Photography News

Get a snapshot of the latest photography news about cameras, accessories, exhibits, photographers, retailers, digital photography, photo sharing and storage. Features news about products and services geared toward amateur and professional photographers and industry professionals. Announces Contest Corner Challenge #42: Window to the Soul

Contest Corner Challenge #42: Window to the Soul is the Latest Contest Challenge at, which asks photographers to take a photograph of a person with their eyes being the main subject of the photograph. - November 22, 2007 - Announces the Winner of Contest Corner Challenge#41: Shades of Grey

Jeffrey Frey of Bayville, New York is the Latest Contest Corner Challenge Winner at, Winning Contest Corner Challenge #41: Shades of Grey. - November 21, 2007 -

DNJ Gallery Announces Exhibition of Bill Owens and Ginny Mangrum

DNJ Gallery is pleased to announce its upcoming exhibition featuring a selection of Bill Owens’ iconic photographs from his books, Suburbia and Leisure, and in Gallery II, photographs by Ginny Mangrum - November 20, 2007 - DNJ Gallery

Simpson Galleries Announces the Sale of the Mary Ann Moorman Photograph Taken the Moment That John F. Kennedy Was Assassinated

Approximately 1/6th of second after President Kennedy's head was shattered at frame Z-313, Mary Ann Moorman captured a Polaroid photograph (her fifth that day) of the presidential limousine and President Kennedy that also includes the grassy knoll area. What was captured in the background of the photo has been a matter of contentious debate. On the grassy knoll some claim to have identified as many as four different figures, while others dismiss these indistinct images as trees or shadows. - November 19, 2007 - Simpson Galleries

New Features Added to Online Proofing Solution

In Fall 2007, Pictology released its latest version of the online proofing solution, Pictology 2.0. Some of the new additions include an interactive Flash-based gallery, user favorites for easy shopping, a flexible lab printing solution and the ability to sell your products and your price. - November 18, 2007 - Pictology, Inc.

Sedna Film's High-Def Shoot for The Weather Channel Results in California on Location Award Nomination

Sedna Film's High-Def Shoot for The Weather Channel Results in California on Location Award Nomination

A high-definition (HD) shoot for The Weather Channel in Lake Tahoe landed Sedna Films of Santa Monica a place among the finalists for the 13th annual California On Location Awards (COLA). COLA is the premiere awards ceremony honoring location professionals and production companies for professional... - November 15, 2007 - Sedna Films

Digibug Engages iMerge Advisors to Explore Strategic Alternatives

Digibug Express, Inc. (, a leading provider of online photo commerce and hosting technologies, has engaged Internet mergers and acquisitions specialists iMerge Advisors to assist it in exploring strategic alternatives to maximize shareholder value. "As we continue to grow our... - November 15, 2007 - iMerge Advisors, Inc. Announces the November 2007 Photograph of the Month

Andrew Hornby of Norfolk, UK is the Latest Photograph of the Month Winner at - November 13, 2007 - Announces Contest Corner Challenge #41: Shades of Grey

Contest Corner Challenge #41: Shades of Grey is the Latest Contest Challenge at, which asks photographers to take a black and white photograph of any subject. - November 11, 2007 -

Lifetime TV's "Faces of Breast Cancer" Features Portrait by f8 Photo Studios

Lifetime TV's "Faces of Breast Cancer" Features Portrait by f8 Photo Studios

Jonathan Kaz and Cara Galati of f8 Photos Studios in Raleigh know exactly what the face of breast cancer looks like. They’ve seen it on their own mothers. So they were especially pleased recently when they learned that Lifetime TV’s online “Faces of Breast Cancer” campaign... - November 08, 2007 - f8 Photo Studios Announces the Winner of Contest Corner Challenge#40: Trick or Treat

Carl Chalupa of Toronto, Ontario, Canada is the Latest Contest Corner Challenge Winner at, Winning Contest Corner Challenge #40: Trick or Treat. - November 07, 2007 -

Call for Entries for 2008 Kauai Magazine Cover Photo Contest

Kauai Magazine, published in Hawaii, announces cover photo/art contest for 2008 magazine covers. Deadline for entries is December 31, 2007. - November 01, 2007 - Best Places Hawaii

