PHC Launches the PHC FX max Edition
The new PHC FX edition was developed for companies that need maximum customization and advanced features. PHC FX max Edition delivers brand new features to PHC Business FX, like exchange rates and foreign currency, compound products, among others. - June 14, 2013
PHC FX Reached the Milestone of 1000 Customers
The Software as a Service based product surpassed expectations and new users grew 200 percent, in 2012. Most of these new customers are located in Portugal but also in Spanish and English speaking countries. - June 01, 2013
PHC Presents PHC Team FX
The brand new PHC Team FX helps you track your project time, estimates and expenses taking team collaboration and coordination to new heights. Ideal for companies and departments that have to manage projects, it controls time, information, budgets and teams. - May 02, 2013
PHC Launches PHC Dashboard FX
Built for decision makers or task managers, PHC Dashboard FX optimizes time by delivering a mobile monitoring service of your business through a tablet device. A decision support tool with an intuitive and advanced interface that offers real-time decision making, by providing priceless company metrics and analytics for every scenario. - April 06, 2013