All Regions (Including International) News

Innovative Kids of America Project

Innovative Kids of America Project

Innovative Kids of America Project is a cutting edge exhibit designed to teach kids step by step on how to become entrepreneurs. This exhibit will be at fairs and livestock shows across the country. - August 04, 2012 - Innovative Kids of America Project

Instant Checkmate Shatters Target Growth Goal, Hits a Half Million Sales

Instant Checkmate Shatters Target Growth Goal, Hits a Half Million Sales

Instant Checkmate’s astronomical success is evidenced by their latest achievement of gaining over 570,000 customers since the company’s inception in 2009. - August 04, 2012 - Instant Checkmate

Planet Technologies Awarded as 2012 Microsoft Federal Solutions Partner of the Year

Planet Technologies, the leading Microsoft consulting and services company for the federal government, announced today that they have been awarded by Microsoft the 2012 Microsoft Federal Solutions Partner of the Year. Presented by Greg Myers, vice president of Microsoft federal, at... - August 04, 2012 - Planet Technologies

Plascon Food Solutions Introduces Cook Chill Handle Bags and Cook Chill Bags on a Roll

Plascon Food Solutions Introduces Cook Chill Handle Bags and Cook Chill Bags on a Roll

Plascon Food Solutions announces the introduction of Cook Chill Handle Bags and Cook Chill Bags on a Roll. Both products are additions to the company's line of flexible food packaging products used by the foodservice and food processing industries and are used in the Cook Chill method of food... - August 04, 2012 - Plascon Group

Love Releases Debut Album, Imagine

T Love, Certified Sound and Master Energy Therapist has just released her debut album, Imagine. Love, owner of Quantum Wellness provides quartz crystal singing bowl healing music to her clients in her private practice as well as in concert settings. - August 04, 2012 - T Love, Holistic Health Energy/Sound Therapist

Lawn Drought: Helping Your Lawn Survive the Heat

Tulsa area lawns and landscapes have been struggling with the lawn drought of 2012, on top of the drought of 2011. How to water your lawn, when should you water your lawn, and how to keep your lawn green are questions many Tulsa lawn service customers are asking now. Here are some key points to understand and follow in order to save your lawn. - August 04, 2012 - Seed Technologies

Bohemian ViennaCC Publishes Song Analysis

Austrian musician ViennaCC publishes detailed song analysis of his newest song "Baby Give Me One More Chance." - August 04, 2012 - Internet DienstleistungsGmbH

Research at University of Houston Finds Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Effective in Combatting Anxiety Disorders

Combination of Treatments Provides Improvement for Disorders Such as Fear of Flying, Public Speaking or Spiders - August 04, 2012 - University of Houston

Upside Learning Rolls Out Its Independent Webinar Series; First Webinar on mLearning

After hosting joint webinars with the Brandon Hall Group, Upside Learning announced today the roll out of its independent webinar series with the 1st webinar - "No Escaping Mobile Learning" - on 8th Aug. at 11 AM EDT. - August 04, 2012 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Highlights Chicagoland Destinations for Chicagoland Families

Chicago-based spotlights a variety of activities perfect for families in and around Chicago. - August 04, 2012 -

Top Ear Nose and Throat Practice Expands New Jersey Presence

Pinnacle ENT Associates Opens Three New Jersey Offices - August 04, 2012 - Pinnacle ENT Associates

South Texas Dental Donates 5,000 Toothbrushes to Houston Children for Back to School

Thousands of underprivileged pre-kindergarten and elementary school students in the Houston area will start the new school year with brighter smiles thanks to South Texas Dental’s donation of 5,000 toothbrushes to Operation School Bell, a nationwide program administered locally by the... - August 04, 2012 - South Texas Dental

Ashland University to Hold Visit Day for Careers in Law and Service Professions

Ashland University's Aug. 10 Visit Day for Careers in Law and Service Professions will be a special one because it will feature a number of attorneys as well as a former judge in Richland County sharing their wealth of information in the profession. - August 04, 2012 - Ashland University

