Books News

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Now in Print & eBook: Fantasy Novel “The Unremarkable Squire” by Indiana Author Nick Hayden

Barking Rain Press announced the paperback and eBook release of the Fantasy novel “The Unremarkable Squire” by Kendallville, Indiana, author Nick Hayden. - July 13, 2013 - Barking Rain Press

Experienced Legal Administrator Retires to Write Fiction

Anaphora Literary Press is excited to promote Mary Ann Hutchinson’s latest thriller, “Rain, Rain, Go Away…” - July 12, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

Journalist Michelle Chen Breaks Into the Poetic Genre

Anaphora Literary Press is excited to promote Michelle Chen’s first poetry collection, "Baby Pepper." - July 12, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

220 Communications Press Announcement: "Be A Cheerful Giver" Explores the Benefits and Joys of Giving Freely

Cynthia Dickens debut title highlights her journey to finding joy in giving back. - July 12, 2013 - 220 Communications

220 Communications New Release Author, Entrepreneur Gives Motivation in Acceptable Doses with New Book

"Wisdom In Pieces" is the debut title from entrepreneur Jennifer Bridgeforth. A collection of timely advice and passages to help readers through difficult times. - July 12, 2013 - 220 Communications

"Blood Laws" Thrills and Intrigues

Anaphora Literary Press is excited to promote Miguel Parga’s first novel. - July 12, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

Ancient Egyptian Prophecy Places Curse on L.A. Teens

Drayton Press is pleased to announce the launch of "The Year of the Great Seventh," the debut novel of author Teresa Orts. - July 12, 2013 - Drayton Press

eMediaCampaigns! Announces Larry E. Toombs, Dinner with the Author

eMediaCampaigns! Announces Larry E. Toombs, Dinner with the Author

"Larry E. Toombs is a great addition to our growing list of dynamic authors." - Fran Briggs, Director of Operations, eMediaCampaigns! - July 11, 2013 - eMediaCampaigns!

New Author Releases Thriller "Stray Bullet" to Kindle and Amazon

New Book released by debut author on Amazon. "Stray Bullet" by Simon Duringer. Available in paperback and Kindle formats. - July 11, 2013 - Simon Duringer

John F. Buckley’s Sky Sandwiches is a Veritable Feast of Surrealism

2012 Pushcart Prize Nominated poetry collection fuses the unremarkable with the exceptional. - July 11, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

New Book Brings Space Travel Down to Earth

Author, Jason Klassi is pleased to announce that his book, The Everyday Space Traveler has won several national awards. With a foreword by astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, this work is flying off the shelves. - July 11, 2013 - Jason Klassi

Illinois Author Releases New Novel, Not Forgotten

Author, Donna M. Zadunajsky is pleased to announce the release of her new novel, Not Forgotten. - July 11, 2013 - Donna M. Zadunajsky

Now in Print & eBook: “Postponing Armageddon” by UK Author Adele Abbot

Barking Rain Press announced the paperback and eBook release of the medieval apocalyptic Fantasy novel "Postponing Armageddon" by Yorkshire, United Kingdom, author Adele Abbott. - July 10, 2013 - Barking Rain Press

Kansas City Author Breaks Rules with New Romantic Suspense Novel Series

G.E. Washington debuts her first novel “Strange Connections” which portrays Police Detective Lang Peoples, working to solve the murder of the son of a prominent local Baptist pastor found dead in a seedy Kansas City motel. - July 10, 2013 - Gwendolyn Washington

Five to Fifteen is the True Story of Adversity and Triumph in an Arizona Women’s Prison

Anaphora Literary Press is thrilled to promote Denise Sassoon’s much-anticipated Five to Fifteen, a raw, powerful look at the reality of prison, addiction, and recovery. - July 10, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

Soundview Executive Book Summaries to Host Webinar with Shari Harley

Soundview Executive Book Summaries will host an interactive webinar on July 18th with best-selling author Shari Harley, to discuss the concepts in her latest book, How to Say Anything to Anyone. - July 10, 2013 - Soundview

Science Fiction Series Explores How Women Survive War

Science Fiction Series Explores How Women Survive War

How do women on the war-torn savannah survive with few resources, dependent children, and no voice in the public square? Stella Atrium’s latest book StrikeStone (published through iUniverse) presents a cohort of women who succeed by their own wits and using the tools at hand. - July 09, 2013 - Stella Atrium

Let's Go to China!

Let's Go to China!

