E-Commerce News

Fill your shopping cart with news about commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet. Information includes news about companies providing e-commerce services, online shopping sites and apps, strategic partnerships and online shopping research.

Free iPhone App Helps You at the Scene of a Motor Vehicle Accident

Free iPhone App Helps You at the Scene of a Motor Vehicle Accident

Nationwide Motor Vehicle Accident Attorneys Brown, Koro & Romag, LLP have developed a free iPhone app designed to give you roadside assistance at the scene of a motor vehicle accident. - February 12, 2010 - Brown, Koro & Romag

Wine Industry Network Continues to Gain Momentum

Wine Industry Network Continues to Gain Momentum

The Wine Industry Network (WIN), the fastest growing wine industry business to business network in North America, generated a tremendous response at the 2010 Unified Wine and Grape Symposium and significantly increased the number of registered users on the site. Unified Symposium Attendees and Exhibitors who visited the WIN booth realized the value and potential of the industry specific resource. - February 12, 2010 - Wine Industry Network

Online Casinos Elite Informs About Latest eCOGRA Accreditation

Online Casinos Elite Informs About Latest eCOGRA Accreditation

The latest major affiliate program to achieve the eCOGRA Affiliate Trust seal accreditation is Star Partner, a program that administers the affiliate marketing affairs of fourteen well established, tier one online gambling destinations. Announcing the accreditation after an extensive inspection... - February 12, 2010 - online casinos elite

PcPools Notes Fourth Quarter Increase in Sales

Specialty Retail Shopping Continues to Move Online. - February 12, 2010 - PcPools

Clear the Air, Inc. is Selected as a Favorite Site of Popular Web Designer

Danielle Zidek, today announced the the posting of Clear the Air Inc.’s home page to the Volusion design gallery located on Volusion’s Facebook page. “We have been invited by Volusion to become a part of their Design gallery. We are excited to be included as one of their favorite... - February 12, 2010 - Clear the Air, Inc.

Bella Vista Boutique Continues to Grow on Bonanzle

Bella Vista Boutique continues to gather accolades for its plus size fashion mix on Bonanzle. A recent personal endorsement by Bonanzle seller Montrose glows "It’s now 2010 and a new Personal endorsement seems appropriate! After having the pleasure of viewing this active member perform,... - February 12, 2010 - Bella Vista Boutique

Launch of eGaming Affiliate System Software (EGASS)

Launch of eGaming Affiliate System Software (EGASS)

Online software development company Network Media Services has announced the launch of their eGaming Affiliate System Software (EGASS), a new and innovative turnkey business system, aimed at empowering the new generation of egaming operator with a powerful affiliate marketing solution. - February 11, 2010 - Network Media Services Ltd

WorldClips.TV - Now It's Free

WorldClips.TV - Now It's Free

www.WorldClips.TV is now offering 5000 broadcast quality stock footage video clips from 50 world location by direct download totally Free. The business model has been changed to an advertiser sponsored website. WorldClips.TV has provided stock footage for Oprah, The Late Late Show, 48 Hours, Wheel of Fortune and hundreds of other program and video producers. - February 11, 2010 - WorldClips.TV Free Stock Footage

Win Food and Fame in the First Annual “Allergy Free” Food Recipe Contest

Win Food and Fame in the First Annual “Allergy Free” Food Recipe Contest

Do you have that fantastic recipe that your family just raves about? Do you think you have what it takes to beat out the competition and win with it? Allergiesandme.com wants to know. - February 11, 2010 - Allergiesandme.com

The Sellery Brings an eBay Twist to the Consignment Industry

The Sellery is an eBay consignment company that acts as a middleman that sells your items on eBay rather than listing them yourself. - February 11, 2010 - The Sellery Austin EBay Store

New Valentine's Gifts Added to Bath Products Store, eBubbles.com

New bath products have been added to the Valentine's gift collection at the bath products store eBubbles.com. The new line of bath products offers affordable gifts for Valentine's Day. - February 11, 2010 - eBubbles

Kamusta Cards - Send Personalized Greeting Card Gifts to the Philippines

Global Filipinos can now send their photos and text dedication to their loved ones back home fast and easy through printed greeting cards with many designs and photo frames to choose for any theme or occasion. - February 11, 2010 - Kamusta Cards

