Vizient Partners with KIB for Annual Community Day Project

Vizient, the nation’s largest member-owned health care services company, partnered with Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) on Tuesday, October 11, for an employee volunteer service project at the Lively Pointe Swimming Pool. Co-leaders James Hull and Greg Schretter lead a group of 22 Vizient... - October 14, 2016

KIB and UPS Volunteers Replenish Trees at Bird’s Fort Trail

Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) partnered with UPS for a community service project on Wednesday, October 5. The fifteen UPS employee volunteers, who were joined by four North Lake College Service Learning students, gave a total of 75 hours in planting 45 native trees along the northern Campion Trails... - October 08, 2016

Volunteers Help Make Keep Irving Beautiful’s 25th Annual Trash Bash a Success

Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) hosted its 25th Annual Trash Bash, the organization’s signature cleanup event, at T.W. Richardson Grove Park on September 24. There were 623 volunteers of all ages (320 adults and 303 youth) who came out to help pick up litter and keep it out of the nearby Elm Fork... - October 01, 2016

Keep Irving Beautiful Attends North Lake College Service Learning Fair

Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) staff attended the North Lake College Service Learning Fair on Thursday, September 15, along with representatives from a variety of other non-profit organizations. The purpose of the fair, which was held at the central campus from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., was to inform... - September 21, 2016

KIB Seeks Volunteers for 25th Annual Trash Bash/Trash and Treasures

Keep Irving Beautiful invites the community to attend the 25th Annual Trash Bash on Saturday, September 24, 2016 from 9 a.m. to noon. Volunteers will meet at T.W. Richardson Grove Park, along the Campion Trails, for a morning of community service, food and fun. For the fifth consecutive year, the... - September 11, 2016

KIB Promotes Cleaner Public Spaces at South Irving Library

In partnership with the Library and the Parks Department, Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) staff visited the South Irving Library on Wednesday, August 31, where they set up an information table and spoke to library patrons about KIB programs. They were there to promote clean public spaces, and provided... - September 03, 2016

KIB and Phi Theta Kappa Partner in Park Beautification Project

Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) has enjoyed a long partnership with the Alpha Zeta Eta Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, working together on a variety of projects over the years. For the past few summers, the Alpha Zeta Eta officer team has volunteered to do a project prior to school... - August 31, 2016

Keep Irving Beautiful and Holy Family Youth Partner with Emma’s House

Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) reaches out to the community to promote volunteerism, and their faith groups outreach program has been a rewarding initiative over the years. This summer they welcomed a new faith group partner, the Total Youth Ministry group from Holy Family Catholic Church in Irving,... - August 13, 2016

Keep Irving Beautiful Hosts Annual Awards Ceremony

Keep Irving Beautiful’s annual “Mayor and KIB Awards” ceremony was held on Monday, August 8, 2016, at the First Baptist Church of Irving. As the guests entered the Fellowship Hall to the beautiful music of violinist Caonex Peguero, they were greeted and signed in by volunteers... - August 11, 2016

Keep Irving Beautiful Supports Year-Round Litter Abatement

Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) works to instill community pride through educating and engaging volunteers in the focus areas of litter abatement, beautification and recycling. KIB is asking all Irving residents and visitors to show that community pride by making a positive difference in their daily... - July 20, 2016

The UPS Foundation Awards Keep Irving Beautiful with Community Tree Planting Grant

More Than 30 Keep America Beautiful Affiliates Receive Grants Totaling $160,000 to Support Local Projects Keep Irving Beautiful and the City of Irving Parks Department along with community volunteers from Contech Engineered Solutions and Land Design Inc. teamed up to plant a variety of native... - July 09, 2016

KIB, Contech and Land Design Plant Trees at Tree Farm

Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) received a grant from the UPS Foundation in 2015 to purchase native trees for the city’s Tree Farm, and on June 30, 2016, they were finally able to start getting those trees in the ground. The unusually rainy weather in the past year had left the ground at the tree... - July 07, 2016

Irving Community Honored at Keep Texas Beautiful Conference

Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) and several of their community partners were recently honored at the 49th Annual Keep Texas Beautiful State Conference, held June 20 – 22 in Sugar Land, Texas. The theme of this year’s conference was “Keeping Texas Beautiful – How Sweet It... - June 26, 2016

Keep Irving Beautiful Focuses on Fundraising in 2016

Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB), the local affiliate of both Keep America and Keep Texas Beautiful, is exploring many options to increase its fundraising efforts in 2016. One way to help KIB is by through an activity that we all do on a regular basis: shopping. KIB is registered at both Kroger and Tom... - June 08, 2016

Keep Irving Beautiful Wraps Up Career Days with Hanes Elementary

Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) finished its career day outreach to the students of the Irving Independent School District by attending the Hanes Elementary event on Wednesday, May 25. Approximately 120 second grade students and their teachers heard about the many things KIB does in the Irving... - June 02, 2016

Keep Irving Beautiful Visits Elliott Elementary

Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) continued its outreach to the students of the Irving Independent School District by attending another career day, this time at Sally B. Elliott Elementary, on Monday, May 23. KIB representatives presented four sessions, speaking to approximately 115 third and fourth... - May 29, 2016

Keep Irving Beautiful Visits Thomas Haley Elementary for Career Day

Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) staff continued a tradition of attending the Thomas Haley Elementary Career Day again this year on Friday, May 20. Four classes of second grade students welcomed KIB staff and board members who gave a presentation about the many activities KIB has to offer, and focused... - May 26, 2016

Keep Irving Beautiful Visits Gilbert Elementary for Career Day

Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) was one of the many presenters at F.M. Gilbert Elementary School’s annual Career Day, held on Friday, May 13. As part of its ongoing Schools and Youth Outreach programming, KIB board members attended the event and spoke to two classes of third graders about what... - May 18, 2016

Keep Irving Beautiful Seeks Nominations for Annual Awards

Keep Irving Beautiful is asking for nominations to be submitted for the 2016 “Mayor and KIB Proud Partners Awards.” These awards honor local individuals, organizations and businesses that have gone above and beyond in making significant contributions towards making Irving a better place... - May 15, 2016

KIB and Acosta Cares Partner for Park Beautification Project

Almost one year to the day that they originally scheduled the project, Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) and Acosta Marketing Group, which includes Mosaic Sales Solutions, partnered to paint at the Lively Pointe Swimming Pool. On Friday, May 6, 88 employee volunteers gathered at the location to... - May 14, 2016

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