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Within Energy & Environment
Triple Diamond Energy Corp Announces Plans for Two Well Program in Garvin County Oklahoma
Triple Diamond Energy Corp (TDEC) has announced plans for a two-well controlled step out oil and natural gas program in south central Oklahoma. - October 24, 2008 - Triple Diamond Energy Corporation
Triple Diamond Energy Corp Completes Drilling and Begins Logging of Two Wells in Oklahoma Project
Triple Diamond Energy Corp. (TDEC) announces the drilling of two wells in Seminole County, Oklahoma is complete and logging is set to start. - October 24, 2008 - Triple Diamond Energy Corporation
New Water Conservation Device Prevents Emerging Crime
Water Theft on the Rise - October 23, 2008 - ConservCo Water Conservation Products, LLC
Small Connector to Draw Big Interest at Neurotech Leaders Forum
One of the biggest attractions at the upcoming 8th Annual Neurotech Leaders Forum may be the smallest and simplest: an electrical connector designed around a tiny, coiled spring. - October 22, 2008 - Bal Seal Engineering, Inc.
New Animations Bring Connectors, Seals to Life at Medical Design Show
Three new animation sequences produced by Bal Seal Engineering, Inc. will make their debut on the “big screen” at the Medical Design & Manufacturing Show, running October 22nd-23rd, 2008 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. - October 22, 2008 - Bal Seal Engineering, Inc.
LifeSpan Recognized by EPA For Environmental Excellence
LifeSpan Technology Recycling today announced that it has been recognized by the EPA’s National Environmental Performance Track program (“Performance Track”). LifeSpan also received the Gold Leadership Award from the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment – becoming the first recycler in the state to achieve this prestigious designation. - October 21, 2008 - LifeSpan
"Going Green" from the Comfort of Your Own Home: Environmental Waste Solutions Offers Work-from-Home Opportunities for the Eco-Minded
Environmental Waste Solutions (EWS) is offering a work-from-home business opportunity that makes “going green” that much greener for those seeking to work for themselves - October 21, 2008 - Environmental Waste Solutions
Opal Conferences Invites Gordon “Grant” Curtis to Speak at Boston Wealth Management Forum
Addressing suitability for 130/30 portfolio strategy for endowment and pension funds - October 18, 2008 - GG Curtis Consulting
Microbe Inotech Laboratories, Inc. Receives 2008 Best of Saint Louis Award
U.S. Local Business Association's Award Plaque Honors the Achievement. - October 18, 2008 - Microbe Inotech Laboratories, Inc.
Open Tolbox: An Open Door to the Future
Announcement of new consulting firm partnering Vinay Gupta (hexayurt designer - and LaRahna Hughes. - October 18, 2008 - Open Toolbox
Tidalwave Holdings, Inc. Completes Acquisition of Noble Metals LLC & Metals Recovery Plant
Tidalwave Holdings, Inc. ( (Other OTC:TWVH.PK - News) today announced that the company closed its acquisition of Noble Metals LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company and metal recovery industry operator. The definitive agreements include the acquisition of 100% of... - October 17, 2008 - Tidalwave Holdings, Inc.
Galcon’s Cutting-Edge Solution Saves Water for Municipalities Through Remote Management of Irrigation Systems
Solution enables control of water usage from anywhere via the Internet. - October 17, 2008 - Galcon
Living Life Green Partners with AMEE
Living Life Green and AMEE set the carbon standard with new partnership. - October 17, 2008 - Living Life Green
Shrewd Speculators Podcast, with Kevin Sylla - Market and Sector Commentary at Navigating an Unprecedented Market
Oil Services Stocks as Well as Renewable Energy and Green Stocks Worth Taking a Look. - October 17, 2008 -
Solar Stocks Investor Podcast with Tom Djokovich, CEO of Thin Film Solar Company, XsunX Inc.
