Government News
Get political with news about politicians and government, including government contractors; conferences; government-funded research; local, state and federal initiatives; and products and services aimed at government officials and employees.
FlashPark Responds to Welsh Parking Ticket Complaints
The British private parking enforcement agency FlashPark has announced that it will resolve problems relating to the issuance of parking tickets in Wales that are only written in English. - January 23, 2012 - Vehicle Control Solutions Ltd
Deco Lighting Announces Game Changing New Product Line Will Deflate High LED Luminaire Prices in the Marketplace
With a multi million dollar R&D program nearing completion, Deco Lighting plans to launch a revolutionary portfolio of affordable high performance commercial LED luminaires. Municipalities and commercial customers seeking to replace their inefficient lighting to save energy will no longer be restricted to a limited selection of high priced LED fixtures. - January 21, 2012 - DECO Lighting
Unite or Die Again! in Freedom, CA
"America has reached a critical stage in it’s evolution...or devolution as most would agree." "Every label reads made in China, or India, Guatemala, etc. Once thriving, economically sound industrial cities are going bankrupt and closing down. An educated, and fully experienced... - January 18, 2012 - Unite or Die Again
Capita Announce Details of Their 1st Self-Directed Support Scotland Conference
Capita’s National Self-Directed Support Scotland Conference is timed to address the key issues involved in the implementation of SDS. - January 14, 2012 - Capita Conferences
Top Scientists Meet to Discuss Greatest Threats to the Earth
A conference is held with world renowned scientists to identify the greatest threats to the Earth. - January 12, 2012 - The Jeffrey Epstein Foundation
Hatice Uskup Morrissey Has Recently Been Recognized by The Global Directory of Who’s Who Publication
Hatice Uskup Morrissey, of New York, New York, has recently been recognized by The Global Directory of Who's Who for outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of American Foreign Policy. About Hatice Uskup Morrissey Hatice Uskup Morrissey was born in Istanbul, Turkey. She works at... - January 08, 2012 - Global Directory of Who's Who
CRA, Inc. Appoints Robert Stephan Executive Vice President
Brings 30 Years of Defense and Homeland Security Experience - January 08, 2012 - CRA, Inc.
DMG Productions to Feature Excelerate on Upcoming Episode of Business Update
Forging an International Defense Community - January 06, 2012 - DMG Productions, LLC
Creative Bus Sales Acquires Phoenix Based Arizona Bus Sales
Nation's Largest Bus Dealership, Creative Bus Sales, Completes Acquisition of Phoenix Based Arizona Bus Sales and Albuquerque Based New Mexico Bus Sales - January 04, 2012 - Creative Bus Sales, Inc.
DynCorp International Donates $500,000 to Help Build the National Museum of the U. S. Army
DynCorp International has donated $500,000 to the Army Historical Foundation to help build the National Museum of the United States Army. Scheduled to open in 2015, the museum will provide a place to pay tribute to the U.S. Army. - December 29, 2011 - DynCorp International LLC
Congresswoman Limkaichong, Honored by AFP; Dedicates Award to Typhoon Victims
Rep. Jocelyn Limkaichong was recently awarded by the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, along with 19 other prominent individuals and groups, for significantly contributing to the success of AFP's "Bayanihan" program. - December 23, 2011 - Office of Congresswoman Jocelyn S. Limkaichong
Senior Border Security Leaders to Convene at DSI’s U.S. – Canada Border Security Summit Benefiting the 501c3 Roger Foundation & the RCMP National Remembrance Fund
In Dec. 2011, Prime Minister Harper and President Obama agreed to an Action Plan for the Canadian and U.S. “Beyond the Border” Declaration. Advancements towards achieving more efficient and effective real time situational awareness and interoperability of intelligence between the countries has created the need to bring together leaders in border security and management from the U.S. and Canada in order to discuss and debate the next-steps for today, tomorrow, and the future. - December 21, 2011 - Defense Strategies Institute
Miravista Press Challenges Every American to Pass the U.S. Citizenship Test with the Release of Their New Book, the American Challenge
MiraVista Press releases a new book, The American Challenge, that includes what every American should know about their country. Recent studies have shown that almost half of the country is ignorant about basic civics and historical facts about America. This book addresses that lack of knowledge. - December 20, 2011 - MiraVista Press
