United States News

Pickett's Bambino Opens New Location

Ryan Pickett branched out and created a new age fast casual restaurant of his own. His signature product is called the “Bambino,” which is described as, “a calzone-like product, but with empanada-like dough rather than the pizza dough used in calzone." - June 21, 2010 - Francorp

XML2U.com Ahead of the Game with Feeds to Google Maps Property Search

The recently launched Google Maps Property Search is set to become an important and free platform for the wider marketing of properties in the UK. Data feed creator, XML2U.com, already has in place an upload to Google Maps Property Search, enabling real estate agent clients to have their listings automatically published. - June 21, 2010 - XML2U.com

ATVManiacStore.com Offers Dirt Commander - GBC Motorsports' Newest All Terrain ATV Tire

ATVManiacStore.com, a United States-based ATV tire, ATV wheel, ATV winch, helmet, accessory and parts retailer, has expanded their line of ATV tires with the addition of GBC Motorsports Dirt Commander performance ATV tires. GBC Motorsports manufactures high quality and innovative ATV and... - June 21, 2010 - Motorcycle & ATV Maniac

Terry K. Headley is the President Elect for NAFIA and Has Agreed to Speak at the National Healthcare Reform Conference This September in Los Angeles

The National Healthcare Reform Conference™ announces Terry K. Headley, President Elect for the National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors (NAFIA) as a Key Speaker for the conference, taking place September 20-22, 2010 in Los Angeles at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel. - June 21, 2010 - Healthcare Reform Conference

Whistleblowers Report Substantial Stresses, Limited Support When Helping Expose Health Care Fraud - Research from BWH

New research evaluates the motivations and experiences of whistleblowers responsible for the recent wave of federal health care fraud cases and finds that, despite their altruistic goals, whistleblowers experience substantial hardships. - June 21, 2010 - Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Brigham Renal Division Research at the Center of an International Effort to Identify Next Generation Biomarkers to Screen Kidney Toxicity

New research has resulted in the approval of Kidney Injury Molecule-1 (Kim-1) as a highly sensitive and specific marker of drug-induced kidney injury by both the FDA and EMA. - June 21, 2010 - Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Karen Parsons Reveals How to Overcome Feeling Trapped to Donna Marie Thompson, PhD the CEO of Goals in Action, LLC

Karen Parsons revealed the keys to achieving success and personal happiness to Donna Marie Thompson, PhD, the CEO of Goals in Action, LLC. Parsons shared her inspiring bouncing back story where she went from the top of the world, to the depths of despair, and back to the top of the world. As a highly successful career search professional, Parsons was doing well yet she was unfulfilled, she felt trapped. Her wake-up call was a painful and debilitating back injury; and Parsons bounced back. - June 21, 2010 - Goals in Action, LLC

ESI Challenges Execs to Streamline Building Operations, Security

Environmental Systems, Inc. (ESI) announced today a plan to help companies better understand how to streamline security systems with business operations to protect assets, people, property, and information. - June 21, 2010 - ESI

"The Global Learning Series" to Raise Understanding and Awareness of Uncontrolled Bleeding and the Grave Effects of Traumatic Blood Loss

Z-Medica’s QuikClot to be featured in “Understanding Emergency Medicine” Episode. - June 21, 2010 - GTS Education, Inc.

Women’s Flat Track Derby Association Welcomes 11 New Members, Adds New Regions

Eleven women's flat track roller derby leagues are graduating to full WFTDA membership status, including the first European league. Reacting to growing international interest, the Association is also adding Canada and Europe regions. - June 21, 2010 - Women's Flat Track Derby Association

"His Story," an Exhibition of Mixed Media Works by Indian Artist Hindol Brahmbhatt

India based artist Hindol presents new large scale multimedia paintings depicting portraits of influential artists from times past. Hindol's "painterly installations" are incisive commentaries of perception and experience. - June 21, 2010 - Tamarind Art

Water Words That Work Announces the Council of Governments' Launch of New Blog for Area Moms

The Metro DC Mom Blog has launched as a resource for moms in DC and suburban Maryland, and Virginia. The blog will feature tips, interviews, fun articles, and more. The blog is sponsored by a group of area local governments who have family and health related services and requirements for residents. - June 21, 2010 - Water Words That Work, LLC

Magazine Launched for Sustainable Healthcare & Hospital Development

First Magazine launched for Sustainable Healthcare & Hospital Development and will be the only magazine in the world to cover both the sustainable healthcare and the hospital development industry and will be distributed electronically to thousands of readers in over 40 countries. - June 21, 2010 - Sustainable Healthcare and Hospital Development Magazine

Christian Guided Imagery for Cancer Patients? A New Technique Presented in Karen Tripp's God is Bigger Than Your Cancer Workbook Published by Fresh Water Press.

