United Kingdom News

National Work from Home Day 20th May - 6 Great Reasons to Convince the Boss

Taking part in National Work From Home Day 20th May - 6 Great Reasons to Convince the Boss - May 08, 2011 - Office Boutique

Chris from EVOLVE! Campaigns to Rollerblade Four Miles Dressed as a Chicken to Raise Funds for Animal Sanctuary

14 year old Chris, youth contact for EVOLVE! Campaigns, a UK based animal advocacy organisation, becomes Buglet the Blading Chicken to raise funds for a struggling animal sanctuary. - May 08, 2011 - EVOLVE! Campaigns Ltd

Conrad Scott Launch New Website for Recruitment to Recruitment Services

Conrad Scott launched their new website using Zero-One Design Limited, a recruitment website designer based in Tamworth, Staffs. - May 08, 2011 - Zero-One Design Limited

Unified Software Introduces Bacs Payment Gateway

Unified Software, well known for its award winning BankVal UK and BankVal International payment validation web services has now joined the elite group of Bacs Approved Software Suppliers with its new payment gateway product, BankPay-IP. - May 07, 2011 - Unified Software Ltd

APC Introduces the NetShelter® SX Networking Enclosure with Improved Support for High Density Networking Applications

Side Airflow Duct Kit eliminates the challenge of cooling side-to-side airflow equipment while addressing problems of hot and cold air isolation. - May 07, 2011 - APC by Schneider Electric

Axis12 Announces Major Sponsorship of DrupalCon London

Axis 12 Limited, the London based Drupal specialists have confirmed their commitment as Platinum sponsors of DrupalCon London from 22-26 August 2011. DrupalCon is the event where thousands of Drupal users, developers, designers, evaluators and business people descend on South London’s... - May 07, 2011 - Axis12 Limited

Havers Online and on JustCite: New Partnership to Promote Barristers

Justis Publishing has taken Havers Online’s highly acclaimed bibliographic information on 11,500 practising barristers, and is publicising them and the work that they do in a completely new and more easily searchable way by adding them to the JustCite citator, where they'll be cross-referenced against their cases. - May 07, 2011 - Justis Publishing Ltd

Viewer to Stage Exclusive Event Featuring Bastard Structures (Live) and Beaumont Hannant (DJ Set)

Viewer takes over the basement of Bar Lane Studios - York - to present an evening of contemporary electronic music and visual art. Featuring deeply contrasting audio visual performances by Bastard Structures and Viewer, this exclusive event has a strictly limited capacity. Refreshments on the night provided by popular Yorkshire brewery Roosters. - May 07, 2011 - Viewer

UK Firm Forms International Partnership

A UK company has formed a partnership with a Canadian company. - May 07, 2011 - Gould Electronics Two Way Radio Ltd

Capita Announce Details of Their National Conference Youth Justice: What Next?

Youth Justice Conference: What Next? Tuesday 28th June 2011 – Central London Chair: Lorna Hadley, Chair, Association of Youth Offending Team Managers and Youth Offending Team Manager, London Borough of Newham Capita’s National Conference Youth Justice: What’s Next? is timed... - May 07, 2011 - Capita Conferences

BOARD Accommodates London & Quadrant Housing Trust’s BI & PM Requirements

BOARD are pleased to confirm that London & Quadrant Housing Trust have become the latest customer to select the BOARD Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management Toolkit. - May 07, 2011 - BOARD UK

Concorde IT Group Dramatically Improves Decision-Making Using Intuitive Dashboards

Concorde IT Group Dramatically Improves Decision-Making Using Intuitive Dashboards

Concorde IT Group (www.concordeitgroup.com) one of the UK’s leading IT support and managed service providers is implementing Intuitive Dashboards, the advanced business intelligence (BI) tool from Intuitive Business Intelligence Limited (www.intuitivebusinessintelligence.com), to enable them... - May 06, 2011 - Intuitive Business Intelligence Limited