Video Production Companies Colorado

Video Production Companies Colorado

VS Video Productions in Colorado was chosen by Comcast to produce On Demand shows for its network. - October 29, 2007 - VS Video Productions

Preserve Your Memories II

Preserve Your Memories II

Precision-Blue, LLC is proud to announce its Unique Acrylic Coating that is VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) exempt, including a UV blocker, California Compliant Cat # 80201 and dries in less 2 minutes while taking on the texture of the material being coated. - October 28, 2007 - Preserve Your Memories II

New Photography Studio Opens in Ocean County, NJ. Well known Photographer, Johnny D.

Dynamic Xposure today announced the opening of its new studio located within the gorgeous Tiberias Spa & Salon. - October 28, 2007 - Dynamic Xposure Makes Building an Online Photo Album Easy Online Photo Sharing Made Simple Makes Building an Online Photo Album Easy Online Photo Sharing Made Simple offers yet another way for you to use your domain name with Online Photo Filer, an affordable, easy-to-use method for sharing photos on the World Wide Web. Whether you're a shutterbug or an Internet amateur, Online Photo Filer is a cinch to use and best of all, your family, friends and colleagues can view your images without the hassle of logging in. - October 22, 2007 - GAD Ventures, Inc.

America’s Largest Collection of Male Calendar Models

America’s Largest Collection of Male Calendar Models

Over 50 male models with On Display Men each have their own calendar available at - October 20, 2007 - On Display Men, LLC

Michael Huggan, APRS, Announces His 2008 African Wildlife Calendar

Award-winning Photographer, Michael Huggan, Releases 13 Stunning Photos from his African Wildlife Collection in his 2008 Calendar - October 16, 2007 - Michael Huggan Photography

Manipulated Polaroids at Pissedpoet Pics

A selection of Michael Going’s manipulated Polaroids ranging from 1985 to 2006 is the latest gallery addition to the guest galleries at Pissedpoet Pics. - October 16, 2007 - Pissedpoet pics

Sault Ste Marie Photographer Featured in New Book

Brian Tremblay, a Sault Ste Marie photographer, was chosen from a pool of many to have two of his images featured in a new book by Wiley Publishing and The Photo Workshop entitled “Photos That Inspire”. “I’m pretty excited to be featured in such fine book,” said Brian. - October 14, 2007 - Brian Tremblay Photography Announces Contest Corner Challenge #40: Trick or Treat

Contest Corner Challenge #40: Trick or Treat is the Latest Contest Challenge at, which asks photographers to photograph anything to do with Halloween. - October 11, 2007 -

Kids At Heart Photography Grants Another Franchise in the State of NJ (Burlington County & Cherry Hill, NJ)

Kids At Heart Photography Grants Another Franchise in the State of NJ (Burlington County & Cherry Hill, NJ)

Kids At Heart Photography continues to grow in the Garden State granting their 5th franchise in NJ. Kids At Heart Photography now has 10 franchises that service the youth photography industry in PA, NJ, DC, VA, MD, CA and FL. Kids At Heart offers photography services to daycare/preschools, elementary/middle schools, youth sports leagues, dance and camp photography. - October 10, 2007 - Kids At Heart Photography Announces the Winner of Contest Corner Challenge #39: Bring on the Night

Carl Chalupa of Toronto, Ontario, Canada is the Latest Contest Corner Challenge Winner at, Winning Contest Corner Challenge #39: Bring on the Night. - October 10, 2007 -

New Light Editions Selects Innova’s FibaPrint Paper for Douglas Menuez’ “Transcendent Spirit: Orphans of Uganda” Fine Art Prints

New Light Editions has selected Innova Digital Art's FibaPrint Paper for Douglas Menuez’ “Transcendent Spirit: Orphans of Uganda” fine art prints. Though produced using digital processes, the prints have the look and feel of fiber photographic paper. - October 09, 2007 - New Light Editions – the African & Wildlife Stock Photography Site Has Just Released a New and Incredible Collection of Rare Snake Pictures is a photography library in South Africa that specializes in wildlife and African images. They have made their pictures available for free for web use. They have recently received the contributions of a snake specialist who has added some of the most incredible snake pictures. There are some extremely rare and dangerous snakes in their snake pictures collection. - October 07, 2007 - Africapic

Sports Heroes in America: Where Have They Gone?

