Books News

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Newest G.W. Mullins Paranormal Romance Mystery Novel "Daniel Is Waiting A Ghost Story," in Stores Now

Light Of The Moon Publishing announces the release of the first book in the new Paranormal Romance / Mystery series From The Dead Of Night, titled "Daniel Is Waiting A Ghost Story" (ISBN-13-9781492166931) by author G.W. Mullins. The title is now available in all e-book editions, including Amazon Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Sony, iBooks, Goggle Play, as well as a print book. - September 12, 2013 - Light Of The Moon Publishing

Author Diane Laney Fitzpatrick Gives Tongue-in-Cheek Advice on Moving

"Home Sweet Homes" turns one of life’s most stressful experiences into page after page of laugh-out-loud moments. - September 11, 2013 - Diane Laney Fitzpatrick

Artist Releases First Children’s Book

Seattle-area multi-media artist, Kristol Jones, has published her first children’s story book. - September 11, 2013 - Kristol Jones Designs /

New Book in Series Helps Adults Coach Kids to Make Friends

The follow-up for parents and professionals to the highly successful first book in the How To Make & Keep Friends series has just been released. In this adult companion to their book for kids, social educators Donna Shea and Nadine Briggs, share their easy-to-implement tips and techniques for coaching children toward attaining, sustaining and generalizing improved social skills. - September 11, 2013 - How To Make & Keep Friends

Torquere Press to Donate Proceeds from Charity Sip Blitz to LGBT Nonprofit

Every year, the authors at Torquere Press come together to write for a reason. Torquere’s Annual Charity Sip Blitz gives authors an opportunity to make a difference and donate their time and money to a noble cause. Authors donate all proceeds to a chosen organization, and Torquere matches... - September 11, 2013 - Torquere Press

Now Available in Paperback and Kindle "Attrition: The First Act of Penance" by SG Night

Now Available in Paperback and Kindle "Attrition: The First Act of Penance" by SG Night

Enter a world of Demons, assassins, and magic this new Epic Fantasy, the debut novel of the young, up-and-coming SG Night—a story of sword and sorcery, tyranny and rebellion, love, and the fight for survival. A native of Northern Virginia, Night finished the draft of "Attrition" at just 17 years old and published the final product a few short months later at the age of 18. - September 10, 2013 - SG Night, LLC

Radio Talk Show Host's New Book, "The ABC's of Barack Obama," Makes the Case That Barack Obama is the Greatest Thing That Ever Happened to America

Radio talk show host, attorney and dangerous thinker Teri O’Brien gives the American public the information they need to fight the smears by the hating haters who say he is an unqualified, narcissistic empty suit illegally occupying the Oval Office. - September 10, 2013 - The Teri OBrien Show

Book Release: "History's Witches, An Illustrated Guide"

Just in time to kick off the Halloween Season. As if Halloween in Salem, Massachusetts isn't already spooky enough, local author and illustrator, Lisa Graves just gave us another reason to scream. With the launch of the book "History's Witches" Graves continues her journey bringing... - September 10, 2013 - History's Witches

Summer 2013 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award Winners

Announcing the Summer 2013 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award Winners - September 10, 2013 - NABE (North American Bookdealers Exchange)

Second Chupacabra Novel May be a "Curse," But It Comes with a Free E-Book

On September 10, 2013, in concordance with the release of "Curse of the Chupacabra," the series' first novel “Night of the Chupacabra,” will be available for free e-Book download from September 10 to September 12, 2013, only at - September 10, 2013 - Night After Night Publications, LLC

"Avoiding #FAIL" Book Serves as Executive Guide to Enterprise Social Risk

Enterprise social risk book features over 100 cases to help executives understand and mitigate growing social threats. - September 09, 2013 - ListenLogic

Book Two of The Merlin Chronicles Trilogy Kickstarter Campaign

Kickstarter Campaign launched to help defray specific costs related to the publication and promotion of "The Sorcerer’s Apprentice" which is the second volume of The Merlin Chronicles, a trilogy of adventure fantasy novels. - September 09, 2013 - Daniel Diehl

Multiple Award Winning Music Composer Catya Maré Releases Poetry Book

Catya Maré is best known for her multiple award winning new age / classical crossover music compositions and her mesmerizing violin play; however, she simultaneously has been active as a visual artist and writer her entire life. Her first book release,"A Silvery Moment," 48 haiku... - September 08, 2013 - Catya Maré Music

