Industrial Technology News

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Seginus Inc. is Pleased to Introduce 23088-1340EH & 23088-1342EH Bearing Shields

Seginus Inc. is Pleased to Introduce 23088-1340EH & 23088-1342EH Bearing Shields

Seginus Inc. has released the following FAA PMA replacement parts to aid in your cost reduction programs when maintaining your Goodrich starter generators. - October 23, 2015 - Seginus Aerospace LLC

Abu Dhabi’s Energy Industry Leaders Convene for a Strategic Roundtable on Energy Subsidies, Technology, Innovation and R&D in the UAE

Abu Dhabi’s Energy Industry Leaders Convene for a Strategic Roundtable on Energy Subsidies, Technology, Innovation and R&D in the UAE

The Minister of Energy, H.E. Suhail bin Mohamed Faraj Fares Al Mazrouei, will chair the first session on the subject of energy subsidies and deregulation of fuel prices. Other leading officials participating in the debate include; Marc Mollema, Managing Director, Global Head of Energy and Resources – NBAD; and Maria Vagliasindi, GCC Energy Expert – World Bank. - October 22, 2015 - TOGY

New Positive Displacement Dispensing Valve from Intertronics - with Disposable Fluid Path

The new DFS Positive Displacement Auger Valve from Intertronics is an accurate, repeatable dispensing valve suited to a wide range of medium-to-high viscosity materials, such as two part adhesives, solder pastes, RTV silicones, SMD adhesives, thermally conductive pastes and greases. - October 22, 2015 - Intertronics

Seginus Inc. Releasing New PMA Lining P714154-1EH

Seginus Inc. Releasing New PMA Lining P714154-1EH

Seginus Inc., a leading manufacturer of FAA PMA replacement aircraft parts announced today the approval of their latest PMA parts covering several aircraft and various applications. This is the fifth release of PMA approved parts for 2015. - October 19, 2015 - Seginus Aerospace LLC

Seginus Inc. New Product Release: Lock Washer

Seginus Inc. New Product Release: Lock Washer

Seginus Inc. has released the following FAA PMA replacement parts to aid in your cost reduction programs when maintaining your Cooling Fan Assemblies: Lock Washer P723526EH - October 19, 2015 - Seginus Aerospace LLC

SEAMS Conference Aims to Help Attendees Spur Opportunities for Growth

SEAMS Conference Aims to Help Attendees Spur Opportunities for Growth

On October 29-31 in Nashville, the SEAMS National Conference will engage textile and sewn products manufacturers, brands, retailers and suppliers with wide-ranging presentations, group discussions, networking opportunities and other activities designed to help attendees achieve business improvements and seize growth opportunities. - October 08, 2015 - SEAMS Association

Polatis Introduces Industry's Smallest Ultra Low Loss 48-Fiber Single-Sided All-Optical Switching Module

New optical switch module offers network equipment vendors and fiber management system providers a cost-effective way to add best-in-class optical switching functionality to their platforms. - September 29, 2015 - Polatis Networks

San Diego, CA to Host IEEE GLOBECOM 2015

Leading Global Communications Conference to Showcase Next Generation Technologies & Innovations from December 6 – 10 in “America’s Finest City.” - September 28, 2015 - IEEE Communications Society

Oakridge to Purchase 2.6 Gigawatt Hours of Automated Battery MFG Equipment for Expansion of MFG Facilities in FL, USA, Bringing Jobs and Manufacturing Back to America

Oakridge to Purchase 2.6 Gigawatt Hours of Automated Battery MFG Equipment for Expansion of MFG Facilities in FL, USA, Bringing Jobs and Manufacturing Back to America

Oakridge Global Energy Solutions, Inc. is excited to announce that it has reached agreement-in-principle for a long term supply agreement with a major lithium-ion battery assembly equipment manufacturer to provide the Company with automated manufacturing equipment to significantly expand its existing production capacity currently in place at its facilities in Melbourne and Palm Bay, Florida. - September 24, 2015 - Oakridge Global Energy Solutions

New Hi Vis Maskant from Intertronics Speeds Finishing Processes

The new DYMAX Speedmask® 731 from Intertronics speeds up and improves temporary masking prior to aggressive finishing processes in manufacturing, especially on darker colour substrates. Its unique bright yellow colour enables quick and accurate visual checking of coverage or removal which is... - September 19, 2015 - Intertronics

A Global Leader in the Elevator and Escalator Industry Accomplishes Optimization of Inventory and Saving of Cost by Pricol Technologies

Pricol Technologies organized its team of experts to execute an initial analysis to understand the strength of the components and fatigue necessities. 3D CAD models were established from the current mechanical components. Their VA/VE teams wanted to redesign the components, preserve the efficient value and decrease the expense of manufacturing. The consistency and robustness of the current model was preserved while redesigning the structure. - September 18, 2015 - Pricol Technologies

