Legal & Law News
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Potomac Edison Makes Commitment to Diversity
Potomac Edison Company partners with The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF). - May 05, 2011 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms
Jayaram Law Group Obtains 100% Recovery on Behalf of a Legal Services Corporation Against Chicago-Based Law Firm
The Jayaram Law Group (JLG), a business law firm in Chicago with a focus on business-to-business debt collection, recently obtained full recovery of a debt owed to a client, a legal services corporation, by a mid-sized Chicago-based law firm. The law firm had used the services of JLG’s client... - May 04, 2011 - Jayaram Law Group
Rastin & Associates Emphasize Their Strength, Experience and Compassion by Advertising with Creative Bube Tube
Rastin & Associates Personal Injury Law pride themselves on helping victims of serious accidents recover with fair compensation and help to relieve the stress of dealing with insurance companies. To promote awareness of this compassionate and caring firm Rastin & Associates teamed up with... - May 03, 2011 - Creative Bube Tube
The Victoria Law Group Gets MBE Certification
The Victoria Law Group has recently been approved for the prestigious Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) certification by the South Florida Minority Supplier Development Council (SFMSDC). “This is a wonderful honor for our firm to receive in our first year of existence,” said attorney... - May 02, 2011 - The Victoria Law Group
Henderson Franklin Welcomes Attorney Nicholas Risi to Business & Tax Team
University of Miami Graduate Nicholas Risi joins the Southwest Florida law firm of Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A. - May 02, 2011 - Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A.
Tampa Web Development Firm Bayshore Solutions Integrates Database System for to Support 21st Century Lawyers
Searchable database, reference charts and webinars provide a time saving research and learning tool for lawyers. - May 01, 2011 - Bayshore Solutions
Steven Slutsky, Director, PwC to Speak at KC’s Corporate Governance Issues, Executive Compensation Disclosure and Related SRO Rules: A 2011 Update Act Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Steven Slutsky, a Director with PwC will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Corporate Governance Issues, Executive Compensation... - April 30, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Mental Health/Probate Court Case Electronic Filing Launched in Orange County Courts
The Superior Court of California, County of Orange is now accepting eFiled court documents for Mental Health and Probate cases through One Legal, an Electronic Filing Serving Provider headquartered in Novato, California. Gain access to eFiling with Orange County Superior Court at - April 29, 2011 - One Legal LLC
viaLanguage Announces Boost in Demand for Their Legal Translation Service, viaLegal™
The demand for legal translation and attorney review services has grown exponentially and shows no signs of slowing - April 29, 2011 - viaLanguage
Celesq® AttorneysEd Center Announces May 2011 CLE Addressing Important Legal Developments and More for Attorneys
With new developments in securities enforcement and white collar law in both the U.S. and UK; employment and labor law (NLRB); corporate governance and data security; and advertising and marketing law and the use of social media, Celesq® AttorneysEd Center has announced the following CLE web... - April 29, 2011 - Celesq(R) AttorneysEd Center
Cohen Firm Launches Website for Commercial Lease Alternative Practice
The Cohen Firm, a law firm in Irvine, CA, recently created a cutting-edge website to compliment it's lease alternative practice. - April 28, 2011 - The Cohen Firm
New York Law Firm Outside Counsel Solutions Announces a Name Change to Schwell Wimpfheimer & Associates
New York law firm, Outside Counsel Solutions LLP announced the firm’s name change to Schwell Wimpfheimer & Associates LLP (SWA) to more accurately reflect the firm’s core business. SWA is a full service corporate law firm with over 25 lawyers, headed by managing partners Dov... - April 28, 2011 - Schwell Wimpfheimer & Associates LLP
Jackson Walker Welcomes Jonathan Lass
Jackson Walker is pleased to welcome Jonathan Lass to the firm. Mr. Lass joins the Intellectual Property group in the Austin office. Mr. Lass represents and counsels clients on matters involving corporate and intellectual property legal matters. With both general counsel and law firm experience,... - April 28, 2011 - Jackson Walker L.L.P.
