United States News

Prediction of Coming Real Estate Recovery Helps Earn Sue Rossi of Crete the "Above the Crowd!" Award from RE/MAX

Her analytical skills helped Sue Rossi, co-owner of RE/MAX 2000 in Crete, Ill., earn one of the most prestigious honors conferred by the RE/MAX Northern Illinois real estate network. The Crete resident recently received the “Above the Crowd!®” Award, which goes to those who have... - June 04, 2011 - RE/MAX Northern Illinois

Combustion Components Associates (CCA) Offers Key Services to Address New EPA Work Practice Standards for Industrial Boilers Subject to New MACT Rules

CAA announces that it offers timely burner inspections and related services to owners of gas-fired industrial boilers and fired heaters subject to new work practice standards mandated by the EPA. The EPA’s Final Rule covering National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)... - June 04, 2011 - Combustion Components Associates

IPexpert Launches CCNA, CCNP and CCIE Written Self-Study Training Products and Classes

IPexpert’s new training portfolio now consists of Video-on-Demand training, Audio-on-Demand, Practice Tests & Quizzers, Online or “Virtual” Classes, and Live, Instructor-Led Bootcamp Courses. - June 04, 2011 - IPexpert

Ted Titmus Unveils Instant Saliva Based Tests

Ted Titmus unveils new saliva based diagnostic Alkohol Stik®, Drug Stik®, Breast Cancer, Pregnancy Stik®. - June 04, 2011 - Ttest USA

Oklahoma Wildland Fire Management Company Assists with the Honey Prairie Complex Wildfire in Georgia

Chloeta Fire, LLC, a wildfire management company based out of Oklahoma City, provided a wildland fire engine crew to assist with the Honey Prairie Complex Wildfire in the Okefenokee Swamp near Fargo, GA. - June 04, 2011 - Chloeta

Precision Door Service Commercial Division Achieves AAADM Certification

Company adds additional certification to better serve commercial - industrial customers. - June 04, 2011 - Precision Door Service Seattle

Atlanta Electrical Contractor Expert Creates New Service for Residents

Finding a reliable Atlanta electrical contractor can often be intimidating, but according to the creators of a new innovative service, residents in Atlanta can find a host of well-reputed contractors by using a new site’s services. - June 04, 2011 - My Neighborhood Electrician

Free Coffee to Best Article on Costa Rican Coffee or Destination

"ScenicCostaRica.com" is sponsoring a writing contest that will see the winner getting gourmet Costa Rican coffee for their efforts. - June 04, 2011 - Michael C. Mitchell

South Nassau Communities Hospital's Chief of Ophthalmology Named to Prestigious Guide of Top Eye Surgeons

South Nassau's Ophthalmology Department specializes in treating problems such as double vision, optic nerve disorders, visual/eye movement disorders, cataracts, diseases of the retina, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and macular degeneration. - June 04, 2011 - Mount Sinai South Nassau

Revolver Electronic Cigarettes to Open Vapor Lounge

Revolver Electronic Cigarettes will be celebrating the Grand Opening of their first Vapor Lounge in Toledo, Ohio on Saturday June 4, 2011. - June 04, 2011 - Revolver Electronic Cigarettes

Weston Software Inc. Appoints William J. Malik, CISA, as Director, Product Management

Former Gartner analyst to help guide local software firm. - June 04, 2011 - Weston Software, Inc.

Postcardly Launches a Service That Lets You Use Your Email to Send Physical Postcards via U.S. Mail

Postcardly today announced its official launch. Postcardly is a new service that lets you send postcards using your email. When you send an email, Postcardly turn your message and attached photo into a real, hold-in-your-hand postcard, sent by U.S. Mail. You can send postcards from your phone,... - June 04, 2011 - Postcardly LLC

Eagle Technology Selects Signalfire as Exclusive Brand & Marketing Agency

Eagle Technology, Inc., a leading developer of computerized maintenance management software (CMMS), has hired Signalfire, LLC, as their exclusive brand & marketing agency. - June 04, 2011 - Eagle Technology, Inc.