Let's Go to China! is a book series for early readers. With wonderful art and interesting facts, the series is designed to capture the attention of both readers and listeners of any age. - July 08, 2013 - Tommy Tong

A New Race of Vampires - The Blood Series by Ashley Nemer

Two new releases from the Art of Safkhet that brings Algula Vamprires from Zahle, Lebanon to America. - July 08, 2013 - Art of Safkhet Announces Launch of New Website

Website makes donations to non-profit organizations when users make book purchases at major on-line retailers. - July 08, 2013 -

Book Takes a Fresh Look at Time Management and Personal and Workplace Productivity

In their book, Jeffrey Atwood and Charles Calio discuss Time Leadership, their unique approach to increasing one’s productivity. - July 08, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

Private Hercules McGraw Features Poems on the American Civil War

S. Thomas Summers’s published collection provides readers an intimate perspective of the civil war straight from the battlefield. - July 08, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

Emerging Poet’s Latest Collection is Silence--Imbibed

Anaphora Literary Press is proud to promote Jennifer Gutiérrez’s collection of poetry, Silence Imbibed. - July 08, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

Hot New Young Adult Sci-Fi Fantasy, "Beyond Earth" Has Launched

Author Arlene Lagos has announced the release of book one of the Beyond Earth Series with the launch of, "Beyond Earth" now available in paperback and eBook on Amazon, iBookstore, Smashwords and more. - July 07, 2013 - Beyond Earth Series

Celebrate a Return to Sweet Romance with Blooming Love

Author Megan Hussey's sweet feminist romance will be offered free of charge, via digital download, to domestic violence help agencies around the world. - July 06, 2013 - Megan Hussey

Free Kindle Download for Marines 5 July to 7 July, 2013

Hard Corps Knowledge: How to Succeed in the Marine Corps, Kindle edition, is being made available for free download from July 5th to July 7th, 2013. - July 05, 2013 - Hard Corps Knowledge

Award-Winning Author‘s Latest Novel Visits the Golden Age of Hollywood

Prolific author Marilyn Jaye Lewis’s novel, Twilight of the Immortal, has been published. - July 05, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

Eloquent Tattoo is Latest Entry in Academic Murder-Mystery Series

Anaphora Literary press is pleased to promote Audrey Lavin’s novel, Eloquent Tattoo: A Murder Mystery. - July 05, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

Crevices of Beautiful Minds, Crevasses of Beautiful Souls Takes Readers Into the Human Spirit

Anaphora Literary Press is pleased to promote the publication of V.B. Kai-Rogers’s collection of poetry, Crevices of Beautiful Minds, Crevasses of Beautiful Souls. - July 05, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

New Book by Tom Stohlgren Returns Black Hills to Native Americans

New Book by Tom Stohlgren Returns Black Hills to Native Americans

Tom Stohlgren is a scientist by day, and a novelist and screenwriter by night. His latest work of fiction, The Battle of the Black Hills, isn’t just a story where the Native Americans win, they win big. Lee Levinson, of Lee Levinson Productions (New York, NY) said, "Stohlgren is a master storyteller in this modern ‘Cowboys versus Indians’ tale destined to be a major motion picture." - July 04, 2013 - Tom Stohlgren, Author, LLC

Written in Stone Offers Four Books on Sale Through Smashwords

Written in Stone joins Smashwords in its July Summer sales with discounted pricing on 4 of its books. - July 04, 2013 - Written in Stone

New Books Help Families to Prepare for Emergencies and Save Money Everyday

Self-sufficiency and Prepping, has become a twenty-first century fad. Upwards of three million people have built underground shelters and stocked pantries in preparation for impending doomsday scenarios. There is an essential need to be sensible about what you can do to save money and to be well prepared for an emergency situation, be it a long-term power outage, sudden unemployment, or tough economic times. It is crucial to do so safely and economically! - July 04, 2013 - sensible preparedness

Another Susan Mary Malone Author Client to be Published

Randy Mitchell's New Book "Sons in the Clouds" Set for Publication - July 04, 2013 - Malone Editorial Services Voice Talent Celebrates Audiobook Month with 30+ Spoken Freely Narrators

Rachel Fulginiti is participating in a special month long series with Spoken Freely in Going Shorts. A part of the APA's June is Audiobook month celebrations. - July 03, 2013 -

Soundview Executive Book Summaries to Host Webinar with Steven Snyder

Soundview Executive Book Summaries will host an interactive webinar on July 9th with best-selling author Steven Snyder, to discuss the concepts in his latest book, Leadership and the Art of Struggle. - July 03, 2013 - Soundview

Renaissance House Writers Retreat Has July 4 Frederick Douglass Reading at Martha's Vineyard Beach

Renaissance House: A Retreat for Writers and Other Artists in Martha's Vineyard holds a Free Pot Luck Picnic and Public Reading of Frederick Douglass' Speech “What Does the Fourth of July Mean to a Negro?” on July 4 at State Beach. - July 03, 2013 - Renaissance House

Hope for America. Summerland Publishing Releases "The Relevance of Reason" by Mack W. Borgen

Summerland Publishing Releases First Title under Brody & Schmitt Publishers Imprint, "The Relevance of Reason: The Hard Facts and Real Data About the State of Current America - Business and Politics" by Mack W. Borgen. A companion book by Mack W. Borgen, "The Relevance of Reason: The Hard Facts and Real Data About the State of Current America – Society and Culture" will be released later this year. - July 03, 2013 - Summerland Publishing

