Radio News

Tune in for radio industry news releases, covering awards, promotions, programming, podcasts, streaming music and radio personalities. Learn about the latest business happenings in local, national, online and satellite radio networks of interest to radio audiences and professionals.

M*A*S*H's Loretta Swit Guests on Animal Radio® - Hotlips Houlihan is Joined by HSUS's Wayne Pacelle

Actress Loretta Swit returns for her third appearance guest-hosting the nationally syndicated Animal Radio® show. - July 17, 2010 - Animal Radio Network™ LLC

MUFON’s Clifford Clift Joins The Kate Valentine Show

With the Upcoming 41st International UFO Symposium, The Kate Valentine UFO Show Was Honored to Have Mr. Clifford Clift, International Director of The Mutual UFO Network, as Their Guest, Live Friday July 9, 2010. - July 15, 2010 - Kate Valentine UFO Show

“Outlaw Shamanism in the UK” on July 13 “Why Shamanism Now?” Radio Show with Host Christina Pratt

On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity,” teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks about “Outlaw Shamanism” – a program “designed by spirit” in which contemporary shamanic practitioners explore the dynamic tensions of honoring tradition yet being responsive to the present. - July 11, 2010 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing

Dr. Leigh-Davis' Radio Show "The Real Deal,” Has a Special on Motivational Speakers

Dr. Leigh-Davis recently hosted a special edition of her weekly radio show, “The Real Deal,” which airs Live at 10:00 P.M. (Pacific time) every Wednesday; and is archived at the Blog Talk Radio website. This special edition focused on the booming motivational industry, with a special focus on top motivational speakers: Tony Robbins, Joel Olsteen, and Rhonda Byrn, the author of “The Secret.” - July 10, 2010 - Dr. Leigh-Davis

Acclaimed Co-Host Jeffrey Sherman Now Hosts "Open Politics w/ Jeffrey Sherman" 3pm-4pm EST on BlogTalkRadio

Jeffrey Sherman the highly acclaimed co-host of End Zone to End Zone now is producing and hosting a new political talk show on BlogTalkRadio. This show is a departure from the normal political talk shows because it focuses on solutions and consensus where others focus on negativity and division. - July 09, 2010 - Revolutionary Firebrand

Recovered Living with a Naturopath, New Thought Minister, Former Mr. America and Chief Passioneer?

"Making It Out Alive" is a radio show about reclaiming your power and recognizing the self-defeating behaviors to conquer and release. Ludwig presents outstanding guests in July who bring to the table profound education and expertise. - July 09, 2010 - Making It Out Alive

Ed Asner Guests on Animal Radio® - Actor Admits Fondness for Felines

Ed Asner returns for his third appearance guest-hosting the nationally syndicated Animal Radio® show. - July 09, 2010 - Animal Radio Network™ LLC

Kate Valentine UFO Show New Podcast with Nikola Tesla Expert Marc Seifer

Traveling on The Journey For Answers, Nikola Tesla Expert Marc Seifer, Member Of The Executive Board Of The Tesla Memorial Society, Joined Kate Valentine And Her Listeners On Her UFO Talk Radio Program: The Kate Valentine UFO Show. - July 05, 2010 - Kate Valentine UFO Show

Bo Bice Guests on Animal Radio® - Bo's Dogs, Gracie and Sally Go Everywhere with Him

American Idol's second place winner, Bo Bice is guest-hosting the nationally syndicated Animal Radio® show July 10th on 99 AM-FM stations and XM Satellite Radio. Since topping the charts, musician Bo Bice has been keeping active with tour dates and a new album to benefit flood victims. Bo... - July 02, 2010 - Animal Radio Network™ LLC

Dr. Leigh-Davis, Host of a Creative Endeavors Production Radio Show, Appears on The Mel Robbins Show

Dr. Leigh-Davis gets advice from her counterpart: Mel Robbins, live on The Mel Robbins Show. - June 30, 2010 - Creative Endeavors