Amazon Book Release of "Mexican Hit Girl" by S.C. Smith

S.C. Smith released his 5-star reviewed debut novel, Mexican Hit Girl, on August 13th to solid reviews on Good Reads and Amazon. Copies of the book will also be on sale at Porter Square Books in Cambridge starting in late September. - September 08, 2013 - S.C. Smith Publishing

Mafia Book Portrays the Deviant Face of Sex, Drugs and Violence

Mafia Book Portrays the Deviant Face of Sex, Drugs and Violence

J L Hill opens the doors to a true understanding of cultural diversity in a world where greed, lust and crime are considered virtues. A raw in your face story of teenage love, murder, and revenge. Set in the Bronx in the early seventies, the cold business world of organized crime melds with the brutality of street gang warlords that ignites a winner takes all battle for underworld control. - September 07, 2013 - jlhill-books

What Does It Mean to be Human? Announcing the Reflections Series by T. R. Brown.

Announcing the release of the Reflections Series. A trilogy of science fiction novels that combine elements of Frankenstein and Planet of the Apes. - September 07, 2013 - T. R. Brown Author

New Book Published to Build a Better Life - “High Capacity Living: A Practical Devotional to Building a Resilient Life”

"High Capacity Living: A Practical Devotional to Building a Resilient Life" is a spiritual application of the H-CAP Model of Well-being and Resilience. It’s a research-based model that identifies the traits necessary to create a state of resilience being Hope, Commitment, Accountability, and Passion (H-CAP). The first book in the series is the spiritual application of the model. Following this model will build a dynamic and resilient faith. It is the spiritual equivalent to Sun Tzu’s Art of War. - September 06, 2013 - High Capacity Living

Author Releases Fifth Novel in Gothic Memoirs Series, Gives Away First Two Books for Free

Author Rebekah Armusik has released her fifth novel in her acclaimed Gothic Memoirs series, "In the Shadows of Eden." Rebekah has ambitiously released the first five books in this thirteen book series in just 3 short years. The series is doing so well, she is offering her first two novels in the series for free download on from September 16-20. - September 06, 2013 - Rebekah Armusik

Blue Moon Horizon's Author Michael Segedy: Winner of the 2013 Readers' Favorite International Book Award for Best Terrorist Novel

Blue Moon Horizon endorses indie writers worldwide. Blue Moon Horizon encourages writers to continue producing quality work that does not allow marketability concerns to eclipse the importance of a work's literary aspects. Michael Segedy's novel, EMMA: Emergent Movement of Militant Anarchists, succeeds because of its literary qualities. - September 06, 2013 - Blue Moon Horizons

Award-Winning Author Jon Batson Shakes Things Up with Latest Sci-Fi Novel – "Mars Quake"

Novelist Jon Batson will be shaking things up in Raleigh, NC when he celebrates the launch of his latest science fiction novel “Mars Quake” at Bosetti Art Tile Showroom in Raleigh, NC, September 8, 2013. - September 06, 2013 - Batson Group Marketing and PR

Savant Books Announces the Release of Richard Rose's New Novel, "The Lazarus Conspiracies"

Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, announces the release of Richard Rose's dramatic mystery-thriller, "The Lazarus Conspiracies." - September 06, 2013 - Savant Books and Publications LLC

A Wise Feline Friend Shares His Commonsense Lessons

Author says she was reminded of the specialness in each ordinary day from a stray cat that became her beloved pet. - September 06, 2013 - Halo Publishing International

Red Carpet Charity Event for Autism Speaks & Launch of Author Jaimie Hope's New Book

‎On Monday, November 4 Author Jaimie Hope will be hosting a Red Carpet Charity Event for Autism Speaks and launching her new book diary "A Preteen Drama Queen Don't Call Me Baby." - September 05, 2013 - Bridget O'Brien PR and Events

eMediaCampaigns! Author, Robert Renteria Donates Curricula to Schools Across the Globe

eMediaCampaigns! Author, Robert Renteria Donates Curricula to Schools Across the Globe

Latino leader tells teens, at-risk youth secrets for success include hard work, determination and education. - September 04, 2013 - eMediaCampaigns!

