Foxbright Announces Growth-Driven Move to Downtown Grand Rapids Headquarters

Software technology and professional services firm expands and establishes offices in landmark Waters Building. - October 31, 2006 - Foxbright

Karrox Announces Training Program For MCTS-SQL Server 2005

Karrox's training program in MCTS-SQL Server is among the premier high end training programs in continuation of Karrox's tradition of high-end training. The training program from Karrox involves training on implementing a Microsoft Server 2005 database package. [Exam No. 70-431, Microsoft... - October 31, 2006 - Karrox Technologies

New SyberWorks Media Center Article: “Four Basic Flash Learning Activities for e-Learning Development (Part 1)”

SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces a new article available in the SyberWorks Online Media Center: “Four Basic Flash Learning Activities For e-Learning Development (Part 1).” Dave Boggs, CEO of... - October 28, 2006 - SyberWorks, Inc. Leads Compliance with Federal Requirement

Payroll services company offers electronic payroll as government shifts to “paperless” checks. - October 26, 2006 -

SyberWorks e-Learning Podcasts: Episode #2 Tips for Writing an Effective Online Survey

SyberWorks, a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode in their e-Learning Podcast Series, “Tips For Writing An Effective Online Survey.” Dave Boggs, CEO of SyberWorks, states, “Our second podcast is an... - October 21, 2006 - SyberWorks, Inc.

SyberWorks LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcasts: Episode #2 Interview with John Preble, VP of

SyberWorks, a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode in their LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcast Series, “Interview with John Preble, VP of” (Southeastern Building Trades Associates,... - October 19, 2006 - SyberWorks, Inc.

CEFE Rolls Out a Four-Point Community Character & Ethics Program

A program to create and install effective and meaningful character and integrity training, not only among educators, but among the community’s leadership, their associates, co-workers and citizens at large. - October 19, 2006 - Global Academy Online, Inc.

Animated E-Book "Meet the Flash"

Andrei Doubrovski has released an animated e-book "Meet the Flash" intended for Flash beginners. To speed-up the learning every lesson is packed with a movie clip, showing some practical usage of the wordy lesson. - October 19, 2006 -

Nurse Continuing Education Company Receives Accreditiations

CEU Professor, an internet-based nursing continuing education company, has received two major accreditations. The California Board of Registered Nursing and the Florida Board of Nursing have granted provider approval status to CEU Professor, allowing CEU Professor's courses to be accepted by the nursing boards of all 50 states. - October 14, 2006 - CEU Professor

"Brain Training" Company Predicts Extraordinary Growth with U.S. Net Promoter Score of 69%

LearningRx far surpasses U.S. companies’ median Net Promoter score of 11%. - October 12, 2006 - LearningRx, Inc.

TeachMeIT Releases Online Course on Fundamentals of Macromedia Flash 8

TeachMeIT, a leading provider of online courses in IT and desktop applications, has released the introductory course on Macromedia Flash 8 Professional. The online course titled ‘Fundamentals of Macromedia Flash 8’ is designed to serve the needs of designers and developers who plan to... - October 11, 2006 - TeachMeIT

The Online diUlus School of Entrepreneurship Offers Transformational Training

The diUlus School of Entrepreneurship embodies the quintessential entrepreneurial spirit that has made America great. - October 11, 2006 - Global Academy Online, Inc., Leading Online Publisher of Parenting Advice & Family Guidance, Hires New Editorial Director

Family Education Network—the leading online publisher of educational expertise, practical guidance and grade specific (K-12) information for teachers, parents, and kids — today announced the hiring of Dottie Enrico as Editorial Director of, the company’s online learning-based site for parents. - October 10, 2006 - Family Education

Internet Payroll Entrepreneur Develops Online Tutorials

Students can learn how to calculate compound interest through a free online tutorial developed by the owner of a payroll outsourcing company. - October 06, 2006 -

LearningRx Proves Weak Cognitive Skills are Cause of Learning Disabilities

LearningRx has proven that weak cognitive skills are a cause of learning disabilities, and these weak cognitive skills can be fixed with specific testing and training. LearningRx rebuilds a student's cognitive skills foundation for learning using proven methods. Further information on their testing... - October 04, 2006 - LearningRx, Inc.

TeachMeIT Launches Portal on Life Science Courses

TeachMeIT, a leading provider of online courses in IT and desktop applications, has proudly announced the launch of Online Life Science Course Portal ( - September 28, 2006 - TeachMeIT

CLS Computertrainingen Selects the SyberWorks Web-Based Learning Management System

SyberWorks, a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, announced today that they were selected by CLS Computertrainingen, a leading computer training company located in the Netherlands. CLS Computertrainingen provides computer software training to... - September 21, 2006 - SyberWorks, Inc.

