K-12 Education News

Get schooled on kindergarten through grade 12 education issues from technology, school initiatives and student recognition to research, equipment, products and services for teachers, students and staff. Learn about after-school programs, PTAs, PTOs, tutoring, test preparation, professional training and classroom resources.

YouCaring.com Helps Waxhaw Resident Raise $30,000 for Community School

A Waxhaw resident is raising $30,000 for a community school using new personal fundraising website YouCaring.com. - October 05, 2011 - YouCaring.com

Punflay’s Apps on Sale for A4CWSN’s App Party

Punflay's popular educational kids applications will be on sale this weekend. - October 01, 2011 - Emantras

eLearners.com Releases New State-by-State Guide to Teacher Certification

Guide details initial teacher licensure requirements for all 50 states for those interested in a career in teaching - September 30, 2011 - eLearners.com

Director & Education Consultant of Northern Virginia Tutoring Service to Present What You Need to Know! Strategies for School Success to the Patrick Henry Elementary PTA

Director and Education Consultant of Northern Virginia Tutoring Service to present Strategies for School Success to the Patrick Henry Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association. This presentation is part of an ongoing series conducted throughout Northern Virginia by Dr. and Ms. Perrino addressing issues such as how to identify differing learning styles, strategies that will help the learning process, time management techniques, and strategies for student self-advocacy. - September 30, 2011 - Northern Virginia Tutoring Service, LLC

MyReviewsNow Online Shopping Introduces an eBook Resource to Assist Those Applying to Private Schools

MyReviewsNow Online Shopping Introduces an eBook Resource to Assist Those Applying to Private Schools

MyReviewsNow is now offering the Private School Exam eBook course that looks to assist students who are looking to apply for admission to prestigious private schools. This eBook course is extremely useful, as all the material students need to prepare for the ISEE and SSAT tests is all available on the eBook. - September 29, 2011 - Retail Solutions Advisors

The Hall Pass Tour Makes Kickstarter Debut

The Hall Pass Tour Makes Kickstarter Debut

Team Launches 20 by 20 Campaign to Raise $20,000 for Nationwide Expansion - September 28, 2011 - The Hall Pass Tour

FFA Reaches Out to Connect with Past Members, Current and Future Supporters

FFA membership reached an all-time high this year. But an estimated 7-9 million former members are believed to have lost touch with the organization. A national campaign called CONNECT! will share today's FFA, increase awareness of FFA and share the organization’s impact on students and the agricultural industry. - September 28, 2011 - National FFA Organization

TeachHUB.com Announces Fall Contest and Giveaways

TeachHUB.com, an educational resource website for grades K-12, is entering the new school year with a Monthly Classroom Projector Giveaway and a fun Best Dressed Teacher Contest. - September 24, 2011 - TeachHUB.com

Harlem Hip-Hop Tours Provides Free Entrepreneurship Workshops for New York City Public Schools

In keeping with President Obama's emphasis on the importance of education and entrepreneurship in helping lift America out of its economic crisis; Harlem Hip-Hop Tours (H3 Tours) is providing free Entrepreneurship Workshops for NYC public schools, grades 7-12. Each workshop is taught by Harlem... - September 22, 2011 - Harlem Hip-Hop Tours

Teachers Benefit from Fish in the Classroom Program at the Florida Aquarium

The Florida Aquarium trains 232 teachers on curriculum about marine biology through the Fish in the Classroom Program that is funded by the Pet Care Trust. - September 21, 2011 - Pet Care Trust

Sagemont, a Broward County Private School, Partners with Backpacks for ‘Bama

Sagemont, a private school serving Cooper City, Miramar, Davie and all West Broward, partners with Backpacks for ‘Bama to help provide fully supplied backpacks to students living in the tornado-ravaged areas of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. - September 21, 2011 - The Sagemont Schools

Video Contest Awards Cash Donations to Offset Schools’ Athletic Training Department Budget Cuts

Video Contest Awards Cash Donations to Offset Schools’ Athletic Training Department Budget Cuts

Innovative small business supports schools, stimulates economy and has fun doing it. Prizes awarded for top 3 entries, early entries, and top referrers; Submissions may be made by students, parents or others associated with the high school or college athletic department; Videos must feature new ProStretch Plus or new Range Roller products; Entries accepted 9/20/11; Voting will take place on Facebook 10/2. - September 19, 2011 - Medi-Dyne Healthcare Products

