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Within Financial Services
One Smart Dollar and ReadyForZero Roll Out the “Top Personal Finance Blogs of 2012” Campaign, Recognizing Industry Peers
Supporting the tight knit community of personal finance blogging, One Smart Dollar and ReadyForZero are now accepting nominations – offering over $500 in prizes to bloggers and their loyal readers. - January 24, 2013 - One Smart Dollar
Woodlake Commodity Solutions Proffers Another Online Trading Functionality via Twitter
Woodlake Commodity Solutions, one of the most proven efficient commodity brokerage service provider in London, will soon release its new online trading service functionality via social media network Twitter. - January 24, 2013 - Woodlake Commodity Solutions
CashFlows Teams Up with Young Enterprise to Support Businesses of the Future
CashFlows announces an agreement to provide payment processing facilities for Young Enterprise businesses - January 24, 2013 - CashFlows
Long Term Care Insurance Almanac Free Shipping Offer
Copies of the Long Term Care Insurance Almanac can be obtained with free shipping from the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - January 24, 2013 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance
Clearent Continues Rapid Growth with Record 2012
Today Clearent released its 2012 results, realizing a compound annual growth rate of 100% and processing nearly $3 billion worth of transactions in 2012. - January 24, 2013 - Clearent
Expense Reporting Made Easy
A recent CNN survey lists tracking receipts and claiming expense reports among the top 5 productivity killers in business today. Canadian-based firm Exameron Limited, announced today the release of its latest in productivity web apps - Expense Sheet Tracker – which tackles the challenge head... - January 24, 2013 - Exameron Limited
Woodlake Commodity Solutions Now Offers Live Futures Trading
In the third quarter of 2012, Woodlake Commodity Solutions has announced through a press release that the firm is planning to go live on its futures brokerage trading. - January 24, 2013 - Woodlake Commodity Solutions
National Futures and Commodities Exchange Reorients Its Marketing Strategy to Centralize on Its Vast Diversified Offerings
National Futures and Commodities Exchange released an official statement today expressing it is reorganizing its marketing strategy to concentrate on a more comprehensive set of broader and integral propositions. - January 24, 2013 - National Futures and Commodities Exchange
Woodlake Commodity Solutions Posts P5.74 B Net Income in Last Semester of 2012
Woodlake Commodity Solutions posted a net income of P5.74 billion in the last semester of 2012. - January 24, 2013 - Woodlake Commodity Solutions
Valuation Results of the Stiftung Warentest for Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Protection of the AGA International SA, Munich
The AGA International, which is one of the most important partners of the insurance MAWISTA, is a member of the Allianz Group. In the current financial test (Issue 2/2013), the AGA International has received extremely positive results from a study by Stiftung Warentest for trip cancellation... - January 23, 2013 - MAWISTA
Consolidebtllc Warns USA Citizens to be Careful with Their Credits
The question about refundable fees in debt relief organizations is still open; however in case of unavoidable matters the debtor shall have the opportunity to get all moneyback. - January 23, 2013 - Consolidebt LLC
National Futures and Commodities Exchange Releases One-Stop Web Market Portal for Active Traders
NFCX, has launched today its newest service to day traders who trade stocks, penny stocks, stocks options and Forex trading via one stop web market portal for active stock traders. - January 23, 2013 - National Futures and Commodities Exchange
Waldeck Tax Offering Special Rate for All College Students
Waldeck Tax will be offering a special discounted rate for all students attending Coastal Carolina and Horry Georgetown Techinical College again this season. The special price will include federal and state e-file at a price of 50.00. Students who attended school at least half time in 2012 may be... - January 23, 2013 - Waldeck Tax
Obama's Presidential Impact on Long Term Care Insurance
As President Obama begins his second term in office a leading long term care insurance expert speculates on the industry's next four years. - January 23, 2013 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance
Retirement Income Professional Stephen Lomsdalen Joins MarketWatch's RetireMentors Program
Stephen Lomsdalen, ChFC, CFS, CIS joins select group of financial professionals committed to educating the investing public on Through the RetireMentors program, financial commentators will provide insight, education and creative and informative strategies to help individual... - January 23, 2013 - Lomsdalen Wealth Management,Inc.