DMG Productions to Feature STAR Dynamics on Upcoming Episode of Business Update
Exploring the World of Radar Technology - December 20, 2011 - DMG Productions, LLC
Combat Medic Writes Memoir About War, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and What It Takes to be a Modern Day Combat Medic
My Journey As A Combat Medic: From Desert Storm to Operation Enduring Freedom by: Patrick Thibeault US Army Medical Sergeant (Ret) & Family Nurse Practitioner Combat Medics are the unsung heroes of war. Hollywood prefers to focus on the glamour of Special Operations units or the spectacle of... - December 19, 2011 - combat medic
Long® Fence Supports Our Troops During Two Holiday Events
Long® Fence is honored to provide support for two military events during this holiday season—the United States Marine Corps Toys for Tots Campaign and the Military Bowl college football match between the US Air Force Academy and the University of Toledo. Long® Fence regularly provides... - December 16, 2011 - Long Fence
Leading Civil Servants Shown Quicker and More Cost Effective Way of Transforming Public Services
Adaptation chairman outlines new route to working with existing people and resources to simultaneously deliver multiple benefits to users and providers to public sector leaders - December 16, 2011 - Adaptation Ltd
UTRS Unveils Its New Brand Identity
Universal Technical Resource Services, Inc. (UTRS), a leading provider of information technology and engineering services, today unveiled its new brand initiative and visual identity. The re-branding affirms UTRS’s commitment to “think forward” and deliver the highest quality... - December 13, 2011 - Universal Technical Resource Services, Inc.
New Biography of New Jersey Political Boss Reaches #1 on Amazon
A new biography of famed Jersey City mayor and political boss Frank Hague has reached the #1 spot on in the category Hot New Releases in United States Biographies. Frank Hague served as the mayor of Jersey City for much of the early twentieth century. - December 09, 2011 - Leonard Vernon
NESTA’s Personal Fitness Trainer Certification Program Now Approved for GI Bill Tuition Reimbursement
The Department of Veteran Affairs recently approved the National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association’s (NESTA) Personal Fitness Trainer Certification Program for reimbursement under the GI Bill. Military personnel interested in pursuing a personal fitness career can learn more at - December 08, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development
Health Care Reform- Dr. Kipp Van Camp, a Practicing Physician, and His View of What is Ailing Us (and the US)
Maybe you haven’t noticed yet, but the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) that the Democratic Congress passed in 2010 is already impacting your health care. Dr. Kipp A. Van Camp, a triple boarded Interverntional Radiologist with 25 years experience in the medical field, gives a physician's view of how health care reform will impact the average American in "Misdiagnosis: A practicing physicians case study in health care reform." - December 08, 2011 - Dr. Kipp A. Van Camp
Author Critical of How HBO Portrays Mayor
In his new biography The Life & Times of Jersey City Mayor Frank Hague: "I Am the Law" (The History Press) author Leonard Vernon is highly critical of how former Jersey City mayor Frank Hague has been portrayed both in history and the media. Vernon is especially critical of the HBO series, Boardwalk Empire, the show that focuses on Prohibition era Atlantic City and how it portrays Hague. - December 04, 2011 - Leonard Vernon
Capita’s Transforming Emergency Services National Conference - Thursday 23rd February 2012 in Central London
Bringing together representatives from Police, Ambulance and Fire and Rescue Services this important event explores innovative examples of best practice, to identify more productive ways of working. - December 04, 2011 - Capita Conferences
New Book Chronicles Jersey City Mayor Frank Hague
The name Frank Hague and Jersey City are inseparable, making it almost impossible to discuss one without at least mentioning the other. Frank Hague served as the mayor of Jersey City for much of the early twentieth century. While some believed him a thief, others viewed him as a modern-day Robin Hood. He could put food on your table or triple your taxes, give you a job or end your career. He could make you a federal judge, a congressman or even a United States senator. - December 02, 2011 - Leonard Vernon