The Litigation Consulting Report Launches for Litigators
Designed for litigators, in-house counsel and litigation support staff, The Litigation Consulting Report shares the latest approaches to jury research, the use of technology at trial and practice-specific trial graphics tactics. - April 27, 2011 - Animators at Law
"Franklin Round Table" Updates Criminal Defense Lawyers on Immigration Law
Franklin, Tennessee, Continuing Legal Education Seminar Focuses on Padilla v. Kentucky - April 27, 2011 - Franklin Round Table
Ferrari Public Affairs Appoints Legislative Analyst
Parker Stremmel joins Nevada political consulting firm. - April 27, 2011 - Ferrari Public Affairs
Local Atlanta Personal Bankruptcy Law Firm Connecting with Clients Through Social Media
Social media is definitely one of the most effective ways to connect to people, not only for young people and celebrities but now to a wide array of professionals, companies and executives. And within this new broad range of social media users are the legal practitioners – a local Atlanta... - April 27, 2011 - The Law Office of K.A. Foreman
raas-XBRL Launches the Second Edition of the 2011 XBRL Buyer’s Guide
After the wide interest shown in the first edition of its 2011 XBRL Buyer’s Guide, raas-XBRL is pleased to launch the revised and updated second edition, the definitive and industry-endorsed guide to XBRL service and software providers, complete with the raas-XBRL scorecard. They’ve increased the number of vendors and improved the discussion of issues to consider. - April 26, 2011 - raas-XBRL
Jayaram Law Group Secures 100% Collection on Behalf of Software Client Against Multinational Technology Debtor
Jayaram Law Group (JLG), a business law firm in Chicago with a focus on business-to-business debt collection, recently obtained a 100% collection from a large, multinational technology company on behalf of a Chicago-based software consulting company. JLG’s client, which provides personnel for... - April 26, 2011 - Jayaram Law Group
Data Providers How They Should Protect You
John Anderson of Vermont Internet Design LLC on privacy - April 24, 2011 - Vermont Internet Design LLC
DUI Website Launches DUI Glossary to Help Individuals Arrested for DUI or DWI has launched one of the internet's most complete glossary of terms related to DUI law. This glossary contains the most common terms and their definitions. - April 24, 2011 -
Phoenix School of Law Moving to Downtown High Rise Due to Increasing Enrollment
Law School more than doubles space for students and moves closer to courts, law firms and downtown amenities - April 23, 2011 - Phoenix School of Law
Leading Bankruptcy and Litigation Lawyers Launch Neal Wolf and Associates LLC in Chicago and San Francisco to Better Serve Changing Demand in Business Reorganization
As "mega" and "super mega" bankruptcies show a marked decline, the face of bankruptcy and business reorganization is changing toward the middle market. That business segment calls for law firms that are more flexible from the standpoint of legal fees. Bankruptcy attorney Neal Wolf, a veteran of some of the largest law firms in the world, has opened a new firm to meet these evolving business needs. - April 22, 2011 - Neal Wolf & Associates
Attorney Robert P. McArdle Joins Zausmer, Kaufman, August, Caldwell & Tayler, P.C.
McArdle concentrates his practice on first and third party auto claims, premises liability and employment matters. - April 21, 2011 - Zausmer, Kaufman, August, Caldwell & Tayler, P.C.
Jackson Walker Welcomes Aaron R. Allred
Jackson Walker is pleased to welcome partner Aaron R. Allred to the firm. Mr. Allred joins the Corporate & Securities Group in the Dallas office. Mr. Allred has extensive experience in representing public and private clients in merger and acquisition matters. He also regularly advises clients... - April 21, 2011 - Jackson Walker L.L.P.