Cherry Bekaert Unveils New Strategic Brand Position
National Accounting Firm Launches Strategic Rebranding Initiative Under New Name Cherry Bekaert LLP to Better Align With Growing Middle-Market Companies. - January 23, 2013 - Cherry Bekaert LLP
Mercantile Capital Corp. Announces Record Year, Plans Expansion in 2013
Mercantile Capital Corporation today announced that 2012 was a record year for the nearly 10-year-old company, which specializes in providing commercial property financing for small business owners via the U.S. Small Business Administration 504 loan program. Christopher Hurn, CEO of Mercantile... - January 23, 2013 - Mercantile Capital Corporation
US Economy Likely to Improve in 2013
A new survey by Money shows that the U.S. economy is likely to improve in 2013, despite headwinds facing the nation. - January 22, 2013 - Money Journal
Soft Tissue Injuries Result in a $450,000 Patient Settlement Through the Detailed Documentation of TeamCare Medical and Dr. Tim Kern
Dr. Timothy Kern, Clinical Director of TeamCare Medical Centers, and the Medical Director at the facilities have decades of expertise supporting injury claims in the diagnosis, documentation, treatment and trial testimony for personal injury patients. - January 22, 2013 - TeamCare Medical
Woodlake Commodity Solutions Soon to Launch the Last Phase Three Day Seminar on Commodity Futures Market
Woodlake Commodity Solutions, a leading commodity futures company with main office located at London, UK and with global trading services to almost all class assets, will organize a three day seminar on commodity futures market. - January 22, 2013 - Woodlake Commodity Solutions
Bank Sales Consulting Firm Clarity Advantage Appoints Lars Eller as Director of Sales and Marketing
Nick Miller, president of the bank sales consulting firm Clarity Advantage, selects banking executive Lars Eller to lead the company’s sales and marketing team. - January 21, 2013 - Clarity Advantage Corporation
National Futures and Commodities Exchange Soon to Introduce New Equity Global Market Division
National Futures and Commodities Exchange, a commodity brokerage firm based on London, UK and has been expanding internationally, announced the recent creation of a new brokerage trading service called Equity Global Market Division designed to enhance the global clients’ profitability of their investments through equity trading. - January 20, 2013 - National Futures and Commodities Exchange
Medicaid Funding Shortfalls Will Propel Long Term Care Insurance Growth
Medicaid underpayments to nursing homes exceeded $7 billion in 2012, the largest ever, which will propel awareness of the importance of long term care insurance predicts leading expert. - January 20, 2013 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance
New Minnewaukan Public School Open to Students, Thanks to New Markets Tax Credit Financing
Grand opening celebration is scheduled for 1 p.m. Monday, Jan. 21. - January 20, 2013 - Travois Holdings, Inc.
Hennessey Capital to Support The Salvation Army Bed & Bread Program at Annual Red Wings Alumni Hockey Game
Hennessey Capital once again supports The Salvation Army Bed & Bread Program at Annual Red Wings Alumni Hockey Game on Saturday, January 26. - January 20, 2013 - Hennessey Capital
WBB Hosts the First of It’s Thought Leadership Series- “Navigating the Business of Government”
Due to a tremendous amount of interest in learning more about how to utilize a limited amount of resources to reach maximum productivity, WBB is hosting the first of It’s Thought Leadership Series on “The Challenge of Achieving Organizational Efficiency in Government” next... - January 20, 2013 - WBB
Woodlake Commodity Solutions Intensifies Trading Services on Its 31st Anniversary
The year 2013 marks the 31st year anniversary of Woodlake Commodity Solutions, a commodity and brokerage firm that has been in the global trading scenario since its inception in 1982. - January 19, 2013 - Woodlake Commodity Solutions
Smith Dollar Participated in the National Residential Mortgage Litigation & Regulatory Enforcement Forum
Michael Pfeifer Among Panelists at ACI’s 10th National Forum - January 19, 2013 - Smith Dollar PC
Asset Level Defines Long Term Care Insurance Market
A new study reveals 30 percent of Americans have savings and investment levels that make them viable prospects for long term care insurance. - January 19, 2013 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance
Forum Stakes Claims on Trend of the Alpha/Fission Discovery in the Athabasca Basin
Forum Uranium Corp. (FDC: TSX-V) is pleased to announce it has staked three claims immediately to the southwest of the Patterson Lake South (PLS) discovery of Alpha Minerals / Fission Energy in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. Forum’s technical team examined the extensive database of the... - January 19, 2013 - Forum Uranium
National Futures and Commodities Exchange Offers Active Traders Precise Trading Tips to Ensure Better Returns of Investment
Among the many international brokerage firms, NFCX is always recognized when it comes to providing trading services concerning accurate and quick-witted trading tips, effective trading strategy tips, intraday tips and other trade-enhancing tips. - January 19, 2013 - National Futures and Commodities Exchange
Australia Property Seminar to be Attended by Kuala Lumpur Who’s Who
A private wealth discussion and Australian Property Seminar will be held at an undisclosed Kuala Lumpur City location this Saturday 19th Jan 2013. - January 18, 2013 - Mortgagee Property Ltd