Steve Garvey Celebrates the 4th on Animal Radio® - Baseball Great Shares His Love for Dogs

Dodger baseball legend Steve Garvey is taking a swing at guest-hosting the nationally syndicated Animal Radio® show. This special broadcast airs July 4th weekend on 99 AM-FM stations and XM Satellite Radio. Garvey says he's the opening act for “Tillman the Skateboarding Dog” at his... - June 24, 2010 - Animal Radio Network™ LLC

Harold Cameron, Chief of Helping People,Consumer/Corporate Advocate and Life Coach of HaroldSays to Host New "HaroldSays" Internet Radio Talk Show

Beginning Monday June 28th Harold Cameron, Chief of Helping People, Consumer/Corporate Advocate and Life Coach of HaroldSays, will be back on BlogTalkRadio again hosting his own live talk radio show, "HaroldSays," a radio show where people will be educated and empowered to live wisely and positively in our world today. He is going to host the, "HaroldSays" Radio Show, broadcast live Monday-Friday, (except national holidays), from 12 PM to 1 PM EST. - June 19, 2010 - HaroldSays, Inc.

Denver Restaurant Marketing Firm Ramps Up

Denver Restaurant Marketing Firm Ramps Up

Denver restaurant marketing firm, El Dorado SEO has implemented new strategies specifically geared toward helping Denver restaurants get the elusive first-time customer. - June 17, 2010 - El Dorado SEO

New Radio Show-Consciousness Systems Starts on Real Coaching Radio Network

How to play the game of life? - Dr Dean Allen's new weekly media radio show with Co-host Coach Steve Toth the founder of Real Coaching Radio Network- "Consciousness Systems" starts this Tuesday at 3 PM Eastern beginning June 15th, 2010. - June 17, 2010 - Real Coaching Radio Network

Debra Dixon of Light of Gold PR Will be a Featured Panelist and Social Media Marketing Expert at "1010 Wins Radio TD Bank 5-Borough Business Breakfast"

Debra Dixon, CEO and President of New York-based Light of Gold PR, Marketing, and Consulting LLC, will be one of the featured panelists at the bi-monthly “1010 Wins Radio TD Bank 5 Borough Business Breakfast-Manhattan.” The 1010 Wins Radio TD Bank 5-Borough Business Breakfast provides a... - June 13, 2010 - Light Of Gold PR, Marketing, and Consulting LLC

Interview with Desiree DeMars on June 15 “Why Shamanism Now?” Radio Show Initiation Series

On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity,” teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt welcomes healer Desiree DeMars on the show as part of the “Initiation Series: Curing Our Cultural Sickness.” DeMars talks about her own initiation experiences and how they transformed her. - June 13, 2010 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing

Ralph de la Vega, CEO of AT&T Mobility, Talks on the CEO Show with Robert Reiss About Overcoming Obstacles

Ralph de la Vega, the CEO of AT&T Mobility, talks on the CEO Show with Robert Reiss about the challenging personal and business opportunities he’s faced. De la Vega also dialogs with Reiss about the importance of “risk taking” in business and in personal life, and about his “formula for success” as presented in de la Vega’s book, “Obstacles Overcome.” - June 11, 2010 - Reissource, LLC

Bart J. Tarulli’s Segments on the Your Financial Health Radio Show Gains Listener’s Attention

Bart J. Tarulli Launched a Financial Planning Series on the Your Financial Health Radio Show “To Get People Thinking” Which Has Gained the Attention of the Listeners. - June 08, 2010 - Your Financial Health Show

The Kamlak Center Hits Signs of Life on June 10, 2010

The Kamlak Center's Dr. Betty J. Kovacs and Director, Kimberly Saavedra, and will guest host Forever Family Foundation's Signs of Life Radio Show on June 10, 2010. Rev. Maria Dancing Heart Hoaglund will be their featured guest during the one-hour show that begins at 5 PM Pacific. - June 08, 2010 - The Kamlak Center

The Beacon Show, a Talk Radio Program Produced by The Chicago Lighthouse’s CRIS Radio, Finds Its New Home at WCPT – AM and FM

