E-Commerce News
Fill your shopping cart with news about commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet. Information includes news about companies providing e-commerce services, online shopping sites and apps, strategic partnerships and online shopping research.
HostGator's SiteAutoBackup.Com Now Supports Non cPanel Web Hosts
SiteAutoBackup.Com now allows non cPanel users to be able to automatically backup their files and databases by simply providing their login details. - May 26, 2010 - SiteAutoBackup.Com
Enjoy Memorial Day with a New Cell Phone from Cell2get at 32% Off. Cell2get Kicks Off Memorial Day Sale with Hundreds of New Unlocked Cell Phones.
Cell2get is the place to go for all the top unlocked cell phones and now is the best time to get a phone with the Cell2get Memorial Day sale. With 32% off every single phone in stock great deals are sure to be found on the top GSM unlocked cell phones, CDMA cell phones & IDEN cell phones from... - May 26, 2010 - cell2get
eBubbles.com Presents Free eBubbles Email Subscription
Bath products store, eBubbles.com offers free email subscription service. Special discount offers exclusively for email subscribers have also been announced by the bath body products store. - May 26, 2010 - eBubbles
Shoe Metro Giving Back to the Community
Shoe Metro is strengthening its community outreach efforts, donating gifts and volunteer service. Recently, the online retailer has contributed to a San Diego school walkathon and the March For Babies event. - May 26, 2010 - Shoe Metro
Queensboro Shirt Company Offers 10-Year Unconditional Guarantee
Industry-unique and iron-clad promise to customers propels company into uncharted territory - May 26, 2010 - The Queensboro Shirt Company
Business Made Easy by 1AutomationWiz.com’s Ecommerce Cart
How the 1AutomationWiz Ecommerce Cart can save business owners hours every month. - May 26, 2010 - 1AutomationWiz.com
Trupanion Explores the Benefits of a No-Deductible Pet Insurance Plan
Pet insurance company Trupanion reminds pet owners of the benefits of pet insurance with a zero dollar deductible. Pet health insurance company Trupanion provides customers with the option of selecting a zero dollar deductible for their pet insurance policy. Pet owners who choose this option do... - May 24, 2010 - Trupanion
eRepublik.com License the EGASS Solution from Network Media Services
Network Media Services is extremely proud and excited to announce that multiplayer strategy game operator “eRepublik.com” has chosen their affiliate management solution (egass) to power its online affiliate program. eRepublik.com’s Marketing Manager, Raul de Salazar said... - May 22, 2010 - Network Media Services Ltd
Cell2get.com Expands Warehouse and Adds Over 400 of the Newest High Tech Unlocked Cell Phones to Website
Cell2get.com, already known for having a very extensive stock of unlocked cell phones from every manufacturer added another 400 types of phones in May. Because of customer demand and rapidly increasing sales Cell2get also opened a new warehouse to accommodate the rush of new orders. Cell2get is... - May 22, 2010 - cell2get
eForexGold Celebrates 10 Year Company Anniversary
eForexGold, a leading e-currency exchange provider, celebrates its 10th year anniversary. Back in 2000, eForexGold was one of the first companies that stepped forward by facilitating e-currency exchanges. After 10 years in business, eForexGold has grown to be the largest online e-currency market maker, providing exchange services for all major metal based currencies. - May 22, 2010 - eForexGold
Ken Systems, Inc Wins Multiple 2010 Awards by DiversityBusiness.com
In recognition of the economic power of privately held businesses, DiversityBusiness.com, the nations’ leading business-to-business internet site, recently named Ken Systems, Inc. as one of the top businesses in the United States. Ken Systems, Inc. is happy to announce that it has been... - May 21, 2010 - Ken Systems, Inc
Khojguru Brings VLCC Discounts
Khojguru in association with VLCC has come up with beauty discount coupons. - May 21, 2010 - Khojguru Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Shopster Opens Doors to Wholesalers, Manufacturers, Distributors, Suppliers, and Liquidators
The introduction of new Supplier Business Packages expected to fuel growth and power up business for growing community of retailers. - May 21, 2010 - Shopster
Who is Alfred Tomas? A Fresh New Novel by Robert Bedick Has Readers Asking
In his new novel, Tomas, author Robert Bedick explores the intricacies of fatherhood, marriage, and love in a way that redefines the word suspense. - May 20, 2010 - Robert Bedick
Superaffs.com License the EGASS Solution from Network Media Services
Network Media Services is extremely proud to announce that online gaming operator, Lanzerac Holdings has chosen their affiliate management solution (www.egass.com) to power its’ online affiliate program. Lanzerac will offer its affiliate program through the superaffs.com brand name and... - May 20, 2010 - Network Media Services Ltd
Pilot Group Releases New Version of Their Email Marketing Software
Pilot Group, e-commerce solutions provider, announced new version of their all-in-one email marketing software – PG Newsletter Software - software that includes everything for designing HTML and text based newsletters, delivering personalized emails to your target audiences through mailing... - May 19, 2010 - Pilot Group Rus
Selfstoragefinders.com Adds Safeguard Self Storage
Self Storage Finders announced the addition of Safeguard Self Storage to its popular search directory. - May 18, 2010 - Self Storage Finders
Khojguru Brings Shaadi Discount
