Lifestyle News
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AutoCamp Partners with Dwell on Design 2017
AutoCamp showcases Airstreams and Luxury Tents at Dwell On Design in Los Angeles June 23, 24 and 25. - June 13, 2017 - AutoCamp
Airtime Trampoline & Game Parks Summer Hoe Down to Benefit Gleaners Food Bank
Dust off that ten-gallon hat and get ready for a day of hootin’ and hollerin’ as AirTime Trampoline & Game Park is kicking off Summer with a HoeDown to benefit Gleaners Food Bank on Thursday, June 22, 2017 at all locations in Troy, Sterling Heights, Westland, Novi and Grand Rapids... - June 13, 2017 - AirTime Trampoline & Game Parks
Amazing Shanghai Promotion Activities Successfully Launched at the Ontario Airport
This exhibition showcased the growth, trends and technological development in Shanghai. Four photographers that were featured were American including Pulitzer Prize winner Nick Ut, so this gave Americans a first person point of view from another American with how they viewed Shanghai. This event also featured “Flying over Shanghai” a virtual reality film to experience the development of Shanghai from a first person point of view. - June 12, 2017 - EDI Media
CruiseKPI is Disrupting the Cruise Line Industry
New CruiseKPI tool for double-digit return. - June 12, 2017 - CruiseKPI
Hedley Productions Takes Bets on Who Will Win the Battle Between Good and Evil
In the eternal battle between God and The Devil, a battle that has caused wars and laid out the philosophies by which many people live, independent film company, Hedley Productions is asking the public who is winning and to put their money where their mouth is? At, visitors... - June 12, 2017 - Hedley Productions
Festivals of Speed Set to Display Exotic Cars, Motorcycles & Luxury Brands at the Central Florida International Auto Show; Expands to 35,000 Sq. Ft. Display Area
Festivals of Speed has announced it has doubled the size of its display space from 17,000 sq. ft. to 35,000 sq. ft. at the Central Florida International Auto Show. Dates for this year’s event are November 23-26. The location is the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Featured manufacturers vehicles set for display include Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Ferrari, Porsche, Aston Martin and others. - June 12, 2017 - Festivals of Speed
Holden House 1902 Bed & Breakfast Inn Toasts 31st Anniversary and Longtime Innkeepers Savor Years of Hospitality
Innkeepers Sallie and Welling Clark celebrated 31 years and over 40,000 guests as a milestone for Holden House, as the first bed and breakfast established on the historic Westside of Colorado Springs when they opened their doors in 1986. - June 09, 2017 - Holden House 1902 Bed & Breakfast Inn
Self Care Catalysts and SAGE Launch “SAGE Health Storylines” on HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day
The SAGE Health Storylines self care app was designed in partnership with SAGE & Self Care Catalysts to support the health and well being of older adults within the LGBT community. Please help spread the word and support the health and well being of the diverse senior community. - June 09, 2017 - Self Care Catalysts
Pantry Boy, a Weekly Meal Delivery Service Focused on Time Savings & Waste Reduction is Conducting Their Kickstarter Campaign
Pantry Boy is conducting a Kickstarter campaign to expand from their current location. Their goal is to save their customers time by providing meals that are fully prepped, consisting of pre-portioned farm-fresh ingredients with easy to follow recipes designed for a slow cooker, oven or a single... - June 08, 2017 - Pantry Boy to Participate in the International Franchise Expo at the Javits Center in NY
Join as they make their first tradeshow debut in New York. - June 08, 2017 -
Bellafina Chocolates Announces Downtown Mural Project
Social enterprise celebrates volunteerism in its community. - June 08, 2017 - Bellafina Chocolates
Texas Native Now Training in NYC Wins National EN POINTE: Classical Ballet Competition
A Texas native, who ventured to New York City at age 17 to pursue her dream of becoming a professional ballet dancer, won first place and $12,000 in the National Society of Arts and Letters (NSAL) national EN POINTE: Classical Ballet Competition held in Boca Raton, Florida. Five dancers collected $31,000 in prize money sponsored by the National Society of Arts and Letters. - June 07, 2017 - National Society of Arts and Letters (NSAL) Florida East Coast Chapter
USLegal and LegalArmour Form Alliance
Leading protector of personal information adds to their delivery services by providing access to self-service legal forms. - June 07, 2017 - USLegal, Inc.