Consistent with recent expansions at The Chicago Lighthouse, its “CRIS Radio” is also growing. Broadcasting on a new station and time, CRIS reaches larger audience with programming specific to veterans, senior citizens, and people who are disabled. - June 06, 2010 - The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired

Budd Hopkins Describes UFO Abduction on the Kate Valentine UFO Show

Budd Hopkins Appeared on The Kate Valentine UFO Show, Friday May 28th 2010 and Described UFO Abductions, Recounted Investigations and Addressed Debunkers and Hoaxers. - June 03, 2010 - Kate Valentine UFO Show

Dig Coaching Practice Presents an Open Discussion with Ken Zaretzky on Coaching Those Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) and Bipolar Disorder

On Attention Talk Radio, sponsored by DIG Coaching Practice, master certified coach Ken Zaretzky joins host and attention coach Jeff Copper for an insightful discussion around coaching ADD-ers who are also bipolar. In his role as coach, Ken is an expert in the field. The public is invited to listen June 11 as Ken shares his wisdom, experience, and insight as a coach working with those diagnosed with both attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and bipolar disorder. - June 02, 2010 - DIG Coaching Practice LLC

Attention Talk Radio Host Jeff Copper, Attention Coach, and Guest Kathy Engle discuss ADD Resources: A Resource for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

DIG Coaching Practice presents Attention Talk Radio with host Jeff Copper as he talks with Kathy Engle, Director of Operations for ADD Resources, a non-profit organization offering access to a variety of education and support resources as a starting place to help individuals with ADHD achieve their full potential. - May 26, 2010 - DIG Coaching Practice LLC

‘American Idol’ Comic Talent Norman Gentle ‘Slaps’ Debut Single Toward Critical Mass: "Bitch Slap" Released by Young Pals Records International

‘American Idol’ Comic Talent Norman Gentle ‘Slaps’ Debut Single Toward Critical Mass: "Bitch Slap" Released by Young Pals Records International

Music Video Released to Multiple Outlets, Media Mayhem, Radio Airplay Launches - May 25, 2010 - Young Pals Music

Virtual City Radio by IN THE VIRTUAL CITY INC is Now Listed on iTunes

Virtual City Radio by IN THE VIRTUAL CITY INC is Now Listed on iTunes

Virtual City Radio and Virtual City News works hard to make sure Music Artists get the maximum exposure. - May 25, 2010 - IN THE VIRTUAL CITY INC dba 2 HOT 4 AIRWAVES

Dig Coaching Practice Presents ADHD: The Importance of a “Failing Forward” Degree at the School of Hard Knocks on Attention Talk Radio with Jeff Copper

On Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper, attention coach, expands on the concepts offered in his “Failing Forward at the School of Hard Knocks” article online at He will explain what he means by a “failing forward” degree, how it differs from scholarly degrees, and will share his insight on why those diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should understand the nature of the degree and then focus on obtaining it. - May 21, 2010 - DIG Coaching Practice LLC

“The MANIFESTIVUS” to Feature: Common, Toubab Krewe, and John Brown's Body

The Festival is announced and tickets are ready for sale. Performances highlighted by headliner Common. - May 20, 2010 - Halogen Media Works.LLC

Cathryn McIntyre-Author of Honor in Concord on Real Coaching Radio Network

Interview with Cathryn McIntyre-Literary Historian, Independent Scholar, Natural Psychic and an Author on the Mind Body and Soul Show hosted by Founder Coach Steve Toth. - May 19, 2010 - Real Coaching Radio Network

Donna Marie Thompson-the Founder of Bouncing Back Now on Real Coaching Radio Network

Interview with Donna Marie Thompson-PhD. Certified Professional Coach, Master Practitioner of the Energy Leadership Index and Co-author of "Bouncing Back:Thriving in Changing Times" with Brian Tracy, David Ricklen, Wayne Dyer and John Assaraf on the Mind Body and Soul Show hosted by Coach Steve Toth the Founder of Real Coaching Radio Network. - May 17, 2010 - Real Coaching Radio Network