Oakridge Global Energy New Headquarters

Oakridge Global Energy New Headquarters

Oakridge Global Energy moves into new 68,718 sq ft home for corporate offices and small format manufacturing. - September 17, 2015 - Oakridge Global Energy Solutions

Utopic Software’s Persystent Suite Wins 2015 Gold “Stevie®” for Innovative Self-Healing PC Technology at American Business Awards

Utopic Software’s Persystent Suite Wins 2015 Gold “Stevie®” for Innovative Self-Healing PC Technology at American Business Awards

In recognition of advancements for a solution that automates imaging and self-heals operating systems, the American Business Awards named Utopic Software as a 2015 Gold Stevie® winner. - September 16, 2015 - Utopic Software

Asparagus Harvester Slashes Costs and Eliminates Labor Problems

Asparagus Harvester Slashes Costs and Eliminates Labor Problems

Machine harvesting asparagus with a Geiger-Lund asparagus harvester reduces the cost of harvesting dramatically by reducing the amount of costly hand labor required. Harvesting costs represent about half of the total costs of growing asparagus. By switching to machine harvesting growers will be able to compete more effectively against asparagus imported from Mexico and Chile. - September 15, 2015 - Geiger-Lund

Stratistics MRC Announces Its Report "Aerospace Materials Global Market Outlook (2014-2022)"

According to Stratistics, the main driving factors for the growth of the global aerospace market are change in technology, increased aircraft size, high replacement rate. Materials such as aluminium alloys, titanium alloys and composite materials are used for building aircrafts. - September 14, 2015 - Stratistics Market Research Consulting Pvt Ltd

Stratistics Announces Its New Report "Geosynthetics Global Market Outlook (2015-2022)"

According to Stratistics MRC, the global geosynthetics market is mainly driven by large scale capital projects undertaken by government bodies to improve civic facilities. - September 10, 2015 - Stratistics Market Research Consulting Pvt Ltd

ALi Chipset Enables Adrenio STB Deployment for Swiss Operators and End Users

ALi Chipset Enables Adrenio STB Deployment for Swiss Operators and End Users

ALi Corporation announced today it is collaborating with Adrenio to deploy new high definition set-top boxes in Switzerland. The STB deployment will enable Swiss operators to offer cost effective HD STBs to end users. - September 09, 2015 - ALi Corporation

Intertronics Technical Seminar - the Art and Science of Choosing a Structural Adhesive

The seminar programme at FAST Exhibition at Williams F1 HQ in Oxfordshire on 9th September 2015 sees Peter Swanson, Managing Director of adhesives specialist Intertronics, talking about how to evaluate and choose the best structural adhesives for specific applications. Starting with design and... - September 06, 2015 - Intertronics

Wisconsin Aviation Offers a Free Seminar “All About Drones”

Wisconsin Aviation Offers a Free Seminar “All About Drones”

Wisconsin Aviation, Inc.’s corporate office at Watertown, Wisconsin, announces a free seminar on Sunday, September 13, concerning the fast development of the use of drones, also referred to as “Unmanned Aircraft Systems” (UAS). “Know Before You Fly” is an awareness... - September 05, 2015 - Wisconsin Aviation

ALi Corporation Joins GlobalPlatform as an Observer Member

ALi Corporation Joins GlobalPlatform as an Observer Member

ALi Corporation has joined GlobalPlatform, the organization which standardizes the management of applications on secure chip technology, to strengthen industry collaboration and enhance chipset security. - September 03, 2015 - ALi Corporation

ALi Adds HEVC to Set-Top Box Chipset Lineup for Optimized HD Content Delivery

ALi Adds HEVC to Set-Top Box Chipset Lineup for Optimized HD Content Delivery

ALi Corporation today unveiled a family of SoC solutions that integrate High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) for hybrid cable, satellite, terrestrial and IP set-top boxes. ALi’s system-on-chip chipsets provide operators a high-quality and cost-effective solution for migration to HEVC, a cutting-edge, high-efficiency video compression standard for improved delivery of high definition content over existing networks. - September 01, 2015 - ALi Corporation

ToolHound Announces Webinar Training Series on Tool and Equipment Management Applications

ToolHound Tuesday is a free webinar designed to inform attendees about ToolHound 5 solutions and applications. - August 30, 2015 - ToolHound Inc.

Latest Smart&Tough Phone Released Exclusively Through Kickstarter

Latest Smart&Tough Phone Released Exclusively Through Kickstarter

Roger Butterworth of BWC says. "The new Stealth 4G LTE rugged Android phone is the best rugged handset ever released." The Kickstarter deal offers a 50% discount for early adopters. - August 28, 2015 - Smart&Tough

Cass Awarded U.S. Patent for Its TEM Mobile App

Cass Information Systems, Inc., a leading provider of telecom expense management (TEM), managed mobility services and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) solutions, has been awarded a patent for its mobile app that enables access to telecom expense data from smartphones and other wireless devices. - August 27, 2015 - Cass Information Systems Inc.