Prudential Arizona Properties Opens New Office, Enhances Portfolio of Services

Office located in Arrowhead Town Center, next to Peoria Sports Complex. - June 04, 2011 - Prudential Americana Group

Biomerics Announces the Launch of Polyimide Tubing and Coated Wire for Medical Device Applications

Biomerics, a leader and innovator of polymer solutions for medical devices recently launched a new polyimide medical tubing and coated wire production line. Typical medical industry applications include cardiovascular catheters, retrieval devices, push rings, marker bands, angioplasty & stent delivery devices, neurological devices, electrical insulator applications, and drug delivery systems. - June 04, 2011 - Biomerics

The Washington State University Residence Hall Association Nationally Recognized at Conference

At the 2011 NACURH national conference, The Washington State University Residence Hall Association place second out of more that 250 schools in a case study competition titled "Rebuilding." The competition entailed a prompt with a myriad of issues. Participants needed to devise a course of action to salvage the Residence Halls reputation. It was a very competitive process but WSU overcame the challenges to place second in the country. - June 04, 2011 - The Washington State University Residence Hall Association

VMC Consulting and Alliance Partners to Demonstrate WAN Optimization

VMC Consulting has partnered with Comcast Business Class connectivity and Talari Networks to provide a complete Adaptive Private Network solution. On Tuesday, June 7th, from 11am to 1pm at Comcast Spotlight, 18 W. Mercer Street in downtown Seattle, the team will show why optimizing your WAN means... - June 04, 2011 - VMC Consulting

PCS Group Inc., Appoints David Karch as Vice President of Sales & Marketing

PCS Group Inc., a comprehensive technology solution provider specializing in software, hardware and managed services for the private club industry and other medium-sized businesses in Southern California, announced the appointment of David Karch as Vice President, Sales & Marketing. Mr. Karch... - June 04, 2011 - PCS Group, Inc.

Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute of Freehold, N.J. Welcomes Physiatrist to Its Staff

Dr. Kristie Y. Kim, a board-certified physiatrist in New Jersey, has joined the team of surgeons at Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute (AOSMI) of Freehold, Monroe, and Wall townships.  Dr. Kim will see outpatients at the AOSMI offices and provide consultations at CentraState Medical Center in Freehold and at CareOne in Jackson, focusing on musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions, such as sore shoulders, strokes, injuries, arthritis, tendonitis, and back and neck pain. - June 04, 2011 - Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, PC

Sixteen Thompson & Knight Attorneys Named “Best Lawyers in Dallas” by D Magazine

The global law firm of Thompson & Knight LLP is pleased to congratulate its 16 attorneys selected for inclusion in D Magazine’s “Best Lawyers in Dallas 2011” list, which is featured in the magazine’s June issue. The following are the Firm’s 16 attorneys honored in... - June 04, 2011 - Thompson & Knight

Initial Findings of 2011 Architectural Study Show Signs of Recovery

CPA firm survey shows signs of recovery in Greater Boston marketplace. - June 04, 2011 - DiCicco, Gulman & Company LLP

Downtown Pleasanton Welcomes the Inaugural Safeway Fast & Furious Festival

Katalyst Events, LLC has partnered with the city of Pleasanton and the Pleasanton Downtown Association to host the inaugural Safeway Fast & Furious Festival Powered by Hill Physicians Medical Group to be held on Sunday, August 7 from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The event is an all-day wellness and lifestyle festival designed to bring the world of cycling and running together in one place while at the same time highlighting the charm of downtown Pleasanton. Proceeds from the race will benefit ALS charities. - June 04, 2011 - Katalyst Events

XtraMedium Communications LLC Offers New Media Marketing for Community Development

Chicago Agency Creates Community Based Partnerships for Community Driven Messaging Campaigns - June 04, 2011 - XtraMedium Communications LLC

New Gadget Recovers Deleted Data from Androids

The Phone Recovery Stick is an an innovative new product that allows anyone to recover deleted data from Android phones including SMS (text) messages, contacts, and more. - June 04, 2011 - Paraben Corporation