Khojguru has come up with discount coupons that get you up to 25% off on Shaadi.com - May 18, 2010 - Khojguru Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Jury Verdict in PowerRPC and JRPC Copyright Infringement Lawsuit
A federal jury entered a verdict of copyright infringement against Chordiant Software, Inc. for infringing the copyrights of PowerRPC and JRPC technologies in the Chordiant Marketing Director product. - May 17, 2010 - Netbula, LLC
Star Ad Specialties Offers Early Father’s Day Discount on All Fruit of the Loom Orders
The Star Ad Specialties Company has decided to offer their support of Fathers everywhere by offering a brief support in offering 10% off all orders for Fruit of the Loom for Father’s Day - May 16, 2010 - Star Ad Specialties
SysIQ and Heiler Partner to Deliver Combined Enterprise PIM and PDM Solutions for Ecommerce
SysIQ will deliver SaaS eCommerce solutions by combining Heiler Product Information Management suite with leading eCommerce platforms like IBM WebSphere Commerce and Intershop Enfinity. - May 16, 2010 - SysIQ Ecommerce Solutions
First Ever English-Language China Abrasives Directory 2010 Published
Business Data International Inc., the business and professional information provider, has recently announced that the world’s first English-language China Abrasives Directory 2010 has been published and is now available to public. The directory is a comprehensive and up-to-date information... - May 15, 2010 - Business Data International Inc.
Blindsuk.net is the First UK Online Shop to Provide Child Safety Information and Devices
Blindsuk.net introduces information and child safety mechanism for its products, for the first time in the online environment. Well known online blinds retailer, Blinds UK has always tried to meet customers' needs by not only offering quality products at affordable prices but by also offering... - May 15, 2010 - Blinds UK
Khojguru Brings Chinese Discount
Khojguru has come up with discount coupons for Yo! China and Berco’s - May 15, 2010 - Khojguru Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
The Million Dollar Phone Number 1-800-PAJAMAS is Being Sold at Auction
The mnemonic brand phone number 1-800-PAJAMAS and its correlative URL's www.1-800-pajamas.com and www.800pajamas.com are being auctioned; the opening bid is $1,000,000. - May 14, 2010 - Hemple & Associates
Projility and K2 Partner to Deliver Workflow and Business-Efficiency Solutions
Leading consultancy and software provider team up to deliver complete client solutions. - May 14, 2010 - Projility Inc.
CrowdControlExperts.Com Announces New Portable Security Barrier
CrowdControlExperts.com is proud to announce the launch of a new lightweight and portable security barrier, that when filled with water, is as strong as a concrete barrier. This new barrier will allow customers the opportunity to have a portable security barrier system at a lower cost and storage... - May 14, 2010 - CrowdControlExperts.com
Khojguru Discount Makes Gifts Exciting
Khojguru has come up with a discount coupon that gets you up to 14% off on gifts purchased through excitinglives.com. - May 14, 2010 - Khojguru Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Green Blossoms: Newly Launched Sustainable Clothing Company for the Modern Woman
Green Blossoms is a newly launched sustainable clothing company for women. Their shirts are made from bamboo, organic cotton and corn. Green Blossoms also helps today’s modern women live greener, healthier and happier lives through their blog. - May 14, 2010 - Green Blossoms
Orange County’s Air & Water Inc. Ranked #19 in Internet Retailer Top 500 List for Home Improvement
Family-owned and operated Air & Water Inc. enters prestigious list for the first time. - May 13, 2010 - Air and Water Inc.
SkGold Hosting Announces Free Private Domain Registration
SkGold Hosting is ramping up their program to help put a stop to online identity theft. The web hosting company now provides their Private Domain Registration / ID Protection system to customers at no additional cost with domain registration. - May 13, 2010 - SKGOLD Hosting
Introducing SHJ Platinum™ - a More Comprehensive Dog Supplement for Spine, Hip, and Joint Health
SHJ Platinum™ provides a comprehensive approach to a dog’s back, hip, and joint health. It combines 12 active ingredients- more (and at higher levels) than most other major brands on the market. The result is a powder supplement with nearly everything needed to see maximum joint health benefits. The company guarantees it with a 30 day free trial and an additional 60 day money back guarantee. - May 13, 2010 - Cavida Canine Science
PcPools Announces New "Mystri Gold" Above Ground Pool Liner
PcPOOLS to sell the all new "Mystri Gold" above ground pool liner for beaded pool receivers. - May 13, 2010 - PcPools
UseMyServices Betas New Micro-Payment Service
Toronto-based UseMyServices announced today that the company is poised to enter the social games and digital downloads niches with a new micro-payment service. The initial launch will be in Canada and the UK, followed by Mexico and Australia, with the US being added in late Q3, if not sooner. The... - May 13, 2010 - UseMyServices.com
Khojguru Brings Discount Coupon for Egully
Khojguru.com, one of India’s leading online discount players, has come up with a discount coupon that gets you up to 6% off on purchase made through egully.com. - May 13, 2010 - Khojguru Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Ecocyn Will Now Offer ecoCards
Ecocyn announced it will begin offering gift cards on it's e-commerce website today. By offering ecoCards, ecocyn will give their customers another way to think green and live greener. - May 12, 2010 - Ecocyn Energy, Inc.