For decades, it’s been known that the power of the mind can impact the progression of cancer in the body.1 Likewise, multiple studies found that faith has a positive effect on physical health.2 What if the power of the mind was combined with the power of faith? Karen Tripp MS presents a... - June 21, 2010 - Fresh Water Press

Walking with the Aliens: Roswell Authors Offer Walking Tours of UFO Haunts

During the 2010 UFO Festival in Roswell, New Mexico, authors Noe Torres, Ruben Uriarte, and E.J. Wilson will offer special walking tours of several key locations at the former Roswell Army Air Field that are directly linked to the 1947 UFO incident. - June 21, 2010 - RoswellBooks.com

Christian Garces to Headline Sommelier Smackdown

The Wine School is pleased to welcome Christian Garces, brother of Iron Chef Jose Garces, to its signature wine and food pairing event, the Sommelier Smackdown. - June 21, 2010 - The Wine School

DogsBite.org Releases Data of Cities with Successful Pit Bull Laws; Data Shows Breed-Specific Laws Work

12 U.S. municipalities ranging in population size and the province of Ontario, Canada experienced a significant drop in pit bull biting incidents after adopting a breed-specific pit bull law. - June 21, 2010 - DogsBite.org Incorporated

Visionary People Joins Forces with the Georgia Teenwork Program

Visionary People has joined forces with the Georgia TeenWork Program in their efforts to provide Georgia high school teens with an outlet to learn business, learn better work habits and earn some money this summer. Natasha Davis-Bowen who is the founder of Visionary People says "As a business owner it's a privilege to have the opportunity to share another side of life with the teens." - June 21, 2010 - Visionary People

KulturCritic Announces Cultural Criticism – A New Release from the Author of The Recovery of Ecstasy

kulturCritic announces a brand new read right off the press straight from Sandy’s second home in Siberia, Russia. Cultural Criticism: Essays, Philosophical and Political, is a thematic collection of articles and brief essays written by the kulturCritic over the past two plus years. Without... - June 21, 2010 - kulturCritic.com

Pepper Virtual Assistant Gets Dad More Time Off with Father’s Day Special

It's time to work smarter, not harder. Discounted service packages from Pepper on Father's Day. - June 21, 2010 - Pepper Virtual Assistants

Global Equations CEO Anupam Govil Among Top 50 Power Rankings - Recognized as One of the Most Influential Executives by Nearshore Americas

Anupam Govil, Founder-CEO, Global Equations LLC has been ranked as one of the most influential thought leader and visionary on Americas by Nearshore Americas in its latest “Top 50 Power Ranking of Most Influential Executives. - June 21, 2010 - Global Equations

Roja Records to Release DJ Teresa's Sophomore EP, to Spain With Love, Worldwide on July 1st, 2010

Founded by DJ Teresa in late 2009, the Roja Records roster includes producers from Florida and Europe with a focus on Tech House, Techno, Latin/Tribal House and Minimal. The launch release of To Spain With Love EP by DJ Teresa is available exclusively on www.beatport.com until July 1, 2010. - June 21, 2010 - Roja Records

Cramer Toyota Earns Record Number of Managers Awards

Cramer Toyota of Venice employees earn record 4 Sales Manager Excellence Awards. - June 21, 2010 - Cramer Toyota of Venice

Cramer Toyota of Venice Donates Car to The Loveland Center in Venice

Cramer Toyota of Venice donates car to The Loveland Center in Venice which helps local adults with developmental disabilities - June 21, 2010 - Cramer Toyota of Venice

Hope4children Taps Hollywood Partners for Victorian Rose Fashion Show Fashion

HOPE4Children Foundation (H4CF) in association with Parris Harris Productions and Angel Entertainment, will host a rose themed fashion show featuring the new collection of fantasy gowns, corsets, dresses of Daisy Viktoria. The benefit event will also highlight the luxurious accessories of MAI... - June 21, 2010 - HOPE4Children