High Speed Data Acquisition Module for ControlLogix PLCs

AMCI releases the new 5274A, a high speed data acquisition module for Allen-Bradley ControlLogix. This module is very fast, sampling data every 50 microseconds and is compatible with an extensive variety of analog sensors. - August 27, 2015 - AMCI

INTEGRIS Group Expands in to Wisconsin

INTEGRIS Group a leading innovator in the field of product development, today opened their first Wisconsin office after several years of working on various projects in the region. This facility will allow better access to their clients and recruit for new team members for their rapidly growing... - August 27, 2015 - INTEGRIS Group LLC

IEEE ICC 2016 to Explore “Communications for All Things” 23 – 27 May in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

“Call for Papers” Ends 16 October 2015 for Premier Global Conference Highlighting Entire Communications Spectrum Ranging from IoT to Energy Harvesting - August 26, 2015 - IEEE Communications Society

Commercial Tire Tracking System Delivers Savings via the Cloud

Commercial Tire Tracking System Delivers Savings via the Cloud

Mobile Awareness, LLC has developed a semi truck tire pressure monitoring system with online data and remote alerts. TPMS sensors capture pressure and temperature, and they relay changes to the maintenance team via the MobileTRAQ™ hardware and web application. - August 26, 2015 - Mobile Awareness, LLC

Intertronics Offer a Technical Guide to Light Cure Conformal Coatings

The technical guide to light cure PCB conformal coatings from Intertronics enables customers to better understand the production savings possible from light curing. These coatings provide superior protective performance with the added benefit of UV/light cure for quick, convenient processing and cost saving. - August 20, 2015 - Intertronics

RMI Develops New Laser Beam Expanders

Precision optics manufacturer, Rocky Mountain Instrument Co., has added laser beam expanders to their optical assembly product line. - August 19, 2015 - Rocky Mountain Instrument Co. (RMI)

Cerakote® Introduces the World’s Strongest Clear Coat

Cerakote® Introduces the World’s Strongest Clear Coat

The thinnest, yet strongest, ceramic clear coating has arrived. - August 18, 2015 - NIC Industries, Inc.

WEPCO, Inc. SmartLifter™: Innovative Vacuum Lifter is Now Patented

A newly developed ergonomic lifting technology is now patented by a company well known for innovations which enhance material handling productivity and safety. - August 12, 2015 - WEPCO, Inc.

IEEE ICC 2015 Sets Attendance Record in London, UK

Nearly 3,000 Industry Professionals, Researchers & Scientists Attend More Than 1,800 Presentations Dedicated to Latest “Smart City & Smart World” Advancements - August 11, 2015 - IEEE Communications Society

New from Intertronics - a High Performance UV LED Cure System That is Versatile and Easy to Use

The new DYMAX BlueWave QX4 from Intertronics brings together the benefits of LED UV curing in a small and compact package that enables users to operate quickly and with more control. The QX4 multi-wand UV spot curing system puts the high intensity LEDs and lenses close to the substrate in each... - August 08, 2015 - Intertronics

CIGS and CPV Are Winning the Patent Competition Among the Alternative Solar Technologies

CIGS and CPV Are Winning the Patent Competition Among the Alternative Solar Technologies

Alternative solar technologies have been evolving rapidly in a fierce competition to lead in taking over the solar market from the conventional crystalline silicon (x-Si). After analyzing over 10,000 patents filed by global alternative solar PV technology developers in the past five years (2010... - July 23, 2015 - Innova Research

Hiring Millennials Part of Winning Hiring Formula of Hytrol Conveyors

Hytrol Conveyor recently posted an article exploring the implications of millennials in the manufacturing workforce. There are a wealth of examples of how today’s manufacturing industry is now increasingly aligned with millennial’s value systems and eagerness for technological expertise. - July 23, 2015 - Hytrol Conveyor Co., Inc.

