Ever wonder how that couch will fit out your brownstone door and down that narrow staircase? How will you ever take apart that intricate wall unit - and if you do, how will you ever get it back...
Quality furniture repair is comprised of invisibility and durability.
Dr. Sofa repairs are virtually seamless; no job should compromise a piece's integrity or current worth. Each repair is done so...
Quality furniture restoration brings back the beauty and integrity of an original piece. That is why the Furniture Surgeon recommends restoring only the damaged or lost areas of any piece of...
Dr. Sofa
provides furniture reupholster. Whether it is to revamp your old furniture or to give it a new look, we can provide professional service to all. Why give up your comfortable sofa, when we...
We at Dr. Sofa have dedicated ourselves to the solution of one of life¿s most perplexing problems: fitting furniture in our homes. The problem is, simple as it may sound, that there are times...
Gas sampling Kit: contains all you need to start collecting Gas Samples: one Gas Sampling Pump, six 55ml Stainless Steel Sample Cylinders, one Filling Indicator, one Purging Attachment, Connecting...