Official web site and On-line Store for Ron Korb, internationally renowned flute virtuoso and composer of jazz and world music (including Japanese music, Latin and Celtic music.) Ron Korb will personalize and autograph any of your selections. You can purchase the following products on-line:
- Ron Korb DVDs
- Ron Korb Posters
- Ron Korb Sheet Music
- World music CDs
- Japanese music CDs
- Celtic music CDs
- Ron Korb CDs
MP3 downloads and ringtones will soon be available.
In addition to Ron Korb's original compositions, some CDs feature traditional Japanese music, traditional Chinese music and traditional Celtic music. Ron Korb's recordings feature a wide range of:
- classical flutes (e.g. silver flute, bass flute)
- bamboo flutes
- world flutes including Japanese flutes (e.g. shakuhachi, shinobue, ryuteki), Chinese flutes (e.g. Dizi, Ba Wu) and Celtic whistles (e.g. penny whistle, low whistle)
- traditional Japanese instruments (e.g. koto, taiko drums)
All tracks are blended beautifully combining eastern instruments with western keyboards and acoustic instruments.
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- Motion Picture & Sound Recording
- Music Publishers
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