Outdoor Sports News
Explore the outdoors with news about traveling, camping and hiking adventures. Find out about companies developing events, tours, products, services and resources for the outdoor adventure market.
Updated Cricket Score is Mandatory for Fans
Cricket is one such game that tends to provide a level of speed in the otherwise dull schedule of cricket fans. It is this reason that enables the professionals at Stickiewicket to update the cricket score for providing the latest information to the fans. Cricket score holds prime importance in the... - December 22, 2006 - Stickiewicket
Cricket World Cup Depicts a Combination of Excitement and Action
Information on cricket world cup is becoming necessary for every cricket lover. The main reason behind this is that it sharpens the knowledge of cricket fans. Cricket world cup is one such tournament that catches the attention of the entire world. Fans are always curious to know the performance of... - December 22, 2006 - Stickiewicket
Tired of Bringing the Sandy Beach Home with You? New Product Leaves the Beach Behind.
Grunrick Enterprises Inc., a Long Island-based company with national aspirations has developed the most unique beach accessory to hit the sun care market in years: SandOff® sand-removing body powder. - November 29, 2006 - Grunrick Enterprises Inc.
SportsDigger.com Debuts New Online Social Networking Community Connects Sports Fans, Teams and Athletes
SportsDigger.com is a new social networking community for sports fans, teams, and athletes. Instantly create your free online sports fan profile to connect with other sports fans and your friends. If you belong to a team, you can now instantly create your free online team profile to interact with your team fans and groupies. - October 05, 2006 - SportsDigger.com
Belegarth Medieval Combat Society Kicks Off in Chapter in Columbus Ohio
Kurtis M. Kiesel Management Director of Ohio Belegarth announces the launch of a Columbus Sword Fighting. As the 2006-2007 college year starts up sword fighters from St. Louis, Missouri, Cleveland, Ohio and local residents are starting a new chapter of the medieval marshal arts... - September 11, 2006 - Ohio Belegarth
Take s Hike You’ll Like
Hill Country Outdoors, Austin’s most active outdoor, sport and social club, announces a new series of monthly hikes that are free and open to the public. - September 09, 2006 - Hill Country Outdoors
Online Cricket Score to Keep You Updated on the Move
Watching a cricket match is increasingly becoming a pleasure that we seldom get time to indulge. Everybody is busy and always busy with something or the other. Stickiewicket is a cricket website that tries to work towards fulfilling the wishes of cricket fans. No cricket fan can even thing of not... - August 26, 2006 - Stickiewicket
King Albert Gold Medal for Indian Mountaineer Harish Kapadia
The King Albert I Memorial Foundation will present the Golden King Albert Mountain Award to acclaimed Indian mountaineer Harish Kapadia for his outstanding explorations in the Himalaya and literary achievements on the subject of mountain sport. King Albert I Gold Medal recognises his... - August 25, 2006 - Harish Kapadia
US Soaring Teams Sweep IGC-OLC World League Round 11 This Week
All five of the US soaring teams finished in the top five places this week in the International Gliding Commission's OLC World League Round 11. The Soar Truckee team from California claimed the top spot. Yuliy Gerchikov flew 275 miles at 110 mph for the best individual gliding performance. Mike Koerner, took off from Crystal Airport in southern California, and landed his glider 594 miles to the North in Paisley, Oregon. - July 15, 2006 - SSA-OLC
Your Home, Out Here: Napier Announces the Release of Its Dome-To-Go Tent
This unique tent converts the cargo area of your vehicle into additional storage or extra sleeping spaces. - June 27, 2006 - Napier Enterprises
Thrill Planet Acquired by Taparu LLC
Thrill Planet, one of the nation’s leading adventure sports providers, is pleased to announce its recent acquisition by venture capital company, Taparu LLC. - June 20, 2006 - Thrill Planet
Napier Announces the Release of its Sportz SUV/Mini Van Tent
Napier is the #1 seller of vehicle concept tents in the world. - May 18, 2006 - Napier Enterprises
Rock Climbing with Thrill Planet Reaches New Heights and Levels of Excitement
Rock Climbing with Thrill Planet, the nation's largest extreme sports provider, is one of the nation's fastest growing and most exciting extreme sports. - March 25, 2006 - Thrill Planet
Hang Gliding with 1-800-Sky-Ride – This is Not Your Daddy’s Kite
Hang Gliding with 1-800-Sky-Ride is the Extreme Sport World’s preferred Hang Gliding Venue. - March 18, 2006 - 1800Skyride
Biplane Barnstorming 1-800-Sky-Ride Style Satisfies Baby Boomers’ Nostalgic Appetites
Biplane rides by 1-800-Sky-Ride satisfy Baby Boomers’ nostalgic barnstorming appetites. - March 01, 2006 - 1800Skyride
Thrill Planet’s Paintball: Winter’s Ticket to Adventure
Thrill Planet offers indoor paintball games to winter adventurers. - January 21, 2006 - 1800Skyride
Thrill Planet Fulfills 2006 New Year’s Resolutions
Thrill Planet fulfills 2006 New Year’s Resolutions for thrill seekers everywhere. - January 18, 2006 - 1800Skyride
1-800-Sky-Ride Awards Red Cross Volunteers
1-800-Sky-Ride is pleased to award Adventure Gift Certificates to two tireless Red Cross Volunteers. - December 13, 2005 - 1800Skyride
1-800-Sky-Ride Meets the Holiday Quest for Christmas Lights
1-800-Sky-Ride expands its offerings to meet the surging demand for Bed & Breakfast Holiday Getaways. - November 25, 2005 - 1800Skyride
Thrill Planet Customers Go Soaring in Hot Air Balloons
This year’s vibrant fall foliage has record numbers of Thrill Planet customers taking to the skies in Hot Air Balloons. - November 14, 2005 - 1800Skyride
Thrill Planet Adds Helicopters to Adventure and Corporate Offerings
Responding to increasing demand, ThrillPlanet.com, a subsidiary of world renowned adventure sports authority, 1800SkyRide, expands its offerings to include helicopter rides for both pleasure and business needs. Thrill Planet is the nation’s leading adventure provider. With adventure... - November 07, 2005 - 1800Skyride
1-800-Sky-Ride and Travelocity Team to Offer Adventure Experiences
1-800-Sky-Ride and Travelocity team up to offer adventure experiences including skydiving, hot air balloon rides, and hang gliding. - October 31, 2005 - 1800Skyride
Atlanta Skydiving Center Lifts Community Spirit
Atlanta Skydiving Center sponsors fun Punkin’ Chunkin’ for the community. - October 11, 2005 - 1800Skyride