Tea Party Patriots and Conservatives Protest Senator John McCain's National Defense Authorization Act in His Home Turf, Tucson, Arizona
Conservatives protest the newly passed National Defense Authorization Act which allows for any US citizen to be held by U.S. military forces for an indefinite period of time with no Constitutional due process. - December 02, 2011 - Jeff Bales
Immigration Voice Cheers Bipartisan Vote in the U.S. House of Representatives to Fix Unintended Backlogs Confronting Legal, High-Skilled Immigrants
Urges Senate to Pass H.R. 3012 Without Delay - December 02, 2011 - Immigration Voice
Department of Homeland Security Selects Active Risk Manager
Risk/Issue/Opportunity (RIO) processes to be supported by Active Risk Manager enterprise risk management software from Active Risk. Active Risk, author of award winning Enterprise Risk Management software, Active Risk Manager (ARM), announced today that the US Government, Department of Homeland... - December 02, 2011 - Active Risk
Capita Releases Details of Its 3rd National Tackling Health Inequalities Conference – Wednesday, 29th February 2012, Central London
Capita’s 3rd National Tackling Health Inequalities Conference is taking place on Wednesday, 29th February 2012 in Central London. - November 30, 2011 - Capita Conferences
Capita Announces Details of Its Transition to Elected Police and Crime Commissioners Conference – Wednesday, 22nd February 2012, Central London
Capita’s Transition to Elected Police and Crime Commissioners Conference is taking place on Wednesday, 22nd February 2012 in Central London. - November 30, 2011 - Capita Conferences
Egyptian Expatriates Condemn the Use of Violence Against Egyptian Civilians
In light of the saddening turn of events that have taken place in Egypt over the past few days, the undersigned, Egyptian Expatriates, strongly condemn the use of force to silence the voices of the people of Egypt. The recent turn of violent events in Egypt is the consequence of the growing public... - November 23, 2011 - American Egyptian Strategic Alliance
Las Vegas Notice of Default Numbers Show Historic Drop; Down 90% According to Default Research
Default Research, Inc., ( one of the nation’s foremost aggregators of pre foreclosure data, reports that Las Vegas – a real estate market starving for good news – in October 2011 experienced one of the largest year-over-year drops in Notice of Default... - November 18, 2011 - Default Research Inc
CDAA Joins Victorian Government eServices Panel
South Australian Certified Digital Agency, CDAA Pty Ltd ( has been selected as a service provider of choice for the Victorian Government eServices Panel. CDAA is already an authorised member and service provider on the South Australian Government eProjects Panel. The Victorian... - November 16, 2011 - CDAA Pty Ltd
Rubicon Advantage Inc. Announces Expansion of Tactical Products and Strategic Training Services in Latin America
Rubicon-Advantage Inc. today announced further progress in its strategic growth initiative focused on innovative tactical products and strategic law enforcement training services throughout Latin America. A company spokesman stated, “We are excited to be expanding our tactical products and... - November 12, 2011 - Rubicon Advantage Inc
Buffalo, Wyo., Company Makes Top 21 List for Federal Oil Spill Response
LBI Renewable’s bioremediation product, DUALZORB, was recently listed as one of 21 products to meet Environmental Protection Agency requirements for use in emergency oil spill response. - November 10, 2011 - LBI Renewable
Introducing, the Voice of the Citizen
Exclusive Video Footage of Occupy Boston on The footage is made up of interviews with occupiers telling their personal reasons for joining the protests and a Close-up view of... - November 09, 2011 -
Capita’s National Tackling Tenancy Fraud Conference – Tuesday, 22nd November 2011, Central London
Capita’s National Tackling Tenancy Fraud Conference is taking place on Tuesday 22nd November 2011 in Central London. Chair: Rachael Tiffen, Co-Head, Public Sector Fraud, National Fraud Authority Keynote Addresses from: Paul Downie, Deputy Director, Housing and Planning Group, Communities... - November 09, 2011 - Capita Conferences
James Zuugah Tiigah Recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Publication
Mr. James Zuugah Tiigah, of Bawku, Ghana, has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of management and public administration. About James Zuugah Tiigah Mr. Tiigah has had several years of experience... - November 08, 2011 - Strathmore Worldwide Members Tell Their Story, a social network for LGBT service members and their supports, is proud to release a series of interviews from their members who served under DADT. - November 06, 2011 -