ArtFire Voted Top in Innovation for the Shorty Awards

ArtFire receives more than 300 votes in Innovation as part of the Shorty Awards - February 11, 2010 - ArtFire

DexSystems Now Offering Online Estimate and Order Decking Material Delivered to the Door–Lower 2010 Pricing

DexSystems Now Offering Online Estimate and Order Decking Material Delivered to the Door–Lower 2010 Pricing

Get exterior decking materials delivered directly to the door, at home or job site. From easy online estimating and freight quote request, this new online ordering system makes it easier than ever to order and manage multiple project orders and all with better 2010 pricing. - February 10, 2010 - DexSystems Inc.

Canadianflowershop.ca Launches 1st Mobile Flower Gift Centre in Canada

Canadianflowershop.ca announces a convenient way for Mobile users to shop on the go. - February 09, 2010 - Canadiana Flowers

Opticsplanet.com One of the First to Carry Re-Introduced Redfield Brand

Authorized Dealer, OpticsPlanet, sees promising initial sales of Classic Redfield Rifle Scopes. - February 07, 2010 - OpticsPlanet

New Online Tool – GemFind’s Ring Builder - Helps Jewelry Retailers, Diamond Dealers and Ring Manufacturers, Increase Sales

New Online Tool – GemFind’s Ring Builder - Helps Jewelry Retailers, Diamond Dealers and Ring Manufacturers, Increase Sales

GemFind has launched a new online tool for jewelry retailers, diamond dealers and ring manufacturers called Ring Builder™ that can be fully customized and seamlessly integrated into any retailers’ website. It allows jewelers or ring manufacturers to upload engagement ring mountings and ring settings online, while customers can choose from loose diamonds in a virtual inventory to design their own engagement rings. - February 06, 2010 - GemFind

EShoeSpot Launches as a Search Engine for Buying Shoes Online

Shoe search engine and shopping portal, eShoeSpot, displays shoes for purchase from numerous sites around the web to offer a broad shoe selection in one spot online. - February 06, 2010 - Go Smart Solutions, LLC

ArtFire to Raise Seller Subscription Rate

Last Opportunity for sellers to lock in current $12 rate - February 06, 2010 - ArtFire

The Supermarket Online Regional Partner Contracts Published

The Supermarket Online regional partner contracts have now been issued to all parties and the first signed contracts are beginning to return. Marketing campaign now just days from launch. - February 06, 2010 - The Supermarket Online



The P2P & CLOUD MARKET CONFERENCE will explore marketing strategies, business models, case studies, and future opportunities related to peer-to-peer (P2P) and cloud based commercial offerings. This first-ever special event is scheduled for Tuesday March 9th at the Cornell Club of New York and is being held in conjunction with the Media Summit New York (MSNY). Special early registration rates end on March 2nd. - February 05, 2010 - Distributed Computing Industry Association

IceJerseys.com Teams with Georges Laraque to Launch Hockey for Haiti Jersey and Apparel Collection

IceJerseys.com Teams with Georges Laraque to Launch Hockey for Haiti Jersey and Apparel Collection

IceJerseys.com has joined forces with NHL player Georges Laraque to offer a Hockey For Haiti jersey and apparel line. All profits will go to Laraque's Hockey For Haiti project, which will support improved healthcare for the earthquake’s survivors. - February 05, 2010 - IceJerseys.com

Pegasus Lighting Becomes an Illuminating Engineering Society Sustaining Member

Pegasus Associates Lighting has become a Sustaining Member of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America helping to further lighting research, education projects, and other endeavors to communicate all aspects of good lighting practices. - February 05, 2010 - Pegasus Lighting

A ‘SEAL’ of Support: Sales of Shirts Will Help Navy SEALS Accused of Assault

It’s a story that has captivated the nation and stirred intense debate. In September of 2009, Navy SEALS captured Ahmed Hashim Abed, an Iraqi terrorist allegedly responsible for the murder of four American contractors in Iraq. According to the charges, in 2004 Abed masterminded a successful... - February 05, 2010 - USNavySealStore