Tom Djokovich: “We envision thin film literally usurping the market share that silicon wafer technologies currently enjoy.” - October 17, 2008 -
Euronav Announces New USD 500 Million Credit Facility for FSO Project
The executive committee of Euronav NV (EURONEXT BRUSSELS: EURN) is pleased to announce that it has jointly with Overseas Shipholding Group Inc. (NYSE: OSG) signed a USD 500 million senior secured facility with ING, Fokus Bank, Fortis Bank (Belgium), Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, BNP Paribas... - October 16, 2008 - Euronav NV
Triple Diamond Energy Corp Begins Two Additional Wells in Sportsman Lake Field Project in Oklahoma
Triple Diamond Energy Corp. (TDEC) has commenced drilling the third well in a four well project located in Seminole County, Oklahoma. With the first two wells in Seminole County drilled and logged, Triple Diamond Energy Corp. commenced drilling of its third well in the Sportsman Lake Field. The... - October 15, 2008 - Triple Diamond Energy Corporation
Pavel Obukhov Has Shared with His Colleagues the Experience of Construction of SAP-Based Uniform Corporate System
Deputy General Director in charge of IT and Management Technologies of IDGC of Centre, JSC Pavel Obukhov participated in a SAP forum that took place in Crocus-Expo Exhibition Complex, Moscow. - October 15, 2008 - IDGC of Centre
Hydraficient Announces New Pricing
Reduced Prices for Hydraficient Water Fuel Cell Standard and Super Kits - October 14, 2008 - Hydraficient
Calling All Ecopreneurs: Environmental Waste Solutions Offers Lucrative Green Business Opportunity in a Down Market
EWS is now accepting inquiries from those entrepreneurs (and ecopreneurs) who are interested in learning more about how they can benefit from this lucrative green business opportunity. - October 14, 2008 - Environmental Waste Solutions
The Author of Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering Attended the 2008 Collingswood Book Festival
The author of Sustainable Development Possible with Creative System Engineering met with many people at the Collingswood Book Festival and signed his book. Mr. Sobkiw commented "The kids in college and fresh out of college were very interested in the book. To my surprise a large number of... - October 12, 2008 - CassBeth
Power Grids Integration - a Way to the Development and Efficiency Increase
IDGC of Centre became the auction winner and got the right to acquire electric power complex of Oboyan. - October 11, 2008 - IDGC of Centre
IDGC of Centre’s Shares Included in the MICEX PWR Index Calculation Base
MICEX Stock Exchange held a quarterly review of the MICEX PWR index calculation base, according to which IDGC of Centre’s shares were added to it beginning from 25 October 2008. - October 11, 2008 - IDGC of Centre
IDGC of Centre Has Improved Its Corporate Governance Rating
The Consortium of Russian Institute of Directors and RA Expert Rating Agency (RID and RA Expert Consortium) has awarded IDGC of Centre, JSC with Level 7 of Corporate Governance Rating under the scale of the National Governance Rating. - October 11, 2008 - IDGC of Centre
IDGC of Centre Project Has Reached the Finale of IPMA Project Excellence Competition
IDGC of Centre, JSC IT System Development Project has reached the finale of IPMA Project Management Excellence International Competition. - October 11, 2008 - IDGC of Centre
Power Continuity Installs Uninterruptible Power Supplies for Britannia Building Society
Power Continuity Systems recently won a major upgrade for the UK operations of the Britannia Building Society Head Office. The power supply company helped the West Midlands building society, founded in 1856, install a new uninterruptible power supply system as part of a major overhaul of the head... - October 10, 2008 - PowerContinuity Systems
Energy Saving Company Living Life Green Launch New US Operation
Living Life Green US launches in Atlanta. Living Life Green, an energy saving software company founded in London, UK this week launched its new US operation based in Atlanta, Georgia. The expansion directly into the US market is a result of the massive interest and developing sales of Living Life... - October 10, 2008 - Living Life Green
Queen and Paul Rodgers Join Researchers of the World to Stop the Shark Slaughter
Brian May, guitarist of Queen, and Paul Rodgers, lead singer of Queen + Paul Rodgers (and also of Free and Bad Company), join 140 researchers to urge the governments of all nations to stop the slaughter of sharks. With the "Manifesto for Immediate Worldwide Shark Conservation Actions,"... - October 09, 2008 - Shark Research Institute
ADWA Explores the World with Traveling Sportsman Magazine
Hunting and fishing are healthy escapes, and the American Deer & Wildlife Alliance (ADWA) wants to relieve sportsmen of the daily grind through a partnership with Traveling Sportsman Magazine (TSM). “There are tons of publications out on the market, but the quality of Traveling Sportsman... - October 09, 2008 - American Deer & Wildlife Alliance
