Arts & Entertainment News

Arts and entertainment news covering the visual and performing arts, including photography, books and publishing, electronic games, events and concerts, movies, music, television and radio as well as information, products and services pertaining to arts and entertainment industry professionals.

Lulu Publishing's Landmark Author Morgan Manley Has Released Her New Book, "I Was Born to Love You"

Lulu Publishing's Landmark Author Morgan Manley Has Released Her New Book, "I Was Born to Love You"

Lulu Publishing is proud to announce author Morgan Manley’s inaugural work, I was Born to Love You, for sale at retail booksellers and online at This exciting new true story begs the reader to search within for the fortitude to endure any hardship. For a lifetime Morgan Manley... - July 15, 2008 - I Was Born To Love You - by Morgan Manley

Indie Graphic Novel Publisher Welcomes Saucony To Comicon International San Diego 2008

Indie Graphic Novel Publisher Welcomes Saucony To Comicon International San Diego 2008

Team Red Star to wear custom designed Saucony shoes. - July 14, 2008 - Archangel Studios

Malibu Arts Journal Announces Partnership with SellFolio® 4.0

Malibu Arts Journal, Southern California’s leading art critic journal, proudly announces a new partnership with SellFolio® 4.0, a blockbuster new product for Windows® Vista® and Windows XP® that helps artists, musicians and photographers create portfolio websites and CDs to... - July 14, 2008 - Malibu Arts Journal

Sound Authors Radio Show Announces July 4th, 2008 Independence Day Show Lineup

Blog Talk Radio network features Sound Authors, a live interview talk radio show, featuring guest Dr. Marcus Wells. - July 14, 2008 - Sound Authors

The Poetry Party of the Year

International Society of Poets Holds Annual Convention. - July 13, 2008 - Launches e-Marketplaces Offering Products Designed by Independent Creators offers a platform for up-and-coming creators such as designers, artists, and creative companies to exhibit their works online and also provide opportunities for them to sell their works online internationally. The website also offers news content related to design and art including... - July 13, 2008 - style-pd, Inc.

DCIA Announces Inadvertent Sharing Protection Program

The DCIA today announced an industry-wide initiative to protect P2P users against the inadvertent sharing of personal or sensitive data. This program culminates a year of work among leading private sector participants along with government agency representatives. A summary document is posted on the DCIA website at - July 12, 2008 - Distributed Computing Industry Association

Students Organize Islam-West Unity Event in New York City

Students Organize Islam-West Unity Event in New York City

Four college students, two from the West and two from the Muslim world, have founded an educational non-profit called 'Heal the Rift'. HTR intends to begin building a new atmosphere of optimism and understanding in the relationship between the Muslim World and the West by correcting misperceptions that stand in the way of reconciliation. They are holding their inaugural event, Heal the Rift 2008, on Saturday, July 19th in Washington Square Park from 3:00 - 6:00 pm. - July 12, 2008 - Heal the Rift

Let's Learn Spanish with Frank & Paco Wins Dr. Toy Award

Let's Learn Spanish with Frank & Paco, Volume 1, has been awarded a Dr. Toy Award. The content for the Frank and Paco series was carefully planned and researched by a team of professionals including two bilingual educators and a linguist. The main references are the Real Academia de Española and the Asociación Cultural Antonio de Nebrija through web site - July 12, 2008 - Poole Productions LLC

Etienne A. Gibbs Fights Cybercrime with His Staying Safe Online Talk Show

Etienne has partnered with It is their new, one-click Flash-based Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) feature that enables his listeners to participate in his show directly from their Web browser without the need for long-distance fees or a traditional landline or wireless phone. - July 12, 2008 -

Exotic World Gifts Website, Designed by International Firm Appeal Media, Wins 2008 Communicator Award

After competing against 9,000 entries, Appeal Media’s website design for Exotic World Gifts seized the honor today for a 2008 Communicator Award. - July 12, 2008 - Appeal Media

AuthorHouse Announces Its Top Five Best-selling Titles for June 2008

AuthorHouse Announces Its Top Five Best-selling Titles for June 2008

“How-To” Titles Dominate the List of Top-Five Best-selling AuthorHouse titles for June 2008 - July 11, 2008 - iUniverse