Retail Banking Excellence USA

American Leaders brings a new outlook to Retail Banking. After many successful conferences held globally within Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia, the Retail Banking Excellence Conference comes to New York City this September 2012. As American Leaders: provide and organize high level... - August 04, 2012 - American Leaders

New Denver Homes from Taylor Morrison Are Showcased During the Denver 2012 Parade of Homes

Two Taylor Morrison Denver communities in Arvada are part of the annual Denver Parade of Homes, taking place throughout the Denver metropolitan area from August 9 to September 3. - August 04, 2012 - Taylor Morrison

Taylor Morrison Austin Gives Leg Up to Broadway Bound Performing Arts Camp

Taylor Morrison's Austin division is helping to save the Broadway Bound Performing Arts Camp (BBPAC) from serious budget challenges that are threatening its viability. Taylor Morrison recently donated wood and construction supplies and made a financial donation to assist the program. “We... - August 04, 2012 - Taylor Morrison

Laura Mandala to Participate in National Hispanics in Travel Caucus

Acclaimed researcher to bring market expertise to ASTA and NTA initiative - August 04, 2012 - Mandala Research

Students Get to Grips with Nuclear Engineering with The Smallpeice Trust

From 23rd to 26th July, fifty teenagers from across the UK have been learning how to solve some of the challenges facing the nuclear industry. The four-day residential course, held at the University of Manchester, was organised by The Smallpeice Trust, in collaboration with the Engineering... - August 04, 2012 - The Smallpeice Trust

Handy Motorcycle Lifts Include Free Cycle Vise During Month of August

Clark Heintz Tools & Equipment LLC is happy to make this announcement to their customers. - August 04, 2012 - NHProEquip

Students on Course for Career in Structural Engineering with The Smallpeice Trust

From 24th to 27th July, fifty aspiring young engineers from across the UK were given a unique insight into what is involved in the design and construction of a structure. Organised by educational charity, The Smallpeice Trust and sponsored by Coventry University, students gained a valuable... - August 04, 2012 - The Smallpeice Trust

ATS’ CEO to Present at 2012 coolingZONE Summit in Cambridge This August

Dr. Kaveh Azar, President and CEO of Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc., will be presenting at the 2012 coolingZONE Business and Technology Summit, August 27-30 in Cambridge, MA. Additionally, Dr. Azar will teach the Pre-Summit Short Course “Thermal Measurement and Experimental Design in Electronic Systems” on August 27, 2012. - August 04, 2012 - Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.

Bedford Launches New Service for Owners of Commercial Real Estate

Bedford Strategies and Solutions, an independent professional services firm specializing in cost segregation and specialty tax solutions, is offering a new service to the commercial real estate industry. Bedford's ReCap℠ study will extend the value that Bedford brings to its commercial real estate, CPA, and tax advisor clients nationwide. - August 04, 2012 - Bedford Cost Segregation

EcoMech Geothermal First Georgia Dealer to Install and Test New Innovative WaterFurnace Series 7 Geothermal System

EcoMech Geothermal, a well-known provider of geothermal systems in Georgia, Florida and Alabama, has just completed a successful installation of the WaterFurnace Series 7 geothermal system, making them the first distributor to do so in the state. - August 04, 2012 - Ecomech LLC.

Healthcare: New Social Network Brings Professionals Together

HealthKair is the brand new social media community that has been created for healthcare professionals, by healthcare professionals. The founders of HealthKair bring decades of experience to the table, and they decided that there needs to be a place in which everyone in the healthcare world can come together, collaborate, and expand their horizons. - August 04, 2012 - Healthkair

B2B to NYC: Bash at Gansevoort Park

The first and only networking event that brings together small businesses and non-profits is coming to The Gansevoort Park Rooftop on Thursday, September 13, from 6:30 to 9:30. - August 04, 2012 - 3D Studios, Inc.