Investment Manager and Production Finance Executive Launches Film Advisory Aperture Road
Aperture Road delivers actionable insights and strategies in filmed entertainment to increase project viability, economic feasibility and eventual financial performance. - January 18, 2013 - Aperture Road
Voyage Manager Supplies VM Light to Northcott Global Solutions
Voyage Manager is delighted to supply Northcott Global Solutions (NGS) with the new “VM Light” global travel itinerary tracking solution. - January 18, 2013 - Voyage Manager
Massingham & Associates Introduces New Executive Positions
Three employees at Massingham and Assocaites have been promoted to executive positions. Two of the employees have received vice president roles and the third has moved up to be a branch manager. - January 18, 2013 - Associa
SO Leads Releases Upgrade to Buying Platform
Lead generation business introduced new buying platform, bringing new opportunities for brokers. - January 18, 2013 - Simply Online Media
MBAF Announces Move to New Headquarters in Miami
MBAF's new headquarters in the heart of Miami positions them at the center of the City's business district, keeping them at the forefront of the latest developments and news that affect their clients. - January 18, 2013 - MBAF LLC
ISA CEO Howard Siegel Appointed to Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Board
Howard Siegel, CEO of Irwin Siegel Agency Appointed as Governing Board Member and Treasurer for a newly formed Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) in Bronx, NY. - January 18, 2013 - Irwin Siegel Agency
Use MLK Jr.'s Advice and You Might Get a Raise
“Whatever your life's work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better.” – MLK Jr. - January 18, 2013 - Sound Strategy Estate & Retirement Specialists
Long Term Care Insurance Tax Deduction May be Overlooked
Twenty million Americans over age 65 will file tax returns and are reminded that long term care insurance premiums may be an overlooked tax deduction. - January 18, 2013 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance
Legacy Family Office Joins Top-Ranked Pathstone to Expand Client Services
Legacy Family Office, a privately owned registered investment advisory firm, has joined Pathstone Family Office. Legacy Family Office was founded in 2006 by Tammy Surratt and serves families in the Naples area. Surratt founded Legacy Family Office to provide ultra-high net worth families with more... - January 18, 2013 - Legacy Family Office
Mevesi Extending KeyCentrix™ Partnership to flexTRAX Point of Sale
Mevesi POS and KeyCentrix’ flexTRAX to have web service interface. - January 18, 2013 - Mevesi, Inc.
Ask Your Tax Filing Questions for Free at
All questions are answered by highly qualified local tax professionals. Thousands of CPA firms, Enrolled Agents, and IRS Approved Tax Preparers have joined the service to answer tax filing questions. - January 18, 2013 -
Mercantile Capital Corp Provides Loan for Animal Hospital in Chicago, IL for More Than $530,000
Mercantile Capital Corporation, which ranks as one of the nation’s leading providers of U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) 504 loans for small business owners who want to acquire or develop their own facilities, closed a commercial loan for Brighton Park Animal Hospital, LLC recently... - January 18, 2013 - Mercantile Capital Corporation
Woodlake Commodity Solutions Launches New and Customizable Online Trading Service
Woodlake Commodity Solutions a leading commodity and brokerage service provider that specializes on currency trading service, has recently launched its newest online trading service, a customizable online trading service that allows traders to personally get involved in the trading activities and transactions and yet security and trading quality remain in tack. - January 18, 2013 - Woodlake Commodity Solutions
Beacon Insurance Group Partners for Seminar on the Affordable Care Act and the Affects on Small Business
South Carolina Insurance Agency, Beacon Insurance Group, partners with JCM Insurance Solutions and Carolina Care Plan for an informational seminar on how the Affordable Care Act pertains to small businesses. - January 17, 2013 - Beacon Insurance Group, Inc.
Principia Addresses US Market Risk Rule and ASF Guidance on Securitization Due Diligence
Principia's Structured Finance Platform delivers consolidated platform to perform global securitization due diligence best practices. - January 17, 2013 - Principia Partners LLC
Jason Sugarman and Sugarman Family Trust Raise $2 Million for Fullerton Technology Foundation
The wine auction fundraising event will be held at the Fullerton Arboretum on June 1st, 2013. - January 17, 2013 - MKA Capital Group Advisors
National Futures and Commodities Exchange Introduces State-of-the-Art, Inclusive Forex Trading Platform for Best Trading Solution
NFCX an internationally-known and leading brokerage commodity service provider, has announced recently the full intensification and automation of its newest state-of-the-art and broad range Foreign Exchange Trading platform to ensure Foreign Exchange traders the best trading solutions. - January 17, 2013 - National Futures and Commodities Exchange
HRW, Inc. Employees Receive Industry Designation
HRW, Inc., an Associa company, congratulates two employees for earning the Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA) certification from the National Board of Certification for Community Association Managers (NBC-CAM). - January 17, 2013 - Associa