tripFiles Accepted Into Virtuoso® Incubator
tripFiles has been accepted into the Virtuoso® Incubator program, where its travel technology will be tested in working scenarios by Virtuoso advisors who are members of the international luxury travel network. - June 07, 2017 - tripFiles LLC
The Iconic Airline Beverage Cart Gets All Tricked Up by Industrial Design Firm
U.S. company launches line of tricked up airline beverage carts "that turn heads, serve drinks, and makes the perfect entertainment or man cave accessory," according to Marc Anderson, creator of SkyHigh Airline Beverage Carts. - June 07, 2017 - SkyHigh Airline Beverage Carts Lei Music Ministry Productions Announces the Debut of Gerard Powell's New CD, "Spreading God's Word Through Music and Song... Island Style" Announces the Debut of Gerard Powell's New CD Release Entitled "Island Style Christian Music." - June 07, 2017 - Maile Lei Music Ministry Productions
Will It be "America First?" America Sends Team to First International Automotive Tech Challenge
SSF Imported Auto Parts LLC sends first American team to compete in the International Automotive Technicians Challenge - June 07, 2017 - SSF Imported Auto Parts LLC
July 4th is National Pitmasters Day
July 4th is the opportunity to thank every Pitmaster across the nation who makes the great barbecue that fills our bellies year round. We celebrate Independence Day with barbecue and July 4th we also celebrate the Pitmasters who make the barbecue. The Pitmasters Association, Inc. is an... - June 07, 2017 - Pitmasters Association, Inc.
Stay Cool at The Gateway Family YMCA Open House
Summer Open House at the YMCA June 9 - 11 - June 07, 2017 - The Gateway Family YMCA
Azevedo Family Psychology Joins the Doherty Leadership Institute
Cary-Based Psychologist Helps Found Marriage Counseling Organization - June 07, 2017 - Azevedo Family Psychology
Narrative 4 Presents a Night of Music & Literature at University of Limerick Featuring Maroon 5’s Mickey Madden, Colm Mac Con Iomaire, Leah Siegel, Colum McCann & More
Four world-renowned musicians – Mickey Madden, Leah Siegel, David Gungor and Colm Mac Con Iomaire – will join literary luminaries Colum McCann, Christine Dwyer Hickey, Assaf Gavron, Ruth Gilligan, Ishmael Beah and Rob Spillman – for an evening of stories and song highlighting the global nonprofit, Narrative 4. The event will be moderated by Narrative 4 board members Tyler Cabot and Greg Khalil. - June 06, 2017 - Narrative 4
La Suite Resort, on the Island of Procida, is Opening on June 21st, with New Services & New Team
La Suite Resort & Spa is getting ready for an amazing new season, and would like to welcome you back as our guest. La Suite Resort and Spa will re-open on June 21, 2017 with new hotel infrastructure and services. La Suite Resort will have a guest manager who will take care of all guests'... - June 06, 2017 - LaSuite Boutique Hotel
A Team of Security Experts from Israel is Providing Special Security Services for Some of the Biggest Business Delegations Travelling to Brazil, Israel and Latin America
A team of security experts from Israel is providing special security services for some of the biggest business delegations travelling to Brazil, Israel and Latin America as well as families and authorities. GA, Global Advising ( (, which was set up... - June 06, 2017 - GA, Global Advising
Festivals of Speed Returns to Ritz-Carlton Orlando; Featured Marque Will be Ferrari Celebrating 70 Year Anniversary & Porsche 928 Model Celebrating 40 Year Anniversary
The twelfth annual Festivals of Speed is set to return to the Ritz-Carlton Orlando Grande Lakes on Sunday, December 3rd, 2017. Renowned automotive manufacturer Ferrari which is celebrating a 70-year anniversary will be featured. In addition, the Porsche 928 model which also has its 40-year anniversary will be spotlighted. - June 06, 2017 - Festivals of Speed
Dallas Cowboy Hall of Famer Randy White Fishes Lake Texoma to Benefit North Texas Children
#54 Loves Football, Fishing and Philanthropy, and, he joins with Striper Express Guide Service in supporting The Warren Center, a non-profit serving children with developmental challenges. - June 05, 2017 - Striper Express Guide Service