Femtocells – Not Just a Coverage Solution

Femtocells, low-power wireless access points, have tremendous potential to change the way people use their mobile phones as the technology becomes increasingly competitive. This is according to Alejandro Piñero, director of the Femtocells World Summit, which will bring together more than 350... - May 06, 2011 - Small Cells World Summit

DirectRooms.com – The Granite Challenge to be Held in Aviemore on 18 June 2011

DirectRooms.com announces that a race event being held in Aberdeenshire will test competitors over a mixture or disciplines while looking to raise much needed funds for Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland. - May 06, 2011 - DirectRooms.com

Haag-Streit UK to Showcase 2 Exciting New Products at BCLA 2011

Haag-Streit UK will showcase two new products at the British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) 2011 event this month; the DRS non-mydriatic retinal imaging camera and the Perkins Mk3 hand-held applanation tonometer. The new DRS fully-automated retinal camera has been designed to maximise patient... - May 06, 2011 - Haag-Streit UK

SI Raise Money at Charity Auction

Systems Integration are pleased to announce that they raised £600.00 at a charity auction held by the Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers. The fundraising event was part of SAMW’s annual conference and dinner dance, which was held at the Glasgow Marriott last month. The... - May 06, 2011 - Systems Integration Limited

New Developers’ Marketplace Community for Commercial Software Components & Tools

Today, devtoolcafe, the online marketplace community for developer tools & software components launched their new global website for professional developers. devtoolcafe is an online resource with an extensive product directory at the heart of the site. Wrapped around that is a community led... - May 06, 2011 - devtoolcafe

Derby College Opens Broomfield Gardens to Public

Derby College’s Broomfield Hall is opening its grounds to the public on Sunday May 15 as part of the National Gardens Scheme. Visitors can enjoy guided garden tours and nature walks, meet the College’s horticultural experts for gardening advice and visit Broomfield Hall’s small... - May 06, 2011 - Derby College

Online Live Casino CastleCasino.com Launches Six New Games

Online Live Casino CastleCasino.com Launches Six New Games

CastleCasino.com, one of the internet’s leading live dealer casinos, today announced the addition of six new casino games to its ever growing casino offering. - May 05, 2011 - Castle Entertainment Limited

Capita Announces It's Driving Forward Shared Services Conference

Realising Efficiencies through Collaborative Working. - May 05, 2011 - Capita Conferences

APC by Schneider Electric Announces Online IT Carbon and Energy Allocation Calculator for Data Centres

APC’s latest Trade-Off ToolTM provides online help for data centre operators to allocate carbon emissions and energy costs, and IT to make smarter decisions about virtualization and server retirement. - May 05, 2011 - APC by Schneider Electric

Controlling Brain Circuits with Light: F1000 Biology Reports Takes a Look at the Story Behind the Invention of Optogenetics

F1000 Biology Reports, the open access, peer-reviewed journal from Faculty of 1000, today published a historical account of the beginnings of the optogenetic revolution by Edward Boyden. - May 05, 2011 - Faculty of 1000

The Playground Will Release Boy Mandeville's "Gorilla" on the 30th of May via Around the Dial Records

The Haringey band Boy Mandeville are set to release their "Gorilla" on the 30th of May on Around the Dial Records. - May 05, 2011 - The Playground

The Playground and Blank Disco Release Debut 'From Zero' on SubExotic Records on the 13th of June

Blank Disco is primarily the musical persona of London / Home Counties based electronica artist Dan Seville, who is set to release his debut album From Zero via SubExotic Records on the 13th of June. - May 05, 2011 - The Playground

The Playground is Ready for the Release of Scumbag Philosopher's Second Single "God is Dead so I Listen to Radiohead" via Words on Music

Scumbag Philosopher's second single God Is Dead So I Listen To Radiohead will be released on the 23rd of May - May 05, 2011 - The Playground