Florida and California Tax Whistleblower Firm Launched a Website

Nolan & Auerbach, P.A., a Florida and California tax whistleblower firm, launched a web site with the help of PaperStreet Web Design. - June 04, 2011 - PaperStreet Web Design

Combustion Components Associates to Display Air Pollution Control Technologies at Power Gen Europe

Combustion Components Associates (CCA), a provider of emission control products and technologies for utility and industrial sources, today announced it will be exhibiting at the upcoming POWER-GEN Europe. This event will be taking place from June 7 – 9th, 2011 being held in Fiera Milano in... - June 04, 2011 - Combustion Components Associates

U.S. Government Awards GSA Contract to The Westmark Group

U.S. Government Awards GSA Contract to The Westmark Group

Westmark is a full-service environmental engineering and consulting firm with offices in Nevada, California, Arizona, and Washington. - June 03, 2011 - The Westmark Group

White Digital Media Hires Kevin Scarpati as Content Director of Supply Chain Digital

Digital Media Company Offers New Voice to Leading Industry News Source. - June 03, 2011 - WDM Group

AdoreGames.com Has Just Launched the Mac Version of Its Free Games "Shooting Blocks" and "Adore Puzzle"

AdoreGames.com Has Just Launched the Mac Version of Its Free Games "Shooting Blocks" and "Adore Puzzle"

AdoreStudio Ltd, a developer of free games, announces adding Mac OS support for the games “Shooting Blocks” and “Adore Puzzle,” which initially were created for PC users. - June 03, 2011 - AdoreStudio Ltd.

IonSense Introduces the ID CUBE™ Source - to be Presented at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Conference

IonSense Introduces the ID CUBE™ Source - to be Presented at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Conference

Features OpenSpot™ Sample Card for Near-Instantaneous Analysis of Liquids and Solids. - June 03, 2011 - IonSense, Inc.

Highlight HEALTH Biomedical Research Reporting Syndicated on Google News

Highlight HEALTH Biomedical Research Reporting Syndicated on Google News

Highlight HEALTH, a rapidly growing new media news organization dedicated to educational and informative reporting on biomedical research and clinical trials, announced today that Google News will be syndicating its news stories and research reviews. - June 03, 2011 - Highlight HEALTH

Chiropractic EHR Software Leader Future Health, CEO Steven Kraus, DC, Announces Investment

Business Backed by a Substantial Seven-Figure Investment Led by Midwest Venture Capital Company. Additional Resources to be Used to Accelerate and Strengthen Future Health Services; Fuel Development. - June 03, 2011 - Future Health

Cataract Awareness Month in Greater Boston at D’Ambrosio Eye Care

Cataract Awareness Month in Greater Boston at D’Ambrosio Eye Care

D’Ambrosio Eye Care wishes to announce that Prevent Blindness America has designated June as National Cataract Awareness Month. - June 03, 2011 - Medical Management Services Group

IEEE ICC 2012 to Feature Latest Wireless and Wireline Service & Networking Innovations & Advances from June 10 – 15 in Ottawa, Canada

“Call for Papers” Deadline Ends September 6, 2011 for Submissions Highlighting Original Research in Voice, Data, Image & Multimedia Communications. - June 03, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society

Solar Energy System Created on Seattle Rooftop to Power Student Computers in Nepal

Solar Energy System Created on Seattle Rooftop to Power Student Computers in Nepal

While it is a truism that “knowledge is power,” two local technology engineers have created a solar power system that will demonstrate how “power is knowledge” to a remote, mountainous village of Shikha, Nepal. The plan, “Solar Energy for Shikha School,” was... - June 03, 2011 - Knowledge Mosaic Inc.