Celebrate the Summer of Love 50th Anniversary with Peter Max in Stone Harbor, NJ
Ocean Galleries is honored to host Peter Max in Stone Harbor, NJ over Fourth of July weekend for a cosmic fiftieth anniversary celebration of the “Summer of Love.” Meet Peter Max 7:00 to 9:00 PM on Saturday, July 1 and Sunday, July 2, 2017 when he returns to the Jersey Shore with his newest collection of paintings and most-revered imagery spanning five decades. “Peter Max – Summer of Love 50th Anniversary” runs Friday, June 30 to Wednesday, July 5 with all artwork available for acquisition. - June 05, 2017 - Ocean Galleries
Annnd…Action! Photo Booth Celebrates First Year in Business
New clients invited to receive the gift of a 16% discount for the entire month of June. - June 03, 2017 - Annnd... Action! Photo Booth
Award-Winning Travel Photographer Gary Arndt Launches Much Anticipated Online Travel Photography Course
Arndt’s Travel Photography Academy will give members all the tools they need to take their photography to the next level. - June 02, 2017 - Everything Everywhere
"Where Is Your Heart?" from Award-Winning Album "Pop" Released by NYC-Based Young Pals Music
Moody anthem helmed by Producer & Songwriter Ayhan Sahin explores those moments when inner darkness finds a pathway to light. - June 02, 2017 - Young Pals Music
Shark Wheel Announces Its New Technology for the Skateboarding Industry, Shiver Skateboards
Shark Wheel, popularly known for presenting the re-invention of the wheel on the ABC hit TV show Shark Tank, announces the launch of sister brand Shiver Skateboards on Kickstarter. From new innovations of the wheel to the latest advancements in skateboard and bearings manufacturing Shark Wheel is ahead of the curve. - June 01, 2017 - Shark Wheel LLC
Martin Lawrence Galleries Exhibition of Robert Deyber
Join Martin Lawrence Galleries for an exclusive exhibition showcasing never-before-seen original paintings as well as hand-signed limited edition works of art by contemporary artist Robert Deyber. - June 01, 2017 - Martin Lawrence Galleries
CarbonTV Profiles N.O.D.R. on an All New American Elements
CarbonTV debuts the second episode of season two of its award-winning documentary series “American Elements” with an exclusive introduction to YouTube stars Crappie Killa' and Westbred Diamond (collectively known as N.O.D.R.) available on-demand for free on and related... - June 01, 2017 - CarbonTV
The Art of Dr. Seuss Exhibition Arrives in Stone Harbor Father's Day Weekend
A compelling selection of artworks from The Art of Dr. Seuss will be on display at Ocean Galleries (9618 Third Avenue, Stone Harbor/609.368.7777) from Friday, June 16 through Monday, June 19, 2017. The exhibition features exclusive collection of estate authorized artworks from The Art of Dr. Seuss. - June 01, 2017 - Ocean Galleries
Wrapped Up in Style; Nina Nguyen Mekong Collection Bangles to Shine in Las Vegas
Hand-forged, Fastened Bangles are Elevated to a Study in Beauty, Form and Function - June 01, 2017 - Nina Nguyen Designs
Retired NFL Players Delight Applewood Our House Residents with Their Stories
Memory care home is also fostering two kittens in pilot program with the Foothills Animal Shelter. - June 01, 2017 - Applewood Our House
Martin Lawrence Galleries Exhibition of Takashi Murakami
Join Martin Lawrence Galleries and explore a world-class exhibition of one of the world's most fascinating artists. Featuring over 50 works of art by Takashi Murakami. The exhibition will be on view from June 1st, 2017-June 30th, 2017, 366 Geary Street, San Francisco, CA, 94108 (in Union Square). - May 31, 2017 - Martin Lawrence Galleries
Christian James Announces Its New Luxury Sunglasses Line Handmade in Italy
Christian James is a new brand of designer sunglasses that is announcing their new line of luxury sunglasses that are handmade in the foothills of the Alps in Italy, by skilled artisans whose methods are steeped in tradition, precision and beauty. Christian James offers its customers style, quality, affordability, lifetime guarantees, and charitable giving. - May 31, 2017 - Christian James
LiceDoctors Identifies Ten Most Common Places to Pick Up a Case of Head Lice