WiCON and PharmaGuys Launch Pharma China Training Institute

WiCON and PharmaGuys Launch Pharma China Training Institute

Pharma China Training Institute (PCTI, was created by WiCON International Group LLC, the publisher of Pharma China, and PharmaGuys to meet the growing needs of healthcare/pharma MNCs in China for internationally-advanced professional training, coaching and other service solutions. - July 21, 2015 - WiCON International Group LLC

Pricol Technologies to Build Business Significance and Distinguishing Solutions

A major American manufacturer of Office furniture, Equipment’s and Home Furnishings, influences the Co-Engineer Model of Pricol Technologies to build business significance and distinguishing solutions. - July 17, 2015 - Pricol Technologies

MIAT College of Technology to Host Spirit Airlines Computer Simulated Aircraft Maintenance Training Lab

MIAT College of Technology to Host Spirit Airlines Computer Simulated Aircraft Maintenance Training Lab

Spirit Airlines, in partnership with MIAT College of Technology, announced plans to construct Next Generation Aircraft Computer Based Training (CBT) maintenance simulation laboratory on the MIAT Canton, Michigan campus which is located near the Detroit Metro Airport (DTW). - July 16, 2015 - MIAT College of Technology

Intertronics UV Adhesive System Cures Time Problem for Brandon Medical

Intertronics’ DYMAX 3225-T-SC single part UV/visible light curing adhesive provides a simple solution to Brandon Medical, saving considerable time in the production process of their Quasar® eLite operating theatre lamp. - July 11, 2015 - Intertronics

Suzutomo Co. Ltd. Partners with Prismatic Powders and Cerakote Ceramic Coatings

Suzutomo Co. Ltd. Partners with Prismatic Powders and Cerakote Ceramic Coatings

Cerakote® Ceramic Coatings and Prismatic Powders® are proud to announce a new distributor partnership with Suzutomo Co. Ltd., located in Tokyo, Japan. Tosh Suzuki, President of Suzutomo, recently attended the specialized hands-on Cerakote® training program to become Cerakote®... - July 08, 2015 - NIC Industries, Inc.

New Shopfloor Eye App Puts Real-Time Control Within Reach of All Manufacturers

New Shopfloor Eye App Puts Real-Time Control Within Reach of All Manufacturers

Shopfloor Support LLC is launching the all-new shop floor control solution that uses an innovative Android app and off-the-shelf devices to make real-time visibility and control of productivity, order tracking, payroll and other mission-critical information more accessible and affordable. - July 08, 2015 - Shopfloor Support LLC

Intertronics Improves Efficiency of FIP Gaskets with New DYMAX UV Cure Material

Intertronics have announced the new GA-201 UV cure FIP gasket material which is designed for automated application with rapid – almost instant – UV cure so saving large amounts of time and handling of part-complete assemblies. - July 06, 2015 - Intertronics

New Centrifugal Magnetic Drive Pump for Safe and Economical Handling of Hazardous Fluids from Tapflo

Tapflo CTM horizontal centrifugal pumps are pumps of centrifugal type where the power from the motor is transmitted to the centrifugal impeller by means of a magnetic coupling. CTM pumps are designed and manufactured for chemical transfer and circulation surface treatment industries. Now Tapflo introduces the biggest CTM pump in range. - June 29, 2015 - Tapflo Group

CCB, Inc. Receives Safety Award

CCB, Inc. Receives Safety Award

CCB, Inc. celebrated the receipt of a Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) for their office, shop and yard at 65 Bradley Drive in Westbrook, Maine on Friday, June 19th. Pam Megathlin – Bureau of Labor Standards Director and Steve Greely- Maine Workplace Safety &... - June 24, 2015 - CCB, Inc

Global Autonomous Car Technology Market Poised to Grow Over 10% through 2035 Says TechSci Research

Expected increase in the regulations coupled with anticipated fall in prices to drive global autonomous car technology market through 2035. - June 20, 2015 - TechSci Research

$100 Million of Hi-Tech Sapphire Fabrication and Inspection Equipment Up for Auction on, the world leader in interactive live and timed auctions, will be providing online bidding on behalf of for the GT Advanced Technologies (GTAT) Sapphire Fabrication & Inspection Equipment auction. This is truly one of the largest industrial auctions ever with... - June 18, 2015 -

Coville Announces the Appointment of Scott Willis as Chief Operating Officer

Coville Announces the Appointment of Scott Willis as Chief Operating Officer

Willis comes to Coville with a strong textile and apparel background along with extensive experience in the protective products market related to fabric and apparel for military and commercial applications. - June 12, 2015 - Coville Inc.

JD7’s Investigator Gas Wins Industry Innovation Award

A gas leak detection technology transferred from the water industry has helped secure the Innovation Award at the 2015 UK Gas Industry Awards for Northern Gas Networks (NGN). The gas supplier for the north of England is celebrating the win after working closely with JD7, a specialized technology... - June 10, 2015 - JD7

Investigation Into Reducing Non-Revenue Water Rates

Each year in the United States billions of gallons of water are lost due to leaks and bursts in pipe systems. JD7, a North American pipe assessment company, is taking a look inside live water main systems to investigate the conditions in an attempt to reduce non-revenue water rates. Non-revenue... - June 10, 2015 - JD7

Press Releases 1,101 - 1,150 of 2,700