Surveys, Polls & Research News
What are the top 100 golf companies? How much water do consumers drink? Why is the digital rights market set to grow? Discover the answers to these questions and more with the latest surveys, polls and research released by think tanks, companies and organizations covering a wide array of industries.
Survey: 60% Technology, Telecommunications and Media Companies to Increase Investments on Market Intelligence Over 2012-2013
GIA's 2011 Global Market Intelligence Survey shows 60% of respondents from the technology, telecommunications and media industry intend to increase their investment on market intelligence over 2012-13. - November 05, 2011 - Global Intelligence Alliance Group
Construction Trucks Industry Expected to Rebound After Financial Crisis
Asia-Pacific region to lead in recovery, but strong growth expected in most markets. - November 04, 2011 - Fast Market Research, Inc.
Survey: 80% Chemicals Companies Intend to Increase Investments on Market Intelligence Over 2012-2013
Global Intelligence Alliance (GIA), a global strategic market intelligence and advisory group, releases results from its 2011 Global Market Intelligence Survey, which shows that chemicals companies have room for improvement when it comes to demonstrating returns from their market intelligence activities. - November 04, 2011 - Global Intelligence Alliance Group
Survey: Over 70% Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Companies Will Invest More in Market Intelligence in 2012-13
Global Intelligence Alliance (GIA), a global strategic market intelligence and advisory group, releases results from its 2011 Global Market Intelligence Survey, which show that pharmaceuticals and healthcare companies appear to have efficient market intelligence functions. More than 70% already... - November 03, 2011 - Global Intelligence Alliance Group
TransNational Opens New Sales Office in Tampa Bay: New Location Promises Growth in National Market
On October 10, TransNational opened a new sales office in the Tampa, FL marketplace. This growth has ushered in a great opportunity for expansion for TransNational, as well as new job opportunities for Tampa area residents. Having a national presence since 1999, TransNational decided it was time... - November 01, 2011 - TransNational Payments
Trovus Research Reveals Predictive Modelling is Ignored by Financial Services Firms When Engaging with Customers
Latest Trovus research shows how customers engage with the Financial Services market. Results uncover only the most innovative companies exploit critical customer intelligence and social media. - October 30, 2011 - Trovus Ltd
Marketest Has Recently Published a Market Research Report Entitled, "Exercise and Meditation"
Marketest has recently published a market research report entitled, “Exercise and Meditation.” This market report is available now at - October 30, 2011 - Marketest (Netetude UK Ltd) Becomes
Annik, a leading research technology services company based in India, with offices around the world, has changed the name of to The solution offers a collection of online tools that can be easily loaded into online survey software such as Confirmit, IBM... - October 30, 2011 - Annik Technology Services Pvt Ltd
Survey: Financial Services Companies Underutilize Market Intelligence Networks
Global Intelligence Alliance (GIA), releases results from its 2011 Global Market Intelligence Survey, which show that the internal employee networks that financial services companies use to collect market intelligence are underutilized. - October 29, 2011 - Global Intelligence Alliance Group
zIngenuity’s New Analytical Report on the Mortgage Insurance Industry Available for Download
zIngenuity, a boutique mortgage consulting firm that provides solutions to lenders and servicers on mortgage finance related issues, announced today the availability of its October 2011 report and analysis on the mortgage insurance (MI) industry through their website. The comprehensive report,... - October 28, 2011 - zIngenuity, Inc.