New Web Company Spreads Organ Donation Awareness Through Creative T-Shirts and Jewelry

New Web Company Spreads Organ Donation Awareness Through Creative T-Shirts and Jewelry

GreenRibbonConnection.com was unveiled today as a unique apparel and jewelry shop specially designed for spreading the importance of the gift of life and transplantation. - February 04, 2010 - GreenRibbonConnection.com

The Pajama Company Announces Its Valentine’s Day Grab Bags

The Pajama Company Announces Its Valentine’s Day Grab Bags

Founder of popular online retailer shares family tradition with her customers looking to share the holiday with a group. - February 04, 2010 - The Pajama Company

SoloStocks Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary with the Launch of a Handbook on the Enhanced Usage of e-Marketplaces

SoloStocks is the main portal for Business to Business leading the segment of buying and selling of products between companies and between companies and professionals - February 04, 2010 - SoloStocks

Historic Bendix Brand Reintroduced on Efficient Household Appliances

Historic Bendix Brand Reintroduced on Efficient Household Appliances

Marking the return of one of America’s most historic brands, a new line of home appliances has been unveiled under the venerable Bendix name. Beginning February 3, 2010 with a selection of highly efficient washers, dryers and washer dryer combinations, the new Bendix line will be available... - February 03, 2010 - Thor Appliance Company

Fashion Scarves & Shawls Announces the Classic Aviator Scarf

Fashion Scarves & Shawls Announces the Classic Aviator Scarf

Top-Rated Online Retailer reintroduces a modern fashion classic scarf for aviators, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone who wants to own comfort and style at a reasonable price. - February 03, 2010 - Fashion Scarves and Shawls

Liquid Vitamins Retailer LiquidWholeFood.com Announces “Free Shipping February”

LiquidWholeFood.com announced today that they will be offering free shipping for orders totaling a minimum amount now through February 26, 2010. - February 02, 2010 - LiquidWholeFood.com

Evoke Design Launches New Website and Services

EvokeDesign.com is pleased to announce the release of its new website. They have revamped its appearance and services to keep up with the latest web technological developments and inform the public of their new services. Here’s what this reputed Miami web design company has got to offer... - February 01, 2010 - Evoke Design

MOL Launched Ecapay Asia Payment Solutions to All It's Online Games Platform

MOL Launched Ecapay Asia Payment Solutions to All It's Online Games Platform

Ecapay Asia, one of the world's largest online payment solutions for Asian markets, has announced a working relationship with MOL AccessPortal Berhad. MOL, one of the biggest online game websites, will use Ecapay Asia to allow all Asian online gamers to play online games using their local payment methods in Asia. - January 31, 2010 - Ecapay

ERP.com Releases Software Reviews Module for Leading ERP Application

ERP.com (www.erp.com), a leading ERP industry site for enterprise resource planning community site targeting ERP professionals and ERP vendors releases new software reviews module for leading on-premise and web based ERP applications on the market. - January 31, 2010 - Enterprise Resource Planning

IndieMart - Create a Fully Customizable Online Store to Sell Your Goods Without Ever Paying Any Start Up Fees

Indiemart is a newly launched virtual mall to help merchants create a free online store. - January 30, 2010 - IndieMart

Ezic Expands Online Debit Acceptance

Ezic, Inc., a leading provider of high-performance, private-label payment solutions expands support for processing international and PIN-less debit transactions. As debit usage continues to dominate online payments in Europe, global debit card payment acceptance capabilities are increasingly in... - January 30, 2010 - Ezic, Inc.

Effective Strategies for E-Commerce Success: eValuShop Has the Answers

eValuShop.com - an online department store with peer-to-peer auction platform - has studied the business practices adopted by 55 established online retailers, and identified the effective e-commerce strategies essential for building a high-growth retailing business online. - January 29, 2010 - eValuShop Inc

Displays4Sale.com Adds Poster Displays and Other Fixture Categories to Complete Access Display Group's First B2B E-Commerce Website

Access Display Group, Inc. a leading designer and manufacturer of changeable poster frames, sign holders and shadow box display cases updates and adds poster display frames and other display fixture categories to complete its first B2B E-commerce Website: Displays4Sale.Com - January 29, 2010 - Access Display Group