As "lice season" kicks off, LiceDoctors Lice Treatment Service identifies the most likely ways to contract a case of head lice. Although it is impossible to avoid head lice, knowing when and where you are most vulnerable allows people to take precaution when in certain situations. LiceDoctors has been treating families with head lice for 2 decades - May 31, 2017 - LiceDoctors
"The Angel of Polk Street" by Celeste Newbrough is Released; A Powerful Coming of Age Tale of Crime, Family, Gender, and Hope
A new psychological novel intertwines the fates of a child and mother relating a unique narrative of coming of age. Leslie Lawrence (nicknamed Lee), is taken from his mother, Veronica, to live for years with a violent kidnapper. Leslie finally escapes to San Francisco to the derelict Tenderloin District to perform in a strip club dressed as an angel. Discovered by the cop who originally handled the case, Leslie is identified as the boy, Lee, and returns to his mother as a transgender teen. - May 30, 2017 - Celeste Newbrough
Cruises to Benefit Wounded Warrior Project
Jeanne Farley, CCC of Cruise Planners Supports Injured Service Members with Memorial Day 2018 Cruises. - May 28, 2017 - Jeanne Farley, CCC Cruise Planners
Grammy Nominated R&B Singer and Songwriter Chanté Moore to Perform in Scottsdale AZ on the Heels of Releasing Her Latest Album, Rise of the Phoenix
The Corley Group, LLC has announced their next "First Friday Scottsdale" event to include a live performance by R&B singer Chanté Moore as she releases her most recent album, Rise of the Phoenix which features her new single, "Real One." Known for her earlier works... - May 28, 2017 - The Corley Group
Netwell LLC Announces New Flight Tracker App for iPhone and Android to Check Flight Status in Real Time
Netwell LLC announces launch of its New Real time Flight Tracker App for Apple iPhone and Google Android based phones to check Real Time Airport status, Delays, Airline Info, Flight Status, Maps, Schedule, Flight Tracker Live, Real time Flight Map. - May 27, 2017 - Netwell LLC
Former Sit-Com Writer, Rebecca Parr Cioffi Writes eBooks, "Bad Reputation" and "Challenger"
Reclusive former TV Sit-com Writer returns with Two eBooks, "Bad Reputation" and "Challenger." Rebecca Parr Cioffi joins self-publishing eBook revolution. Writing TV came to Rebecca early on and she found herself writing a Big Three network TV show at age 22. Two years later... - May 27, 2017 - Rebecca Parr Cioff
American Equus Rider Javier Castellano Wins 2017 Preakness Stakes Aboard Cloud Computing
American Equus Rider Javier Castellano and Cloud Computing gave the crowd at the 142nd running of the Preakness Stakes, the thrill of a lifetime with their come from behind victory over Classic Empire and Always Dreaming. Although Cloud Computing was not favored to win the race, Castellano gave the... - May 27, 2017 - American Equus
Visiting America’s National Parks This Summer?
America’s #1 selling National Park guidebook, the Passport to Your National Parks is an ideal, economical, and portable way to preserve your fondest memories and experiences at America’s National Parks. - May 27, 2017 - eParks
925 Entertainment LLC Announces the Release of “Get Up,” a New Single from “Bhey” Written and Produced by Narada Michael Walden
Music performance from The 925 Band, produced by Tommy Merry Film Productions. - May 26, 2017 - 925 Entertainment
Vineet Releases His Debut Book "Collateral"
The book, "Collateral," is written by Vineet Wankhede and it revolves around a web designer who tries to support his daily needs. His wife helps him with work and they manage their small office together. While shopping in a grocery store one day, Dave sees an unattended baby. He starts... - May 26, 2017 - Vineet Wankhede
Julee’s Jewelry Joins the Preferred Jewelers International™ Exclusive, Nationwide Network
St Peter, Minnesota-based Jewelry Retailer is now Home for “Experiences that last a Lifetime™” - May 26, 2017 - Preferred Jewelers International
Wellbridge Health Named an Allegheny County LiveWell Workplace
Wellbridge Health is now listed as an Allegheny County LiveWell company. - May 26, 2017 - Wellbridge Health
DISH Cares and Announce Virtual Food Drive
Dish Network Employees Nationwide Helping to End Hunger by Ending Food Waste - May 25, 2017 -