A New Innovative Software Launched by Gold Rock Casino

A new software has been launched by, with extraordinary games, excellent customer support, and exciting promotion. - July 11, 2008 - GoldRockCasino

Mendocino Hotel Hosts Stephen Prutsman Pianist for Opening of Mendocino Music Festival

Mendocino Hotel Hosts The Opening Night of The Mendocino Music Festival . A prix fix dinner at $30 is available from 5.30-8 pm with a Reception for Stephen Prutsman Pianist July 12, 2008 9:30pm - 11:30pm. Pastries are prepared and presented by the Ritz Carlton San Francisco and Organic Sparkling Wine are offered by Jeriko Vineyards. - July 11, 2008 - Mendocino Hotel and Garden Suites

Summer Art and Music Festival at Ico Art and Music Gallery - July 24th through August 2nd

Ico Art and Music Gallery at 27 North Moore St., New York, NY 10013 proudly presents the Second Annual Summer Art and Music Festival: July 24th through August 2nd - July 11, 2008 - Anna Dmytrenko

Professional Networking Only for Canadians is an online professional network exclusively for Canadians. - July 11, 2008 - Probook

Sound Authors Radio Show Announces July 11th, 2008 Show Lineup

Blog Talk Radio network features Sound Authors, a live interview talk radio show, featuring New York Times best-selling author Laura Duksta. - July 11, 2008 - Sound Authors

Independent Features Film Festival Announces 2008 Festival Line-Up

Independent Features Film Festival Announces 2008 Festival Line-Up

Thousands Vote from Around the World to Select 23 Films. - July 10, 2008 - Independent Features, LLC

2008 Tri-City Art Battle

2008 Tri-City Art Battle

First Ever Tri-City Art Battle; Music, Food and Artist's; 20 Artist's will have 3 hours to set up and complete an original piece of work....then you get to vote on your favorite artist. - July 10, 2008 - Magic Bean Cafe

Handpainted Guitar by ArtCo Surf's Clark Hipolito Signed by Bonnaroo Stars & Auctioned Off For Charity During "Rocksta" Event

It took four days of literally running from one backstage area to another, but by the time the Bonnaroo Music Festival in Tennessee was over recently, Line Up Magazine and artist Clark Hipolito had snagged an impressive assortment of performers' autographs on an acoustic guitar the artist had... - July 10, 2008 - Art Co Surf

"Perils for Pedestrians" TV Marathon This Saturday

A five hour marathon of the public affairs television series "Perils For Pedestrians" is available on satellite this Saturday. - July 10, 2008 - Perils For Pedestrians Television

Alison Pitman Advises Voice Talent Startups on Voice Over Experts Podcast

British voice over talent, Alison Pitman, presents tips on building a business from the ground up in her second podcast in the "Business Basics for Voice Actors" series on the industry renowned podcast, Voice Over Experts. - July 10, 2008 -

Marino to Exhibit Works at the Ivanhoe Art Mosaic in Paterson, NJ

Marino to Exhibit Works at the Ivanhoe Art Mosaic in Paterson, NJ

Acclaimed artist Natalie Marino will be present at a showing of her city-themed paintings at the Ivanhoe Art Mosaic on Friday, Aug 1. Doors open for viewing at 3:30 PM with a formal reception to follow at 5:50 PM. The show will run till August 28th. The Ivanhoe Museum is located at 1 Spruce Street,... - July 09, 2008 - Natalie Marino

Red Wine Drinkers Can Now ‘Wipe That Wine Off Their Smile’

Red Wine Drinkers Can Now ‘Wipe That Wine Off Their Smile’

Wine Wipes are an innovative new product created especially for red wine drinkers who fall victim to stain left on their teeth and smile from drinking red wine. - July 09, 2008 - Borracha, LLC

36th Annual Chariot Festival and Festival of India in Toronto

Experience an uplifting weekend of spiritual awakening, blissful singing, dancing, Vedic knowledge, mantra meditation, yoga and more. Take part in the 3,000 year old tradition of Ratha-Yatra and join the parade down Yonge Street with three colorful chariots amidst rhythmic beats of drums, cymbals,... - July 09, 2008 - Festival of India

