Be an Award-Winning Author. Enter the Book of the Year Awards.

Call for entries in the 2012 Book of the Year Awards program. If your books expand a reader’s world, introduce a voice society needs to hear, offer practical knowledge where none existed before or simply entertain so compellingly that all distractions fall away as the reader turns the next page, they should be submitted in the 2012 Book of the Year Awards. - August 31, 2012

ForeWord First’s Spring Title Winner Announced

Debut fiction competition to showcase the best Print-On-Demand, self-published, and small press titles announces Spring Title Winner. - August 02, 2012

ForeWord's Best First-Fiction Shortlist Announced

For the past fourteen years, ForeWord has been at the forefront of discovering new authors. ForeWord Firsts is the debut fiction competition highlighting the best and brightest first-fiction titles from self-publishers, indie and small presses. - July 20, 2012

How to Market Your First Novel

A major hurdle for first-time fiction authors is the difficulty of getting their work recognized. Few libraries or bookstores will consider a self-published or debut fiction title unless it comes with credentials. To help promote this exploding segment of the market, ForeWord has created a quarterly debut fiction contest - ForeWord Firsts - to recognize the brightest new fiction. - May 12, 2012

Announcing the ForeWord Firsts Winter 2012 Title Finalists

ForeWord Firsts is designed to recognize and give self-published and small press first-fiction titles an extra sales boost, and help us validate to the trade this important segment of the industry. Here are the finalists for the Winter 2012 Title Release contest. - April 21, 2012

ForeWord's Debut Fiction Award Program

ForeWord is pleased to introduce their debut fiction competition. As a book review journal, at times we feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of titles we receive for review - many more than we can possibly cover in the magazine. That said, the odds of receiving review attention are most discouraging for first-time fiction authors. For this reason, ForeWord has launched a quarterly debut fiction contest with the goal of highlighting the brightest POD/self-published works we see. - March 07, 2012

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