New Outdoor Learning Book Range Available from Timberline

Timberline, one of the leading manufacturers of outdoor play equipment. - September 04, 2013 - Timberform Limited

Blue Moon Horizons Announces Michael Segedy's "Our Darker Angel"

"Our Darker Angel" is Michael Segedy's sixth novel and perhaps his best. Blue Moon Horizons is proud to have such a talented writer aboard. Two of Michael Segedy's thrillers are currently finalists in the 2013 Readers' Favorties International Book Award Contest. - September 03, 2013 - Blue Moon Horizons

StoryAlity Theory Scientifically Predicts a "Hit Movie" in January 2014

StoryAlity Theory, a new scientific theory of film virality, predicts that in in January 2014 a new motion picture will enter the list of the Top 20 RoI (Return On Investment) films of all time. See The Numbers ( for the Top 20 RoI Films List, and see the StoryAlity website ( for specific details of the scientific prediction of the anticipated 2014 film. - September 01, 2013 - StoryAlity

Ebook Version of "Counter Currents" Wins Global Ebook Award

"Counter Currents," the first novel published by Raiders and Rebels Press, won a Silver Medal in the category of Historical Literature Fiction – Modern (set 1500-1940 AD), from Dan Poynter's Global E-book Awards, the premier awards contest for ebooks in North America. Novelist and... - September 01, 2013 - Raiders and Rebels Press

Pallas Athena Distribution Has Published "A Dictionary of Economics and Business, English - Arabic"

"A Dictionary of Economics and Business, English - Arabic" by Joyce Åkesson is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. - September 01, 2013 - Joyce Åkesson

"Creative Financing Solutions" is Cash Flow Depot’s Newest Book

Real estate investor training company, Cash Flow Depot, launches its newest book, "Creative Financing Solutions," by legendary real estate investor Jack Miller. The book teaches various creative techniques to finance real estate investments. - September 01, 2013 - Cash Flow Depot

Author Joy Cieslarski Presents Her Novel Secrets Among Us

A riveting tale of two high school sweethearts whose lives are altered by a pivotal event. - September 01, 2013 - DGT Book Promotions, LLC

Ohio Author Releases New Mystery Novel – "The Fourth Key"

Author, Jerald Ramsey’s newly published book, "The Fourth Key" introduces readers to Brandon Summers and John Funder, aka Johnny Thunder, intriguing characters caught up in a web of murder and mystery. - August 31, 2013 - Jerald Ramsey

"The Coffin Haulers" Now Available on Amazon

Private Detective Joey Boloccini is Back to Solve a Murder in a New Novel by Author Gregg Cebrzynski. - August 31, 2013 - Gregg Cebrzynski

New Children’s Book Helps Parents Manage Bedtime

New Children’s Book Helps Parents Manage Bedtime

Stories to Make You Dream, the new book by John Roozen, includes seven stories, each about 20 minutes long, each with a new cast of characters and setting, and each striving for a successful night’s end. - August 30, 2013 - Windoggle Publications

Florida Author Has Received Great Reviews for His Book - "Martin Swans Diary: Black Water Crossing"

Florida author, Kyle Keyes is pleased to announce the promotion of his novel, "Martin Swans Diary: Black Water Crossing." - August 30, 2013 - Kyle Keyes

New Jersey Author Releases Her Second Contemporary Fiction Novel, "Mystic Tea"

Author, Rea Nolan Martin is pleased to announce the release of her contemporary fiction novel, "Mystic Tea." - August 30, 2013 - Rea Nolan Martin

Rawat Mediaworks Releases Ahmedabad-Based First-Time Author's Book, "My Two Worlds"

Rawat MediaWorks (Rawat Media Private Limited) today released Dilip V. Subhedar's semi-fictional book "My Two Worlds." Meant for readers of all ages, the book will have another release at the Rotary club soon. - August 30, 2013 - Rawat Media Private Limited

Author Michael Tuohy Awarded for Press 53 Open Awards 2013

Developmental Editor Susan Mary Malone Pleased with Award for Former Author Client - August 30, 2013 - Malone Editorial Services

Rob Goldstein Explores 51 Colors of Seduction

Rob Goldstein Author of 51 Colors of Seduction Sexcapades of a Committed Couple discusses falling into one of five sexual zones, and by using these zones you can take your sex life to a whole new level. Can a Zone 1 last with a Zone 5? Or are you both Zone 3’s on a quest to enter Zone 5? Find out inside. - August 30, 2013 - Bridget O'Brien PR and Events

Bristol Bay Photography Exhibit Opens in Anchorage. Accompanying Silent Auction to Benefit Trustees for Alaska and Its Bristol Bay Efforts.