Planet Technologies Opens Office in Mechanicsburg, PA

Office to house four new employees and serve as home base for growing business in PA. - June 03, 2011 - Planet Technologies

Music Studio Now Accepting Students for Summer Rock Band Camp

Bill Wright's Guitar Studio is now accepting students for Summer Rock Band Camp. Camp starts June 27th for 7 weeks. - June 03, 2011 - Bill Wright School Of Music

Trim Tabs Director Madeline Schnapp to Appear on “Tim Connolly’s Winning Strategies” on June 3, 2011 at 12:00 p.m. CT

Madeline Schnapp, Director of Macroeconomic research and Editor of "TrimTabs Weekly Macro Analysis" and "TrimTabs Employment NewsFlash," will appear on “Tim Connolly’s Winning Strategies” www.winningstrategies.net on Friday, June 3 at 12:00 p.m. CT. Ms. Schnapp... - June 03, 2011 - Corporate Strategies, LLC

ShoeThief.com Founder Among Elite Entrepreneurs at Q2PR EVECAIN Network Mixer

ShoeThief.com founder Heide Kennedy will be among the featured entrepreneurs at the EVECAIN Mixer June 14 at the Empire Room in NYC. - June 03, 2011 - Quadrant Two PR

CMBS Global Issues Global Challenge to Entrepreneurs with Launch of Vehicle Supplying Exceptional Communication, Marketing, and Business Solutions

An increasing demand for specialized online marketing and business management has directly resulted in the restructuring of the company formerly known as CM Business Solutions. Now known as CMBS Global, it offers clients more than the basic Virtual Assistant services, and has added individual packages to its monthly retainer plans. To showcase its commitment to exceptional customer service, CMBS Global is presenting The Global Challenge to entrepreneurs who desire more efficient results. - June 03, 2011 - CMBS Global

Verax NMS Implemented in One of the Top Energy Industry Groups in Europe

The Verax NMS was recently implemented in ENEA Capital Group - one of the biggest companies in energy industry in Europe. - June 03, 2011 - Verax Systems Corp.

Inspire, Influence and Excite - CMS Solutions Prepares for Its Sixth Table Talk Event

Guests will Learn to inspire, not obstruct their team at this networking opportunity on Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011. The event begins at 11:30am and ends at 1pm. Lunch is provided. - June 03, 2011 - CMS Solutions

11Giraffes Fills Cobalt Media Locker

Thousands of professional images at your fingertips and media storage capabilities with Media Locker by 11Giraffes. - June 03, 2011 - 11Giraffes

Author D. Doyle Reynolds Destroys Coastal Town

One-time resident uses book to destroy town by supernatural means. - June 03, 2011 - D Doyle Reynolds

Xclaimed Ministries Host Concert in the Park

Xclaimed Ministries provided a free concert in the Park in Stanton, California. The ministry provided free BBQ meal, toys, bicycles and Bibles. - June 03, 2011 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc

Wintec Industries Announces Strategic Alliance with NTI Corporation

Wintec Industries' FileMate SWIVEL USB Enterprise Flash drive is equipped with NTI Ninja. - June 03, 2011 - NTI Corporation

Cliche Cosmetics Sponsors Viral Dance Contest

The Summer Dance Series presents the Next Gen Insider Contest sponsored by Cliche Cosmetics and the Next Gen Insider. Next Gen Insider is a contest giving dancers and performers the opportunity to perform celebrity choreography online while competing to win a prize valued at over $500. - June 03, 2011 - Cliche Cosmetics

Tom's Pro Bike Rolls Out New Site

Tom's Pro Bike launched its new website www.tomsprobike.com with 360 Professional Services Group. According to the new site, "Tom's Pro Bike offers the most comprehensive service in Western New York and to cyclists nationwide." Owner, Tom Lonzi, and his experienced staff have been... - June 03, 2011 - 360 Professional Services Group

Siegel-Gallagher Assists Sentry Insurance in Its Move to Esser Place

Sentry Insurance announced that it will relocate its Madison-based operations to Esser Place at 1800 Deming Way. The firm will occupy nearly 43,000 square feet of office space. Sentry’s Madison operations consist of more than 150 people, including information technology staff for the... - June 03, 2011 - Siegel-Gallagher

The Metropolitan Denver Dental Society Elects 2011-2012 Executive Officers and Board Members

The results of the Metropolitan Denver Dental Society’s (MDDS) 2011-2012 membership election were announced on Friday, May 6, 2011. - June 03, 2011 - Metro Denver Dental Society

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