PWG Media Successfully Launches

Teenagers can drive on real roads, on-line. Now parents can send teenagers for an instructional drive on the Internet Highway without the high cost of gas, stress. - July 09, 2008 - PWG Media

John S. Brana - Distinctive Jewelry – Adds Rings and 14K Gold to the SoMa Hammered Metal Jewelry Collection

John S. Brana - Distinctive Jewelry – Adds Rings and 14K Gold to the SoMa Hammered Metal Jewelry Collection

John S. Brana - Distinctive Jewelry enhances popular SoMa Collection of hammered jewelry with rings and incorporates 14K gold. - July 08, 2008 - Handcrafted Fine Jewelry by John S. Brana

Kingdom Catering & Special Events Inc. Featured in New York Lifestyle Guide

Kingdom Catering & Special Events Inc. Featured in New York Lifestyle Guide

Rodney Brown & Kingdom Catering Inc. premiers exclusive catering services to New Yorkers. - July 08, 2008 - Kingdom Catering & Special Events Inc.

Viewers Get Their Money's Worth

Viewers Get Their Money's Worth

Top authors, business and philanthropic leaders are interviewed on Getting Your Money's Worth hosted by Judith West. These interviews are available 24/7 on - July 08, 2008 - Westco Media

Five Strings and Great Stories – Josh Kelley Dazzles Private Event in Chicago

Five Strings and Great Stories – Josh Kelley Dazzles Private Event in Chicago

Josh Kelley, the indie-rock sensation who brought us favorites such as “Amazing,” “Only You,” and “Almost Honest,” performed a private acoustic show for guests of Hotel Indigo® Chicago-Downtown, one of fifteen of the new branded boutique hotels. Josh’s... - July 08, 2008 - VerveLife

Vacation Rentals Innovate to Provide Real Relief and Value to Guests

Vacation Rentals Innovate to Provide Real Relief and Value to Guests

Vacation Rental Companies along the Gulf Coast have taken guest incentive programs to the next level, providing vacationers with complimentary golf rounds, deep sea fishing excursions, dolphin cruises, passes to amusement and water parks and more to offset skyrocketing gas prices this summer. - July 08, 2008 - Amenity Services Inc.

Tricia Walsh Smith Retains Chicago Outfit

"YouTube Divorcee" Tricia Walsh Smith has retained Chicago law firm Joseph P. McCaffery & Associates to assist in her defense. - July 08, 2008 - Tricia Walsh Smith Announces Favorite Writers for June 2008, an innovative resource for emerging writers, announces its Favorite Writers for June 2008. - July 08, 2008 -

Opening a New Playbook: Markeith Williams and Wes Ehmig Coach Entertainment Industry Professionals to New Heights

Wealth Coach and Executive Markeith Williams and Wes Ehmig Managing Partner of Wiser Business Practices, get together to help change the entertainment industry. - July 08, 2008 - Markeith Williams and Wes Ehmig Compares Multiple Sites for Fantasy Football Fans today announced the consumer launch of, a comparison fantasy football website that helps users make informed decisions about draft and sit/start choices. It is the first meta-search engine for the estimated 18 million adults who participate in fantasy... - July 07, 2008 -

New, Original E-Mail Series Tells the Sexy, Shocking Truth of How Suffragettes Won The Privilege of Voting

Ever wonder how the suffragettes did it? Now you can go behind the scenes in the public and private lives of eight women during the eight years preceding women winning the privilege of voting and learn the sexy, shocking truth. Follow the adventures of two suffragettes, two presidential mistresses, Edith Wharton, Isadora Duncan and Alice Roosevelt to discover how and why the suffragettes did what they did in this exciting free e-mail series. Subscribe at - July 07, 2008 -

Chicago Comics Perform Comedy for Lake Delton Wisconsin Fund Raiser

Chicago Comics Perform Comedy for Lake Delton Wisconsin Fund Raiser

On July 19, 2008 three Chicago comics will perform at a fund raiser with all proceeds going to the Lake Delton Fund. Lake Delton Wi, was devastated during recent storms as a levee broke away and the entire lake literally emptied. Ricky March, Brad Fowler and Stacy Crawley will bring laughter to the Dells Comedy Club with the hopes of raising money to help the area businesses that depend on the summer lake activity for their livelihood. - July 06, 2008 - Laugh All Nite, Inc.

