K-12 Education News
Get schooled on kindergarten through grade 12 education issues from technology, school initiatives and student recognition to research, equipment, products and services for teachers, students and staff. Learn about after-school programs, PTAs, PTOs, tutoring, test preparation, professional training and classroom resources.
Green Education Foundation (GEF) Building Momentum in Sustainability Education (SE)
GEF announces teacher K12 professional development courses and certification program in Sustainability Education - February 04, 2011 - Green Education Foundation (GEF)
Green Education Foundation Announces National Green Week 2011
GEF is calling on schools to participate in sustainability education (SE) now through Earth Day (April 22) 2011 - February 04, 2011 - Green Education Foundation (GEF)
Submissions for duCret’s Annual Statewide High School Art Contest Now Being Received
duCret's 32 Annual Statewide High School Art Show is now accepting submissions for it's upcoming Reception and Open House on February 25th, 7:30PM - 9:00PM. - February 03, 2011 - duCret School of Art
Students Remember Troops on Valentine’s Day
Students at Riverbend Prep Elementary School work to bring a bit of cheer to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan for Valentine's day. - February 02, 2011 - Riverbend Prep PTSO
Surprise Lake Camp Announces Campership Incentive Program
Surprise Lake Camp in conjunction with Foundation for Jewish Camp and UJA Federation NY is pleased to be able to share with you the Campership Program. - January 29, 2011 - Surprise Lake Camp
De Anza, NSDAR Hosts History Contest Award Ceremony and Colonial Tea
The De Anza Chapter, National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), will host an Award Ceremony and Colonial Tea on Saturday, February 5, 2011, 1:00 p.m., The Church of the Nativity located at 6309 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe. The prestigious, nationally recognized... - January 29, 2011 - De Anza, NSDAR
School Library Journal and Capstone Partner to Offer Special Promotion to Subscribers
Capstone is partnering with School Library Journal to offer new or renewing SLJ subscribers 10,000 Capstone Rewards Bonus Points. - January 23, 2011 - Capstone
Seaford School District to Launch First New Tech Academy in Delaware
Delaware’s Seaford School District is opening a new technology-based academic high school. The Delaware New Tech Academy will use a project-based educational model that has been proven successful at more than 60 public schools across the nation. Applications are being accepted from regional students through February 1. - January 22, 2011 - Delaware New Tech Academy
Durham Boy Age 5 Wins US National Chess Title by Chess Achieves
Peter Crowley of Durham age 5 won the title of 2010 Kindergarten National Chess Champion in December 2010. - January 22, 2011 - Chess Achieves
AntiVirus Company Thirtyseven4 Helps Educate Schools with New Poster Series
Free Scareware and Hacking themed posters now available. - January 19, 2011 - Thirtyseven4, LLC
Blue Mint Studios Launches an Educational Application for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
TapTot (http://taptot.com/) offers a fun way for kids to learn their colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. Available now in the iTunes App Store in All Regions Worldwide. - January 15, 2011 - Blue Mint Studios
Nutritional Menu Labeling by Epicure Digital – Simple Way to Meet the New School Nutrition USDA Rules
Epicure Digital with its Nutritional Menu Labeling Systems is a simple and effective way to fight Childhood Obesity, and help school food services in meeting the new School Nutrition USDA rules. Schools can act now and implement this system in existing cafeterias as well as in new construction or remodeling projects. - January 15, 2011 - Epicure Digital
Pacific Ridge School Students Raise Over $1,000 in December "Penny Wars" Fundraiser to Benefit Feeding America San Diego
School-Wide Service Learning Effort One of Many Designed to Make a Contribution to the Local Community - January 14, 2011 - Pacific Ridge School
Presenting Nutritional Menu Labeling by Epicure Digital at the CSNA School Nutrition Exhibition
Epicure Digital presents its Nutritional Menu Labeling Systems and Menu Boards at the California CSNA School Nutritional Association Annual Conference in Pasadena, CA 14-15 January 2011, Booth #415. - January 13, 2011 - Epicure Digital
