GLBT Community Advocate "Maddawg" Matt Locklin to Appear on Pacifica Radio's Queer Voices to Hash it All Out on KPFT 90.1 with Hostess Deborah Bell

Gay and AIDS community organizer "Maddawg" Matt Locklin will be honored on Pacifica radio "Queer Voices" on KPFT 90.1. Schedule guest for the 8:OO PM broadcast. Mr. Locklin, a volunteer, was recently awarded both the Islamic charities - House of Charity "humanitarian award," and in Jan-07 will recieve the prestigous "Jefferson Award." Sometimes controversial, but always effective and funny as hell, it's Matt Locklin. Tune in on 12-18-06 @ 8PM "Queer Voices" on KPFT 90.1 ~ Pacifica Radio - December 08, 2006

AIDS Housing Hero Recieves Prestigous "Jefferson Award" in Houston, TX

Matt Locklin a man living with AIDS on disability, is being honored for his heroic efforts. He will be presented the Jefferson Award 2007 now. This is the Nobel peace Prize for Volunteers. Picked from thousands of worthy nominees. He not only serves as public health advocate and politician. Locklin also has housed over 500+ homeless people with AIDS himself. Also serves as co-chair of HOPWA citizens council and (ret.) Founding Chairman (emeritus) AIDS clinic council. - December 01, 2006

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