Voyage Manager to Provide Travel Management to Fugro Geoteam

Voyage Manager Ltd, has entered into an agreement with oil services company Fugro Geoteam AS., to supply Fugro Geoteam AS with Voyage Manager Ltd.’s travel management, monitoring and tracking solution. - May 05, 2011 - Voyage Manager

Egress Switch Highly Commended in SC Awards 2011

Egress Switch receives commendation award for "Best SME Security Solution" and "Best Security Solution, Financial Services." - May 05, 2011 - Egress Software Technologies Ltd

The Display Link Invests in a Greener Future

The UK large format printing company has announced the acquisition of new environmentally friendly equipment and an extension of its green policy for 2011. - May 05, 2011 - The Display Link

Shirtworks Upgrades Online Customised Clothing and Promotional Product Shop, Providing More Powerful Search Options

Shirtworks has made changes to its online shop, enabling website visitors to search for customisable clothing based on fabric colour and gender, rather than simply type of garment. - May 05, 2011 - Shirtworks

Steelhenge Consulting Releases a Business Continuity Guide for Small Businesses, Available on the BCAW 2011 Site

Crisis management and organisational resilience specialists Steelhenge Consulting have released a guide to business continuity, designed specifically for small businesses, available from the Business Continuity Awareness Week 2011 website - May 05, 2011 - Steelhenge Consulting Limited

Bespoke eTrading Affiliate Software Launched

Bespoke eTrading Affiliate Software Launched

A powerful new affiliate system for securities, forex and options trading operators has been launched by performance marketing specialists, Network Media Services. ETRASS is based on the company’s successful igaming affiliate platform, but has been redeveloped to meet the needs of the expanding eTrade industry. With a flexible architecture for rapid deployment, ETRASS delivers a solution that is easy to understand, simple to use but has powerful functionality. - May 03, 2011 - Network Media Services Ltd

Comments on the Confusing Lack of Regulatory Provisions for Own-Brand Labelling of Medical Devices in Europe from QFI

No regulations on the own-brand labelling of medical devices exist in the European Union, which is the essence of the problem elucidated in an article published in the May 2011 issue of the Journal of Medical Device Regulation (JMDR). The article is entitled "A Confusing Lack of Regulatory... - May 03, 2011 - Quality First International

Harlequin Chooses FPS EXPO to Launch New Slimline Fuel Station Range

UK storage tank manufacturer Harlequin, launched two all-new diesel storage and dispensing tank models recently at FPS Expo in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, UK. - May 03, 2011 - Clarehill Plastics Limited

Direct Approach Dating Summit DVD to Feature Alan Roger Currie and David X

Direct Approach Dating Summit DVD to Feature Alan Roger Currie and David X

The Direct Approach Dating Summit for Men, which was a two-day conference held in London, England in November 2010, will soon release a DVD set featuring verbal communication & body language expert Alan Roger Currie and international Dating Coach David X. The DVD set is full of information, knowledge and wisdom designed to help single heterosexual men improve their level of self-confidence and interpersonal communication skills with women in today's challenging dating and relationships arena. - May 02, 2011 - Mode One Multimedia, Inc.

Scottish Poet, Colin Galbraith, Embraces Kindle with Both Hands

Scottish author and poet, Colin Galbraith, has released his entire back catalogue of published books, for purchase on the Kindle at drastically reduced prices. - May 02, 2011 - Colin Galbraith

CryptaVault Releases New Product - CryptaVault Enterprise 2.0

CryptaVault's new product takes a novel approach to the problem of employees wasting time on the internet, and can cut abuse by up to 50% - May 02, 2011 - CryptaVault

Emergencyshorts.co.uk - Blogs and Short Stories from Real Emergency Service Workers

Emergency Shorts: Blogs and short stories from those who look after everybody else. Police, Ambulance, Fire and the Military, they work tirelessly to help and protect us. - May 02, 2011 - Emergency Shorts

MERJS Instructed to Let Approximately 8,500 Sq Ft of High Quality Commercial Office Space in Landmark EC1 Building