Announcing the Vedic Math Competition 2011 of Hong Kong on November 19, 2011

Math Monkey (Hong Kong) Limited and Vedic Math Hong Kong Association are pleased to announce that the Vedic Math Competition 2011 of Hong Kong will be held on November 19, 2011 and applications will be accepted between Sept 19 and November 5, 2011. - September 18, 2011 - Math Monkey Education Center

QA Graphics to Present at Green California Schools Summit & Exposition

QA Graphics is pleased to be selected as a presenter at the upcoming Green California Schools Summit & Exposition the go-to event to learn about all aspects of green schools. - September 17, 2011 - QA Graphics

Numedeon, Inc. Announces Winners of the Whyville Game Design Contest

Numedeon, Inc. Announces Winners of the Whyville Game Design Contest

Whyville citizens rate digital games designed by youth in Whyville’s virtual AMD Game Zone. - September 15, 2011 - Numedeon, Inc.

ALTEC to Help Fort Leavenworth Students Build 21st Century Skills

ALTEC, a division of the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning, will help students in Unified School District 207 in Fort Leavenworth, Kan., develop 21st Century Skills as part of a $2.5 million grant from the Department of Defense Education Activity’s Educational Partnership. - September 15, 2011 - Fort Leavenworth USD 207

Farrell’s Features Fantabulous Fundraisers with Financial Flair

Farrell’s to host workshops to help schools learn how to replace funds lost to budget cuts. - September 15, 2011 - Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour

Back to School Means Back to Adam Wes Academics

Adam Wes Academics discusses the issues that face parents around back-to-school time and gives advice on what a parent can do to help their child with education outside the classroom. For help within the classroom, check out tutoring as an option to make sure your child is getting the most out of learning. - September 15, 2011 - Adam Wes Academics

Magic Lice Removal Offers Head Lice Awareness Presentations

Magic Lice Removal Offers Head Lice Awareness Presentations

Head lice treatment company and exclusive service provider of the LouseBuster(TM) Treatment throughout South Florida, offers schools and parent groups free head lice awareness presentations. - September 14, 2011 - Magic Lice Removal

SAY Security Group Introduces the Student Accountability System, that provides Real-Time Student Tracking for its Mobile Witness DVRs

Mobile Witness is proud to introduce the Student Accountability System. This system is designed to give School Administrators and Parents the real time location of their children while on the bus. The Student Accountability System uses the Mobile Witness system to track the exact location of a... - September 14, 2011 - SAY Security Group USA LLC

Back to School Tips to Prevent Head Lice Provided by Hair Whisperers

Back to School Tips to Prevent Head Lice Provided by Hair Whisperers

Head lice treatment professionals, Hair Whisperers, offers head lice tips for parents. - September 13, 2011 - Hair Whisperers

New Orleans will host gathering of International Bullying Prevention Experts Nov. 6-8, 2011

Opportunity to hear top experts in the field share "best practices" in bullying and cyberbullying prevention at the International Bullying Prevention Association's conference in New Orleans. Experts include Dr. Dan Olweus, founder of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, Horatio Sanchez, Michael Kimmel, Anne Collier, Nancy Willard, Stan Davis, and more. The conference theme is "From Risk to Resiliency." - September 10, 2011 - International Bullying Prevention Association

Celebrate September as Family Literacy Month

Florida Governor Rick Scott has issued a proclamation recognizing September as Florida Literacy Month. The fifth annual Florida Literacy Month will be celebrated in conjunction with International Literacy Day on Sept. 8 and National Library Card Signup Month. Florida’s First Lady, Ann Scott,... - September 08, 2011 - Florida Literacy Coalition

Grauer School Selected as Subject in Documentary Film

American Hope Charities selected The Grauer School as a subject in a documentary film depicting the California visit of Apostle Alex Mitala, a religious Leader and Statesman from Uganda, Africa. - September 07, 2011 - The Grauer School

Chyten Invites Asheville Area Students to Take a Free ACT vs SAT Comparison Test

With ACT gaining a foothold in the Eastern and Western United States, and with all colleges in America now accepting ACT as readily as they accept SAT, many students are left wondering which test to take - which test matches their academic abilities. Students in Asheville are invited to take... - September 06, 2011 - Chyten Tutors & Test Prep