New Imprinted All Natural Cotton Tote Bags from
An environmentally friendly imprinted cotton tote bag can keep your name visible at trade shows, making it an ideal low cost promotional item. - October 09, 2008 - Eco Marketing Solutions Presents the Latest Water Stocks Podcast for Investors
Bill Brennan Discusses the Performance of the Kinetics Water Infrastructure Fund, Global Water Industry Trends and Investing Trends. - October 09, 2008 -
Alcoa’s Relicensing Effort for the Yadkin Hydroelectric Project Poses Significant Challenge to New North Carolina Drought Bill
The N.C. Water Rights Committee is announcing that while new legislation signed into law on July 31 by Gov. Mike Easley does expand the ability of the governor and local communities to respond when drought conditions worsen, it does not apply to Alcoa’s hydroelectric operations on the Yadkin... - October 09, 2008 - N.C. Water Rights Committee
Gordon “Grant” Curtis to Speak at Monaco Wealth Management Conference in October 2008
Gordon “Grant” Curtis is pleased to announce that he will be speaking as a panelist at the Opal Financial Conference in Monaco on October 27, 2008. The panel topic of “alternative investment strategies” can encompass many possible targets, but of particular interest is the... - October 08, 2008 - GG Curtis Consulting
GlacialTech Invites Media to Attend TAITRONICS Taiwan 2008
GlacialTech Inc is proud to welcome all interested parties, from customers to media partners to attend their booth in the new TWTC NanGang Exhibition Complex during the TAITRONICS Taiwan show to be held in Taipei from 7th to 11th October, 2008. TAITRONICS 2008 is organized by TAITRA (Taiwan... - October 08, 2008 - GlacialTech Inc
Environmental Waste Solutions Announces Rapid Growth with Their Part-Time Green Business Opportunity for New Affiliates
Environmental Waste Solutions (EWS) of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, announced today that the company has realized rapid growth with new part-time affiliates from around the US becoming waste management consultants with the company. - October 08, 2008 - Environmental Waste Solutions
Arup Impressed During Evaluation of Plogg Wireless Energy Meter
Arup, the worldwide structural design and engineering group, conducts successful trials with Energy Optimizers' Plogg Bluetooth energy meter. - October 08, 2008 - Energy Optimizers Ltd
Business Meeting of IDGC of Centre, JSC Top Managers in Belgorodenergo is Approaching Its End
The business meeting of IDGC of Centre, JSC top managers organised in Belgorodenergo and focused on the performance of the Automation System Project of the company is approaching its end. - October 08, 2008 - IDGC of Centre
IDGC of Centre Has Become One of the First Partners of the Manufacture That Opened in the Smolensk Region
Sergei Arkhipov, Vladimir Bykov and Nikolai Fyodorov - IDGC of Centre’s representatives - have taken part in a solemn opening of the production site of Baltenergomash plant, Smolensk Region. - October 08, 2008 - IDGC of Centre
Important News Related to the Cost of Home Wind Turbines Released by GEDOWCO Fly Fishing Company (GEDOWCO)
Last Friday, October 3, 2008, the House of Representatives passed a bill, which allows clients who purchase Home Wind Turbines to deduct 30% of the cost from their tax bill in the form of a tax credit. This is not to be confused with a tax deduction. A tax credit is a direct deduction from the... - October 07, 2008 - GEDOWCO Fly Fishing Company
Whitewater Security's Groundbreaking Water Crisis Management Solution Delivers Comprehensive Online Answer to Terrorist or Accidental Water Contamination
Skilled team of security and water experts provides end-to-end, cutting-edge, customized solution to safeguard even the most vulnerable locations. - October 07, 2008 - Whitewater Security
Seattle Solar Installation Company Helps Washington Customers Take Advantage of New Federal Solar Tax Credits
Local solar installation company, Sunergy Systems, announces that going solar now makes more sense than ever for Washington home owners. Just in time for National Solar Energy Awareness Month, Congress passed the Investment Tax Credit on Friday, October 03, 2008. With the passage of the Investment... - October 06, 2008 - Sunergy Systems
ADWA Supporters Score Big with Hunting Lease Magazine & TV Show
For a limited time the American Deer & Wildlife Alliance (ADWA) will be inviting members and supporters to receive a discounted yearly subscription to the popular Hunting Lease Magazine, America’s #1 source for places to hunt. Director of ADWA Operations Annie Jones says, “Hunting... - October 05, 2008 - American Deer & Wildlife Alliance
Vexiom Corporation Acquired by TBC Holdings, Inc.