Return to the Sea with Buster and Friends in New Bugville Critters Picture Books from Reagent Press and Author Robert Stanek
When Robert Stanek saw that certain concepts were a struggle to learn using traditional approaches, he started writing the Bugville Learning Adventures. These stories help children learn important concepts and the latest releases are Undersea 2, 3 with Buster and Friends, Undersea 4, 5 with Buster and Friends, and Undersea 6, 7 with Buster and Friends. - January 11, 2011 - RP Books & Audio - Reagent Press
Seattle Law Firm Launches School Teacher Supplies Gift Giving Program
Davis Law Group Awards $100 Office Depot® Gift Card Each Week to a Seattle Public School Teacher - January 11, 2011 - Sprouts
Private Elementary School in Weston, FL Raises Funds to Help Create New Soccer Field for Children’s Harbor
The Sagemont School in Broward Florida created a “healthy living” themed community service event to help raise funds for the construction of a soccer field for children in need. - January 11, 2011 - The Sagemont Schools
Mt. Diablo Unified School District Seeks Irrigation Company for Water Conservation
As many school districts in California struggle with finances, districts like MDUSD are taking initiative with resource conservation as a means to aid their budget. Taking another step today with centralized irrigation. - January 09, 2011 - Mt. Diablo Unified School District
Janice Cutler of North Raleigh Florist Co-Organizes Wake County Business Alliance Job Shadowing Week
Wake County Business Alliance Chair and Owner of North Raleigh Florist Connects Local Students with Industry Professionals - January 09, 2011 - North Raleigh Florist
FACS Program of Houston's Founder and CEO Kevin Price Shares Insight on Education in His Published eBook "Education in America: Together, We Can Put It Back On Track"
Smashwords provides another platform for Kevin Price to inform others about solutions for at-risk and dropouts. - January 08, 2011 - FACS Program of Houston
K-12 Digital Menu Boards with Nutritional Labeling - Simple and Effective Way to Fight Obesity
Epicure Digital, a leader in digital menu boards, presents the K12 Epicure Digital Menu System with special emphasis on nutritional labeling at the California SNA School Nutrition Association 2011 Annual Conference, Pasadena, California, Booth #415 - January 08, 2011 - Epicure Digital
Football Video Game Tackles Primary School Reading Crisis
Nine percent of boys in England reach the age of 11 with, at best, the reading skills of an average seven-year-old. This figure equates to over 18,000 boys with seriously substandard literacy. The shocking stats, obtained by the BBC’s Today programme also revealed that in some areas, such as... - January 08, 2011 - MotivatEd
13yr Old Mary-Pat Hector Partners Up with Multiplatinum Producer Kevin "Khao" Cates to Make One of the Biggest Youth Movements in History
13 yr old Mary-Pat Hector, national president and founder of "Youth In Action" partners up with one of the music industry's most well known producers, multiplatinum producer Kevin "Khao" Cates and founder of "Bridge Da Gap" with one goal in mind and that's to save the lives of our youth. - January 07, 2011 - Bridge DA Gap
Goffstown High School Students Get Life Lesson in Dollars and Sense
Bellwether Community Credit Union delivers program to 150 local students. - January 05, 2011 - Bellwether Community Credit Union
AM2 Kids Presents: Kids Pop 2.0, Music for Generation Z “The Digital Natives”
Thanks to the internet anything a child wants to see is just a point and click away. Kids have outgrown music that once appealed to them as infants and toddlers, yet they are far too young for what they hear on most urban and suburban radio formats. That’s where AM2 Kids steps in with its new game changing music genre called Kids POP. It aims to fill the void in the music industry for kids ages 5-12, and the songs are made to appeal to parents and kids alike. - January 03, 2011 - AM2 KIDS MUSIC
Young Readers Take a Journey Under the Sea with Reagent Press and Author Robert Stanek in New Bugville Critters Books with Unique Educational Focuses
Help celebrate Robert Stanek’s birthday today (Jan. 3) by taking a journey to Bugville. Share the joy of Bugville by reading and sharing the new book Buster Explores the Sea or any other Bugville Critters book. Buster and Lass are little bugs with Big dreams. Their dreams take them to... - January 03, 2011 - RP Books & Audio - Reagent Press
Ronna Martin Announces Campaign for Eanes ISD (Texas) School District Board of Trustees.