Student Athlete from a Broward Private School Spends Two Weeks in Russia on Goodwill Mission

Sagemont School Senior, Jeff Coby, was one of 20 high achieving student athletes selected to spend two weeks in Russia representing the United States as part of a goodwill mission. - September 05, 2011 - The Sagemont Schools

West Broward, Get Ready to Rock

West Broward, Get Ready to Rock

School of Rock to open a new franchise location in Southwest Ranches, Florida. - September 03, 2011 - School of Rock Coral Springs & West Broward

Carson Long Military Academy Celebrates 175th Anniversary

CLMA is Oldest Boarding School in U.S. to Still Provide Military Training - September 03, 2011 - Carson Long Military Academy

"ACT MD" Partners with A+ Tutoring in SAT Preparation for Greater Cincinnati

"ACT MD" Partners with A+ Tutoring in SAT Preparation for Greater Cincinnati

A+ Tutoring/ Test Preparation is pleased to announce its partnership with Mr Jarod Gregory; the SAT MD's test prep techniques which have helped students into the 99th percentile on standardized tests. - August 31, 2011 - A+ Tutoring Test Preparation

Bay Area Planners Announces New Concept in College Planning – the "7 Steps to College" Program

New "7 Steps to College" program from Bay Area Planners offers hourly planning sessions on as needed basis to reduce the cost of college planning. Serves families of high school Juniors and Seniors facing the complex college and financial aid application processes. - August 31, 2011 - Bay Area Planners

New Digital and Interactive Approach to AP Calculus

Worldwide Center of Mathematics has launched a digital AP Calculus textbook, combining college-level mathematical content with interactive features. - August 30, 2011 - Worldwide Center of Mathematics

USB for Schools - Begins "Drive for Education" - Collecting Donated USB Flash Drives for Under-Privileged School Children

USB for Schools non-profit Operating System for school children is ready for general release. Friends and supporters can now donate any USB Flash Drives they have lying around for secure deletion and recycling into a full Computer system for under-privileged school children. Please send USB Flash... - August 29, 2011 - USB for Schools

Paradise Robotics Builds Robots with 9 Year Old Gifted Students

Paradise Robotics enlisted the help of some very talented 4th Graders to build several robots over the Summer. The students are amongst the top students in a nearby Illinois school district. The purpose of the activity was to build a robot for Paradise Robotics' customer demonstration purposes and also to provide a fun and enriching Summer educational activity for the students. - August 28, 2011 - Paradise Robotics

Private Tuition Expert and Founder of Tutors International Urges Parents to Act Quickly Should a Private Tutor for Re-Sitting A-Levels be Required

Adam Caller, founder of Tutors International, urges parents to make enquiries regarding private tuition for exam preparation as soon as possible, in order to prepare for A-level re-sits in January. - August 27, 2011 - Tutors International

Sagemont, a Broward County Private School, Celebrates Its 15th Anniversary

Sagemont, a private school in Broward, celebrates its 15th anniversary. Sagemont serves elementary, middle and high school students from Weston, Plantation, Cooper City and other neighboring cities. - August 27, 2011 - The Sagemont Schools

Xclaimed Ministries Recognized as a Compassionate Ministries Center by the Church of the Nazarene

Xclaimed Ministries Recognized as a Compassionate Ministries Center by the Church of the Nazarene

Xclaimed Ministries received recognition by the Church of the Nazarene Headquarters as an official Compassionate Ministries Center. A Compassionate Ministry Center (CMC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to meeting the needs of the economically disadvantaged in the community. - August 26, 2011 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc

Enslow Publishers, Inc. Announces Book Three in the Hannah Pritchard Trilogy

Enslow Publishers, Inc. Announces Book Three in the Hannah Pritchard Trilogy

Enslow Publishers, Inc., a leading publisher of children’s books for the school and library market, proudly announces the release of the third book in the Hannah Pritchard pirate trilogy. - August 25, 2011 - Enslow Publishers, Inc.