Relationship Expert Pens Self Help Book Detailing Driving Directions to Get You from Lonely to Love

Self Help Book, Driver or Driven: Who's Driving Our Women by Dr. Ross McMillan of Chosen Outreach Ministries - August 04, 2012 - Chosen Outreach Ministries

A*Star Institute of Microelectronics Partners Delta Networks to Develop Novel MTM Antenna for WiFi Applications

A*STAR Institute of Microelectronics (IME), has signed a research collaboration agreement with Delta Networks, Inc. (Delta), a global leader in power, thermal management solutions and networking products, to develop a metamaterial (MTM) antenna for wireless application that offers improvements in... - August 04, 2012 - Science and Engineering Research Institutes

Affordable Minerals Cranks Up Brand Identify with New Website and Amazing Free Product Promo

Affordable Minerals, one of the web's fastest growing cosmetic sites has just come back from the drawing board with a brand new identity and web presence. To celebrate this, they are actually doubling every order that comes in for no extra cost. That's not all, they are also giving shoppers who... - August 04, 2012 - Affordable Minerals

Textkraft Spanish - the King of Writing for the iPad®

¿Hablas español? Infovole announces the immediate availability of Textkraft Spanish. - August 04, 2012 - Infovole GmbH

PAN Asiaworld Holidays, Inc. Features Davao City’s Major Industries

PAN Asiaworld Holidays, Inc. showcases the beautiful city of Davao and its thriving economy. Aside from its various tourist spots which foreign tourists love, the city’s aim for globalization is an impressive feature as well. - August 04, 2012 - Pan AsiaWorld Holidays, Inc.

23 Double E Promotions Artist’s Chart on 6 National Charts for August of 2012

Double E Promotions celebrates having twenty three artists make their mark on six national gospel radio charts for August of 2012 with the Parish Family’s new single “Only One” reaching the #3 spot on the National Christian Voice Country Gospel Top 100. Twenty Two Double E... - August 04, 2012 - Double E Promotions

Nidhi Infotech Launches "Scholarship Scheme"

In celebrating its 10th anniversary, Nidhi Infotech, a Bangalore-Based training institute has recently launched the "Scholarship Scheme." This new initiative has received overwhelming response from the industry, with more than 75 professional organizations and their unit members rendering... - August 04, 2012 - Nidhi Infotech

KickStarter Indie Bundle - Nine Developers from Around the World Created a Project to Help Fund Their Nine Indie Games That They Are Currently Working On

The developers behind the KickStarter Indie Bundle are pleased to announce their new crowdfunding project. The KickStarter Indie Bundle started with an idea from Evgeniy Kolpakov. Developers from around the world could pool their talents to create a project and provide a value bundle to donators... - August 04, 2012 - Sometimes You

Frausun's Newest Album Explores an Emerging Zombie Plague, Which Begins at a Catholic Mass

The latest album from the band Frausun, Christ Tested Positive, is a 9-song Experimental/Industrial work that explores an emerging zombie plague, which begins at a Catholic Mass. The virus of faith transforms into a physical one. Christ became infected after the raising of Lazarus. The disease was... - August 04, 2012 - Kurtz Frausun Production

Netmagic and Sanovi Partner to Bring Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service for Enterprises in India

Becomes first Indian Managed IT hosting services provider to do so. - August 04, 2012 - Netmagic Solutions Private Limited

First Impression Selects ROTOCONTROL RSC Slitter/Rewinder

Machine installation and training was completed in one day. - August 04, 2012 - ROTOCONTROL

Artezio Launches a New Software Development Center in Kharkov, Ukraine

Artezio launches a new SDC in Kharkov, Ukraine. The production center is focusing on Java based projects. - August 04, 2012 - Artezio

Russell Bedford Selects First Correspondent Firm in Nepal

B&B Associates appointed as correspondent firm of Russell Bedford International accounting network in Nepal. - August 04, 2012 - Russell Bedford International