Jackson Walker Welcomes Will Montgomery
Jackson Walker is pleased to welcome partner Will Montgomery to the firm. Mr. Montgomery joins the Litigation group in the Dallas office. Mr. Montgomery focuses his practice on commercial litigation and arbitration. He has tried jury and non-jury cases in both state and federal courts, and has... - April 21, 2011 - Jackson Walker L.L.P. Announces New Blog Entries "Rants And Raves" announces the start of a periodic and continuing theme within its blog entitled “MML Rants and Raves.” Some topics are satirical or comical, but all are intended to entertain and to stimulate conversation about important medical issues. - April 20, 2011 - MML Holdings LLC
Altep, Inc. Offers PDF/A-Compliance
Altep, Inc., a national provider of e-discovery and litigation support services, today reported that their electronic data and document review offerings are fully compliant with emerging standards for electronic document submission in US State and Federal Courts. - April 17, 2011 - Altep, Inc.
Zausmer, Kaufman, August, Caldwell & Tayler, P.C. Adds Attorney Amy Monopoli
Monopoli focuses her practice in the areas of commercial litigation and insurance defense. - April 16, 2011 - Zausmer, Kaufman, August, Caldwell & Tayler, P.C.
Fort Myers Attorney Robert Forman Provides Department of Labor Comments on Proposed Rules Under ERISA
Southwest Florida employee benefits attorney, Robert Forman, provided comments to the United States Department of Labor on behalf of the Florida Bar Tax Section regarding the proposed modification under ERISA. - April 16, 2011 - Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A.
Bonita Springs Attorney Richard Mancini Elected President of the Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled
Bonita Springs Attorney Richard Mancini takes office as President of the Foundation for Developmentally Disabled in Naples, Florida. - April 15, 2011 - Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A.
Alden Marketing Group Wins Top 2011 Award for Goodwin Procter’s "Founder’s Workbench" from the National Legal Marketing Association
Alden Marketing Group (AMG) won first place in the Individual Portions of Web Site Category at the 2011 Legal Marketing Association (LMA) annual Your Honor Awards. Created in 2010, the Founder's Workbench website offers Goodwin Procter LLP entrepreneurial clients access to critical forms,... - April 14, 2011 - Alden Marketing
Zausmer, Kaufman, August, Caldwell & Tayler, P.C. Adds Attorney Mary T. Doll
Doll specializes in the defense of first and third party auto claims. During her career, she has developed extensive experience in the defense of claims involving first and third party auto, premises liability and defamation. - April 14, 2011 - Zausmer, Kaufman, August, Caldwell & Tayler, P.C.
Law Firms of Ragsdale Liggett and Clifton & Singer Announce Partnerships
Two of the most prestigious law firms in Raleigh, NC will join forces and enter into a partnership. The law firm of Clifton & Singer, LLP will join Ragsdale Liggett effective May 1, 2011. Clifton & Singer will continue to practice under the name Ragsdale Liggett PLLC. - April 13, 2011 - Ragsdale Liggett PLLC
Bailey Kennedy Law Clerk Receives James E. Rogers Award
Mark Hesiak Receives Boyd School of Law’s Top Honor - April 13, 2011 - Bailey Kennedy, Attorneys At Law
Microsoft, Accenture, and Johnson Controls: Taking Action for Diversity
NAMWOLF announces Microsoft, Accenture, and Johnson Controls 2011 Commemorative Sponsorship to support minority and women-owned law firms. - April 13, 2011 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms
Fort Myers Attorney Kevin Noell Joins Boys & Girls Club of Lee County Board
The Southwest Florida law firm of Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A., is pleased to announce that Tort and Insurance Attorney Kevin Noell has been elected to serve on the Boys & Girls Club of Lee County Board of Directors. - April 13, 2011 - Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A.
Law Offices of Kent W. Meyer (Roseville, Ca) Announces the Release of a Buy – Sell Agreement Article. This Article May be Useful to Any Business Owner.
Kent W. Meyer, MBA, PhD, JD, LLM shares his knowledge of Buy - Sell Agreements. The purpose of this article is to educate business owners or potential business owners with the hopes that those who read it will draft the necessary documents to protect their business interests. Specifically, this... - April 12, 2011 - Kent W. Meyer Law
The Knowledge Congress Has Scheduled a Live Webcast on Cloud Computing – Legal & Contract Issues Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, brings together the world's leading authorities and industry participants through informative two -hour webcasts. It has scheduled a live webcast entitled Cloud Computing – Legal & Contract Issues Live Webcast. This two-hour... - April 12, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Altep, Inc. Relocates Dallas Office
Altep, Inc., a national provider of discovery processing and review services, announced today that it has relocated its operations in Dallas, Texas to 4040 North Central Expressway. The firm’s office was previously located downtown. Altep has been in Dallas for 3 years. Nancy Daniel is Vice... - April 10, 2011 - Altep, Inc.