Sports Heroes in America: Where Have They Gone?

Artletics, a Contemporary Company with Old-Fashion Values, Celebrates America’s Athletic Legacy by Keeping Legends Alive with Art - October 06, 2007 - Artletics

TheCuteKid™ Membership Base Crosses 600,000

Records more then 500% growth rate in last 12 months to become one of the fastest growing. - October 06, 2007 - The CuteKid™

Pro Photographer Writes an Easy-to-Understand Book for Two Popular Canon EOS Cameras

Pro Photographer Writes an Easy-to-Understand Book for Two Popular Canon EOS Cameras

Unusual book on Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT and XTi really resonates with new DSLR owners. - October 05, 2007 - The Friedman Archives Press

Sharpics Introduces Complete Tabletop Studios for Easy-to-Use Professional Product Photography

Company Launches Comprehensive Tabletop Solution Great Product Photos - October 05, 2007 - Sharpics Inc. Announces the October 2007 Photograph of the Month

Andrew Hornby of North Walsham, Norfolk, United Kingdom is the Latest Photograph of the Month Winner at - October 03, 2007 -

Baby Nursery Theme and Decor Picture Contest

Baby Nursery Theme and Decor Picture Contest

Unique Baby Gear Ideas, Nursery Themes and Decorating Ideas contest launch. - September 30, 2007 - Unique Baby Nursery Themes, Crib Bedding and Decorating Ideas Takes Photo Restoration to the Online Public announced its new risk free Photo Retouching service, made available at new website. - September 28, 2007 -

Chicano Photographer Show in Maryland

St. Mary’s College of Maryland presents 26 photographs from the documentary series Chicano Photographer by California photographer Jesús Manuel Mena Garza, Oct. 17 through Nov. 26, 2007. The public is invited to a reception at the college’s Boyden Gallery on Oct. 17, 4 to 6... - September 27, 2007 - Jesús Manuel Mena Garza Photography

Contest: Do You Enjoy a Great View Out the Window?

techPersona is launching a new monthly contest for tech professionals to send in photos of their awesome vantage points at work. Each month, they will pick 1 window view as the best. - September 27, 2007 - techPersona Media Announces Contest Corner Challenge #39: Bring on the Night

Contest Corner Challenge #39: Bring on the Night is the Latest Contest Challenge at, which asks photographers to take a photograph at night, outside. - September 21, 2007 - Introduces the Photo Accordion – the ‘Most Versatile’ Paper Creation for Home Inkjet Printing Introduces the Photo Accordion – the ‘Most Versatile’ Paper Creation for Home Inkjet Printing has introduced the Photo Accordion, the first of a range of creative paper products for home and business inkjet printer users, businesses and dealers. Photo Accordions are credit card sized photos packs, folded out of a pre-cut A4 sheet to form convenient concertina-like... - September 20, 2007 - OPUS Albums (div of Ink Cartridge Technologies Ltd)

“Transcendent Spirit: Orphans of Uganda” Fine Art Photography Featured at Macy’s Passport 2007 Event

A folio box set of signed, limited edition prints by photographer Douglas Menuez will be featured at the Macy’s Passport 2007 Event. Offered by New Light Editions, the images are selections from Menuez’s forthcoming book “Transcendent Spirit: Orphans of Uganda.” A portion of the proceeds goes to Empower African Children, a not-for-profit providing major support to the orphans. - September 20, 2007 - New Light Editions Announces the Winner of Contest Corner Challenge#38: The Daily Grind

Lucy Paz of Israel is the Latest Contest Corner Challenge Winner at, Winning Contest Corner Challenge #38: The Daily Grind. - September 19, 2007 -

Pushing against the pigeonhole: f8 Photo Studios Serves Up Both Commercial and Bridal Images in Metro Magazine