Attorney Michael Gidro Takes Aim at the Bankruptcy Blues

Although Attorney Michael Gidro’s Law Practice Focuses on Bankruptcy & Loan Modification, Mr. Gidro Wanted the Your Financial Health Radio Show to Focus on Alternatives. - May 15, 2010 - Your Financial Health Show

On Her Journey for Answers The Kate Valentine UFO Show Releases Radio Program on Podcast

The Kate Valentine UFO Show is On a Journey For Answers In Search of the Truth About UFO’s and Extraterrestrials. The Mission is: To Present the Listeners with Information that Should Be Readily Available from Our Government and the Media But is Not. - May 15, 2010 - Kate Valentine UFO Show Writer Hopes to Have Asbury Park's Rock 'N Roll Story Told Writer Hopes to Have Asbury Park's Rock 'N Roll Story Told

New Jersey author is trying to raise funds through to get his book covering Asbury Park's rock and roll history published. - May 11, 2010 - NewJerseyStage

Diamond in the Rough Open Mic for All Ages Sponsored by Virtual City Radio

Diamond in the Rough Open Mic for All Ages Sponsored by Virtual City Radio

In addition to Music Artist Appreciation Party, Virtual City Radio by IN THE VIRTUAL CITY INC is now hosting Open Mic for all ages. - May 10, 2010 - IN THE VIRTUAL CITY INC dba 2 HOT 4 AIRWAVES

Helen Kerrison - the Founder of Insight in Business on Real Coaching Radio Network

Interview with Helen Kerrison- the Founder of Insight in Business, Inspirational Speaker, Presenter, Coach, Trainer and Specialist in Enabling Change on the Mind Body and Soul Show hosted by Coach Steve Toth at the New Media Interactive-Real Coaching Radio Network. - May 10, 2010 - Real Coaching Radio Network

The Funnymooners-New Show Starts on Real Coaching Radio Network

New Media Radio Show The Funnymooners-with Murray and Vicki Hannah Lein starts next week on Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 9 PM Eastern on Real Coaching Radio Network. - May 08, 2010 - Real Coaching Radio Network

Mary Jo Buttafuoco, Survivor and Thriver to be Interviewed by Susan Bartelstone

Interview with love triangle shooting survivor Mary Jo Buttafuoco to air on Crime Prevention 101 Thursday, May 6 at 5 PM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel - May 06, 2010 - VoiceAmerica Talk Radio

Thinking about Coaching? Understand It First. Tips from Attention Coach Jeff Copper on Attention Talk Radio on May 14, 2010.

Host and attention coach Jeff Copper looks at coaching on Attention Talk Radio. As one of the world’s few attention coaches, Jeff will share what he sees as obvious differences in coaching styles based on what individual coaches pay attention to. This is a must-listen show for anyone thinking about hiring a coach. The show, sponsored by DIG Coaching Practice, will be broadcast live on May 14 on - May 06, 2010 - DIG Coaching Practice LLC

Music Artist Appreciation Party

Music Artist Appreciation Party

IN THE VIRTUAL CITY INC is having an Music Artist Appreciation Party every Saturday for the Artists that are working hard to help themselves get signed to a Major Record Label. - May 05, 2010 - IN THE VIRTUAL CITY INC dba 2 HOT 4 AIRWAVES

Bournemouth Students Quiz MP Candidates on Policies and Music Tastes for Student Radio

In a first for student radio, Nerve* Radio, run by the Students Union at Bournemouth University, will be broadcasting a special six show series designed to allow the Bournemouth West candidates a chance to speak directly to the student population. The show, entitled ‘Party Political... - April 29, 2010 - Nerve* Radio

Loretta Swit Guests on Animal Radio® - M*A*S*H Star Speaks Out Against "Crush Videos"

In light of the recent Supreme Court decision against outlawing videos depicting animal cruelty, Loretta Swit (M*A*S*H – "Hotlips Houlihan") shares her strong feelings on Animal Radio® - April 29, 2010 - Animal Radio Network™ LLC