MERJS – a leading London commercial property agency, has been instructed to let approximately 8,500 sq ft of high quality office space in 100 Hatton Garden, London, EC1, divided between 4 office suites. The office space is available to rent at £27.50 per square foot per annum exclusive. - May 01, 2011 - Merjs Charted Surveyors

Issue 7 of Digital Forensics Magazine Out in May

TR Media, who publish the quarterly magazine, Digital Forensics Magazine, say that Issue 7 looks set to continue where Issue 6 left off, with the magazine containing features and articles that continue to look at the many, varied aspects of digital forensics. - May 01, 2011 - Digital Forensics Magazine

uShip Shortlisted for BusinessGreen Leaders Award

uShip, the online Transport Marketplace, is pleased announce that they have been selected as a finalist for BusinessGreen Leaders Awards 2011 Small Business of the Year. - April 30, 2011 - uShip Global Ltd

Safelincs Videos Make It Easy for Customers

Fire safety product retailer Safelincs has just launched a database of videos on its website. The video clips not only display individual products being installed, tested and maintained but also provide answers to some of the most common questions that customers ask. - April 30, 2011 - Safelincs Ltd

Platesbypost.co.uk Launches Vintage Number Plates Service

Online number plates supplier has extended its product offering to include vintage number plates, classic number plates, black number plates. - April 30, 2011 - Platesbypost.co.uk

Vocal and ICM Form Strategic Partnership

ICM, part of the Phoenix IT Group plc, and emergency notification leaders Vocal have formed a partnership which will integrate Vocal’s award winning iModus notification system into ICM’s entire business continuity product portfolio. - April 30, 2011 - Vocal Ltd

Lloyds Hires Aspect LTD to Organise Olympic-Themed Leadership Convention

Lloyds Banking Group last week held an Aspect-organised leadership conference for 5,000 employees at the LG Arena, Birmingham. - April 30, 2011 - Aspect LTD

USA Poker Players Flock to Free Online Poker Site NoPayPOKER.com Following FBI Action Against Online Poker Sites

The recent closures of top US online poker sites Full Tilt, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker shocked the online poker world. Yet for US legal poker site, NoPayPOKER.com the closures have produced an unexpected bonus with free online poker site experiencing a surge in new members as disappointed US online poker players look for a safe place to play poker online. - April 29, 2011 - NoPayPOKER.com

Lavendon’s Gurpartap Singh Takes Prize for IPAF Training Instructor of the Year

Lavendon Group employee Gurpartap Singh has been named IPAF Training Instructor of the Year. He impressed judges with his passion for training and his personal journey from a small village in India to playing a key role in powered access in the Middle East. Gurpartap, who works for Rapid Access,... - April 29, 2011 - Lavendon Access Services

Lead-in Research Launches New Online Service

Since Barbour ABI acquired Lead-In Research back in November, the business is going from strength to strength! This month saw the launch of ‘Evolution’ - an online system providing customers with 24 hour access to their business leads. - April 29, 2011 - Barbour ABI

The New DRS Fully-Automated Non-Mydriatic Digital Retinal Imaging Camera

Haag-Streit UK is pleased to offer the new DRS fully-automated non-mydriatic digital retinal imaging camera, which was unveiled at Optrafair 2011. - April 29, 2011 - Haag-Streit UK

Zero-One Design Offer Online Corporate Recruitment Services

To enable medium and large blue chip businesses to enhance their online corporate recruitment services, Zero-One Design Limited has created an integrated package of online recruitment systems and social media websites. - April 29, 2011 - Zero-One Design Limited

Iqnite Germany to Feature Huw Price, Grid Tools Managing Director as Speaker

Grid-Tools Limited, a leading vendor of test data generation, data masking and test data management software is pleased to announce their Managing Director, Huw Price, will be speaking at the Iqnite software testing event in Dusseldorf, Germany. - April 29, 2011 - Grid-Tools Ltd

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