Original commercial and bridal photography by Jonathan Kaz and Cara Grace Galati of f8 Photo Studios in Raleigh recently appeared in back-to-back editions of Metro Magazine, a monthly, four-color regional publication serving Raleigh, the Research Triangle and Eastern North Carolina. Metro’s... - September 16, 2007 - f8 Photo Studios

OPT Announces the New SBIG ST4000XCM Astronomy CCD Camera

OPT is pleased to announce an exciting new camera for the astronomy imaging community. This new camera, the SBIG ST4000XCM Color CCD Camera, has been announced at an incredible price of $3395. This same sensor is featured in the STL-Series camera, the STL-4020M for $5995. Astronomy imagers can now get this same sensor in the ST-Series body for approximately half the cost of the larger camera. - September 15, 2007 - OPT Telescopes

Long Island Photography Seminar

Learn About Nature Photography - Nature Photography Seminar: Sunday September 16th, 2007, 9:30am - 12:30pm. Digital nature photo safari at the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Society in Oyster Bay, NY. - September 13, 2007 - Launches

Mike Coulson, famous fine art photographer, has just released his new website at He displays a vast amount of his fine art and commissioned photography pieces. Revitalizing the art of minimalistic style, Mike lets his images shine on his new site and in turn,... - September 11, 2007 - Mike Coulson Photography

Des Moines Photographer Launches New Web Site Just in Time for Senior Picture Time

Des Moines Photographer Launches New Web Site Just in Time for Senior Picture Time

Living Photos, a professional photographer for hire based out of Des Moines, IA, announced today the launch of a new web site, With a lifetime of photographic experience and many successful clients under its belt, Living Photos offers the the simplicity of hiring a great photographer with no additional fees, or fear of being sold a portrait package. Living Photos just takes a lot of photos and provides them to you on CD. Period. - September 10, 2007 - Handy Guy Announces the September 2007 Photograph of the Month

Lorraine Gilligan of Dublin, Ireland is the Latest Photograph of the Month Winner at - September 09, 2007 -

Internationally Known Photographer to be Guest Speaker at American Morgan Horse Association

Noted international equine photographer Scott Trees will be speaking at the American Morgan Horse Association in Shelburne, Vermont on Friday evening, September 21st, 2007. Recognized internationally for his talents with a camera, Scott Trees is an equally gifted speaker. While screening... - September 08, 2007 - The American Morgan Horse Association Announces Contest Corner Challenge #38: The Daily Grind

Contest Corner Challenge #38: The Daily Grind is the Latest Contest Challenge at, which asks photographers to capture a scene of their own “daily grind.” - August 31, 2007 - Announces the Winner of Contest Corner Challenge #37: Headlines

Julie Whiteley of Provo, Utah is the Latest Contest Corner Challenge Winner at, Winning Contest Corner Challenge #37: Headlines. - August 30, 2007 -

Worcester Photographer’s Work Selected for Boston’s Fashion Week

One of Scott Erb's images has been selected by the Tonn Modeling Agency in Boston to be featured in the Gallery at Sister Sorel Fashion Photography during Boston Fashion Week. - August 24, 2007 - Erb Photography

Kids At Heart Photography Grants First Franchise in the State of California

Kids At Heart Photography Grants First Franchise in the State of California

Kids At Heart Photography has struck gold in the state of California. Kids At Heart Photography grants first franchise in the state of California. Kids At Heart offers photography services to daycare/preschools, elementary/middle schools, youth sports leagues, dance and camp photography. - August 22, 2007 - Kids At Heart Photography

Kids At Heart Photography Grants First Franchise in the State of Florida (Palm Bach County)

Kids At Heart Photography Grants First Franchise in the State of Florida (Palm Bach County)

Kids At Heart Photography plants its first franchise flag in the state of Florida. Kids At Heart Photography now has franchisees that service the youth photography industry in PA, NJ, DC, VA, MD, CA and FL. Kids At Heart offers photography services to daycare/preschools, elementary/middle schools, youth sports leagues, dance and camp photography. - August 21, 2007 - Kids At Heart Photography

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