BMA Colorado & 90octane Publish the Digital Marketing White Paper “Leading the Way in Lead Nurturing”
Sam Eidson, partner at Denver marketing agency 90octane, culled lead nurturing and marketing automation expertise from marketing executives at IBM, GE and Cisco to offer new insights for B2B marketers. - October 28, 2011 - 90octane
Survey: Energy Companies Need to Increase Focus on Customer and Competitive Intelligence
Global Intelligence Alliance releases results from its 2011 Global Market Intelligence Survey, which show that while internal customer satisfaction levels for market intelligence operations at energy, resources and environment companies are high. - October 28, 2011 - Global Intelligence Alliance Group
Survey: Lean Industrial Market Intelligence Teams Could Focus More on SCM and Product Development
Global Intelligence Alliance (GIA), a global strategic market intelligence and advisory group, warns that manufacturing and industrial companies will need to invest prudently in market intelligence for better informed decision making, in the face of the sluggish US economy, the European debt crisis... - October 27, 2011 - Global Intelligence Alliance Group
South Florida Lis Penden Filings Show Market Still Conflicted
South Florida’s real estate market, decimated by the on-going real estate crisis, continues to show mixed results based on the latest pre foreclosure filing data compiled by Default Research, Inc. The numbers show that in the 3rd quarter of 2011, Broward County, FL saw Lis Pendens filings... - October 26, 2011 - Default Research Inc
New Report Published by The Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning at WestEd Finds Few Opportunities for Science Learning in California Elementary Schools
New Research conducted by the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley and SRI International finds Students have little access to high quality science education in California elementary schools. Intense pressure to meet accountability goals in mathematics and English is... - October 26, 2011 - Center for The Future of Teaching and Learning at WestEd
Stay in Control of Repaying Debts
Debt Advisory Centre Scotland advises anyone repaying debts to take steps to stay in control of their repayments - and to get professional advice if they're struggling. - October 26, 2011 - Debt Advisory Centre Scotland
Spotlight Infographic: Corporate Entertainment in Stadium Suites Remains Robust
According to a recent survey of more than 1,000 corporate users -- conducted by Spotlight (, a leader in ticket management solutions -- 78 percent of corporate suites and tickets at NBA, NHL and MLB games are used for client entertainment and business development, and 40... - October 25, 2011 - Spotlight Ticket Management
OEMs Choose Application-Specific Intelligent Servo Motors with Aid of New Motion Control White Paper
Functional and economic factors to be considered in choosing integral control and fieldbus enabled brushless servo motors discussed in new Dunkermotor white paper. - October 22, 2011 - Dunkermotoren USA Inc.
12th Annual "Top Businesses in America" Program Announced
All privately-owned businesses are encouraged to register. Previous recipients have become a highly respected source for Corporations, Government Agencies and Educational institutions who desire to increase opportunities with privately held businesses. - October 22, 2011 -
The Global Sawlog Price Index Reached a 16-Year High in the 2Q/11; the Biggest Price Increases Occurred in Europe, Canada, Russia and New Zealand
Increased consumption of softwood lumber throughout the world has moved sawlog prices to new highs in 2011. The Global Conifer Sawlog Price Index (GSPI) reached a 16-year record high in the 2Q/11, with the greatest increases over last year’s prices occurring in Latvia, Poland, Japan, Russia and Germany, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly. - October 21, 2011 - Wood Resources International LLC
Inventory Levels in Naples Are Down, Even Back to Levels Not Seen Since the "Boom"
The Naples, Florida real estate market is rebounding. Inventory levels are at the same level as in Q3 2004. - October 20, 2011 - The Samuel Team
Review of Intelligence Plaza, GIA’s Competitive Intelligence Software, Now Available
Global Intelligence Alliance (GIA), a global strategic market intelligence and advisory group, announces the release of an independent product review of the consultancy’s competitive intelligence software Intelligence Plaza®, by VIP magazine. VIP is a monthly publication with reviews of... - October 20, 2011 - Global Intelligence Alliance Group
USAA,, and Costco Are the Most Trusted US Companies, According to New Temkin Group Research
The 2011 Temkin Trust Ratings Grades 143 Firms across 12 Industries. Only 6% of Companies have Earned Very Strong Levels of Trust; TV Service Providers and Internet Service Providers are the Worst. - October 19, 2011 - Temkin Group
Marketest Has Recently Published a Market Research Report Entitled, "Food Eating Behaviour"
Marketest has recently published market a research report entitled, “Food Eating Behaviour.” This market report is available now at Marketest, a subsidiary of Netetude UK offers a comprehensive report on individuals regarding their eating behaviour. - October 19, 2011 - Marketest (Netetude UK Ltd)
Shipment Costing Tracks Freight Expenses with Improved Accuracy