Altep, Inc. Announces Release of Custom-Developed Near Duplicate Detection in Inspicio®
Altep, Inc., a national provider of discovery processing and review services, has enhanced its near-duplicate detection functionality in Inspicio®, its custom-designed document review platform. - April 10, 2011 - Altep, Inc.
Veteran and Attorney Shoots PSA and Commercial at Local Vietnam Museum
Wade Coye, attorney and veteran of the U.S. Army, recently completed two video shoots at the Cpl. Smedley National Vietnam War Museum in preparation of his upcoming Memorial Day speaking engagement. - April 10, 2011 - Coye Law Firm
LogicBit Corp to Unveil HoudinESQ 1.8 at the ABA TechShow in Chicago April 11th 2011
Earning a reputation as an innovator and an emerging leader in law practice management software, LogicBit Corp. announced tight integration between its Practice Management Suite HoudiniESQ and Intuit QuickBooks. - April 09, 2011 - LOGICBit Corp.
Attorney Cinnamon Rice Joins Zausmer, Kaufman, August, Caldwell & Tayler, P.C.
Rice has experience handling personal and commercial lines of business and a wide variety of litigation, including first and third-party auto, premises liability, construction, maritime, fraud and insurance coverage. - April 09, 2011 - Zausmer, Kaufman, August, Caldwell & Tayler, P.C.
Bar President Elect John Howe Joins the Law Offices of Lesser, Lesser, Landy & Smith, PLLC
Lesser, Lesser, Landy & Smith, PLLC (LLL&S) announces that John M. Howe, founding attorney of the Law Offices of J.M. Howe and President Elect of Palm Beach County Bar Association, has joined the Firm on an “Of Counsel” basis, and he will be focusing in the practice areas of... - April 09, 2011 - Lesser, Lesser, Landy & Smith
Lease Alternatives: Cohen Firm Helps Businesses Find Commercial Lease Solutions
Business owners are no longer able to pay the rates of yesterday and need relief from inflated lease payments. The Cohen Firm has announced that it intends to provide relief for beleaguered businesses that are being "drained" of their cash flow by outdated and exorbitant leases. - April 07, 2011 - The Cohen Firm
Attorney Michael A. Schwartz Joins Zausmer, Kaufman, August, Caldwell & Tayler, P.C.
Schwartz specializes in the defense of first and third party auto claims and commercial general liability claims. - April 07, 2011 - Zausmer, Kaufman, August, Caldwell & Tayler, P.C.
Cohen Firm Tackles Bankruptcy Field, Enlists Intern Help
The Cohen Firm is starting up a bankruptcy practice to meet the demands of the current economy. The firm has decided to utilize intern assistance to work on the project. - April 06, 2011 - The Cohen Firm
MCLE News for Texas Attorneys: New Accredited Programs Effective May 1 in Ethics and Hot Topics; Upcoming April 30 Expirations for Some Existing TX-Accredited Programs
Celesq® AttorneysEd Center today announced some timely reminders and news for attorneys admitted to practice in the State of Texas. Celesq® is an accredited sponsor by the State Bar of Texas, Committee on MCLE, and a number of Celesq®’s online programs are approved for... - April 04, 2011 - Celesq(R) AttorneysEd Center
Jo Ann Koontz Appointed to Realtor - Attorney Joint Committee
Jo Ann M. Koontz has been appointed to the Realtor-Attorney Joint Committee of the Sarasota County Bar Association and the Sarasota Association of Realtors. She will serve a two-year term. Koontz is an Attorney and Certified Public Accountant in the Sarasota office of Yesner & Boss,... - April 01, 2011 - Yesner & Boss, PL