Superfood Recipes Inspired by the Last Film in the Batman Trilogy - The Dark Knight Rises

Cinema and Spice, a popular web based cooking show, whips up delicious recipes inspired by the Batman trilogy. Cinema and Spice has over 70 videos on YouTube based on popular movies and television shows, including the Dark Knight Rises. - August 04, 2012 - Cinema & Spice

New Music Being Distributed Through the Sunset Distribution Company

Sunset Urban and Sunset Distribution has signed the Bomb Baby Unlimited record label to a worldwide distribution deal. Sunset signs a deal with the Bomb Baby Unlimited record label, whose collective roster includes such rap / Hip-hop acts as B.L.O, Pre Daily, E (dot) Milz, Da Orlock, Lo Kee the... - August 04, 2012 - Sunset Corporation of America

Mercantile Capital Corporation Provides Commercial Real Estate Loan in Phoenix, AZ Worth Over $4.6 Million

Mercantile Capital Corporation, which ranks as one of the nation’s leading providers of U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) 504 loans for small business owners who want to acquire or develop their own facilities, closed a commercial loan for TriCom Coatings, Inc. recently for $4,613,000... - August 04, 2012 - Mercantile Capital Corporation

SIA Group Participates in Adopt–A–Highway Program for Doris Avenue in Onslow County

Full-Service Insurance Agency Assists Highway in Onslow County Through the North Carolina Adopt-A-Highway Program - August 04, 2012 - SIA Group

Brasco Design + Marketing Named Agency of Record for Corrections Enterprises

Local Marketing Agency Renews Contract with a Division of the N.C. Department of Public Safety - August 04, 2012 - Brasco Design and Marketing

GOAL to Host a Webinar on “Uncovering the Legal and Business Issues Behind Cloud Computing”

Agenda: - What are the risks to using cloud computing? - What tools are available for managing risk regarding using cloud computing? - If something happens or in case of breach, how can I get the information I need? - August 04, 2012 - Global Outsourcing Association of Lawyers

Hospitality Businesses to Benefit from New Directory App

Businesses in the hospitality sector can now reach customers on the go with seeker directory app for iPhone and Android. - August 04, 2012 - seeker GmbH

North Carolina Mobile Coupon Program Partners with Dynadealz to Expand Savings for Members

The North Carolina-based hCard® community coupon program is launching to offer discounts at stores locally and nationwide. The hCard is designed to help local schools and nonprofits raise much needed funds with the help of community-minded businesses. Under this new partnership, residents will... - August 04, 2012 - The hCard

Outdoor Book Festival Returns to Bridgewater

Bridgewater BookFest, Beaver County’s only outdoor literary festival, is set to return this September 14-15 on historic Bridge Street in Bridgewater. Sponsored by the Community College of Beaver County, BookFest is a free, two-day festival featuring a number of literary-themed events and activities for all ages. This year BookFest will also include a celebration of The Arts, which will kick off on Sept. 14, from 7-10 p.m. ( - August 04, 2012 - Bridgewater Community Development Corp.

Long Term Care Insurance Growth Anticipated as HSAs Gain Acceptance

Health Savings Accounts have grown to more than $14 billion in assets which a long term care insurance expert predicts will lead to more insurance sales. - August 04, 2012 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance Opens New Data Recovery Laboratory in South Florida

New State of the Art Facilities for Data Recovery Open for Business to Service Southeastern US and Latin America - August 04, 2012 -

SendThisFile Increases Productivity with Transfer Auto-Resume

SendThisFile today is announcing automatic resume file upload functionality, allowing customers to resume a file transfer once their Internet connection is reestablished. "Transfer auto-resume is a boon for customers who frequently send large files (," said... - August 04, 2012 - SendThisFile, Inc.

Press Releases 229,601 - 229,650 of 433,592