Capstone Digital Awards Grants to Improve Literacy in Schools

Capstone Digital, developer of personalized literacy environments for students, announces the recipients of its CARE (Capstone Assisting Remarkable Educators) grants, a program focused on improving literacy in schools. - August 25, 2011 - Capstone

Mayor Mayer Addresses Campers at the 2011 Wow! Science Camp® Graduation

Mayor David Mayer of Gloucester Township, New Jersey, and Freeholder Carmen Rodriguez were on hand on Friday to congratulate campers who participated in Wow! Science Camp this summer. - August 25, 2011 - Wow! Science Camp

Grauer School Reaches Enrollment Capacity for Upcoming Academic Year

The Grauer School announced that it has reached its enrollment capacity for the 2011-2012 academic year. 2011 has been a banner year for the school; not only has the school been celebrating its 20th Anniversary of operation, but the school also filled the admissions quota of 150 students for the... - August 22, 2011 - The Grauer School

Punflay’s Back-to-School App Sale

Punflay, the gaming outfit of Emantras is happy to announce that a few of its popular apps will be on sale next week. - August 22, 2011 - Emantras

Math Monkey Education Center (Tsuen Wan) Announces Grand Opening Event in Emperor Plaza, Tsuen Wan on August 25 - 28

Math Monkey Education Centers in Hong Kong, focuses on mathematics learning with math games for kids, celebrates the grand opening of its newest Education Center in Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan. Math Monkey Education Center (Tsuen Wan) is the 4th center to open in Hong Kong since 2009. - August 22, 2011 - Math Monkey Education Center

Summit Planned for Northern VA Chambers of Commerce and Public School Business Partnership Programs

FPY announces a regional school-business summit to encourage chambers of commerce and school-business partnerships to increase individual and corporate involvement in tutoring in public schools. - August 20, 2011 - Northern Virginia Tutoring Service, LLC

Federal Grant Enables Parents as Teachers to Expand in Georgia

The Georgia Governor's Office for Children and Families will receive more than $2.5 million in Fiscal Year 2010 grants allocated for the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV). The funding will be used to expand three evidence-based home visiting models in six counties. Parents as Teachers services will be expanded in three of them. - August 20, 2011 - National Center for Parents as Teachers

Billy Gorilly Helps Build Character in Children

Aesop's Fables for Today's Kids Wins CD of the Year Award - August 19, 2011 - Flying Kitten Music

Bocce Ball Lessons at Villanova Prep in Ojai Sept. 10

Back by popular demand, Villanova Prep will host another morning event called Beginner’s Bocce Day on Saturday September 10 from 10 am to noon to introduce the fun and easy-to-learn sport to family and friends. Participants will receive group instruction to learn to play and get ready for the Bocce for Books tournament set for October 8th. The October tournament will fund scholarships for local area day students. - August 19, 2011 - Villanova Preparatory School

safetyNETkids Makes Children No Easy Targets for Abuse, Abduction and Bullying

Since 2003, safety instructor and founder of safetyNETkids, Glenn Olson has been dedicated to providing children with exact responses to the real threats of abduction, abuse and bullying. Recent enhancements make it the most comprehensive safetyNETkids program ever offered. - August 17, 2011 - safetyNETkids

Collins Sports & Fitness Center Installs Lockers for a Tough Crowd

Collins Sports & Fitness Center Installs Lockers for a Tough Crowd

Collins Perley Sports & Fitness Center in St. Albans VT has installed sturdy, durable partitions and lockers from Scranton Products in their hybrid school, sports team and community membership gym. The HDPE material resists vandalism, door slamming, bacteria and rust and are easy to clean. - August 16, 2011 - Scranton Products

Author Embraces Technology Through Skype Author Visits

Ginger Marks, author of Presentational Skills for the Next Generation, The ultimate guide for public speakers and those who want to be, joins a growing list of dedicated authors and illustrators in offering Skype Author Visits to students. Through Skype Author Visits, students worldwide have been... - August 16, 2011 - Ginger Marks DBA DocUmeant Designs

"Maps That Stretch Minds" Contest Encourages Thinking "Outside the box"!

Nearly all world maps distort land areas, thus giving the viewer a false impression the relative sizes of the countries. Some educators, however, do use equal area world maps and they (and their students) will have an opportunity to share their stories and successes of how they use maps in the classroom. This media literacy contest is an opportunity to get teachers and students thinking about how we see the world around us. - August 16, 2011 - ODT, Inc.

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