Ecommerce Executive Brief: 6 Steps to Dynamic Catalog Publishing for Ecommerce

A Free Executive Brief and how to guide is being offered by PIM-data.com, a leading product information management solution consultancy focused on building sales and profits for ecommerce enterprises. Get "6 Steps to Dynamic Catalog Publishing" to gain the benefits of real-time product information across the enterprise. - January 29, 2010 - PIM-data.com

Revolutionary Reservation Technology Opens Asian Office in Kuala Lumpur

evolution (http://www.evolutiondistribution.com), the revolutionary new multi-channel rate distribution platform is pleased to announce the expansion of their global reach with the opening of an Asian office headed by David Chai. David, who will be based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, will oversee the... - January 29, 2010 - evolution

LiquidWholeFood.com Stands Firm Against Selling Protein Powder Containing Artificial Sweeteners

Online natural liquid supplements retailer LiquidWholeFood.com knows that the bottom line is important, but continues to reject offers to carry protein powders containing artificial sweeteners. - January 29, 2010 - LiquidWholeFood.com

aitendant Unleashes Binder: Uncluttered, Uncomplicated, Customized CRM + Commerce

Binder enables aitendant to work for any size business by enabling complete customized control over the features and footprint delivered to customers. - January 29, 2010 - aitendant, LLC

New Casino Games for USA Players

New Casino Games for USA Players

USA Players enjoy a wealth of new casino games. - January 28, 2010 - Gambling Gazette

OHL Inks Huge Lease in North Carolina

OHL Inks Huge Lease in North Carolina

Global 3PL opens new state of the art distribution operation in Statesville. - January 28, 2010 - ProVenture

After 6+ Years, Womb To Grow/Babynut.com Says Bye-Bye

Babynut owners, Saralee Sky and Jerry Kilgore, have decided to close www.babynut.com down by the end of March, 2010. Poor sales and the need to move on were cited as the main reasons. - January 28, 2010 - Womb To Grow

PelicanCaseandLight.com – Launches New Ecommerce Website to Retail the Market-Leading Brand of Lightweight Waterproof Cases and Advanced Flashlights

PelicanCaseandLight.com an authorized online supplier of Pelican™ Products, Inc. (which includes Pelican Case and Pelican Lights) has officially launched its ecommerce website to North American customers. Pelican™ Products, Inc. is the leader in the industry when it comes to waterproof... - January 28, 2010 - PelicanCaseandLight.com

Startup Company Announces Innovative B2B Platform Targeting the Latin American Markets

Golcio Group, LLC today unveiled Golcio.com, an innovative B2B portal specially designed for the Latin American markets, for connecting buyers and sellers with businesses worldwide. - January 28, 2010 - Golcio Group LLC

New Look for Get The Label

New Look for Get The Label

Everyone likes a little makeover now and again and the Get The Label website is no different. The home of designer discounts has been revamped to make it more user friendly and a lot nicer to look at. In addition there’s a Facebook fanpage at www.facebook.com/GetTheLabel which alerts fans to... - January 27, 2010 - Get The Label

Tangentia Receives Certification to Become an Authorized Seller of IBM Tivoli, WebSphere and Info Management Data Software

Tangentia today announced they had achieved certification to become an Authorized seller of IBM Tivoli, WebSphere and Info Management Data software by meeting the skills requirements of the new IBM Software Value Plus initiative. Tangentia is a one stop shop for consulting, technology and... - January 27, 2010 - Tangentia Inc.

Debian 5, openSUSE 11.1 and Fedora Core 11 Offered on Cirrus Tech Linux VPS Hosting Plans

Canadian Web Host, Cirrus Tech, expands their Linux operating system offerings to include Debian 5, openSUSE 11.1 and Fedora Core 11. - January 27, 2010 - Cirrus Tech Ltd.

DealTattle.com - New Coupon Code & Discount Site Launches

DealTattle.com - New Coupon Code & Discount Site Launches

Real-time coupon code, discount and money-saving site where every offer can be shared via Twitter, Facebook and other social networking tools. Thousands of merchants are represented on the site with many more thousands of deals added each day. - January 26, 2010 - DealTattle LLC

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