional Counselling in an Unconventional Way
RoboCounsellor interactively delivers conventional counselling free of charge to almost anyone. It does this by taking conventional counselling actions and duplicating not the actions themselves but their essence. It came online on October 31, 2009. - November 03, 2009 - RoboCounsellor
Contemporary Latin Music Educators Present: Contemporary Drums and Percussion Camp - 2010 Edition Featuring: Grammy Award Winner: Clayton Cameron
Contemporary Drums and Percussion Camp at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. June 15-18, 2010 visit: for more information. - November 03, 2009 - Contemporary Latin Music Educators, LLC
"The State of Home Inspection in Texas" on; Champions School of Real Estate's Inspection Education Expert Brings the Latest Industry News to the Web
Roy Carter, Director of Inspector Education for Champions School of Real Estate, hosted the broadcast premiere of "The State of the Inspection Industry in Texas," Wednesday, October 21, at 12pm CST on Mr. Carter interviewed Gordon Fox, President & Owner of Fox... - November 01, 2009 - Champions School of Real Estate
The UOC - Open University of Catalonia - the Global Online University - Conference on the Hacker Ethic
Professor Pekka Himanen, one of the internationally best-known experts of the information age will give a lecture on "The Hacker Ethic: The Way Forward after the Current Global Economic Crisis." Himanen is an IN3 visiting professor, and during his stay at the institute, he directed a research seminar on the hacker ethic. The conference will take place on 2 November at 18h, at the UOC's Barcelona Regional Centre (Rambla de Catalunya, 6). The event is open to the public. - November 01, 2009 - UOC - Open University of Catalonia
North American Seminars Inc. Presents "Unlocking the Mystery of Effective Rehabilitation for Multiple Sclerosis"
Multiple sclerosis can affect any area of the central nervous system resulting in a multitude of symptoms. This course, offered in limited engagement in 2010, will address the most current evidence based treatments available for Multiple Sclerosis. North American Seminars, Inc. presents this physical therapy continuing education course in Sacramento, CA and Las Vegas, NV in 2010 - October 31, 2009 - North American Seminars
The e-Learning Lingo Podcast Looks at “Uniform Resource Identifiers”
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a tool used in computer network applications: “Uniform Resource Identifier.” - October 31, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc.
North American Seminars, Inc. Introduces Advancements in the Management and Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury - Limited 2009-2010 Engagements
North American Seminars, Inc. introduces Advancements in the Management and Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury for limited engagements in 2010. This course is a physical therapy continuing education course focused on assisting patients with spinal cord injury. - October 30, 2009 - North American Seminars
SAE Institute Alumnus Receives TEC Award
Playback Recording Studio Owner, Tucker Bodine, wins 2009 TEC Award for Outstanding Creative Achievement: Studio Design Project - October 30, 2009 - SAE Institute of Technology, US
The UOC - Open University of Catalonia - The Global Online University - World Experts Debate Conflict, Conflict Resolution and Peace at the UOC
Two peace reporters in times of war, a member of Amnesty International's education group and an expert in gangs are some of those taking part in the 3rd International Conference on Conflict, Conflict Resolution and Peace organised by the UOC's Campus for Peace on 29 and 30 October. This conference, which is to take place at the UOC's Barcelonès Support Centre (Rambla de Catalunya 6), aims to act as a forum for debate and sharing of ideas on these subjects. - October 30, 2009 - UOC - Open University of Catalonia
"Scary Stories Are Good for Your Children," Says Host of the Art of Storytelling Show
Eric James Wolf, professional storyteller and host of the Art of Storytelling Show, is available for print, radio and television interviews to speak on how scary stories can be used to teach important life skills to children. - October 29, 2009 - Brother Wolf Storytelling
SyberWorks Media Center Presents New Article – “Distributor-Modeled Training”
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces an article available in the SyberWorks Online Media Center: “Distributor-Modeled Training” by Steve Pena, Senior Instructional Designer and Implementation Consultant for SyberWorks, Inc. - October 29, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc.
The UOC - Open University of Catalonia - The Global Online University - The UOC, Member of The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education
The President, Imma Tubella, has been named on the Global Advisory Council of The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (OBHE). This group is responsible for reviewing and approving major programmes, services and external initiatives. The Observatory's primary purpose is to provide strategic information to enable policy-makers and institutional-organizational leaders to make informed decisions relevant to their existing and/or future cross-border higher education initiatives. - October 29, 2009 - UOC - Open University of Catalonia
The Uoc - Open University of Catalonia - The Global Online University - the UOC Library Offers Loans of e-Book Readers
The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC) Library has started up a new service for loan and use of e-book readers. The initiative has been a great success in its first week in operation. The Library management are to assess how the service works and users' level of satisfaction in order to decide whether to offer this service on a long-term basis. - October 29, 2009 - UOC - Open University of Catalonia
The UOC - Open University of Catalonia - The Global Online University - The UOC to Take Part in the International University Teaching and Research Conference
The 6th International University Teaching and Research Conference (CIDUI) which is to take place in 2010 has opened the call for presentation of symposium proposals until 15 January 2010. Cristina Girona, Albert Sangrà and Montse Guitert from the UOC's eLearn Center are on the Organizing Committee, and Lourdes Guàrdia, from the Psychology and Educational Sciences Department, is to take part on the Conference's Scientific Advisory Board as a member of its standing committee. - October 29, 2009 - UOC - Open University of Catalonia
Japplis Releases an Online Photo Effects Tool
Japplis releases a free online application that previews photos with different effects. - October 28, 2009 - Japplis
SAE Atlanta and Euphonix Present; Vincent Di Pasquale and the "Art of the Remix"
Vincent di Pasquale shares insider secrets and techniques that have made him one of the top remixers in the music industry at SAE Institute's Atlanta campus. - October 25, 2009 - SAE Institute of Technology, US
RedVector’s Mike Vandall to Illuminate Social Learning at AGC Conference
Mike Vandall, RedVector’s Executive Vice President of Business Development, has been asked to speak for the second consecutive year at the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) Conference. Mr. Vandall, a well-known expert in learning technologies for the design and construction industry, is scheduled to present on Thursday, October 29th. - October 25, 2009 - RedVector
The e-Learning Lingo Podcast Show Talks About “RFPs”
SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a tool used in systems acquisition: “RFP.” - October 24, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc.
Humor Under Pressure: How Can Unemployment and Retraining be Pleasant to Talk About? Dr. Kathleen P. King.
Pink slips, unemployment, rejection letters and phone calls form job applications… What are displaced workers to do?? Scott Sloan of WLW Cincinnati Radio (and simulcast streaming on XM Radio) recently invited adult development and learning expert, Dr. Kathleen P. King onto his evening radio... - October 23, 2009 - Transformation Education LLC