First USA Promotionals is Offering 10% Discount to the First 100 Customers Hailing from the Hudson River Valley
Customer appreciation is one aspect of business that the First USA Promotionals Company takes very seriously. Because of this they are now offering a 10% discount on the total order of the first 100 customers who come from the Hudson River Valley area. At a time when business after business are having to shut their doors due to the struggling economy and its impact on small business, this NY based promotional company is thriving. - May 12, 2010 - First USA Promotionals
Life Force Herbal Body Wrap Offered at 30% Off Through Friday at LiquidWholeFood.com
The popular do-it-yourself inch-loss and detoxification home seaweed Herbal Body Wrap is offered at significant savings through Friday. - May 12, 2010 - LiquidWholeFood.com
Innovative Tips in Career Planning and Development – in Reverse, Published by Outskirts Press
Veteran manager and author Dr. Carl M. Powe Jr. today announced the release of his new career advisory guide, Career Planning and Development – in Reverse, published by Outskirts Press. A compendium of valuable information on careers, opportunities and retirement strategies, his book is a... - May 12, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Milton Security Group LLC Now Offers Online Shop to Purchase the Edge72 Access Control System
Milton Security Group LLC's EdgeOS based access and admission control system now available for easy purchase online. - May 11, 2010 - Milton Security Group LLC
Now, You Can Quench Your Thirst for Performance with LeadCola
Networked for performance- LeadCola launches a new global affiliate network. - May 10, 2010 - LeadCola
Clients of Onlineprinters GmbH Save Shipping Costs in UK, France and Poland
Onlineprinters GmbH is the only online print shop in Europe to offer standard shipping of printed products to England, France and Poland free of charge. The precondition is an order value of EUR 99 as a minimum or a shipping weight of 100 kg and up. "Our customers get a double profit from this... - May 09, 2010 - Onlineprinters GmbH
Khojguru Brings Bouquet Discount
Khojguru.com, one of India’s leading online discount players, in association with Ferns n Petals has come up with a discount coupon that gets you flat 10% off when you buy any product online through Fnp.in. Ferns 'N' Petals (FNP) is a leading florist in India. Apart from its strong retail... - May 09, 2010 - Khojguru Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
IvySkin Announces New Line of iPad Smartcases
IvySkin, a leader in the Apple™ accessories market, is proud to announce the iPad SmartCase™ Quattro-T5 and Xylo-T4 cases for iPad™ a brand new addition to the hugely popular Quattro™, Xylo™ and SmartCase™ series. - May 08, 2010 - ivyskin.com
Miami Web Design Company Goes Modern
Evoke Design brings ModernDisplay.net back to the future. - May 08, 2010 - Evoke Design
NetGrey.com is the Latest Hub for PHP Hosting
ZNet Technologies Private Limited has now announced PHP Hosting Service in its constant efforts to diversify and update its web hosting products and services for an ever growing customer base. The new kind of PHP-based hosting would prove to be a boon for all those dabbling in Open Source technologies. - May 08, 2010 - ZNet Technologies Private Limited
Khojguru Gives Flight Discount on Goibibo
Khojguru.com, one of India’s leading online discount players, has come up with a discount coupon that gets you an additional Rs. 200 off on every domestic flight bookings made through Goibibo.com - May 08, 2010 - Khojguru Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Daimer® Ships 50 Hz Steam Cleaner with Sanitization Capabilities
The Mega 550VP is the first machine of its kind to offer Daimer's EPA-registered ATIS® disinfecting technology. - May 08, 2010 - Daimer Industries, Inc.
Thunderstruck II is Now at Red Flush
Tuesday the 4th of May was the day that every Red Flush online casino player was glued to their computer screen and it was all due to the fact that Thunderstruck II had bolted onto the scene as the latest gaming release from Microgaming. - May 07, 2010 - Red Flush Online Casino
Thunderstruck II hits Casino La Vida
Any player who has played at a Microgaming online casino will know about the Thunderstruck legacy. This video slots game changed the face of online gaming upon its release, and provided players with lucrative wins, incredible special features and hours of entertainment value. The popularity of the game spurred the release of Thunderstruck II; the sequel to this favoured game that has now been released into the vast collection at Casino La Vida. - May 07, 2010 - Casino La Vida