Bristol Bay Photography Exhibit Opens in Anchorage. Accompanying Silent Auction to Benefit Trustees for Alaska and Its Bristol Bay Efforts.

A collection of images captured in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska by Anchorage photographer Carl Johnson is being exhibited at Snow City Café in downtown Anchorage for the month of September 2013. Drawn from over 24,000 images captured during three years of fieldwork on a book project... - August 29, 2013 - Arctic Light Gallery & Excursions

Romantic Suspense Novel Based in Fredericksburg, VA

Intense drama with unexpected twists. - August 29, 2013 - Cait Jarrod, author

New Spiritual Metaphysical Book Released by Arizona Author Devara ThunderBeat

Author, Native American and shaman, Devara ThunderBeat is pleased to announce the release of her new spiritual/metaphysical book, "Look Up: My Encounters with Ets & Angels." - August 29, 2013 - Devara ThunderBeat

GLBT Publishing Company Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary

Torquere Press is celebrating their 10-year anniversary in September with giveaways, special releases, and more. - August 29, 2013 - Torquere Press

I Woman Unveiled - My Truth is Genderless My Name is Eternal

Khaleda Najeem Sallade is an Afghan American who grew up in Afghanistan and Rochester, NY. She currently lives in Pittsford, NY, with her husband and two beautiful children. She is the founder of Eternal Lightness LLC which offers spiritual coaching. - August 29, 2013 - Eternal Lightness LLC

New Production Company Brandon Street Films Has Announced an 9-Picture Film Slate, Beginning with "The Disappearance of Dinosaur Stan"

New Production Company Brandon Street Films Has Announced an 9-Picture Film Slate, Beginning with "The Disappearance of Dinosaur Stan"

Brandon Street Films is in advanced development with a number of projects including, The Disappearance of Dinosaur Stan, written and directed by Gordon Michaels, based on the book, "The Disappearance of Dinosaur Sue," by Joseph Kchodl and Wendy Caszatt - Allen. Other projects in the script stages of development include the Detroit based heist drama, "Overtime," written by Gordon Michaels, "One Way Ticket," and the comedy, Harold Undercover, a sequel to the critically acclaimed, Unbeatable Harold - August 28, 2013 - Brandon Street Films

Award Winning Author Promotes Her YA Fantasy Novels

Award winning author, Mette Ivie Harrison is pleased to announce the promotion of her YA Fantasy novel, "An Ideal Boyfriend." Harrison has previously published books with Haper Teen and Viking and has now decided to published these new YA fantasy novels on her own. - August 28, 2013 - Mette Ivie Harrison

Eastern National Publishes "Slavery in the United States: a Brief Narrative History"

Eastern National has released a new publication, "Slavery in the United States: A Brief Narrative History." This book chronicles the history of slavery, documented as early as the 18th century BCE in the Code of Hammurabi, and documents its impact on the United States, from the... - August 28, 2013 - Eastern National

International Speaker, Actor Releases Memoir to Raise Funds for Suicide Prevention

International Speaker, Actor Releases Memoir to Raise Funds for Suicide Prevention

International Speaker, Actor, Josh Rivedal Releases Memoir to Raise Funds for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in honor of the memory of his father. - August 27, 2013 - Skookum Hill Publishing

Real Beauty A to Z Challenges the Way We See and Think About Beauty

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) over $11 Billion was spent on cosmetic procedures in 2012. In a new book just released by Freewill Publishers of Trussville, AL the question is asked—why? "The ABC’s of Real Beauty," by Sharon Williams, takes a dive into one of the major, yet often silent, struggles for women. - August 27, 2013 - Real Beauty A to Z

Congenital Amputee Athlete Kyle Maynard Inspires Stanbridge College Graduates

Two-time ESPY Award Winner and quadruple congenital amputee, Kyle Maynard, presented at the Stanbridge College 2013 Commencement Exercises inspiring graduates and guests with a lifetime of achievement. - August 26, 2013 - Stanbridge University

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