Back to School Tips: Parenting Advice on Making Time for Family Activities this School Year

From packing lunches, to carpools, to helping with homework, many parents find themselves with little family time and even less personal time. “Ten Ways to Make More Time for Your Kids”, the top ten list from, provides parenting tips and expert advice to save time... - September 20, 2006 - Family Education

LifeBound Signs Exclusive Agreement with National Tutoring Association

LifeBound Training and Certification for Academic Coaching Skills signed an exclusive agreement with The National Tutoring Association (NTA). - September 19, 2006 - LifeBound, LLC

Jones International University Marks Constitution Day

Online institution’s website will feature free, downloadable podcasts of historic messages. - September 19, 2006 - Jones International

Global Academy Online Offers 'New University in a Box' Programs

The Academy is among the first international organizations that provides the where-with-all for academic entrepreneurs to create and develop an online training campus and/or a licensed and accredited online college or university. - September 19, 2006 - Global Academy Online, Inc.

SyberWorks Announces a New "Success Story" Podcast Series

SyberWorks, a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces a new ‘Success Story’ Podcast Series’, available in the SyberWorks Media Center. - September 18, 2006 - SyberWorks, Inc.

Companies Encouraged to Realise the Benefits of a Older Workforce

Learning4business, an online training provider who specialise in workplace legislation courses, is looking to highlight the benefits of the new Age Legislation due to come in to force on the 1st of October this year. The company hopes that their courses will help businesses to understand the new... - September 15, 2006 - learning4business

SyberWorks Announces a New Article Available in its Media Center: “Polio and e-Learning Build vs. Buy Decisions”

SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces a new article available in the SyberWorks Online Media Center: “Polio and e-Learning Build vs. Buy Decisions.” Dave Boggs, CEO of SyberWorks, states,... - September 14, 2006 - SyberWorks, Inc.

Applied Ethics Certification Is Now Online

A certification in applied ethics may be obtained totally through distance study online. The result of a collaboration of business, education and government organizations, the program addresses the need for certified character and ethics trainers worldwide. “A Certified Applied Ethicist... - September 05, 2006 - Global Academy Online, Inc.

Tempe Arizona Start Up Launches Exciting New Consumer Based Web Service

Online instructional video service provides “How To” information on a wide variety of subjects. - August 30, 2006 - Offers Free Video Tutorials for Windows 2003, a website devoted to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 tutorials, has just made several of its video tutorials for Windows 2003 developers and systems administrators available for free. features video training recorded by an expert instructor and contains an... - August 26, 2006 -

Back-to-School Educational Program with Free Learning-Based Games, Expert Advice, and School Shopping Spree from Family Education

Family Education,, the leading online publisher of learning-based materials for parents, teachers, and kids, launches its 2006 Back-to-School program Monday August 21st. This year’s program features free games, articles, expert advice, message boards, and... - August 22, 2006 - Family Education

The Oregon Training Network and AmerIT Learning Team Up with their first ITIL® Foundation Course Offering in IT Service Management

AmerIT Learning, the leader in full service itil® Education in North America, today announced that the Oregon Training Network (OTN) has selected AmerIT Learning to provide ITIL® education training for Software Association of Oregon (SAO) members and non-members on August 30th and 31st 2006. - August 11, 2006 - AmerIT Learning Corporation

West LegalEdcenter and Celesq ® AttorneysEd Center Announce Corporate Counsel Town Hall Continuing Legal Education Series

West LegalEdcenter from Thomson West and Celesq® AttorneysEd Center, both industry leaders in continuing legal education (CLE), today announced an innovative series of programs designed specifically for in-house counsel: the Corporate Counsel Town Hall Series. Thomson West is a business within... - August 11, 2006 - Celesq(R) AttorneysEd Center

Intelladon Partners with NetDimensions to Deliver Award Winning E-Learning Solutions

Tampa based solutions provider agrees with LMS provider to offer the Enterprise Knowledge Platform LMS. - August 08, 2006 - NetDimensions

The Center for Ethics in Free Enterprise Announces the Opening of Its Applied Ethics Institute and its Ethics Certification Program

The Applied Ethics Institute is designed to be an active network of applied ethics professionals and to train individuals in a comprehensive online ethics certification program leading to the professional designation “certified applied ethicist” a CAE. - August 03, 2006 - Global Academy Online, Inc.

Real Estate Portal + New Magazine Focusing on India & South Asia Region

Tips to Realty Investors - Beware, most of the real estate builders in India are fly by night operators. Be it retailing, shopping malls, commercial buildings, residential housings, agricultural lands, industrial property, and brings you the latest listings, offer and news alerts. Log on Today. Start Free Postings, Searching and Open Debating - feel the real refreshing experiences. - August 02, 2006 - Wisepoint

Global Academy Online Revolutionizes Online Education with Its Private Label Curriculum

Delivering private label online curriculum boosting online instruction to new heights in a transparent environment, this Washington DC firm makes the smallest liberal arts college competitive with the biggest research university for student scholars anywhere in the world. - July 25, 2006 - Global Academy Online, Inc.