Charity That Makes Fabricworks for Patients Wins Volunteer Houston Award

The Common Thread Circle was among the ten winners of this year's Mayor's Volunteer Houston Awards, which are given to charities that contribute to the welfare of Houston's citizens through volunteerism. - June 21, 2010 - The Common Thread Circle

Made in Pahrump Presents Villa Locale, New Restaurant Near Vegas Plans "Seed to Table" Menu

Mediterranean inspired, Italian focused and locally farmed: Villa Locale opens this summer in the Mojave Desert. - June 21, 2010 - Made in Pahrump

Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy Launches June 24th with Free Teleclass

The first membership association for therapists who work holistically is being launched by Shelley Riutta MSE, LPC, a pioneer in the Holistic Psychotherapy field. The Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy (GAHP) launches on Thursday, June 24, 2010 with a free teleclass where Riutta will share five simple secrets for creating a thriving therapy practice. - June 21, 2010 - The Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy (GAHP)

Massachusetts Self Storage Association Selects MiniCo Publication as Member Benefit

The Massachusetts Self Storage Association (MASSA) has joined associations from 22 other states and the District of Columbia in choosing to provide MiniCo’s “Self-Storage Now!” magazine as a member benefit. The quarterly management-focused publication will be distributed to MASSA... - June 21, 2010 - MiniCo Insurance Agency, LLC

Extreme Marketing and Consulting Launches Its New Website

Extreme Marketing and Consulting Launches Its New Website

Mike Luchen, President of Extreme Marketing and Consulting talks about internet and online publicity and marketing and the launch of his new website. - June 20, 2010 - Extreme Marketing and Consulting

National Concierge Association Holds 12th Annual Conference for Hospitality Professionals

National Concierge Association Holds 12th Annual Conference for Hospitality Professionals

The National Concierge Association (NCA), a non profit-network organization for Concierge of all types and hospitality industry professionals will be holding their 12th annual conference August 16-18, 2010 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. The three day event features a variety of... - June 20, 2010 - National Concierge Association

The Mystery Behind Artifact Theft is Inspiration for New Novel "Anasazi Intrigue," by Linda Weaver Clarke

Stolen artifacts, a snoopy newspaper reporter, and mysterious events begin to unfold with Anasazi Intrigue. Ancient American artifacts are being sold to the highest bidder. When an ancient ruin is discovered, it doesn’t take long for thieves to find out about it. - June 20, 2010 - Linda Weaver Clarke

Finding Joy Amidst Destruction in Barbara K. Richardson's New Book "Guest House"

Mid-life go-getter Melba Burns does what many of us only dream about. After witnessing a terrible accident, she sidelines her car, quits her job and literally abandons the rat race. Her funky old farmhouse starts giving gifts, when a shy, ingenious ten-year-old boy enters her world, and Melba's new-found solo life gets deeper, darker and infinitely richer. Possible movie hook: Let yourself be changed by love. www.barbarakrichardson.com - June 20, 2010 - Barbara K. Richardson author of "Guest House"

Volcker's Call for Adequate Capital Behind Derivatives to be Debated at Golden Networking's Derivatives Leaders Forum 2010 on July 22nd

Golden Networking Hosting Leaders and Experts in the Over-the-counter and Exchange-Traded Derivatives Worlds at Derivatives Leaders Forum 2010, July 22nd, New York; Early Bird Registration at http://www.DerivativesLeadersForum.com to Expire on June 17th. - June 20, 2010 - Golden Networking

From High-Frequency Trading to Derivatives, Golden Networking Masters the Art and Science of Organizing Timely and Highly Relevant Conferences

After High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2010, Golden Networking is Hosting Leaders and Experts in the Over-the-counter and Exchange-Traded Derivatives Worlds at Derivatives Leaders Forum 2010, July 22nd, New York - June 20, 2010 - Golden Networking

Golden Networking's Derivatives Leaders Forum 2010 to Explore Latest Developments in the Market for Credit Default Swaps

Golden Networking Hosting Leaders and Experts in the Over-the-counter and Exchange-Traded Derivatives Worlds at Derivatives Leaders Forum 2010, July 22nd, New York; Additional Information and Registration at http://www.DerivativesLeadersForum.com. - June 20, 2010 - Golden Networking

Pilot DJ Frost's Guide to Overcome Fear of Flying Takes Off

Frequent media guest and 30 year veteran commercial pilot DJ Frost plans to ease the fear of flying for good with his new "Lose The Fear And Fly" guide. - June 20, 2010 - Pilot DJ Frost