Enabling SAP ERP transportation planning and shipment costing offers extensive functionality to manage freight- and transportation-related expenses, offering more control and granting access to real-time data for analysis and evaluation purposes. - October 16, 2011 - Wellesley Information Services
WIS Publishings SCM Expert Explains How to Leverage SAP EWS for Monitoring Business Processes Exceptions and Deviations
This article explains how SAP EWS can be tailored to your specific business needs to provide real-time updates without using labor-intensive custom ABAP development. - October 16, 2011 - Wellesley Information Services
Discover the Compare and Adjust Functionality Changes in SAP Solution Manager 7.1
Solution Manager Expert Posts New Article — “Discover the Compare and Adjust Functionality Changes in SAP Solution Manager 7.1”. SAPexperts announces a new article, “Discover the Compare and Adjust Functionality Changes in SAP Solution Manager 7.1” available in their... - October 16, 2011 - Wellesley Information Services
Fuentek Publishes White Paper on Using Digital Media for Technology Transfer
Paper Provides Guidelines for a Successful Digital Media Program for TTOs. - October 15, 2011 - Fuentek, LLC
New Research from marketech360 Showcases Current Trends and Best Practices for Healthcare Exhibitors
Results presented in latest white paper from convention and trade show industry expert helps exhibitors understand the importance of attendee learning and provides important insights that guide future planning for improved performance and results. - October 14, 2011 - marketech360
Sentrana Presents Leading-Edge Scientific Research at Joint Statistical Meetings
Sentrana presents leading-edge scientific research at the largest gathering of statisticians held in North America. - October 14, 2011 - Sentrana, Inc.
First Time Foreclosures in the City Reach 2-Year Low in Q3 2011
The number of new scheduled NYC foreclosure auctions was down 69% in Q3 2011 compared to Q3 2010, and was down 33% from Q2 2011. - October 13, 2011 -
SAP Professional Journal Posts New Article — “Develop a Matrix So You Can Execute Multiple Data Migration Projects at Once”
When your company has multiple data migrations projects going on at once, it is imperative to develop a system to effectively manage the process, while also saving your organization time and money. - October 13, 2011 - Wellesley Information Services
Solution Manager Expert Posts New Article — “Affirm Your Change Testing with BPCA”
BPCA provides invaluable information on the impact of changes on end-to-end business processes made in your SAP program that will help you to better run your system. - October 13, 2011 - Wellesley Information Services
SAP Professional Journal Posts New Article — “How You Can Benefit from the ABAP Package Concept”
This article focuses attention on how you can use the ABAP package concept in a way that will benefit your own ABAP-based application development. - October 12, 2011 - Wellesley Information Services
Ameridose Presents Second and Third Quarter Sustainability Results
Ameridose, LLC, nationwide provider of sterile admixing services to hospital pharmacies, is proud to announce strong sustainability results for the second and third quarters of 2011. Recycled materials generated from Ameridose facilities were close to half a million pounds for each quarter, with a... - October 11, 2011 - Ameridose, LLC
Solution Manager Expert Posts New Article — “Understanding Service Level Agreements in Service Desk”
Setting up Service Level Agreements (SLA) can be tricky, but doing it correctly will alleviate time that managers and leaders spend monitoring Service Desk cockpits, and allow them to become involved in the ticket management process only when necessary. - October 09, 2011 - Wellesley Information Services
RE/MAX Study Shows Towns Served by METRA Are Weathering Housing Market Better Than Chicago Suburbs as a Whole
The RE/MAX Northern Illinois real estate network has completed its fourth annual METRA Community Study that compares home sales in communities served by METRA commuter trains with the home sales across all suburbs in the seven-county metropolitan Chicago real estate market. The study looked at... - October 09, 2011 - RE/MAX Northern Illinois
WIS Publishing Explains How to Use the New Features and Functions of SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.0
It is imperative for administrators to understand the new features and functions of SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.0 that are necessary for providing end users with interactive data visualizations. - October 09, 2011 - Wellesley Information Services
Agcapita Farmland Investment Partnership Will be Presenting at the Alternative Investment Conference in Calgary on January 28th, 2012
Agcapita Farmland Investment Partnership will be presenting at the Alternative Investment Conference in Calgary on January 28th, 2012. Risk management and asset allocation in the context of hard asset investments like farmland will be the topic of discussion. Stephen Johnston, CIO and founder of... - October 09, 2011 - Agcapita Partners LP
Persistent Global Recession and Having to do More with Less Continue as Serious Concerns for Higher Education
Higher-education leaders optimistic about coming year but U.S. debt ceiling, shrinking operations budgets, competition are still top concerns according to academic outlook survey. - October 07, 2011 - Three Rivers Systems Inc.