TeachMeIT Launches Online Course for Security - Part-II

TeachMeIT, a leading provider of online courses in IT and desktop applications, has launched the third course in the six course series of the Security+ Certification. Titled ‘Network Infrastructure Security – Part- II’ the course is principally designed for IT Professionals... - July 19, 2006 - TeachMeIT

SIRS, Inc., Evansville ARC, Inc., and GCARC Selects the SyberWorks Web-Based Learning Management System

SyberWorks, a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, announced today that they were selected by Southern Indiana Resource Solutions, Inc. (SIRS), a leading advocacy group for individuals with disabilities. David Gilmour, Network Administrator for... - July 17, 2006 - SyberWorks, Inc.

Golden Gate Founds Sixth Campus Online

Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary determined that distance learning would provide the institution with a valuable means of reaching beyond physical campus limitations. This fall a sixth campus will be founded – its eLearning Campus. - June 08, 2006 - The Learning House, Inc.

Renaissance Corporate eUniversity to be Launched this Month

Renaissance Legal & Learning Systems - A Leading KPO based in India is all set to launch the Renaissance Corporate eUniversity. The eUniversity will be launching various courses certified by other leading universities; institutes and professional bodies in phase one. Renaissance Corporate eUniversity will be offering certificate and diploma courses intending to fulfill the Gap that exists today between regular courses and on the job reality. - June 03, 2006 - Renaissance Legal & Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd. Proves Web Conferencing Interface Superior Way to Teach Delphi, Oracle, and SQL Programming

With today's technology changing at an ever faster pace, many employees find they need almost constant training.  This is particularly true for computer programmers who face new and developing programming languages on a regular basis. "As a computer programmer, you practically have to... - May 24, 2006 -

Susan Khalje to Teach Couture Hand Stitches Online Sewing Class on

Couture sewing expert, author, TV hostess and Instructor Susan Khalje will teach the Couture Hand Stitches online sewing class on sewing website starting June 12th 2006. - May 23, 2006 -

TeachMeIT Launches Online Course for Microsoft VB.Net

TeachMeIT, one of the leading providers of online courses in IT and desktop applications, has launched ‘Fundamentals of Microsoft VB.NET’ a course principally designed for VB developers and other programmers who plan to use Visual Basic .NET for future application development. - May 16, 2006 - TeachMeIT

ViaSchool Student Information System

New released online student information system, created by Kwontem Technology. Visit - May 15, 2006 - Kwontem Technology

AmerIT Learning Awarded Three Year ITIL® Education Contract from The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)

Technology Education Partnership will Provide SMUD IT Employees with IT Service Management Best Practices Education Courses and Industry Certifications. - May 10, 2006 - AmerIT Learning Corporation

New Online Training Course Helps Photoshop Elements Users Master Layers

“Using Layers in Photoshop Elements” covers everything from basics to cutting-edge techniques. - May 04, 2006 - KW Media Group, Inc.

Conveyancing Hub Relaunches Itself as Renaissance Legal & Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd.

Conveyancing Hub (India) Pvt. Ltd - also known as “The legal documentation Experts” is undergoing a major change in its business activities. A need was felt by the team, CEO and the Directors of this Indian Legal Offshore Company to change its name to reflect the new business and to clear the confusion that Conveyancing Hub is just into Conveyances. - May 02, 2006 - Renaissance Legal & Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd.

Successful Brand Visioneer Completes First-Ever Event for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners To Radically Change the Way They Communicate

Hands-On Intensive Gives Any Business the Power to Create A Brand in Just Three Days - May 01, 2006 - Intention Products, LLC

TechLearn’s Sarah Fraser Interviews SyberWorks CEO, Dave Boggs

SyberWorks Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces that Sarah Fraser, editor of TechLearn NewsLine interviewed SyberWorks CEO, Dave Boggs, for the April 26th edition of TechLearn Online’s Q & A segment. - April 29, 2006 - SyberWorks, Inc.

First Photoshop Elements Digital Scrapbook Design Contest Launches with Over $10,000 In Prizes

Official “2006 Scrappy Awards” Contest Call for Entries. - April 27, 2006 - KW Media Group, Inc.

Photoshop Elements Summits Give Attendees Free Training in New Adobe Programs

Three-Hour Photoshop Elements Seminars in Arlington, TX and Chicago, IL. - April 27, 2006 - KW Media Group, Inc.

New SyberWorks Article: “12 Ways to Use Web-Based Learning Management Systems for Customer Acquisition and Retention in Business-to-Business Environments”

SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces a new article available in the SyberWorks Online Media Center: “12 Ways to Use Web-Based Learning Management Systems for Customer Acquisition and Retention in... - April 24, 2006 - SyberWorks, Inc.

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