Capita Announce Details of Their National Transparency in the Public Sector Conference
Driving forward greater public sector transparency is a key priority for the Government over the coming year. Capita’s National Transparency in the Public Sector Conference provides the ideal opportunity for you examine how to take forward the agenda with a new approach to managing and using data. - November 05, 2011 - Capita Conferences
Carmen M. Ortiz ’78, United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, to Speak at Adelphi
Adelphi President Robert A. Scott is proud to present Carmen M. Ortiz ’78, United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, who will deliver “U.S. Attorneys: Fighting Healthcare Fraud to Ensure Patient Safety and Protect Taxpayers.” - November 04, 2011 - Adelphi University
Capita Announce Details of Their 2nd Social Housing in Scotland Conference
Capita’s 2nd Social Housing in Scotland Conference provides an to assess the progress of the Housing Act, the creation of a new regulatory framework and the forthcoming Social Housing Charter. - November 04, 2011 - Capita Conferences
Blue Water Area Transit's Ridership Jumps Eleven Percent, Awarded Federal Grant
Blue Water Area Transit's ridership jumped 11 percent in FY 2011, making it well positioned for the current national focus on investing in transit. The jump can be attributed to expanded service hours that better match work schedules for commuters and attractive fares (75 cents for adults) within today's sagging economy. - November 02, 2011 - Blue Water Area Transit
Immigration Voice Applauds Bipartisan Judiciary Committee Vote to Fix Unintended Backlogs Confronting Legal, High-Skilled Immigrants
Immigration Voice applauds bipartisan Judiciary Committee vote on Oct 27th, to fix unintended backlogs confronting legal, high-skilled immigrants and urges the Congress to pass H.R. 3012 - Fairness for High-skilled Immigrants Act without delay. - October 30, 2011 - Immigration Voice
“I’ll Take That Job - That Johnny Paycheck Shoved"
Brenda Brown Entertainment/Pure Heart Records proudly present Country Music newcomer Clay Dustin with the release of his lead single "I'll Take That Job-That Johnny Paycheck Shoved" off his sophomore project. - October 27, 2011 - Brenda Brown Entertainment, LLC
Congresswoman Limkaichong Lauds Malaysian Prince’s Anti-Dengue Campaign; Urges LGUs to Intensify Drive vs Menace
Rep. Jocelyn S. Limkaichong of Negros Oriental, Philippines believes dengue can be stopped. But this can only happen if and only if: national and local governments appropriate sufficient funds for the health sector, and intensify information and education drives in the communities; the business community support these drives; and people in the communities keep themselves informed and educated, and actively play their role as anti-dengue advocates -- right at their own homes. - October 27, 2011 - Office of Congresswoman Jocelyn S. Limkaichong
Say "No" to SANRAL's Gauteng Toll Roads Plan
First Car Rental invites individuals and businesses to unite behind the initiative to scrap additional toll roads and e-tag fees. Read more. - October 21, 2011 - First Car Rental
TEDxSF Debuts TEDxSF Salons-an Intimate Gathering to Encourage Deeper Understanding
Premiere Bay Area TEDx organization debuts its newest platform, TEDxSF Salons. Appropriate for today with #OccupyWallStreet et al, the first Salon looks at issues with today’s government institutions, "Design Your Own Government: Organizing the Body Politic." - October 20, 2011 - TEDxSF
Solon Supports Bill Giving Tax Relief to Families with Disabled Dependents
Congresswoman Jocelyn S. Limkaichong (1st District, Negros Oriental, Philippines) shares in this report that a measure aimed at helping poor families supporting children with disabilities and special needs has been approved by the 15th Congress’ Committee on Ways and Means. She says the measure is in compliance to Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. - October 20, 2011 - Office of Congresswoman Jocelyn S. Limkaichong
The India Show: Book Launch and Knowledge Kit
Dr Rahul Khullar, Commerce Secretary and Chairman IBEF, today released the IBEF publication – The Best of India in Services– at the inaugural function of The India Show exhibition in Toronto. - October 20, 2011 - Indian Brand Equity Foundation
Cong. Limkaichong Condemns October 14 Attack -- and the People Behind It
This is the full text of Congresswoman Josy Limkaichong's official press statement re: attack on a government project site in Himampangon Road, Negros Oriental, central Philippines. - October 20, 2011 - Office of Congresswoman Jocelyn S. Limkaichong