Overall Customer Satisfaction Scores Reveal the Best Market Research Suppliers in 2011
Buyers of market research asked to rate 100 suppliers across five industry categories. - October 06, 2011 - MarketResearchCareers
The BSC Group Named 2011 Best of Business, Finance, by Readers of Inside Self-Storage Magazine
The BSC Group Announces It Was Named 2011 Best of Business, Finance, by the Readers of Inside Self-Storage Magazine. - October 06, 2011 - The BSC Group, LLC
SIIA Counters Criticisms of Self-Insured Group Health Plans & Stop-Loss Insurance
SIIA releases new white paper, Self-Insured Group Health Plans, Stop-Loss Insurance & Adverse Selection, which has been published to correct inaccurate information that state and federal policy-makers have been provided about how the self-insurance marketplace operates. - October 06, 2011 - Self-Insurance Institute of America, Inc.
WageWatch Study Shows Modest Wage Increases for Lodging Industry in 2011
After two years of pay cuts, wage freezes or miniscule increases, this year was expected to be one of modest pay increases for the hotel industry, based on a WageWatch survey of over 2,400 hotel properties across the nation conducted last November 2010. However, through September of this year, Pullen noted, "Actual pay increases reported were about half of what they had planned." - October 05, 2011 - WageWatch, Inc.
WIS Publishing's CRM Expert Explains SAP CRM 7.0 Enhancement Package 1 Key Design Considerations and Potential Challenges for Web Channel Implementation
This article explains how business can make the most out of the improvements to the SAP Web Channel application. - October 05, 2011 - Wellesley Information Services
HR Expert Shows SAP Professionals “How to Restrict Payroll Payments Based on Position or Location”
This article outlines why and when to restrict payroll payments and as well as showing how to properly implement this action. - September 30, 2011 - Wellesley Information Services
GRC Expert Explains How to Take Full Advantage of SAP Business Workflow in SAP BusinessObjects Access Control 10.0
This article outlines the relevant changes in SAP Business Workflow and how to best utilize it for SAP BusinessObjects Access Control 10.0 - September 30, 2011 - Wellesley Information Services
Best Vacuum Cleaners Under $200: New List Published
With so many different vacuum cleaners on the market, finding the best one is a tough job. Today Vacuum Cleaner Advisor has published a list of the Best Vacuum Cleaners for Under $200 to help buyers make the right choice. - September 29, 2011 - Vacuum Cleaner Advisor
What a Difference One Year Makes: Buyers of Market Research Are Dramatically More Satisfied with Price
After years of price pressure, additional price reductions across most MR segments are now unwarranted. - September 27, 2011 - MarketResearchCareers
New Report on Visible Light Communication (VLC) Addresses Wireless Spectrum Shortage
Visible Light communication (VLC) is slated to be a key means to address the wireless spectrum shortage expected in the communications industry. - September 26, 2011 - Global Information Inc.