Vexiom Aligns around Core Industries: Infrastructure, Energy, Technology, and Services. - October 04, 2008 - Vexiom Corporation
NY Luxury Fleet Filling Need for Green
Partners Executive Transportation is driving towards a more sustainable future. The New York luxury ground transportation provider is undertaking a comprehensive approach to reducing the environmental footprint of all aspects of their business. Through their partnership with Green Ride Global... - October 04, 2008 - Green Ride Global
Colly Concert Celebrates the Life of Corolyn Woods Soleri
The Cosanti Foundation presents the twenty-seventh annual Colly Concert at Arcosanti on October 11, 2008, honoring the life of Corolyn "Colly" Woods Soleri. It sounds like an architectural fairy tale. Paolo Soleri falls in love with the elder daughter of his first client, Nora Woods, as... - October 03, 2008 - Cosanti Foundation
EOS Remediation Secures Patent Rights for Vadose Zone Remediation by Physical and Biological Means
EOS Remediation, LLC, a developer and manufacturer of advanced technologies for groundwater restoration, and Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC announced that they have signed an Exclusive Patent License Agreement. This royalty-based agreement grants EOS Remediation an exclusive world-wide... - October 02, 2008 - EOS Remediation, LLC
Motivational Cyclist Adventure Continues to San Diego and Phoenix
As a motivational speaker and cyclist, Rich Trimble is biking across the US as part of a tour to inspire others to greatness and teach about the effective use of conflict resolution tools in everyday. Trimble speeches are entertaining, engaging and inspiring to almost every audience type. - October 02, 2008 - Trimble Mediation
Solarpower Restoration Systems Announces Letter of Intent for a Three Year Supply of Modules with SBM Solar Inc.
SolarPower Restoration Systems Inc, a leading developer of building and roofing integrated photovoltaic application technologies, today announced that it has signed a non-binding letter-of-intent for a three-year supply agreement with SBM Solar Inc. Under the letter of intent, SolarPower... - October 01, 2008 - SolarPower Restoration Systems, Inc.
Revolutioninzing Junk Removal Franchise: The Youngest (and Hunkiest) Franchisors in America Grow Despite a Tough Economy
Former high school buddies turn a college business plan into a multi-million dollar hauling company. With 15 locations across the country, College Hunks Hauling Junk has become the largest US-based Junk Removal Franchise Opportunity. - September 30, 2008 - College Hunks Hauling Junk LLC
Food Safety Microbiology Seminar, Oct. 24
Microbe Inotech Laboratories, Inc. (The MiL, Inc.) will be sponsoring a Food Health and Safety Microbiology Seminar on October 24, 2008 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center (975 N. Warson Rd., St. Louis, MO 63132). The seminar is a one day series of speakers... - September 29, 2008 - Microbe Inotech Laboratories, Inc.