Damnation Books Released The Last Day for Rob Rhino by Kathleen O'Donnell

Damnation Books Released The Last Day for Rob Rhino by Kathleen O'Donnell

On July 1, 2013, Damnation Books released The Last Day for Rob Rhino by Kathleen O'Donnell. O'Donnell arrived late to her writing career. As a wife and mother of four with four grandchildren, she makes no apologies for loving clothes, food, shoes, weirdos and Lucy. She’s forever grateful for her family, fried food, and the written word. The Last Day for Rob Rhino is a contemporary horror novel Edited by Andrea Heacock-Reyes with cover art by Cinsearae Santiago. - July 02, 2013 - Caliburn Press LLC

Give God the Glory! Called to be Light in the Workplace – A Workbook

In celebration of 12 years of publishing excellence, the Give God the Glory! series of books and devotionals, by best-selling author, Kevin Wayne Johnson, announces the launch of a 90-day pre-publication sale period, on July 1st, for the next book release subtitled: Called to be Light in the... - July 02, 2013 - Writing for the Lord Ministries

Writers Gather for Creating a Writing Life Summer Retreat

Mystic author, Lisa Saunders and Carolina Fiber and Fiction Center co-founder, Grace Farrell will be guest speakers this year at the Creating a Writing Life Retreat for Emerging Writers. Creating a Writing Life programs have been ongoing for six years, giving writers a place honor their literary work. The full day retreat includes nourishment for the body and soul in a positive, encouraging atmosphere, bringing writers of all abilities and genres together. - July 02, 2013 - Patricia Chaffee

"Success Living" with Dr. Leigh-Davis puts Outliers Series on Hold while Offering Special Promo

"Success Living" hosted by Dr. Leigh-Davis may not be talking about the book "Outliers" this month, but they continue to encourage everyone to read the book. - July 01, 2013 - Dr. Leigh-Davis

Texas Author Releases New Creative Fiction Novel with Voyager Press -

Author, J. L. Lawson is pleased to announce the release of his new creative fiction novel, Just A Curtain. “If you had virtually unlimited resources, a pristinely practicable imagination, and a knack for turning air into butter, what do you suppose you’d do next?”—Tera... - July 01, 2013 - BookBuzz

The Third Law of Motion Explores the Shadows of 1960s Domesticity

Anaphora Literary Press is thrilled to promote Meg Files’s most recent publication. - June 29, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

Jenn Blair Campbell’s Newest Novel is a Journey of Self-Discovery

Anaphora Literary Press is pleased to announce the media release of Six Directions. - June 29, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

S. K. Kelen’s Newest Book Adds a "Dash of Venom" to Domestic Norms

Anaphora Literary Press is excited to promote S. K. Kelen’s most recent publication. - June 29, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press

Doughboys and Comic Book Crime - Two New Books from St. Francis Professors

Two new books by St. Francis College professors come out this July. Sculpting Doughboys: Memory, Gender, and Taste in America's World War I Memorials (Ashgate), examines the unique position memorials of WWI soldiers hold in the social, cultural and artistic history of the United States. Comic Book Crime: Truth, Justice, and the American Way (NYUPress), offers a look at how comic books reflect and provoke feelings on crime and punishment in modern day society. - June 28, 2013 - St. Francis College

Former Lawman and Advocate for Victims of Sexual Violence Releases Book

Just this year, Ariel Castro was arrested in Cleveland, OH for the alleged kidnapping, rape, and abuse of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Ashley Summers. Author, Christopher Rudy, a former lawman and advocate for victims of sexual violence wants everyone to look at past crimes of the same nature and realize that more needs to be done. - June 28, 2013 - Christopher Rudy

Will the New Publishing Model Made by Lithasa Change the e-Book Industry?

Lithasa, a startup by a student from IIT Bombay, are introducing a new publishing model to the e-book market. And they claim that this is going to change the present e-book industry. S.Vinay Kumar CEO & Founder of Lithasa and also who happens to be an author of two novels, "Is She The One?" and "The ark and the curse of the oracle" at the age of 20, says, “Artists are entrepreneurs. They create new things out of nothing but their execution model sucks.” - June 27, 2013 - Lithasa Networks International pvt ltd

Author J.M. LeDuc Releases His Latest Book "Cornerstone," Published by Suspense Publishing

Suspense Publishing announces the releases of "Cornerstone," the latest book by Author J.M. LeDuc. His first novel "Cursed Blessing" won a Royal Palm Literary Award in 2008. This book was the first book in his "Cursed" trilogy, followed by "Cursed Presence" and "Cursed Days." - June 27, 2013 - Suspense Publishing

Suspense Publishing Releases "The Lone Wolf Agenda" by Joseph Badal

Author Joseph Badal releases Book 4 of The Danforth Saga "The Lone Wolf Agenda," published by Suspense Publishing. "The Lone Wolf Agenda" is available in print and eBook format. NY Times Bestselling author Michael Palmer calls "The Lone Wolf Agenda" A real page-turner in every good sense of the term. - June 27, 2013 - Suspense Publishing

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