Ronna Martin of Austin and Westlake (Texas) has announced that she will run for a Trustee position on the Eanes ISD School Board in the May 2011 election. Martin established a campaign network officially on January 1, 2011 and the website address is http://www.voteronna.com and is actively seeking donations. Also a Facebook page for the campaign is located at http://www.facebook.com/voteronna. - January 02, 2011 - Don Martin Public Affairs
Edward Fleming of Longmeadow Inducted Into St. John's Prep Athletic Fall of Fame
Edward Fleming of Longmeadow was inducted into the St. John’s Prep Athletic Hall of Fame on November 24, 2010. Fleming, who is a 1948 graduate of St. John’s, was honored for outstanding achievement in football, hockey, and baseball. He is also a graduate of the University of Notre Dame. - December 30, 2010 - St. John's Prep School
Reagent Press and Author Robert Stanek Take Young Readers on Really Great Adventures at the Biggest Little Show on Earth with Buster and Friends in New Bugville Books
Buster and Lass are little bugs with Big dreams. Their dreams take them to extraordinary places. In Buster’s Really Great Big Top Show, Buster and Lass’s dreams take them to the Biggest little show on earth. Buster’s Really Great Big Top Show and the related books are published by Reagent Press and Bugville Publishing under the Bugville Jr. imprint. The Bugville Jr. books, written for children ages 6 months and up, keep with the unique educational outlook of the original Bugville books. - December 28, 2010 - RP Books & Audio - Reagent Press
Algebra Learning Game Finder Released
The current focus of the Learning Game Finder is on online math games, especially Algebra I learning games. With over 100 Algebra educational games reviewed and sorted, the Learning Game Finder is a great source for teachers of Algebra. - December 28, 2010 - Media Match LLC
The Victory Center for Autism Will Host a "Victory Royale Casino Night" in Support of Children and Families Affected with Autism in South Florida
Join The Victory Center for Autism and Behavioral Challenges on Thursday, March 3, 2011, and have a great night of Vegas-style excitement, while helping out a good cause at the same time. - December 27, 2010 - The Victory Center for Autism & Behavioral Challenges
Craig King’s Pretty Penny Ranch & Champion GSD “Logic” Provides Incentive to Southwest Teens
Pretty Penny Ranch's Champion GSD "Logic" shows Arizona high schoolers the power of incentive based training in half day demonstrations throughout the valley. - December 23, 2010 - Pretty Penny Ranch
Rotary Club of Fort Worth, Riverside Middle School Partner in E-Book Reader Literacy Program
Middle school receives initial 65 Kindle e-readers as part of a special reading program, “Putting E(xcitement)-Books in the Hands of Students” - December 18, 2010 - Rotary Club of Fort Worth
New Report from the Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning Finds Harsh Budget Cuts Put Teaching Quality at Risk
California Teaching Workforce is Running on Empty. - December 14, 2010 - Center for The Future of Teaching and Learning at WestEd
Grauer School Students Tour Holographic Theater
Grauer School students were invited to tour the state-of-the-art holographic facilities of AV Concepts, a company that specializes in creating 3D hologram effects that can be projected on a live stage. - December 13, 2010 - The Grauer School
Sylvan Dell eBooks Voted Top Product by District Administration
Sylvan Dell ebooks are high among the "Top 100 Products of 2010" by District Administration Magazine - December 12, 2010 - Arbordale Publishing
The New Teacher Resource Coaching Center Offers New Teachers Articles, Tips, and Activities to Help Teachers Become More Effective
The New Teacher Resource Coaching Center offers a weekly section “Tips for Teachers,” which provides articles and other resources to help teachers become better equipped for the challenges that await them in the first year of teaching. One such article called “Dealing with... - December 10, 2010 - New Teacher Resource Coaching Center
Software Company Transforms Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduling Process
PTC Wizard Develops SIF Agent for Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduling Software. - December 10, 2010 - PTC Wizard