Bell Micro Appointed Pan European Distributor for Minicom Digital Signage

Bell Micro has announced it has signed a pan European distribution agreement with Minicom Digital Signage. Bell Micro will distribute and support a wide range of Minicom DS products, services and solutions and will specialize in providing end-to-end Digital Signage solutions to its European sales channels. - June 20, 2010 - Minicom Digital Signage

Guide for Parents of HIV Positive Adults Brings Knowledge and Understanding to Family

Kelly Markell releases "My Chiid is HIV Positive: A Living Guide for Parents" for Father's Day 2010. The guide seeks to provide knowledge, clarity and understanding about HIV/AIDS for the family. - June 20, 2010 - Kelly Cares LLC

DJ Jon Quick and Friends Celebrate the Life and Music of Michael Jackson

DJ Jon Quick a.k.a. the Turntable Superhero and friends will host “Who’s Bad” a tribute event celebrating the first anniversary of the passing of Michael Jackson. He will take the crowd down memory lane by playing only the music of Jackson and the members of the Jackson family. - June 20, 2010 - DJ Jon Quick

Fleetronix Offers Integrated Fuel Efficiency Reports and Google Earth Street View in Its Fleet Management Application

The Fleetronix Fleet Management Software Application has recently added two new features: fuel efficiency reports and Google Earth Street View to provide greater ROI to fleet owners. - June 20, 2010 - Fleet Management Company

NPSA Planning Portable Storage Industry Insurance Product

The National Portable Storage Association is seeking a test group of portable storage companies to help develop an insurance product tailored for the industry’s specific needs. - June 20, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association

“Wagons Roll” – Westward Ho! Van Fleet Covered Wagon Train Rolls Through the West Following the Pioneer Trail

A covered wagon train traverses the Mormon Pioneer Trail as a re-enactment of the wagon train of 1847. The wagon train will travel over 350 miles the month of June from Ogallala, Nebraska to Casper, Wyoming - June 20, 2010 - VanFleet Wagon Train

Diephuis Builders Brings Home Remodeling to the Web

Dan and Betty Diephuis keep pretty busy these days. With the average age of a home in the United States nearing 33 years, aging homes provide plenty of remodeling work for their firm, Diephuis Builders. In fact, a new wave of renovations may be right around the corner as homeowners look to improve their homes instead of flipping them in the no-longer-hot real estate market. - June 20, 2010 - Diephuis Builders

Celebrated Australian Recording Artist and Global Artist Community Builder, Gilli Moon, Releases Sixth Studio Album: The Stillness; June 29; 2010

Award-winning Australian singer/songwriter, producer, and global artist community builder, with Songsalive!®, gilli moon, will release her sixth album, The Stillness, on her own label, Warrior Girl Music, on June 29, 2010. - June 20, 2010 - Warrior Girl Music & Media

New Green Cleaning Reseller Program Targets the Healthcare Industry

Daimer®'s new program offers an easier, less costly way to sell environmentally friendly green cleaning chemicals to the healthcare industry. - June 20, 2010 - Daimer Industries, Inc.

Artezio Software Participated in 46th Drug Information Association’s Annual Meeting

Artezio stays on top and follows trends of modern IT-healthcare industry and reinforces its visibility on the North American market. - June 20, 2010 - Artezio

Up to 40% Discount for Pavtube YouTube/FLV Converter During World Cup

Pavtube gave a discount for Pavtube YouTube/FLV Converter (both windows and Mac version), and deliver Pavtube Ringtone Maker as a gift for free during World Cup. - June 20, 2010 - Pavtube studio

Novosoft Releases Handy Backup 6.7 and Reveals a Plan to Integrate Their Backup Software with Windows

Novosoft, one of the leading providers of backup solutions worldwide, today released an update to its line of backup software. Handy Backup 6.7 takes advantage of the shell extension technology of Windows OS, to make user experience more comfortable and consistent. - June 20, 2010 - Novosoft Handy Backup

Mergers & Acquisitions Deal Analysis - MEMC Electronic Materials to Acquire Solaicx Now Available at ReportsandReports

MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc. (MEMC), a manufacturer of wafers, has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Solaicx, Inc. (Solaicx), a manufacturer of solar photovoltaic ingots and wafers. - June 20, 2010 - ReportsandReports

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