Lisa Rice Dispels Myth That No News is Good News on Voice Over Experts Podcast

Voice talent Lisa Rice shares insights regarding the importance of communication and following up in the age of e-commerce. - July 06, 2008 -

220 Communications Signs Radio Personality, Linda Padgurskis

Author radio personality signs one year contract to market new book. - July 06, 2008 - 220 Communications

Histories & Mysteries Conference in Edinburgh – Featuring the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull

The Histories & Mysteries Conference will be the only occasion that the Mitchell-Hedges, recently featured in the blockbuster movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, is on public display in the United Kingdom in 2008. - July 06, 2008 - Philip Coppens Gets Chatty with Dr. Horrible's Felicia Day July 20, a fan community for the works of writer-director Joss Whedon, hosts a live chat with Felicia Day, love interest in "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" on July 20, 2008 at 10AM PDT. - July 05, 2008 -

Educational Advisor to Senator Mccain to be Guest on VoiceAmerica Health & Wellness Channel’s "Teach Your Children Well: Hot Topics in Education"

Lisa Graham Keegan, Educational Advisor to presidential candidate, Senator John McCain to be interviewed by Rich Weinfeld and Michelle Davis, on VoiceAmericaTM’s Health & Wellness Channel. - July 05, 2008 - Modavox, Inc.

Wow Time Waits for No One

Wow Time Waits for No One

In a world of noise it is refreshing to hear the music of Donnie C, An American Nu-Soul Recording Artist who brings a unique approach to the R&B/Neo Soul and Gospel music genre. Native of Portsmouth, Virginia, Donnie C has learned that "in the face of no evidence, create." Performing... - July 04, 2008 - Donnie C/ Donnell Isaac

Hot Slots at Fortune Lounge

With three exciting new slots added to their ever-growing collection of games, the Fortune Lounge Group of online casinos now offers players even more ways to spin ‘n win. - July 04, 2008 - Fortune Lounge Group

Brothers Bring Flavor To Largest 10k

Two Runners Take Unusual Approach To Race Day Attire. - July 04, 2008 - Mathew Sweezey Announces Platinum Membership Level for Professional Voice Actors, the voice over marketplace, is staying on top of the industry with an innovation in marketing and public relations through their most recent service offering, the Platinum membership. - July 04, 2008 -

Zombies Set to Invade Monroeville Mall October 25 & 26

2008 Zombie Fest™ will be a free event open to the public at Pittsburgh’s Zombie Mecca. - July 04, 2008 - Clownhouse Productions, LLC

Bushkill Hotel Holds Annual Pocono festival

Fernwood Hotel and Resort, a Bushkill hotel, is proud to once again host the 13th Annual Pocono Chicken Wing-Off, benefiting Monroe County Meals On Wheels. The event is slated for Sunday August 10, 2008 from noon to 4:00 pm on the Fernwood Hotel and Resort Great Lawn. Each year, wings are judged... - July 04, 2008 - Fernwood Hotel & Resort

First-Ever P2P MEDIA SUMMIT Silicon Valley --  Technological Innovations & New Business Models

First-Ever P2P MEDIA SUMMIT Silicon Valley -- Technological Innovations & New Business Models

The Distributed Computing Industry Association (, a trade organization with more than one-hundred Member companies representing peer-to-peer and social networking software providers (P2Ps), content owners, Internet service providers (ISPs), and service-and-support companies, today... - July 03, 2008 - Distributed Computing Industry Association

SpongeTech® Delivery Systems to be featured on “The Balancing Act” Television Series Airing on Lifetime Television at 7:00am July 11th 2008

Five Star Entertainment is one of the largest production companies in the country and has selected SpongeTech’s® Car Care products to be featured on a daily morning talk show called “The Balancing Act”. - July 03, 2008 - Five Star Productions

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