Athletic Scholarship Corporation Recruiting Workshop Will Market College Prospects
Football star and ASC offer tips, tricks and advice for parents and their athletes preparing for college. - December 10, 2010 - Athletic Scholarship Corporation
Low-Tech Classrooms May Improve Math Scores
Limiting technology in the classroom may lead to higher math scores. - December 10, 2010 - Linfield College
Art in Action Launches Visual Arts Scholarship Program for Title I Schools in California
The new Art in Action Visual Arts Scholarship Program for Title I schools in California fully subsidizes the lesson-specific art materials from Art in Action. - December 09, 2010 - Art in Action
"Classrooms in Every Garden" Blossom Around the Country
Teich Garden Systems LLC announced today the completion of new garden systems in Los Angeles, California; Atlanta, Georgia; Chicago, Illinois; Indianapolis, Indiana; Raleigh, North Carolina; and Brooklyn, New York. The gardens were sponsored by Weight Watchers as part of their “Lose for... - December 08, 2010 - Teich Garden Systems
Visions In Education Charter School Wins Best of the Best again
Visions In Education Charter School was honored to win its second award as Best Independent Study School, and an additional delightful surprise was that Visions teacher Tatyana Lazukova won Teacher of the Year for her support of students in the Sacramento area Russian community. - December 02, 2010 - Visions In Education K-12 Charter School
Eco-Educational App Offers On-the-Go Fun While Teaching Respect, Empathy, and a Love for Nature and Animals. Let’s Go Chipper!(TM) Into the Great Outdoors
Let's Go Chipper is a new nature-inspired app offering movies, books, games, and music that help excite and ready young children for experiences in nature. Award-winning and educational, providing a thoughtful message for young children and guilt-free content for parents looking to entertain their children while on-the-go. Available for iPhone, iPad, iTouch in the iTunes store. - December 01, 2010 - Let's Go Chipper
Grauer School Robots Team to Host Robotics Festival
The Grauer School Shockwave Robotics FIRST Team will host a robotics FIRST Tech Challenge Festival at The Grauer School on December 18, 2010 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm - November 29, 2010 - The Grauer School
Former Miami Dolphin, Oronde Gadsden’s First Program Changer as New Westlake AD is to Expand Basketball Program
Westlake Preparatory School's Athletic program has come under the direction of former Miami Dolphin Oronde Gadsden. Coach Gadsden is revamping and expanding the program with an elite international basketball program. - November 27, 2010 - Westlake Preparatory School & Academy
All Students in Staples, MN to Receive School Supplies on November 24
The Kids In Need Foundation, a national, non-profit organization dedicated to providing free school supplies to economically disadvantaged school children and under-funded teachers, announces a grant funded by 3M, that will provide school supplies to more than 500 elementary students in Staples, Minnesota on November 24, 2010. - November 21, 2010 - Kids In Need Foundation
Grauer School Charters Sister School Partnership with Maui Prep Academy
The Grauer School located at 1500 South El Camino Real in Encinitas announced the formation of a sister school partnership with Maui Preparatory Academy in Napili, Hawaii, on the island of Maui. The partnership will promote opportunities for ongoing interaction of administrators, faculty, staff,... - November 20, 2010 - The Grauer School
Membership in AASL Gets Even More Rewarding
Through Dec. 31, 2011, new or renewing members of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) will receive 10,000 Capstone Rewards Bonus Points which can be redeemed for books with Capstone and their collective divisions. For more information, visit www.ala.org/aasl/joinnow. In addition... - November 20, 2010 - Capstone
Kids In Need Foundation is 2010 Recipient of NBC Today Show Toy Drive
The Kids In Need Foundation, a non-profit organization that has distributed more than $300 million in school supplies to low-income students since 1995, is pleased to announce they have been selected as a recipient of the 2010 TODAY Show Toy Drive. This year, the NBC morning show is expected to... - November 19, 2010 - Kids In Need Foundation