Energy Medicine for ADHD on Attention Talk Radio with Host/Attention Coach Jeff Copper and Chana Klein, Professional Certified Coach and Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner

Attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Chana Klein on Attention Talk Radio sponsored by DIG Coaching Practice in an informative discussion around Energy Medicine for ADHD, discussing supplemental or alternative ADHD treatments and techniques. Chana Klein’s life has been about overcoming challenges. After being disabled with reflex sympathetic dystrophy, a crisis she turned into opportunity, she became a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner. She is a Professional Certified Coach. - April 29, 2010 - DIG Coaching Practice LLC

Attention Talk Radio to Broadcast Live at the ADHD Coaches Organization Conference in Chicago on April 30, 2010, with Attention Coach and Host Jeff Copper

Host and attention coach Jeff Copper will broadcast live on Attention Talk Radio from the 2010 ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO) Conference in Chicago, April 30, 2010. The public may listen to the broadcast and then follow DIG Coaching on Twitter to catch up-to-the-moment tweets as audio recordings are posted of speakers, volunteers, and attendees as they are interviewed. - April 22, 2010 - DIG Coaching Practice LLC

BullsEye Radio and Video Chat is Making Their Mark on the Internet

BullsEye Radio and Video Chat is Making Their Mark on the Internet

BullsEye Radio is one of the most interactive and entertaining Video chat and Internet radio sites on the world wide web today. People from all over the world are visiting and making new friends every day. Finally a place to come without the hassle of the everyday chatroom drama. Monitored chat. - April 21, 2010 - BullsEye Radio

Internet Radio Show Your Time with Josie Launches. Added to Mav Management family.

Your Time with Josie is a weekly radio program hosted by 15 year old Josie, featuring a different celebrity guest each week. - April 13, 2010 - Mav Management

Open Mic and a Chance to Win 4 Hours of Studio Time from IN THE VIRTUAL CITY INC

Open Mic and a Chance to Win 4 Hours of Studio Time from IN THE VIRTUAL CITY INC

Virtual City News and Virtual City Radio by IN THE VIRTUAL CITY INC hosts this event every Saturday. - April 10, 2010 - IN THE VIRTUAL CITY INC dba 2 HOT 4 AIRWAVES

North Lowndes Paranormal Society to Kick Off New Radio Show

Katherine Clement and Dee Dee Bailey of North Lowndes Paranormal Society will kick off their new radio show live from a presumed haunted location on April 17, 2010. - April 10, 2010 - North Lowndes Paranormal Society

Reece Manley’s Spirit Thinking is Topic of CBS Radio’s Interview with America’s Leading Psychic Expert

Reece Manley’s Spirit Thinking is Topic of CBS Radio’s Interview with America’s Leading Psychic Expert

Valder Beebe and IANDS Programs Offer Next Stops for Spirituality Expert and Progressive Christian Writer. - April 05, 2010 - Advocate USA LLC

Steve Forbes to be Interviews by Radio Host Jobie Dixon on Voice America Business

Strategic Management Expert to Interview Forbes, Inc. CEO Steve Forbes on VoiceAmerica Business Radio Network. - March 31, 2010 - Jobie Dixon Consulting

Twin Spin Tuesdays Are Back on Martini in the Morning

Twin Spin Tuesdays are back ... showcasing the versatility of the songs that make up The Great American Songbook. These songs are made to be interpreted and re-interpreted, with each artist that records them, doing it their own way. - March 30, 2010 - Standard Media Group

Shanelle Calvin Consulting Will Begin Co-Hosting I-Health Resource on Love Broadcasting in April

Shanelle Calvin Consulting will join Cheryl Palmer of Resourcez Unlimited as a co host on I-Health Resource an internet radio show that addresses matters of the mind, body, and spirit. Shanelle will focus on identifying your talent, empowerment, and health and wellness effects on business productivity. - March 30, 2010 - Shanelle Calvin Consulting

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